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英語筆譯綜合,翻譯中名詞的理解與表達,英漢名詞特點基本相同,都是用來表示人、地和事物的名稱。但英語傾向于多用名詞來表達某些在漢語中常以動詞表達的概念,因此就詞類而言,英語以名詞占優(yōu)勢,傾向于多用名詞和介詞。,一些語言學家認為,英語是noun-dominated language,而漢語則是verb-predominated language。 英語民族注重抽象思維,抽象名詞和具體名詞使用一樣頻繁。,附:論中西思維方式(連淑能),語言的使用體現(xiàn)思維的選擇和創(chuàng)造;翻譯的過程,不僅是語言形式的轉換,而且是思維方式的變換。 思維方式主要由知識、觀念、方法、智力、情感、意志、語言、習慣等八大要素組成。 思維方式的差異本質上是文化差異的表現(xiàn)。,東方和西方的思維方式從總體上看具有不同的特征,如東方人偏重人文,注重倫理,道德,西方人偏重自然,注重科學、技術;東方人重悟性、直覺、意象,西方人重理性、邏輯、實證;東方人好靜、內向、守舊,西方人好動、外向、開放;東方人求同、求穩(wěn),重和諧,西方人求異、求變,重競爭等。,1,倫理型與認知型,中國傳統(tǒng)哲學從根本上規(guī)定人的本質是倫理的,而西方哲學卻規(guī)定人的本質是認知的。 中國人的人文精神不同于西方的人文主義。中國的人文精神注重人的倫理道德修養(yǎng),追求社會秩序安定和諧,倡導仁愛、寬容、義務、奉獻、重宗法人際,輕個體人格,注重“群己合一”,突出社會的人格,把個體看做是群體的分子或角色,注重群體觀念,倡導的是集體主義。 歐洲文藝復興時期所提倡的人文主義,宣揚人性,反對神性;要求人權,反對神權;主張個性解放,反對宗教桎梏;注重個體人格,認為個體是單獨的、自由的,個體與群體的關系式單個與多個而不是部分與整體的關系,注重自我中心,倡導的是個體主義。,2,整體性與分析性,整體性思維(holistic thought)把人與自然、人間秩序與宇宙秩序、個體與社會看做是不可分割、互相影響、互相依存、互相對應的有機整體。 分析性思維明確區(qū)分主體與客體、人與自然、精神與物質、思維與存在、靈魂與肉體、想象與本質,并把兩者分離、對立起來,分別對這個二元世界做深入的分析研究。,3,意向性與對象性,中國傳統(tǒng)思維把主體自身作為宇宙的中心,人是萬物的尺度,“萬物皆備于我”(孟子盡心上),認為認識了自身,也就認識了自然界和宇宙的根本規(guī)律,用主體的修養(yǎng)代替對客體的認識,自身內心的體驗是一切認識的出發(fā)點。重直覺意象而非邏輯推理,注重求善而非求真。 西方思想傳統(tǒng)以自然為認知對象,認為只有認識自然,才能把握自然,只有探索自然,才能征服自然,因而主客二分,天人對立,劃分內心世界與外部自然界,區(qū)分自我意識與認識對象,將自然作為自身之外的對象來研究。強調理性,反對以意愿、情感和好惡作為判斷是非、辨別真假的標準。,4,直覺性與邏輯性 5,意象性與實證性 6,模糊性與精確性 7,求同性與求異性 8,后瞻性與前瞻性 9,內向性與外向性 10,歸納型與演繹型,中西思維方式:悟性與理性 兼論漢英語言常用的表達方式 (連淑能),中國古代沒有形成像亞里士多德形式邏輯那樣的理性模式,而是形成了中國式的悟性:思維主體對客體對象或主體自身的本性與內蘊的直覺洞察和領悟,即儒家的“外悟說”和釋道的“內悟說”。 儒家的外悟,即“格物致知”的格致之學,強調從外界的經驗中,尤其是前人已有的經驗中,去領悟事物的本質和內在的聯(lián)系。 道家的內悟,主張“玄覽”,即“心居玄冥之處,覽知萬物”,“塞其說,閉其門,挫其銳,解其紛,和其光,同其塵”,反對向外界觀察體悟,排除一切感性經驗、語言概念和欲望雜念,保持內心的清凈安寧,達到“常無欲,以觀其妙”。 外悟是“經驗的領悟”,內悟是“內省的了悟”,兩者都不是感官的印象,更不是邏輯的推論,而是內心對思維主體和客體的領悟。,西方的理性一詞,源于希臘文logos和nous。 Logos的本義是“思想”,“理性”,“規(guī)律”,“語詞”,“道理”,“概念”,兼有理性和語言兩層含義,nous的本義是心,思想。,漢英語言常用的表達方式,漢語用詞造句成章的最大特點是采用意合法,重意義組合而輕形式結構,拉個讀者和聽者領悟其中的意義和關系:詞沒有嚴格意義的形態(tài)變化,用詞注重功能、意義;句子不受嚴謹?shù)闹髦^結構的約束,少用或不用關聯(lián)詞語,擺脫形式的束縛,直接表達現(xiàn)實和思維過程,體現(xiàn)悟性的像似性;詞語之間的關系常在不言之中,語法意義和邏輯聯(lián)系常隱含在字里行間;造句富于彈性,靈活多變,著重意念,頗多隱含;講究語意、文氣和語感的通常,言不盡意,得意忘言,富有領悟空間,對語境依賴較多;流水句很常見,完全句和不完全句混合交錯,松句、散句、緊縮句、無主句、省略句、并列式復句交替使用,句子似句似段,若斷若連,流瀉鋪排,主從難辨,形散神聚,言簡意賅。,悟性有直覺性和形象性的特征,因而漢語表達形象、意象、象征、聯(lián)想、想象的詞語相當豐富,用詞傾向于具體,常常以實的形式表達虛的概念,以具體的形象表達抽象的內容。 悟性有主觀性的特點,表現(xiàn)為主客不分,主體介入客體,客體融入主體,使客體主觀化,因而漢語民族比較注重主體意識和主體思維,往往從自我出發(fā)來敘述客觀事物,傾向于描述人及其行為或狀態(tài),常用主動式、意念被動句和人稱主語表達法,當人稱不言而喻時又常常隱含或省略人稱。 悟性有整體性的特征,因而漢語表達方式注重整體意念,注重語流的整體感,句子主要成分盡量靠攏,忌諱句中插入、阻斷;喜歡整體勻稱,詞語和句式往往成雙成對,富于均衡美與節(jié)奏美,追求音節(jié)對稱整齊,詞語對仗工整、聲韻和諧悅耳,詞語呈雙音節(jié)化和四音節(jié)化。 