Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text. 1. 他們利用我們求助無門的困境把我們公司接管了。They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 雖然我們面前仍有困難,但我肯定我們中國人有智慧靠自己實現(xiàn)國家的和平統(tǒng)一。Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只強調國內生產總值是錯誤的,它會引起很多嚴重問題。It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜歡炫耀他的財富,但是這完全是徒勞的,人們仍然像躲避毒藥那樣躲避他。He loves to show off his wealth, but this is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poison.5. 他不久就愛上了這個村子。他決心和村民一起把這個地方變成一個花園。He soon fell in love with the village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with other villagers.6. 我們必須花更多的錢來和全球氣溫上升作斗爭。另外,我認為我們還必須采用嚴厲的法律措施。這不只是一個錢的問題。We must spend more money fighting against global warming. In addition, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money.7. 當警察到達學校的時候,學生和老師還在一種茫然不知所措的狀態(tài)。When the police arrive at the school, the students and the teachers were still in a daze.8. 這個腐敗的官員還在死死抓住他的權力不放。他拒絕靠邊站。This corrupt official was still clinging to his power. He refused to step aside.9. 當那個人最后進入視界時,我發(fā)現(xiàn)他原來是我父親。不知道他怎么在這大雪中找到這個地方的。那時候,我放聲大哭起來。When the man finally came into view, I found it was my father. I didnt know how he managed to find this place in the blinding snow. At that moment, I burst into tears.10. 她不時地偷偷朝他張望。 她發(fā)現(xiàn)自己第一次這樣看一個年輕男子。She glanced at him from time to time. It was the first time in her life that she had found herself looking at a young like that.1. 上大學之前,我沒有想到大學生活如此豐富多彩。Before I came to/ entered college, I had never thought life at college would be so rich and interesting. 2. 出生于20世紀90年代的中國大學生大多數(shù)是獨生子女。Most of the Chinese college students born in the 1990s are the only child of their families.3.了解他的人都因為他出色的工作而欽佩他。All those who know him admire him for his hard work.4. 我那天缺課了,因為我不知道課已提前到了周四。I missed the class because I didnt know it had moved up to Thursday.5. 在某些國家,超重的人會受到一定的懲罰。In some countries, those who are overweight will be punished one way or another.6.在大火中失去家園的人們很快被安置到安全的地方。Soon after the fire, those who had lost their homes were taken to a place of safety.7. 再見面的時候,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)我們兩人變化都很大。When we met again, we found we both had changed a lot.8. 以李教授為首的專家們很快就會來幫助農民解決問題。A team of experts headed by Professor Li will soon come and help farmers solve their problems.9.現(xiàn)在種著西紅柿的那塊地以往是荒地。The field planted with tomatoes used to be wasteland.10.我們老師叫我們讀像矛盾、巴金那樣大師們寫的作品。Our teacher told us to read books written by such masters as Mao Dun and Ba Jin.Unit 31. 祝英臺雖然不愿意嫁給馬家小少爺,但她不能不服從她父親。她的心都碎了。Zhu Yingtai had to (was forced to) obey her father and marry the young master of the rich Ma family although she was extremely unwilling. She was heartbroken.2. 那個人從來沒見過這么大的一張鈔票。他說:“這東西看著好,摸著也好,的確就是好?!盩he man had never seen such a large note. He said, “It looks good, feels good, and it is good.”3. 樹葉都變黃,變紅,變紫了??雌饋碚媸侨缣焯靡粯用馈eaves had turned/got/gone/become yellow, red and purple, It really looked heavenly beautiful (beautiful like heaven).4. 隨著年紀越來越老,她開始容易感到疲憊。As she grew older, she began to feel tired easily. 5. 他的話聽起來很有說服力,但好聽的理由并不等于好的理由,兩者之間存在很大差別。What he said sounded very convincing, but reasons that sound good do not always mean good sound reasons. There is a big difference between the two.6. 他愛說話,他永遠無法保持沉默,而他說的往往被證明是錯的。He likes to talk. He can never keep quiet, and what he says often proves (turns out to be) incorrect.7. 他在戰(zhàn)斗中受了傷,流了很多血,變得十分虛弱,他的領導強迫他留在醫(yī)院到傷口痊愈為止。He got wounded in battle, lost a lot of blood, and became very weak. His leaders ordered him to stay in the hospital until he was completely recovered ( healed).8 他以為可以從我們手中滑過去;他們錯了,他們休想干了壞事就溜走。They thought they could slip through our fingers. They were wrong. They couldnt get away with what they had done. 9. 長征的時候,紅軍需要越過大渡河,穿越草地,翻過雪山。During the Long March, the Red Army had to get across the Dadu River, through the grassland and over the sown-covered mountains.10. 你在哪里生活習慣了嗎?你和同學相處的如何?我們給你寄的錢夠你湊合著用嗎?Are you used to the life there? How do you get along with your classmates? Can you get by with the money we send you? (Is the money we send you enough for you?)1. 他們別想當然地以為我們會接受他們的條件,把我們當傻瓜。我們不那么容易上當。