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Unit4Whydon tyoutalktoyourparents SectionA23a 3c Troublewillfindyounomatterwhereyougo ohoh無論你走到哪兒麻煩都會找到你Nomatterifyou refast nomatterifyou reslow ohoh無論你多快無論你多慢Theeyeofthestormwannacryinthemorn ohoh暴風的雙眼要在早晨中哭泣You refineforawhilebutyoustarttolosecontrol你一會兒好好的可是卻開始失控He sthereinthedark he sthereinmyheart他在黑暗中他在我心中Hewaitsinthewings he sgottaplayapart他戴著翅膀等待他需要扮演一個角色Troubleisafriend yeahtroubleisafriendofmine麻煩是朋友yeah麻煩是我的朋友Ahh 啊Troubleisafriend buttroubleisafoe ohoh麻煩是朋友可是麻煩是敵人AndnomatterwhatIfeedhimhealwaysseemstogrow ohoh不管我喂他吃什么他似乎都在成長HeseeswhatIseeandheknowswhatIknow ohoh我看到的他都看到我知道的他都知道 Enjoyasong 基本訓練 用括號內(nèi)所給詞的適當形式填空 1 Idon thaveanyfreetime go tothemoviesthisweekend 2 Myparentswantme stay athomeeverynight 3 Whydon tyou choose theredcoat 4 Aliceisgoodat play theviolin 5 My old brotheristwoyearsolderthanme togo tostay choose playing elder problems Sayasmanyproblemsasyoucan Brainstorm Doyouhaveanyproblemsinyourdailylife Whatarethey problems Ihavetoomuchhomework Igetintoafightwithbrother Iarguewithmybestfriend Ican tgetgoodgradesinEnglish Toomanyafter schoolclasses MyparentsrefusetoletmewatchTV Ican tgetonwellwithmyparents arguewith與 吵架 getonwith getalongwith與 相處 refusetodo notallow拒絕做 Therelationisverydifficult 關(guān)系 教學目標 知識目標 掌握識記3a閱讀文章中出現(xiàn)的重點短語及相關(guān)用法 2 技能目標 通過速讀尋讀精讀等方法閱讀文章 能夠詢問 陳述自己或他人的困難和麻煩 并能提出解決問題的辦法及建議 3 情感目標 學會在日常生活中與家人和諧相處 遇到問題主動與家人朋友溝通 虛心聽取他人的建議 problems What shisproblem advice Mr Hunt sadvice Thefeeling Askforhelp Readthelettersquicklyandfillinthemind map Hisparentsfightalot hereallydoesn tlikeit Hisbrotherisn tnicetohim HerefusestolethimwatchhisfavoriteTVshow Hefeelsnervousandlonely Whydon tyoutalkaboutthefeelingswithyourfamily Whydon tyousitdownandcommunicatewithbrother Youshouldoffertodomorejobsaroundthehouse Youshouldexplainyoudon tmindhimwatchingTV explain makeitclear解釋 communicate talkto交流 主動做某事 Doyouagree Why 3a 3a Readthetwoletterscarefullyandfindthekeyphrasesandstructures while reading 1 與 和睦相處2 感到孤獨和焦慮的3 以便于4 坐下5 與某人交流6 一直 總是7 拒絕做某事8 讓某人做某事9 你為什么不做 10 介意某人做某事 geton well with feellonelyandnervous sothat sitdown communicatewithsb allthetime refusetodosth Letsb 賓 dosth Whydon tyoudosth mindsb 賓 doingsth whichwordsandphraseshavethesameorsimilarmeaningasothers 1 getonwith 2 nervous municate 4 explain 5 refuse A 緊張的B 主動做 C 解釋D 吵架E 交流 溝通F 與 相處G 關(guān)系H 拒絕 a talktob makeitclearc getalongwithd worriede notallow D B E F A C H 6 argue 7 offerto 8 relation G Instruction 1 Astudentchoosesonebottle thenactouttheproblem 2 Thegroupmembersofthisstudentshouldgiveadvicetohelpher himin40seconds Whentheyfinish othergroupscangivenewadvicein20seconds buttheadviceshouldnotbesame 3 Thenthestudentwhoaskforhelpshouldsayifheagreesornot otherstudentwhogivesapieceofadvicecanget1pointforthegroup 4 Atlast thegroupleadershouldreporthowtosolvetheproblem 漂流瓶的煩惱 Problem1 Problem2 Problem3 Problem4 FloatingBottle Help Task 60 59 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 28 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 33 32 29 30 31 34 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 還剩 3 Ican tgetgoodgradesinEnglish Problem1 60 59 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 28 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 33 32 29 30 31 34 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 還剩 3 Problem2 Iarguedwithmybestfriend 60 59 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 28 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 33 32 29 30 31 34 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 還剩 3 Problem3 IhavetoomuchhomeworkandIcan tgetenoughsleep 60 59 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 28 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 33 32 29 30 31 34 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 還剩 3 Problem4 Myparentsoftenarguewitheachother Justcheerup Don tbeupset Becausetroubleisafriend Whydon tyoutalktoyourparentsorfriends Waysaremorethanproblems 達標檢測 單項選擇 1 Lindaisalways whenshespeakstothestrangers 陌生人 A clearB luckyC surprisedD nervous2 Idon tmindJim mycomputeratall Wearegoodfriends A playB playsC playingD toplay3 Iworkharderthanbeforethesedays Icangetgoodgradesinthecomingtest althoughB untilC becauseD sothat D C D 4 Igotintoafightwithmybestfriend A ExcusemeB What sthematterC CanIhelpyouD Howareyou5 Myparentsgivemetoomuchpressure That snotnice Maybeyoushould them arguewithB talkaboutC explaintoD communicatewith B D Summary What stheproblem advice Whydon tyou Whynot Youshould could What Howabout geton well with refuseto arguewith nervous communicatewith offert


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