悟性有模糊性的特征,因而漢語表達歧義想象較多:一個深層結構可表現(xiàn)為多個表層結構,多個深層結構也可以表現(xiàn)為一個表層結構,許多表達方式在英美人看來是非邏輯的,如“曬太陽”。,理性主義注重形式論證,表現(xiàn)在英語里即強調形態(tài)的外露,拘謹于形式結構。英語用詞造句成章的最大特點是采用形合法,重形式結構協(xié)調,讓讀者和聽者分析其中的意義和關系。,He has an austere manner. You have a very lucky escape. Her long, black hair was loose about her shoulders. Shes the best teacher though she has the least experience. A little learning is a dangerous thing.,他前途未卜。 Theres a question mark over his future./His future is unpredictable. 他懶洋洋地打了一個哈欠。 He gave a lazy yawn. 球隊以微弱的優(yōu)勢保持著一個球的領先。 The team had a slender one-goal lead.,英語“傾向于多用名詞,因而敘述呈靜態(tài)(stative);漢語傾向于多用動詞,因而敘述呈動態(tài)(dynamic)”。(連淑能,p104)就其表現(xiàn)而言,主要在如下幾方面: 1)英語的名詞化(nominalization)傾向 Nominalization: the grammatical process of forming nouns from other parts of speech, usually verbs or adjectives. (朗文語言教學及應用語言學辭典p309)英語中許多名詞是由動詞派生或轉化來的,如development, writing, lover, invention, advance, The film is an absolute must-see. Another departure from the recent White House practice is the absence of dancing. The appearance of the book on the market caused a sensation.,2,用名詞表示施事者 He is a good eater and a good sleeper. 他能吃能睡。 You must be a very bad learner, or else you must be going to a very bad teacher. Youre all clock-watcher today! Litmus paper can used as an indicator of the presence or not of acid in a solution. 石蕊試紙可用于指示溶液中是否含有酸 。,3,用名詞代替形容詞,構成標題式短語 Sino-American Trade Review Talks Start Gold reserve Space shuttle flight test program 名詞連用加強了英語的名詞優(yōu)勢,也反映了現(xiàn)代英語追求簡潔的總趨勢,但過分堆砌名詞會使語言失去活力,缺乏動感,有時還會造成語義含混 British history teacher A small car factory,4,用形容詞或副詞表達動詞的意義 He was unaware of my presence. Down with the old and up with the new. 破舊立新。 5, 動詞的弱化與虛化 英語里最常用的動詞正是動作意味最弱的詞to be, 其各種形式都缺乏動感。,On one side of town there are many antelopes in the hills and along the roads are yellow wild flowers. On the other side there is the Big Horns and nearly 10,000 feet up, Powder River Pass is through them. On one side of town antelopes abounded by fours and fives in the hills, and yellow wild flowers lined the roads. On the other side rose the Big Horns and nearly 10,000 feet up, Powder River Pass cut through them.,There was a tropical storm off the east coasts of Florida. A tropical storm lashed the east coast of Florida.,漢語的動態(tài)傾向表現(xiàn)在以下幾個方面 1,動詞連用 連動式和兼語式都包含兩個或兩個以上的動詞。連動、兼語、把字句和被字句還常?;ハ喟刑子茫瑯嫵筛魇礁鳂拥亩鄤釉~謂語句。 他想辦法擺脫了困境。 He thought his way out of the dilemma. 你去教室把他叫回來。 Go to the classroom and call him back.,2,動詞(詞組)可以充當漢語句子的各種成分 實現(xiàn)理想境界要靠辛勤勞動。 To translate ideals into reality needs hard work. 解決問題的最好辦法是進行調查研究。 