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精品文檔 1歡迎下載 GoodGood morning morning deardear judges judges I mI m numbernumber 5 5 It sIt s mymy greatgreat honorhonor toto bebe herehere toto interpretinterpret mymy teachingteaching ideas ideas TheThe topictopic ofof thisthis lessonlesson isis I I amam goinggoing toto studystudy computercomputer science science AccordingAccording toto thethe NewNew CurriculumCurriculum Standard Standard I I willwill presentpresent thisthis lessonlesson asas follows follows Let sLet s beginbegin withwith thethe analysisanalysis ofof thethe teachingteaching material material ThisThis lessonlesson isis chosenchosen fromfrom PEPPEP EnglishEnglish bookbook ofof juniorjunior highhigh school school thethe firstfirst semestersemester ofof grade8 grade8 UnitUnit 6 6 TheThe mainmain topictopic ofof thisthis unitunit isis aboutabout professions professions AfterAfter studentsstudents finishedfinished thisthis lesson lesson theythey couldcould understandunderstand thethe usageusage ofof thethe basicbasic structurestructure ofof simplysimply futurefuture tensetense be be goinggoing to to OnlyOnly afterafter learninglearning thisthis lesson lesson cancan studentsstudents learnlearn thethe followingfollowing lessons lessons suchsuch asas thethe usageusage ofof will will thethe otherother wayway toto expressexpress simplesimple futurefuture tense tense soso thisthis lessonlesson isis quitequite importantimportant toto theirtheir furtherfurther study study TheThe secondsecond partpart isis analysisanalysis ofof students students TheThe nextnext stepstep isis thethe analysisanalysis ofof students students OurOur studentsstudents areare inin GradeGrade 8 8 TheyThey havehave learntlearnt EnglishEnglish forfor manymany years years soso theythey havehave gotgot somesome basicbasic skillsskills ofof studyingstudying English English However However speakingspeaking abilityability stillstill needsneeds toto bebe developed developed ThusThus thethe teacherteacher shouldshould provideprovide themthem moremore chanceschances toto practicepractice speakingspeaking ability ability AccordingAccording toto thethe ideaidea ofof NewNew CurriculumCurriculum StandardStandard inin English English I I setset thethe followingfollowing teachingteaching aims aims FirstFirst oneone isis knowledgeknowledge aims aims 1 Students 1 Students cancan understandunderstand thethe usageusage ofof resolution resolution 2 Students 2 Students cancan useuse thethe simplesimple futurefuture tensetense be be goinggoing to to toto makemake sentencessentences correctly correctly 精品文檔 2歡迎下載 TheThe nextnext oneone isis abilityability aims aims 1 Students 1 Students cancan useuse thethe targettarget languagelanguage inin a a differentdifferent context context 2 Students 2 Students cancan fosterfoster thethe abilitiesabilities ofof gettinggetting usefuluseful informationinformation fromfrom listeninglistening material material 3 Students 3 Students cancan improveimprove theirtheir listeninglistening andand speakingspeaking abilities abilities 4 Students 4 Students cancan comecome upup severalseveral resolutionsresolutions fromfrom differentdifferent aspects aspects TheThe lastlast oneone isis EmotionalEmotional aims aims 1 1 CanCan improveimprove thethe confidenceconfidence ofof learninglearning English English andand notnot afraidafraid ofof speakingspeaking EnglishEnglish inin class class 2 2 CanCan cooperatecooperate withwith othersothers actively actively andand completecomplete thethe taskstasks together together 3 3 CanCan understandunderstand thatthat NewNew YearYear isis a a veryvery timetime toto makemake a a plan plan 4 4 CanCan makemake goodgood arrangementarrangement toto achieveachieve theirtheir resolutions resolutions BasedBased onon thethe teachingteaching aims aims herehere isis thethe keykey pointpoint andand difficultdifficult point point TheThe keykey pointspoints are are 1 1 TheThe usageusage ofof simplesimple futurefuture