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了解自己的感情和情緒方式性情方式測試 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)從每組的兩個選項里選出最適合自己的一個。From each pair of statements, please circle the statement that best describes you.1. A.在人很多,聲音也比較大的地方不會覺得受不了。 B.喜歡安靜,對人太多的場合能免則免。 A. Tolerate noise and crowds. B. Avoid crowds and seek quiet.2. A.通過概括性的概念學(xué)習(xí)新事物。B.通過觀察和操作學(xué)習(xí)新事物。 A. Learn new things through general concepts. B. Learn new things by imitation and observation.3. A.尋求客觀事實。 B.尋求和睦相處。 A. Have truth as an objective. B. Have harmony as a goal.4. A.通常會順其自然的靈活處理生活中的各種事情和情況。 B.比較希望能按照自己的想法對生活中的各種情況作出計劃和選擇。 A. Seek to adapt my life and experience to what comes along. B. Prefer my life to be decisive, imposing my will on it.5. A.說比聽多。 B.聽比說多。 A. Talk more than listen. B. Listen more than talk.6. A.關(guān)注實踐經(jīng)驗。 B.關(guān)注各種可能性。 A. Focus on actual experience. B. Focus on possibilities.7. A.通過理性分析做決定。 B.通過內(nèi)心感覺做決定。 A. Decide more with my head. B. Decide more with my heart.8. A.喜歡嘗試適應(yīng)新情況。 B.對任何情況都希望先了解再進(jìn)入。 A. Like adapting to new situations. B. Prefer knowing what Im getting into.9. A.通常不表現(xiàn)出內(nèi)心的熱情。 B.心中的熱情會自然流露出來。 A. Keep enthusiasm to self. B. Communicate with enthusiasm.10. A.通常比較具體和平鋪直敘。 B.通常比較概括和形象描述。 A. Tend to be specific and literal. B. Tend to be general and figurative.11. A.很容易留意到他人需要支持。 B.很容易留意到?jīng)]有邏輯的說法。 A. Notice when people need support. B. Notice ineffective reasoning.12. A.做出決定后會感覺好一點(diǎn)兒。 B.比較喜歡保持事務(wù)的開放性。 A. Feel better after making decisions. B. Prefer to keep things open.13. A.容易分心。 B.容易專心。 A. Distracted easily. B. Concentrate well.14. A.常用比喻和打比方。 B.給予詳細(xì)描述。 A. Use metaphors and analogies. B. Give detailed descriptions.15. A.機(jī)智圓滑。 B.坦誠直率。 A. Choose tactfulness over truthfulness. B. Choose truthfulness over tactfulness.16. A.喜歡開始新事情。 B.希望已經(jīng)開始的事情能夠做完。 A. Enjoy starting things. B. Enjoy finishing things. 17. A.喜歡與人相處和參與各種聚會活動。B.交友謹(jǐn)慎,有選擇的參與聚會活動。A. Meet people readily and participate in many activities. B. Proceed cautiously in meeting people and participate in selected activities.18. A.行動時會自然運(yùn)用想象力。 B.行動時較關(guān)注客觀現(xiàn)實。 A. Behave imaginatively. B. Behave practically.19. A.很有同情心。 B.需要時能夠態(tài)度堅定不徇私情。 A. Deal with people compassionately. B. Deal with people firmly, as needed.20. A.希望生活是按部就班的。 B.希望生活是有靈活性的,這樣不會顧此失彼。A. Work for a settled life, with my plans in order. B. Keep my life as flexible as possible so that nothing is missed.21. A.說話前會先仔細(xì)思量。 B.心直口快。 A. Think carefully before speaking. B. Blurt things out without thinking.22. A.比較依靠直覺。 B.比較依靠經(jīng)驗。 A. Rely on hunches. B. Rely on past experiences.23. A.希望凡事都有邏輯有原則。 B.希望各人的獨(dú)特之處都能得到鼓勵和賞識。 A. Expect world to run on logical principles. B. Expect the world to recognize individual differences. 24. A.不喜歡意料之外的情況,最好能預(yù)先心里有數(shù)。 B.喜歡事事都出人意料,享受隨機(jī)應(yīng)變。 A. Dislike surprises and want advance warning. B. Enjoy surprises and like adapting to last-minute changes.25. A.聚會能給我充電。 B.獨(dú)處能給我充電。 A. Parties recharge my batteries. B. Time alone recharges my batteries.26. A.喜歡可預(yù)見的關(guān)系。 B.覺得關(guān)系應(yīng)該是不斷更新的。 A. Like predictable relationships. B. Value change in relationships.27. A.