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高一百句翻譯 (一)1. 在求職面試中,她流利的英語給主考官留下了深刻的印象 (impress)In the job interview, her fluent English impressed the interviewer erviewee, 被面試者 interviewer,主考官employee,雇員 employer,雇主examinee,應試者,被檢查者 examiner 主考人,檢查人2. 對于任何一個民族來說,借用一些外來語是很自然的,也是很有必要的(borrow)It is quite natural and necessary for any nation to borrow some words from foreign languages. Borrowed words 外來詞3. 一個人如果長期生活在巨大的壓力下,就容易患各種疾病(tend)If a person lives under great pressure for a long time, he tends to suffer from different diseases.4. 我覺得孩子成功的關(guān)鍵是學會對自己做的事情負責 (responsible)I think the key to childrens success is to learn to be responsible for what they have done.5. 在經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的過程中,我們必須注意節(jié)省資源和防止污染 (attention)In the course/process of developing economy, we must pay attention to saving resources and preventing pollution.6. 如何有效地利用太陽能是節(jié)約能源的途徑之一 (make use of)How to make use of solar energy effectively is one of the ways to save energy.7. 作為護士,她覺得病人臉上的笑容就是對她辛勤工作最大的回報(it isthat )As a nurse, she thought it was the smile on the patients faces that was the great return for her hard work.8. 如果你在美國超市購物,你會驚奇地發(fā)現(xiàn)那里大多數(shù)衣服是中國制造的(mostly)If you do shopping in the supermarkets in America, you will be surprised to find the clothes there are mostly made in China.9. 上海的每一個市民都應該為2010年世博會盡自己的一份力 (do ones bit)Every citizen in Shanghai should do his bit for the Expo 2010.10. 只有患過病的人才真正明白健康對于一個人意味著什么 (aware)Only those who have suffered from serious illness are really aware of what health means to a person.11. 我從心底里佩服姚明的球衣和他對祖國的熱愛 (admire)I admire Yao Ming from the bottom of my heart for his skills of playing basketball and his love for our country. Admire sb for sth 12. 每個學生都應該明白學習上是沒有捷徑的,要成功非下苦功不可(unless)Every student should know there is no shortcut in study, and you wont succeed unless you work hard.13. 在抗擊“非典”的過程中,許多醫(yī)務工作者不考慮自己的安危,獻身于救治工作(without)In the struggle/fight against SARS, many medical workers devoted themselves to saving the patients without thinking of their own safety.14. 那位退休工人決定把他所積蓄的錢的一半捐獻給希望工程 (donate)The retired worker decided to donate half of the money which he had saved to the Hope Project.15. 作為一種良好的運動形式,游泳能增強人體的肌肉,并降低血壓(as)As a good form of sports, swimming can strengthen peoples muscles and reduce their blood pressure.16. 要學好一門外語,最重要的是要有毅力 (if)If you want to learn a foreign language by yourself, it is the most important that you should have perseverance.what is most important is that 17. 聽說在新加坡,如果你在公共場所吐痰,就會被處以相當于2000元人民幣的罰款(equivalent)It is said that if you spit in public in Singapore, you will be fined the money (which is ) equivalent to 2,000 yuan.18. 在我看來,與西方人相比,中國人似乎更擅長于理財In my opinion, Chinese people seem to be better at handling money compared with westerners.19. 我們只有通過教育孩子愛動物,才能使他們長大后懂得如何保護大自然(enable) enable sb to do sthOnly by educating children to love animals will we enable them to know how to protect nature when they grow up.20. 據(jù)估計,上海20年后將在很多方面趕上像紐約、倫敦這樣的國際大都市(catch up with)It is estimated that Shanghai will catch up with the international cities like New York and London in many ways in twenty years.21. 那場大霧直到11點才散去,延誤了好幾十個航班 (not until)The heavy fog didnt disappear until 11 oclock and it delayed dozens of flights.Not until 11 oclock did the heavy fog disappear and it delayed dozens of flightsIt was not until 11 oclock that the heavy fog disappeared and it delayed dozens of flights 22. 假如一個廣告聲稱某種藥能治愈一切疾病,那肯定是假的(claim)If an advertisement claims that a certain medicine can cure anybody of any disease, it must be false.23. 