Dont let them take it for granted that we will accept their conditions/terms. We are no fools, and we wont be so easily taken in.2. 我們只花了三年時間就使我們的村民收入增加了一倍.It took us only three years to double the income of our villagers.3. 他們要是不收回他們的話并道歉,我要給他大鬧一場.If they do not take back their remarks and apologize, I am going to raise the devil with them.4. 我們提出的這個問題很復雜,有很多東西需要考慮.但是我們得碰碰運氣吧.The problem we raised is complicated. Many things have to be taken into consideration. But we have to take our chances.5. 這孩子像他爹,對一切都好奇. 給他一個玩具,他立刻就拆開.The boy takes after his father/Dad. He is full of curiosity. Give him a toy, and he will immediately take it apart.6.你一定要確保他們帶你去見他們的經理,告訴他們,事情很重要,很可能關系到我們的投資計劃.你必須見他本人.You must sure that they take you to the manager. Tell them that its very important and may affect our investment plan, and therefore you must see him in person.7. 他們告訴乘客說,天已晴朗了,飛機估計半小時以后起飛.They told the passengers that the sky had cleared up and the plane was about to take off in half an hour.8. 我建議你落實一下你們逮捕的那個人和描繪的犯人是否相符.I suggest you go and check if the man you have arrested fit the description of the wanted man.9. 你意思是假如我們采取這一步,就可能影響我們兩國的關系嗎?Do you mean that it will affect the relationship of our two countries if we take this step?1. 這是個難得的機會。你要是讓它從身邊溜掉就太傻了。 This is a wonderful opportunity. You would be foolish to let it slip by.2. 我們的出口和去年相比增加了百分之二十。Compared with last year, our exports have increased by 20%. (or are up by 20% / have gone up by 20%)3. 因為沒有更好的詞,我們姑且稱之為“走后門主義吧”吧。For want of s better word, lets call it “backdoorism”.4. 這個年輕人喜歡修理擺弄東西。他可以說是個萬金油。(什么都會一點的人)。This young man is fond of fixing things. He is something of Jack of all trades.5. 和他們父母一代相比,今天的年輕人認為他們是比較現(xiàn)實的一代。Compared to their parents generation, young people today consider them to be a more practical generation.6. 他氣得臉色發(fā)青,決定將這場抗議運動扼殺在萌芽狀態(tài)。His face turned/ went blue with anger. He was determined to nip the mass protest in the bud.7. 這說來話長, 但是今天我不想去研究這件事的歷史了。It is a long story, but I wont go into the history today.8.我們花了比我們想象多得多的時間才過了海關。It took us much more time than we had expected to go through the customs.9. 燈光突然全滅了。全城一下陷入完全黑暗中。The power went out suddenly, and the whole city was thrown into complete darkness.10.別等我了,你先走。我要先把這份文件看完。Dont wait for me. You go ahead. I must go over this document.11. 我們無法否認這樣的事實:我們?yōu)榻洕l(fā)展付出高昂的學費。We cannot deny the fact that we have paid dearly for our economic development.12. 消防隊員要是晚到一會兒,火就會蔓延到附近的油罐。Had the firemen arrived a bit later, the fire would have spread to the nearby oil tanks.1. 我很好奇你后來是怎么決定學英語的。 I am quite curious how you come to decide to study English.2. 一直到改革開放以后,人們才開始明白,市場并不是壞事。It was not until the reform and opening-up started when people began to realize that the market was not a bad thing. 3. 那些將軍、官員和學者都不知道如何稱那頭大象的重量,但是一個小孩突然想出一個主意。None of those generals, officials and scholars knew how to weigh the elephant, but a young child suddenly came up with a brilliant idea.4. 那時候我們遇到的最大的困難是沒有糧食,所以從未有過減肥的想法。The biggest difficulty we came across / up against was lack of food. Therefore it never came to our mind that one day we might have to live on a diet.5. 我從來沒有聽說過這個說法。你是在哪里碰到的?I have never heard of this expression. Where did you come across it?6. 這座廟的油漆已經開始剝落,該重新刷一下了。The paint of the temple is coming off. It needs repainting.7. 這里的水不深,只到一般人的胸口。他們很容易從這里過河來。The water here was not deep. It only came to an ordinary mans chest. So they could easily come across the river here.8. 大門突然開了,跳出來一條狗。它開始沖我吼叫,直到它主人出來才安靜下來。The door opened suddenly and out jumped a dog. It started barking at me and didnt quiet down until its master came out.9. 那片美麗的草地不見了,一個大飯店取而代之。Gone was the beautiful meadow, and in its place stood a big hotel.10. 我們現(xiàn)在最緊迫的事情是保護那些被恐怖分子扣留的中國人的性命。1. 你是怎樣將身體保養(yǎng)得這么好?說起來,我還從來不知道你生過病。你的秘密法寶是什么?How do you manage to keep fit? Come to think of it, I have never known you to be sick. Whats your secret?2. 我小時候一直討厭做家務。我甚至理所當然地認為這是女人做的事情?,F(xiàn)在我真為自己以前的態(tài)度后悔。I always hated to do household chores when I was a boy, taking it for granted that they were only for women. Looking back, I really feel sorry for my past attitude.3. 他的大房子包括兩座分開的建筑,分別設計成不同的風格,中間有個暗道連接起來。His big house contains two separate buildings designed in d
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