關(guān)注每個決定的價值及其周圍人的影響。B.擅于考慮到每個決定的利弊。A. Note how an option has value and how it affects people. B. Note pros and cons of each option.28. A.時間是可循環(huán)使用的資源,事情的期限是可以有靈活性的。 B.做每件事情的時間是有限的,做事時有期限就要盡可能遵守。 A. See time as a renewable resource, and see deadlines as elastic. B. See time as a finite resource, and take deadlines seriously.29. A.需要安靜下來思考的時間。 B.需要邊做邊思考。 A. Need to have time to reflect. B. Hate to do nothing. Like to be on the go.30. A.喜歡用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的方法解決問題。 B.用新穎獨(dú)特的方法解決問題。 A. Appreciate standard ways to solve problems. B. Use new and different ways to solve problems and reach solutions.31. A.能洞察問題,與人共事認(rèn)真嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)。 B.取悅于人,擅于欣賞他人的長處。 A. See others flaws; critical. B. Like to please others; show appreciation.32. A.喜歡在任務(wù)列表上核對打鉤。 B.有任務(wù)表也不會太放在心上。 A. Like checking off “to do” list. B. Ignore “to do” list even if I made one.33. A.喜歡團(tuán)組工作和談話。 B.喜歡小范圍的合作或者獨(dú)來獨(dú)往。 A. Like working or talking in groups. B. Prefer to socialize in small groups or be “by myself”.34. A.跳躍式思維行事。 B.有板有眼有條不紊。 A. Leap around in a roundabout way. B. Methodical.35. A.被問及關(guān)系中的感情狀況讓我有些不知道說什么,偶爾的詢問可以接受。 B.需要經(jīng)常有人問到我的感情狀況。 A. Tolerate occasional queries as to my emotional state in relationships. B. Appreciate frequent queries as to my emotional state.36. A.比較喜歡做計劃。 B.比較喜歡到時再說。 A. Feel better with things planned. B. Would rather do whatever comes along.37. A.享受作旁觀者。 B.喜歡受矚目。 A. Content with being on the sidelines. B. Like to be center of attention. 38. A.看重現(xiàn)實常識。 B.看重創(chuàng)造革新。 A. Value realism and common sense. B. Value imagination and innovation. 39. A.有邏輯的感覺是合理的。 B.任何感覺都是合理的。 A. Feelings are valid if theyre logical. B. Any feeling is valid.40. A.井然有序。 B.彈性自然。 A. Settled. Organized. B. Tentative. Flexible. spontaneous.將所選答案圈在下面,合計每列個數(shù)。 Circle the answers you chose above, then count the totals for each column.EI1AB5AB9BA13AB17AB21BA25AB29BA33AB37BAtotalsSN2BA6AB10AB14BA18BA22BA26AB30AB34BA38ABtotalsTF3AB7AB11BA15BA19BA23AB27BA31AB35AB39ABtotalsJP4BA8BA12AB16BA20AB24AB28BA32AB36AB40ABtotals .什么是E/I, S/N, T/F, J/P? EExtrovertIIntrovert行動、談話、與人相處、環(huán)境影響都會使我更加精力充沛。Energy sources are action, speaking, groups people and environment.腦力勞動使我更有精神。能寫東西。習(xí)慣三思而行。Derive and direct energy toward ideas. Writing. Think before acting.SSensingNIntuitive提出“你怎么做的”的問題。通過具體,確鑿,精確,現(xiàn)實,實用,有時效的資料感知內(nèi)心和外部世界。Asks “How did you do that?” Be specific, factual, exact, realistic, practical, here and now, senses are source of inner and outer life.提出“你為什么這樣做”的問題。關(guān)注概念性,整體性,大致數(shù)值,歸納性,超越性。探尋新思路和各種可能性。Asks “Why did you do that?”Conceptual, gestalt, approximations, general idea, reach beyond information, look for new ways and possibilities.TThinkingFFeeling任務(wù)優(yōu)先于人、現(xiàn)實、公正、邏輯、目標(biāo)。研究成因和影響。權(quán)衡確據(jù)和決定。Task is put before persons, truth, fairness, logic, objective. Study cause and effect, weigh the evidence and decide. 以人為中心,有同情心,靈活應(yīng)對,取悅他人,營造和平氛圍。提出“我需要承擔(dān)什么責(zé)任”的問題。Person centered, sympathetic, tactful, other pleasers, peacemakers. Asks “How much do I care or must I invest regarding decision?”JJudgingPPerceiving生活井然有序。