1、小學英語老師面試自我介紹(英文版)小學英語老師面試自我介紹(英文版)第一篇:英語老師面試自我介紹general introdutioni am a third ear master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong universit, p. r. hina. ith tremendous interest in industrial engineering, i am riting to appl for aeptane into our ph.d. graduate ation bakgroundin95, i ent
2、ered the nanjing universit of siene tehnolog - idel onsidered one of the hina s best engineering shools. during the folloing undergraduate stud, m XXdemi reords kept distinguished among the hole department. i as granted first lass prize ever semester, and m overall gparanked no.1 among students. in9
3、9, i got the privilege to enter the graduate program aived of the admission test. i seleted the shanghai jiao tong universit to ontinue m stud for its best reputation on binatorial optimization and netork sheduling here m researh interest lies.at the period of m graduate stud, m overall gparanked to
4、p 5% in the department. in the seond semester, i beame teaher assistant that is given to talented and matured students onl. this ear, i on the aer sholarship as the one and onl andidate in m department, hih is the ultimate aolade for distinguished students endoed b m universit. presentl, i am prepar
5、ing m graduation thesis and tring for the honor of exellent graduation thesis.researh experiene and XXdemi ativithen a sophomore, i joined the assoiation of ai enthusiast and began to narro don m interest for m future researh. in97, i partiipated in simulation tool development for the sheduling sste
6、m in prof. ang s lab. ith the tool of opengl and matlab, i designed a simulation program for transportation sheduling sstem. it is no idel used b different researh groups in nust. in98, i assumed and fulfilled a seage analsis dispose projet for nanjing seage treatment plant. this as m first pratie t
7、o onvert a laborator idea to a merial produt.in99, i joined the distinguished professor u-geng xis researh group aiming at netork flo problem solving and heuristi algorithm researh. soon i as engaged in the fudan gene database design. m dut as to pik up the useful information among different kinds o
8、f gene mathing format. through the parison and analsis for man heuristi algorithms, i introdued an improved evolutionar algorithm - multi-population geneti algorithm. b dividing a hole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm an effetivel prevent ga from loal onvergene and pr
9、omote various evolutionar orientations. it proved more effiientl than sga in experiments, too. in the seond semester, i joined the orkshop-sheduling researh in shanghai heav dut tre plant. the sheduling as designed for the rubber-making proess that overed not onl disrete but also ontinuous irumstane
10、s. to make a balane point beteen optimization qualit and time ost, i proposed a dnami laered sheduling method based on hbrid petri nets. the pratial appliation shoed that the average makespan as shortened b a large sale. i also publiized to papers in ore journals ith this idea. reentl, i am doing re
11、searh in the posite predit of the eletrial poer sstem assisted ith the tehnolog of data mining for bao steel. i tr to bine the deision tree ith reeding optimization to provide a ne solution for the posite preditive problem. this projet is no under onstrution.besides, in jul 201X, i got the opportuni
12、t to give a leture in english in asia ontrol onferene hih is one of the top-level onferenes among the orld in the area of ontrol and automation. in m senior ear, i met prof. xiao-song lin, a visiting professor of mathematis from universit of alifornia-riverside, i learned graph theor from him for m
13、netork researh. these experienes all rapidl expanded m knoledge of english and the understanding of estern ulture.i hope to stud in depthin retrospet, i find mself standing on a solid basis in both theor and experiene, hih has prepared me for the ph.d. program. m future researh interests inlude: net