我向你保證像這樣的事從今以后再也不發(fā)生了 (ensure)I ensure you that from now on anything like this will not happen any longer.24. 顯然,在考試中越是冷靜,出的錯就越少(obvious)It is obvious that the calmer you are in the exams, the fewer mistakes you will make.25. 多虧了那場大雨,持續(xù)了五個星期的森林大火終于被撲滅了(put out)Owing to/thanks to the heavy rain, the big forest fire which had lasted five weeks was put out at last.26. 據(jù)研究,一個人的血型、頭發(fā)的顏色、身高都是從父母那里遺傳下來的(according to)According to a study/research, a persons blood type, hair color and height are all inherited from his parents.Inherit sth from sb He inherit a big fortune/ the curly hair from his father 27. 至今為止,科學家們一直在研究地球的起源以及它的構(gòu)造(as well as)Up to now, scientists have been studying the origin of the earth as well as the structure of it.28. 所有這些信息表明,全世界的人民都希望和平、反對戰(zhàn)爭(object)All the information indicates/suggests/ shows that the people all over the world hope for peace and object to war. Have objections to sth/ to doing sth 反對29. 許多家長擔心他們的孩子整天熱衷于打游戲機,對其他任何事情都不感興趣(keen)Many parents are worried that their children are keen on playing video games all day and show no interest in anything else.30. 不值得為這樣的事與別人爭吵,學會如何與別人相處時相當重要的(get along with)It is worthless quarreling with others about something like this and it is quite important to learn how to get along with others.31. “世界杯”的每一場比賽都會向世界各國進行實況轉(zhuǎn)播(live)Every game of the World Cup will be broadcast live to all the countries in the world.32. 父母的言行對孩子的成長會產(chǎn)生很大的影響(effect)What the parents say and do will have a great effect on the growth of their children.33. 如果你想申請那所大學的獎學金,請盡快通過E-mail與他們?nèi)〉寐?lián)系(contact)If you intend/ want to apply for a scholarship of that American university, please contact them by e-mail as soon as possible.34. 植物的根的主要功能是從土壤中吸收水和養(yǎng)分(take in)The main function of the roots of a plant is to take in water and nutrition from soil.35. 與別人交往時,一旦你許下諾言,就決不能食言(make a promise)Once you make a promise, you can never break it when you get along with others.;36. 每一位駕駛員開車時都必須牢記任何的疏忽都可能造成事故,甚至死亡(keep in mind)While driving every driver must keep in mind that any carelessness will cause an accident and even death.37. 如果食言里面含有過多的添加劑,就會對人體的健康造成損害(do harm to)If the food contains too many additives, it will do harm to peoples health.38. 非常感謝你在我不在的時候?qū)ξ业暮⒆拥恼疹櫍╣rateful)I am grateful to you for taking care of my children while I was away.39. 湯姆說媽媽給他的巧克力被那個紅頭發(fā)的男孩拿走了(take)Tom said that the chocolate which his mother had given him was taken away by the red-haired boy.40. 在足球比賽中把球射進對方的球門就得一分(kick)If you kick the ball into the opponents goal in the football match, you will make a score.41. 后來他漸漸明白了為什么他們的英語老師經(jīng)常叫他們背句子和課文(come to)Later he came to understand why their English teacher often asked them to recite sentences and texts.42. 買保險的目的是保護自己免受意味事故帶來的損失(protect)The purpose of buying insurance is to protect oneself against any losses from unexpected accidents.is to protect oneself from the losses caused by unexpected accidents 43. 我叔叔鼓勵我,在生活中無論遇到什么困難都不能半途而廢(meet with)My uncle encouraged me not to give up halfway no matter what difficulties I meet with in life.44. 林肯受到美國人熱愛的原因是他畢生致力于解放奴隸、統(tǒng)一國家(devote)The reason why Lincoln was loved by American people was that he devoted all his life to setting the slaves free and reuniting his country.45. 當那個婦女得知她失蹤的孩子被找到時,她激動的整夜難以入睡(tooto)When the woman learned that her missing child had been found, she was too excited to fall asleep the whole night.46. 你能告訴我地球是怎么形成的,以及是誰創(chuàng)造了我們?nèi)祟悾╟reat)Can you tell me how the earth came into being and who created us human beings?47. 