擅于控制管理。喜歡做完決定。(決斷不是論斷,任何方式的人都有可能論斷他人。)Live in a planned and orderly way. Need to regulate and control. Welcome decision-making and closure. (Judging does not mean judgmental, any type can be judgmental.) 靈活,順其自然,開放式的決定,更喜歡理解而不是控制生活。對自己的適應(yīng)能力較有信心。喜歡融入眾人。Flexible, spontaneous, keep options open, rather understand life than control it. Trust their own adaptability. Go with the flow.性情描述 Characteristics frequently associated with each type:ISTJ嚴(yán)肅,安靜,做事專心,考慮周全。注重實效,井然有序,踏實可靠。務(wù)必做到事事有條理。負(fù)責(zé)任。對于該完成什么事很有主見,并且能不顧反對、排除干擾的堅持到底。Serious, quiet, earn success by concentration and thoroughness. Practical, orderly, matter of fact, logical, realistic and dependable. See to it that everything is well organized. Take responsibility. Make up their own minds as to what should be accomplished and work toward it steadily, regardless of protests or distractions.ISFJ安靜,友好,恪盡職守,認(rèn)真負(fù)責(zé)。熱愛本職工作。對團(tuán)隊工作的穩(wěn)定性貢獻(xiàn)極大。細(xì)心謹(jǐn)慎,吃苦耐勞。對學(xué)術(shù)問題不是特別感興趣。對必要的細(xì)節(jié)很有耐心。熱心,周到,深入的關(guān)心他人的感受。Quiet, friendly, responsible, and conscientious. Work devotedly to meet their obligations. Lend stability to any project or group. Thorough, painstaking, and accurate. Their interests are usually not technical. Can be patient with necessary details. Loyal, considerate, perceptive, concerned with how other people feel.ISTP冷靜,靜觀事務(wù),保守,矜持,擅于從旁觀者的角度觀察分析,出人意料的幽默。比較關(guān)注事件的成因和效果,人們的無意識行為對事件的影響,以及如何有邏輯有原則的歸納事實。擅長直取要點(diǎn)并有針對性的解決核心問題。Cool onlookers-quiet, reserved, observing and analyzing life with detached curiously and unexpected flashes of original humor. Usually interested in cause and effect, how and why mechanical things work, and in organizing facts using logical principles. Excel at getting to the core of a practical problem and finding the solution.ISFP安靜,友好,敏感,善良,對自己的能力很謙虛。不愿把自己的想法或價值觀強(qiáng)加于人。不在乎自己是否是帶領(lǐng)者,很容易作忠實的跟隨者。享受輕松做事的過程,不喜歡操之過急或急于求成。Quiet, friendly, sensitive, kind, modest about their abilities. Do not force their opinions or values on others. Usually do not care to lead but are often loyal followers. Often relaxed about getting things done because they enjoy the present moment and do not want to spoil it by undue haste or exertion.ESTP擅長當(dāng)即解決問題。喜歡有行動力。隨機(jī)應(yīng)變。喜歡跟朋友一起做事務(wù)和搞活動,喜歡一拍即合說干就干。適應(yīng)力強(qiáng),寬容大度,務(wù)實,關(guān)注結(jié)果。不喜歡長篇大論。最擅長解決實際問題,分配具體工作,人事的組織安排。Good at on-the-spot problem solving. Like action, enjoy whatever comes along. Tend to like mechanical things and sports, with friends on the side. Adaptable, tolerant, pragmatic; focused on getting results. Dislike long explanations. Are best with real things that can be worked, handled, taken apart, or put together.ESFP開朗,接受力強(qiáng),友好,享受生活,使人放松,行動力強(qiáng),理解事務(wù)進(jìn)程并能很快融入。能很快記住標(biāo)記性事物,不太擅長掌握理論性事物。洞悉普遍常識,擅長與人打交道。Outgoing, accepting, friendly, enjoy everything and make things more fun for others by their enjoyment. Like action and making things happen. Know whats going on and join in eagerly. Find remembering facts easier than mastering theories. Are best in situations that need sound common sense and practical ability with people.ESTJ注重實踐,關(guān)注現(xiàn)實,在乎客觀事實,擅長學(xué)習(xí)具體業(yè)務(wù)及技術(shù)。