14、ork sheduling problem, heuristi algorithm researh and b shoing that ou are interested in both the job and the organization. this means ou need to do some researh about the business beforehand.strengths and ahievementsin our self-introdution ou ill inlude some examples of our strengths and ahievement
15、s hih relate diretl to the requirements of the ne job. this must also demonstrate our personal qualities that ou appl hen ou are doing the job beause the tpe of person ou are is often far more important then just having the abilit to do a job.the a ou outline our self-introdution, in partiular the a
16、 ou speak, tells the intervieer hether ou are onfident in our abilities so ou must rehearse it ell, but dont tr to be hat ou are learl not - oull onl be found out at a later date. get a friend to listen to our self-introdution ith a ritial ear, beause if it sounds false it ill set the alarm bells ri
17、nging ith the intervieer ho ill detet that it is not the real ou and destro the rapport ou ere building up. pratie speaking faster or more slol, louder or quietl and tr to var it throughout.hen ou have prepared our self-introdution, ask ourself this question: hat does the intervieer need?the anser i
18、s that the intervieer needs to identif the best andidate to hire, hilst keeping the osts to a minimum and the feer people intervieed the better. the need is also for the person ho appears to be the best fit in terms of both personalit and tehnial abilit. also remember that the ma need to justif thei
19、r deision to hire ou, to someone higher!prepared ell, this self-introdution is our ke to intervie suess beause it helps to reate that all-important first impression, helps ou to build the rapport ith the intervieer and satisfies the questions about hether ou are the sort of person ho ill fit in to t
20、he organization suessfull.第四篇:面試自我介紹英文版面試自我介紹英文版:for referene onlgood morning ! everone! m mind. it aquainted me ith estern ountries ulture and ustom. heard-orking also reords me ith high sores in examination.ith a perfet master of speialized knoledge, i also developed mself in all-round a. i have b
21、een paing speial attention to foster m managerial abilit, oordinate abilit and ooperativeabilit. so i have dong lots of jobs in m ollege life, suh as orking as a branh seretar of the group, an english teaher of jianming english training shool, a salesmani have not onl dong a good job but also have l
22、eant a lot from suh experienes.additionall, m self-onfidene, industr, and enthusiasm pave the a for onquer the diffiulties ith ould our in future ork.m attribute has prepared me for making an immediate ontribution to our pan. our trust and m abilit ill make us to reate a ne marvel together. i ele th
23、e opportunit to meet ith ou to further disuss m qualifiation and our need. thanks for our time and onsideration.our sinerel小學英語老師面試自我介紹(英文版)附送:小學營養(yǎng)餐學生演講稿小學營養(yǎng)餐學生演講稿第一篇:紅巖小學學生營養(yǎng)餐自查報告紅巖小學學生營養(yǎng)餐自 查 報 告為了全面落實上級關于“學生營養(yǎng)改善計劃”的指示精神,進一步加強學生營養(yǎng)改善計劃的安全管理,規(guī)范操作,根據(jù)教育局以及鄉(xiāng)總校相關要求,我校該學期于9月3日對全校學生進行開餐,現(xiàn)將該學期以來的營養(yǎng)餐工作匯報如下:一
28、生共人實行每天上報每天出庫管理,及時進行收集信息,做好留樣,確保安全,實行每周一采購,每月一總結,每學期一總結,及時處理出現(xiàn)的問題,做到萬無一失。三、按時完成其他任務除了營養(yǎng)餐工作以外我還負責校園清潔區(qū)檢查,每天我都要在校園巡查,保證校園有一個好的環(huán)境。見到學校有其他需要的工作我及時的參與其中,從不說一點怨氣,從不給學校找半點麻煩,以學校為家,努力完成工作?;仡櫛緦W期的學生營養(yǎng)餐工作,雖然取得一定成績,但是也還存在不足,比如說我校規(guī)模大,學生多,工作量大有時不免工作欠周到,給班主任工作帶來了一定的麻煩。在以后的工作中,我要不斷總結經(jīng)驗和教訓,力爭做得更好。石門完全小學 201X-1-10第三篇
31、府的好政策,是對學生的關心和厚愛。為了讓真正貧困學生享受營養(yǎng)餐,學校組織相關人員對剛進入我校的學生展開摸底調(diào)查,把學生中家庭經(jīng)濟條件確實差,如低保戶、家庭因遇變故而導致經(jīng)濟困難、患病致殘的學生等情況進行匯總。再次,根據(jù)教育資助政策,對符合條件的學生填表、上報、審批,并建立名冊和臺帳。3、因地制宜,確定模式。學校結合實際,每周為學生提供五頓營養(yǎng)餐,食堂統(tǒng)一安排在中餐,并制定了供餐食譜,在每周一向全體師生公示。學校嚴格按照有關食品安全衛(wèi)生標準及要求,確保食品原料新鮮潔凈,做到合理搭配,營養(yǎng)均衡,保證營養(yǎng)質(zhì)量。4、強化監(jiān)督,嚴格管理。學校還建立了教師、學生和家長代表組成的監(jiān)督小組, 校長帶頭付費陪餐
32、監(jiān)督,并實行采購員、驗收人、監(jiān)督領導多方簽字審核。學校對營養(yǎng)餐資金的管理,都能做到??顚S?,建立財務公開制度,自覺接受學生、家長、社會、上級主管部門和各級領導的監(jiān)督和審核。5、嚴格食品采購制度。采購的食品必須做到定點配送(有協(xié)議),驗收時必須實行三方簽字(供方、食堂管理人員和值周值日教師)、堅持索證、索票制度,配送的大米(索要合格證)、菜籽油質(zhì)量必須達到食品衛(wèi)生的要求,所采購肉(索要免疫證)、蛋、蔬菜等必須每天配送一次,確保新鮮、價格合理。6、 嚴格要求,按章操作。學校根據(jù)實際,制定了學校食品安全事故應急預案、炊事員管理制度等相關規(guī)章制度。學校落實了供餐驗收、儲存、組織學生就餐、臺帳檔案、食品
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