按照中國傳統(tǒng)風俗習慣,人們在除夕夜要守歲到半夜一兩點鐘(stay)According to Chinese traditional customs, people will stay up late till one or two oclock after midnight on New Years Eve.48. 從各方面判斷,警方通緝的那個人就住在這個地區(qū)附近(want)Judging from different respects, the man who is wanted by the police lives near this area.49. 那個地區(qū)終年無雨,幾乎沒有什么植物可以在那里生存(survive)There is no rain in that area all year round, and almost no plant can survive there.50. 在中國古代,考試僅僅用來考察哪些人可以做官(fit)In ancient China, examinations were only held to test which people were fit for becoming officials.51. 上海的超市似乎正在沿用西方國家“越大越好”的模式(follow)It seems that the supermarkets in Shanghai are following the pattern of “bigger is better” from the western countries.52. 我真擔心有一天計算機將會控制人們的生活(control)I am really worried that computers will control peoples life one day.53. 你不要指望爺爺奶奶喜歡這種流行音樂,不同年紀的人喜歡不同的音樂(expect)You can never expect your grandparents like this kind of pop songs, for people of different ages like / enjoy different music.54. 如今國產(chǎn)電視的質(zhì)量并不比進口電視的質(zhì)量差(necessarily)Nowadays television sets made in China are not necessarily worse than imported ones in quality.55. “虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落后”這句名言定將代代相傳(pass on)“If you are modest you will make progress and if you are proud you will fall behind”. This famous saying will be passed on from generation to generation.56. 在過去的五年里,上海轉(zhuǎn)眼之間已變成了一座花園城市(turn)In the past five years, Shanghai has truned to a garden city before we know it.57. 假使一家公司在戰(zhàn)爭中被毀了,保險公司是否會賠償所有的損失?(in case)Will the insurance company cover all the losses in case a company is destroyed in the war?58. 我一直對西方人喝茶的時候為什么加糖、加奶感到好奇(addto)I have been curious why westerners add sugar and milk to tea when they drink it.59. 那位百歲老人說他的長壽秘訣只是沒有煩惱(nothing but)The one-hundred-year-old man said the secret of his long life was nothing but freedom from worry.60. 要是月亮上有空氣和水,我們就可以在上面安家(settle down)If there were air and water on the moon, we could settle down there.(虛擬語氣)61. 我忘了提醒他那件事,向他表示道歉(remind)I made an apology to him for forgetting to remind him of it.62. 要學好一門外語,了解講這個語言的國家的文化和風俗習慣是很有必要的(learn about)If you want to learn a foreign language well, it is absolutely necessary that you should learn about the culture and custom of the country, where the language is spoken.63. 近年來,中國產(chǎn)品在世界各地享有越來越高的聲譽(enjoy)In recent years, the products made in China have been enjoying a higher and higher reputation.64. 客觀題考試的主要優(yōu)點是閱卷快,且比較公正(relatively)The main advantage of the objective test is that it is easy to mark the papers and it is relatively fair.65. 他熱衷于當志愿者的原因是他覺得給別人帶來快樂的人才是世界上最幸福的人(keen)The reason why he is keen on becoming a volunteer is that he thinks the person who brings happiness to others is the happiest one in the world.66. 那個地區(qū)嚴重缺水,村民們挖了許多井來解決飲水問題(lack)That area lacks water and the villagers have dug a lot of wells to solve the problem of drinking water.67. 得知地球上每年有幾百種植物消失時,我們大家都非常震驚(shock)When we learned that hundreds of plants disappear on the earth every year, we were greatly shocked.68. 我們的數(shù)學教師富有幽默感,這就是為什么他的課堂深受學生的歡迎(popular)Our Math teacher has a good sense of humor and that is why his lessons are so popular with the students.69. 對于一個人來說,尤其是老年人,心情好對健康有很大的好處(good n)To everybody, especially the old, being in a good mood does good to health.70. 人民模仿動物的行為和構(gòu)造發(fā)明了許多有用的東西(imitate)People invent a lot of useful things by imitating the behaviour and structures of animals.71. 沒人會料到這一連串的案件與那個沉默寡言的人有關(guān)系(have nothing to do with)Nobody expected that the chain of cases would have something to do with the man with few words.72. 