對抽象的理論不感興趣。希望馬上學(xué)以致用。喜歡組織操持事務(wù)和活動。擅于從事行政工作。果斷。執(zhí)行力強(qiáng)。跟進(jìn)細(xì)節(jié)。Practical, realistic, matter-of-fact, with a natural head for business or mechanics. Not interested in abstract theories. Want learning to have direct and immediate application. Like to organize and run activities. Often make good administrators. Are decisive. Quickly move to implement decisions. Take care of routine details.ESFJ熱心,善談,人緣好,做事認(rèn)真,擅于協(xié)作,積極參與團(tuán)隊活動。希望與人和睦,擅長建立融洽關(guān)系??偸菢酚谥?。工作時很需要鼓勵和認(rèn)同。最喜歡做對他人生活有直接幫助的事。Warm-hearted, talkative, popular, conscientious, born cooperators, active committee members. Need harmony and may be good at creating it. Always doing something nice for someone. Work best with encouragement and praise. Main interest is in things that directly and visibly affect peoples lives.INFJ堅持不懈,獨(dú)具匠心,有求必應(yīng)。工作盡心盡力,認(rèn)真負(fù)責(zé)。關(guān)心他人。尊重原則,堅定有力。喜歡帶領(lǐng)眾人共同致力于服務(wù)社會的工作。Succeed by perseverance, originality, and desire to do what ever is needed or wanted. Put their best efforts into their work. Quietly forceful, conscientious, concerned for others. Respected for their firm principles. Likely to be honored and followed for their clear visions as to how best serve the common good.INTJ對自己的想法和目標(biāo)充滿創(chuàng)意和動力。有長期意向。能很快發(fā)現(xiàn)實現(xiàn)目標(biāo)的有效模式。在對其有吸引力的領(lǐng)域,能有力的承擔(dān)和執(zhí)行組織工作。獨(dú)立,果斷,對工作技能或表現(xiàn)持有相當(dāng)高的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。擅長發(fā)現(xiàn)和提出問題。Have original minds and great drive for their own ideas and purposes. Have long-range vision and quickly find meaningful patterns in external events. In fields that appeal to them, they have a fine power to organize a job and carry it through. Skeptical, critical, independent, determined, have high standards of competence and performance. INFP安靜,擅于觀察,理想主義,忠實可靠。表里如一。好奇心強(qiáng),能很快意識到各種可能??偸悄芡苿幽繕?biāo)的實現(xiàn)。適應(yīng)力和靈活性強(qiáng),只要價值觀一致就很善于接納。希望理解他人,喜歡探索發(fā)掘各人潛力的方法。不太在乎財勢。Quiet observers, idealistic, loyal. Important that outer life be congruent with inner values. Curious, quick to see possibilities. Often serve as catalysts to implement ideas. Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened. Want to understand people and ways of fulfilling human potential. Little concern with possessions or surroundings.INTP安靜,矜持,特別享受理論或科學(xué)研究。通過理性分析解決問題。關(guān)注理念。不太喜歡聚會或聊瑣事。興趣明確并且精益求精。在特殊技術(shù)領(lǐng)域表現(xiàn)突出。Quiet and reserved. Especially enjoy theoretical or scientific pursuits. Like solving problems with logic and analysis. Interested mainly in ideas, with little liking for parties or small talk. Tend to have sharply defined interests. Need careers where some strong interest can be used and useful.ENFP熱情,昂揚(yáng),聰慧,富于想象力。喜歡做的事都做得不錯。能快速解決困難。樂于幫助別人解決困難。比較依賴自己即興反應(yīng)的能力,經(jīng)常不會提前做太多準(zhǔn)備。總是能令人信服。Warmly enthusiastic, high-spirited, ingenious, imaginative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Quick with a solution for any difficulty and ready to help anybody with a problem. Often rely on their ability to improvise instead


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