tense tense 2 2 TheThe comprehensioncomprehension ofof thethe meaningmeaning ofof resolution resolution 精品文檔 3歡迎下載 TheThe difficultdifficult pointspoints are are 1 1 CanCan getget thethe mainmain ideaidea ofof listeninglistening material material andand getget thethe usefuluseful informationinformation fromfrom material material 2 2 CanCan improveimprove thethe confidenceconfidence ofof learninglearning English English andand notnot afraidafraid ofof speakingspeaking English English 3 3 CanCan makemake goodgood arrangementarrangement toto achieveachieve theirtheir resolutions resolutions ThenThen let slet s movemove ontoonto thethe analysisanalysis ofof teachingteaching methodsmethods andand studyingstudying methods methods InIn thisthis lessonlesson I llI ll mainlymainly useuse Task based Task based teachingteaching method method Communicative Communicative languagelanguage teachingteaching method method andand CAI CAI teachingteaching method method AsAs toto thethe studyingstudying methods methods I I willwill encourageencourage studentsstudents toto useuse cooperativecooperative studystudy methodmethod toto embodyembody thethe rolerole ofof firstfirst placeplace inin instructioninstruction activities activities Now Now let slet s talktalk aboutabout thethe teachingteaching aids aids InIn thisthis class class I I willwill useuse multi media multi media picturespictures andand a a tapetape recorder recorder AfterAfter aboveabove analysis analysis let slet s comecome toto thethe mostmost importantimportant part analysispart analysis ofof teachingteaching procedures procedures I I willwill finishfinish thisthis lessonlesson inin thethe followingfollowing severalseveral steps steps 1 1 Lead inLead in AskAsk studentsstudents toto dodo a a brainstorm brainstorm AskAsk 3 3 studentsstudents toto useuse thethe simplesimple futurefuture tensetense be be goinggoing to to toto describedescribe whatwhat theythey wantwant toto do do AndAnd let slet s seesee howhow manymany thingsthings eacheach studentstudent cancan describedescribe inin 2 2 minutes minutes 精品文檔 4歡迎下載 ThroughThrough brainstorm brainstorm theythey couldcould useuse theirtheir allall efforteffort toto makemake sentences sentences soso itit willwill greatlygreatly stimulatestimulate theirtheir enthusiasmenthusiasm inin speaking speaking ItIt cancan alsoalso createcreate anan interestinginteresting atmosphereatmosphere inin class class 2 2 Pre Pre listeninglistening InIn thisthis part part I I willwill askask studentsstudents toto dodo twotwo activities activities FirstFirst activity activity ThroughThrough questionquestion toto letlet studentsstudents understandunderstand thethe meaningmeaning ofof resolution resolution ForFor example example T T LookLook atat thethe blackboard blackboard herehere isis a a newnew word word DoDo youyou knowknow whatwhat a a resolutionresolution is is S S T T It sIt s a a kindkind ofof promise promise AndAnd wewe justjust spentspent ourour NewNew YearYear holiday holiday dodo youyou havehave anyany newnew year syear s promisepromise oror resolution resolution A A year syear s planplan startsstarts withwith spring spring let slet s havehave a a groupgroup discussiondiscussion aboutabout youryour newnew year syear s resolution resolution ThenThen I I willwill askask studentsstudents toto workwork inin groupsgroups ofof 4 4 andand listlist whatwhat areare theythey goinggoing toto dodo inin thisthis year year AndAnd thenthen askask themthem toto shareshare theirtheir resolutionsresolutions byby usingusing simplesimple futurefuture tense tense SuchSuch as as I I amam goinggoing to to AfterAfter thisthis activity activity I I willwill makemake a a shortshort summarysummary andand movemove onon toto thethe nextnext part part I I willwill telltell themthem allall ofof theirtheir resolutionsresolutions areare veryvery interesting interesting andand askask themthem looklook atat thethe picturespictures inin 1a1a andand havehave a a