The best way to solve the problem is to conduct investigations.,3,漢語動詞常常重疊或重復 要吃有吃,要穿有穿。 You will have enough to eat and sufficient to put on. 說是說了,沒有結果;做是做了,沒有成功。 I have made proposals, but in vain; I have made attempts, but without success. 學問學問,要學要問;邊學邊問,才有學問。 Acquisition of knowledge entails learning and asking for explanation. 我等著要上路,越等越不耐煩,哪里是等一會兒,一等就是老半天。 I waited with growing impatience to get on my way, not for one minute but for a considerable time.,英漢互譯的過程多數(shù)時候就是動靜之間的一個轉換的過程。,A spirit prevailed then which was quintessentially American: that problems are a challenge, not an alibi; that men are measured not only by their success but also by their striving; that it is better to aim grandly than to wallow in mediocre comfort. 那時的風氣還是符合地地道道的美國精神的:有問題,只能上,不能躲;衡量一個人,不但要看他的成敗,也看他的努力程度;寧愿好大喜功,也不甘庸碌度日。,一切愛好和平的人民都要求全面禁止核武器,徹底銷毀核武器。 All peace-loving people demand the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. 要不是我能干重活,早就給辭退了。 It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.,This is a good piece of work. 這活干得漂亮。 I refused his offer of help. 他表示愿意幫助我,我拒絕了。 My admiration for him grew more. 我對他越來越敬佩。 His acceptance of bribes led to his arrest. 他因受賄而被捕。,Aggression took many forms: the unilateral denunciation of treaties and international commitments, interference in the internal affairs of other states, the use of threats against weaker neighbors, the imposition of unequal relationships, outright armed attack against the territories of other states and their dismemberment, the subjugation of colonial peoples and the denial of the right to self-determination and fundamental human rights. 侵略有多種形式,單方面廢除條約與國際義務,干涉別國內政,對弱小鄰國進行威脅,強迫實行不平等關系,赤裸裸地武裝進攻別國領土和肢解他國,奴役殖民地民族,否決自決權和基本的人權等。,The use of nouns to express action is natural in English, so in translation many such dynamic nouns should be better turned into verbs and their attributives into adverbials.,Ambassador Wilson, a shaggy-haired, camera-friendly presence, has been meeting the press on a regular basis. 威爾遜大使頭發(fā)蓬松,在鏡頭前顯得自然親切,經常定期約見新聞媒體。 For political survival the most implacable idealists had to make political accommodations. 為了在政治上站住腳,這位最堅定的理想主義者不得不在政治上做出讓步。,Apart from such dynamic nouns, very often some other nouns can also be turned into verbs, or with verbs added in E-C translation in order to produce more smooth and natural version.,Its only a joke. 只不過開個玩笑而已。 But reality makes things difficult. 但是一接觸現(xiàn)實,事情就難辦了。 She considered housework demeaning and the care of children an added insult. 她認為干家務活低人一等,帶孩子更丟人。 Example is not the main thing in influencing. It is the only thing. 