從它建立的那天起,聯(lián)合國在維護世界和平方面就起了重要的作用(since)The United Nations has been playing an important role in maintaining world peace since it was founded.73. 你是否可以給那位警察輸血取決于你的血型和他的血型是否一致(depend)Whether you can transfuse blood to the policeman depends on whether you blood type agrees with his.74. 必須制定法律,禁止拆除一百年以上的建筑物(prohibit)A law must be made to prohibit the buildings over 100 years old from being pulled down.75. 這首樂曲我非常熟悉,但我講不出是誰譜的曲(familiar)I am quite familiar with this piece of music, but I cant tell who composed it.76. 孩子做一些錯事時很自然的,你不能過分責備他(blame)It is natural for a child to do something wrong, so you cant blame him too much for it.77. 要保持身體健康,不僅一日三餐要準時,還要適當進行一些體育鍛煉(notonly)In order to keep healthy, you should not only have three meals a day on time but also have some proper physical exercise.78. 簡直難以置信,世界上竟然有過目不忘的人(It)It is hard to believe that there should be some people who will not forget whatever they have seen79. 解放軍戰(zhàn)士一沖進村子就朝放火燒房子的敵人開火(No sooner)No sooner had the PLA soldiers rushed into the village than they fired at the enemy who were setting fire to the houses.80. 讓我驚訝的是,世界上有些國家的人用搖頭而非點頭來表示同意(instead of)To my great surprise/astonishment, people in some countries shake their heads instead of nodding when they show their approval.81. 海外華人都為中國最近十年取得的驚人成就感到自豪(take pride in)All the overseas Chinese take pride in the astonishing achievements China has made in the last decade.82. 你認為有沒有可能不背一個單詞而學好一門外語(without)Do you think it possible to learn a foreign language well without learning a single word by heart? Learn sth by heart: 記住83. 那位中年婦女在柜臺前猶豫了好幾分鐘,才下決心買了那件真絲襯衫(before)The middle-aged woman hesitated for several minutes in front of the counter before she decided / made up her mind to buy the shirt made of real silk.84. 我覺得經(jīng)常與孩子交流就能縮小代溝(narrow)I think if parents often communicate with their children, the generation gap will be narrowed.85. 作為一名以時裝設(shè)計為專業(yè)的學生,他希望有一天能有機會訪問巴黎(major)As a student who majors in fashion designing, he hopes that he will have an opportunity to visit Paris some day.86. 人人生而平等。因此我們決不能看不起那些來自農(nóng)村的人(look down)Everybody is born equal, so we mustnt look down upon those who come from the countryside.87. 他向我抱怨,他放在辦公室抽屜的三份中國日報不見了(complain)He complained to me that the three copies of China Daily which he kept in the drawer in his office were missing.88. 如果一個孩子說他想獲得諾貝爾獎,你不能嘲笑他而應該鼓勵他(dream of)If a child says he dreams of winning a Nobel Prize, you should encourage him instead of laughing at him.89. 榮譽屬于那些勇于面對困難去探索宇宙奧秘的人(face up to)Honor belongs to those who dare face up to difficulties to explore the secret of the universe.90. 熱脹冷縮的原理可以運用于造橋和修建公路方面(apply)The principle that a matter will expand when heated and shrink when cooled can be applied to the building of bridges and highways.91. 他做了一個又一個實驗,想要發(fā)現(xiàn)電子運動的方向(in order to)He made experiments one after another in order to find the direction in which the electrons move.92. 昨天他在會上演講的主題是“上海的公交系統(tǒng)如何為殘疾人提供更多的方便”(provide)The topic of the speech which he made at yesterdays meeting is how the public transportation services in Shanghai provide more convenience to the disabled.93. 最簡單的保持健康與苗條身材的方法是多吃蔬菜,少吃肉(keep)The simplest way to keep healthy and slim is to eat more vegetables and less meat.94. 任何有良知的中國人都希望中國將盡快地統(tǒng)一(reunite)Any Chinese who has conscience hopes that China will be reunited as soon as possible.95. 適當引用一些諺語能使你更容易表達你想講的話(quote)Quoting some proverbs will enable you to express what you want to say more easily.96. 水往低處流是個不可改變的自然法則(law of nature)It is a law of nature which cant be changed that water flows from a higher place to a lower place 97. 