guessguess whatwhat thethe resolutionsresolutions areare inin eacheach picture picture andand putput thethe rightright numbernumber inin eacheach blank blank ThenThen checkcheck thethe answersanswers accordingaccording toto thethe followingfollowing dialogues dialogues 精品文檔 5歡迎下載 What What isis thethe boyboy goinggoing toto dodo nextnext yearyear inin thisthis picture picture He He isis goinggoing toto learnlearn toto playplay thethe piano piano TheThe secondsecond activity activity AskAsk studentsstudents toto changechange thethe addressaddress fromfrom the the boy boy toto you you andand makemake thethe dialoguedialogue accordingaccording toto thethe 1b1b inin pairs pairs AfterAfter finished finished I I willwill inviteinvite somesome pairspairs toto performperform theirtheir dialogues dialogues ThroughThrough thesethese twotwo activities activities studentsstudents cancan reviewreview thethe usageusage ofof thethe twotwo sentencessentences inin simplesimple futurefuture tense tense AndAnd itit cancan laylay a a foundationfoundation toto thethe nextnext part listening part listening 3 3 While While listeninglistening Firstly Firstly I I willwill playplay thethe recordrecord forfor twice twice andand askask studentsstudents toto finishfinish thethe chartchart inin 1c 1c writewrite downdown howhow thethe differentdifferent peoplepeople makemake theirtheir resolutionsresolutions work work AfterAfter finished finished askask studentsstudents toto checkcheck thethe answeranswer inin pairs pairs Secondly Secondly I I willwill playplay thethe tapetape again again andand askask studentsstudents toto readread afterafter thethe record record andand paypay moremore attentionattention toto thethe pronunciation pronunciation andand dodo thethe imitation imitation ThroughThrough listeninglistening toto thethe tapetape forfor threethree times times theythey couldcould makemake thethe meaningmeaning ofof thisthis listeninglistening materialmaterial clearly clearly AndAnd throughthrough checkingchecking answersanswers inin pairs pairs theythey couldcould havehave moremore chancechance toto speak speak AndAnd theirtheir pronunciationpronunciation andand intonationintonation 精品文檔 6歡迎下載 willwill alsoalso bebe developeddeveloped throughthrough thethe imitationimitation inin thirdthird listening listening 4 4 Post listeningPost listening AskAsk studentsstudents toto dodo thethe followingfollowing activity activity AccordingAccording toto thethe resolutionsresolutions youyou mademade atat thethe beginningbeginning ofof thisthis class class thinkthink aboutabout howhow youyou areare goinggoing toto makemake themthem workwork inin pairs pairs ThenThen talktalk aboutabout themthem withwith youryour groupgroup accordingaccording toto thethe conversationconversation inin 1e 1e A A I I wantwant toto bebe a a teacher teacher B B HowHow areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo that that A A Well Well I I amam goinggoing toto studystudy hardhard andand getget goodgood grades grades B B SoundSound likelike a a goodgood plan plan I I wantwant toto getget a a lotlot ofof exercise exercise AfterAfter finished finished I I willwill askask somesome groupsgroups toto shareshare theirtheir ideas ideas TheThe purposepurpose ofof thisthis partpart isis toto consolidateconsolidate thethe sentencesentence structures structures ThroughThrough makingmaking conversationsconversations byby themselves themselves theythey cancan improveimprove theirtheir speakingspeaking ability ability ItIt alsoalso cancan embodyembody thethe essentialessential ideaidea ofof NewNew CurriculumCurriculum Standard Standard studentsstudents areare thethe mainmain bodybody ofof class class 5 5 SummarySummary andand homeworkhomework I I willwill askask studentsstudents toto thinkthink aboutabout whatwhat wewe havehave learnedlearned today today ThenThen makemake a a summary summary AtAt last last I I willwill leavele


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