以身作則不但是影響他人的主要方法,而且是唯一的方法。,A poor economy and Mikes alcoholism doomed them to even worse existence. 經濟不景氣,麥克又開始酗酒,他們的日子就更艱難了。 Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. 沒有(在場的)證據(jù)并不能證明(某人)不在場。 My work and my family are more than enough to fill my time. 又要工作,又要養(yǎng)家,我的時間簡直不夠用。,Soon the train started to move and the passengers were settled to fruit, periodicals and business letters. 很快火車開動了,乘客們安頓了下來,有的吃水果,有的看雜志,有的則看起商務信函來。 This is a novel of plot and structure and commitment. 這部小說情節(jié)動人,結構嚴謹,主旨鮮明。 In her habits, she was a living personification of order, method, and exactness. 她的生活習慣體現(xiàn)了她的為人:有條不紊,按部就班,一絲不茍。,In a sense, the frequent use of abstract nouns in English also determines the wide application of turning nouns into verbs in E-C translation.,The early spring of England is still full of climatic irregularity. 英格蘭早春的天氣常常變幻摩擦/變化無常。 The boys nudged each other aside for a better view. 男孩們擠來擠去,都想占一個能看得更清楚的位置。 This minimizes the wait and frees up the rest of the day for fun rather than fuming. 這樣一來,等待的時間就可以減到最少。這一天剩下的時間就可以去找點樂子,不用再生悶氣了。,So, in other way round, translation from Chinese into English should make use of nouns to simplify sentence structure.,多吃蔬菜對我們的健康有好處。 Plenty of vegetables will benefit our health. 如果你能陪我一塊兒去,我一定會很高興。 Of course I shall be glad of your company on the journey. 矛盾不斷出現(xiàn),又不斷解決,就是事物發(fā)展的辯證規(guī)律。 The ceaseless emergence and ceaseless resolution of contradictions constitute the dialectical law of the development of things.,Such dominance of nouns or stativeness can also be found in English posters. Their counterparts in Chinese often use verbs.,No Thoroughfare No Admittance Except on Business No Passing For Persons over 18 Years of Age No Hawkers Full 3 Months Unconditional Service Guaranteed,禁止通行 閑人免進 禁止超車 未滿18歲者禁止入內 禁止擺攤設點 免費保修三個月,Agentive nouns in English can hardly find corresponding words in Chinese and therefore find their turning into verbs naturally in order to make the version more smooth and readable.,Hes a heavy smoker. Im not much of a sailor. 我容易暈船。 They could be obstructionists across a whole range of issues. 他們在很多問題上都會發(fā)難。 They sat talking, for two and three house, as Smith spilled out his fear and frustrations and Conley alternately played the roles of friend, protector and confident. 他們坐著一談就是兩三個鐘頭,史密斯在那里倒出了自己內心的害怕、擔憂,種種失意,而康利則不時地安慰他,鼓勵他,開導他。,Rabin was an active promoter o
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- 房地產合約規(guī)劃分類明細
- 八年級物理(上冊)知識點整理 (2)
- 高中物理萬有引力定律知識點總結與典型例題
- 吊裝平臺施工方案
- 歐姆定律-中考復習課件
- 中學語文課程標準研究最新試題及答
- 如何激發(fā)學生學習物理的興趣PPT課件