這對雙胞胎外貌很相似,但性格卻完全不同(look alike)The twins look alike in appearance but are completely different in character.98. 當“非典”襲擊中國的許多地區(qū)時,上海采取了嚴厲措施防止它的蔓延(strike)When SARS struck many areas in China, many strict measures were taken to prevent it from spreading in Shanghai.99. 我建議你讀一些英語名著的簡寫本,來提高閱讀能力和擴大詞匯量(enlarge)I suggest that you should read some simplified English master pieces to improve your reading comprehension and enlarge your vocabulary.100如果你進一步了解我們產(chǎn)品的價格和性能,請與我們公司在上海的代表處聯(lián)系(contact n)If you want to learn more about the prices and functions of our products, please make contact with the agency of our company in Shanghai.高一百句翻譯 (二)1. 那些故意違反交通規(guī)則的人必須受到嚴厲的懲罰。(Whoever)Whoever breaks the traffic regulations/rules on purpose must be severely punished. on purpose= purposefully Whoever breaks= anyone who breaks2. 老師就在暑假里如何做到張弛有度給了我們一些合理的建議。(balance) The teacher gave /offered us some reasonable/sound advice on how to keep the balance between work and play. 3. 這條河流受到嚴重污染的原因是那家化工廠大量排放有毒廢水。(The reason why .is that) The reason why the river has been seriously polluted is that the chemical factory released large amounts of poisonous wasted water4. .隨著經(jīng)濟的飛速發(fā)展,中國在國際事務中起著越來越大的作用。(role) With the rapid development of economy, China is playing an increasingly important role in international affairs. 4. 得知羅京逝世的消息,許多人陷入深深的悲痛之中。(At)At the news that Luojin passed away, many people were deep in sorrow.5. 在日常生活中,我們不要與經(jīng)常言而無信的人交朋友。(Relative Clause)In our daily life, we shall never make friends with those who break their promises. Or “those who dont keep their promises/words”6. 與班級里其他同學相比,他在工作方面更有責任感。(Compare). Compared with the other classmates in his class, he is more responsible for his work. 7. 天漸漸冷了,你要多穿衣服以免感冒。(in case)It is getting cold. Please get warmly dressed in case you should catch a cold.8. 由于晚到,他發(fā)現(xiàn)演講廳內(nèi)已是座無虛席。(occupy;分詞短語作原因狀語) Arriving late, he found the lecture hall fully occupied .9人們相信,2010年世博會一定能促進中國經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展。(sure) It is believed that the EXPO for 2010 is sure to promote the economic development of China. promote friendship : 促進友誼10. 他勃然大怒,令所有到場的客人非常尷尬。(burst) He burst into anger, which made all the guests present feel embarrassed.11. 他突然想到尚未準備發(fā)言的材料。(occur) It suddenly occurred to him that he hadnt got his speech prepared. 12. 到高中畢業(yè)時為止,他們學英語將達十年。(By) They will have learned English for ten years by the time they graduate from senior high school .13. 孩子們總是對未知事物充滿好奇。(curious) Children are always curious about things unknown to them. curiosity :好奇心14. 在考試中我還沒來得及檢查一遍,鈴就響了。(before) The bell rang before I could go over my papers.15. 你是否后悔過前幾年浪費這么多時間打游戲機?(regret) Have you ever regretted having wasted so much time playing computer in the past few years?. or “regretted wasting so much time”16. 科學家們普遍認為人的大腦越用越靈活。(the more; the more) According to scientists, the more frequently/often the brain is used, the cleverer it will become. 17.有這么多功課要做,今晚要熬夜到很晚。(with) With so much homework to do, Ill have to stay up late tonight.18. 明天輪到誰值日?(turn) Whose turn is it to be on duty tomorrow?.19.我的建議是你應該設(shè)法勸說你的密友告訴警察真相。(表語從句,persuade) My suggestion is that you should manage to persuade your close friend to the truth to the police.20.她談起來好像她真的去過希臘。(as if) She talked as if she had been to Greece. (虛擬語氣)21.我們正在談論天氣時,外面突然開始下雨了。(.when.) We were talking about the weather when it began to rain.22. Hans想知道誰會來接管他的工作。(take over) Hans wondered who would take over his job.23.


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