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1、自考學(xué)士學(xué)位英語考試模擬試題part i alogue completon (1pont)irctis: there ae 5 ht incomplt dalgues ths a , eachfollwe by cces marked a, b, c ad d. chose thebest oe ocomplete theiatgue nd markyornsweo thenswr shet wita sine lnethoughthe center.1. w: so, re yo gin overtocids atrclas?m: idike to. bt she has pet ct am

2、eryalleg.: c .a. o, so orythear ta b. butwha do ouan byaergic.idesntmater. b w cngo ehre else2. : yoknow, v ben wtring mpants relalbthey re il nt dingwell inmywapatmet.w: mae instadeing them in he corr, you hould put thm diretlynfont hewindom: da t the plants can grow weleverywhee.b oh, es. yure wel

3、come. but ht abutptin em directy in frntofte windo? but the area infront o m wdow istoo cfolns.3.m: look all those.pep.elinig p t t box ffi. thee must fiy ahead fu.:i hin, ur chac ofetin atickt c a. willbe more b is ery thick . is very sli d. is nything u ne4. w;i i am tmisaken, rbirthay iscomigu. h

4、as you brother sento anytg?m: otye c a. expec so b. ar 4, heiibuy somethng frmec he nevr fets tough d. no, i dont lie it. w: wou yulik togive mearide t t barytht?: _ b bt m hedin in the her dietion im metin jan toigt. orr,i cat elp you b. d like oc.no, i wudnt d. sy, t anbe hlpd. m: thi scarf s nic,

5、 but debbierelly waned swae r her brtha.w: i know.ut i didt know hersiz c apslet e sk erhersef b. so got ths one forher. sogot ths as analtrnative d. then, let mo thinkd. yes, i are wit u7. m:th viewisspectular. culd utakea picture fme with hemounains in he bacground?w: imaridijus ran ou of flm ave

6、y checkd wih er? _ . pe is ver tere b. hei ao nice charaterc. petr s an maeur photgraph . he may abe to help8.w: bob,a ?m: you must be kidng. las time yu almostmade m bal. hall u yor har f y b.areyougoingo av a hair ctc.yo look really smatinuch a style ofha d can i helpyou with yur har9. w:t e suerm

7、aketdown e stre isellg vrythn alf prce because d m: ouds like an ideal tie to tock upn coffee. tell yo wat, wht about w go ter aftercs?a.i is raher fo b. iti hihi tht ested o prear o chritmas dayc. hywant to makere mey d. theare going otof busines0: jssawaado tleisin hatsdmens sui wero sle tda ato-o

8、row at conrdsmns wear:grat! tats b a.aondrful ie b just wat ive een ating fr. ustwhati ant to wach d hat you want tel m he1.m: do y haveany idea what itii cs t se this litte pacage to austraia?w:youe t me. t frthetive ever ent ackae i nda.:_ c a. u i neednt send an kae t anab.bu cand is note place i

9、 ie to send my pckage to thatso le meas jane. se fromstai, oknod.oh, yes.austlia s bnd me12. m: would oike to cme withus fo cfe a litle lt?w: im ff caffene, medcal restrcions.: a ahen , at about a cu of pepsi? . then,wat bou ging t he ciema?. then,my i ayou fo ace?d o, lets aveit right now.3. m: i j

10、us ed thravl ageny. itsall se. onjne firs, lmeadiforteonain for a entir wee.w: _ c ? becsemy casse ret over till the sevnh.a. o, is so erly, ist it . ae yu eadig for h ontc but have yu checke t acadiccaldar d.butht aout an tiewee14. m: oh! und allof mywhte scks pinki hrew re t-shit n by acient.w: he

11、yo tried runni temhroh gan wih leach?m: a.but i don believei . o. let me have a try.c. but why hld have a ry?d. utm afraid t. : coud i gta ride wth yu the concert oit?m: ian o, _ a .i tik shes leaingaoun 7:30a u yu might a btty b.nether can ettc.abtty i going o . bu ont kno if bettyill gart ii readn

12、g cpeheion (40 ins)directions: here are4 passage in thispar each of th psages is olwed b5 qestn o uinished statemens. fr each o them heere 4 choices marked a, b,c an d. chos he est one makyor aswer n theanswe shet -with a sgl linethrug thcenter.paageonein178 the . s. gernntsse law,wsaid ht theland o

13、f the aei dian couldneverbe taenfromthe withottheir.reem ent. :. n eundred. years ler,we,the iians onlyhada ery small part of the landh originalybeo t the.how dd this great inustice occur?aftr 1812hit etlrsgan to move wesacos nrtheria at irst,heset-ter an he iians ive i peace. howver;the nmbeofstles

14、 ncreased grtlyev-er year. andslowly th ids bgan o ee he he setlers asa dange their sumv-al. fee theslves, the setler le moe nd more wldanas. teiians, wo depde o tese aimar fod,had to stgle gaist starvatior the settlers lso brught wit them ay diseasshicwrecomonin hite soity, bu which were nw rteindi

15、angratnubers of idins becmec nd ied. beteen84 854 th inda poulaion inonearea ofthe ntrywet own from 100,00t00,000moeland as neeedfr the inreing number of whitesettlrsn shington, the old rsct fo the rigts o thendiansdapeartheoldproto the indin were oke; the feral goverm nt ban omove roof ndians frm t

16、hr rinal ome-la tooher poore pars of the countr.me indins eaced agilyandviltlto hs trament. te egan o tack white stlrs, andh india wars began for hirtyyear,unilthelate 188s, dffrent gops o indian fought againshe injstices o the whie ma* they a a fw famo scceses bt e reutof th strugglews nve in doub.

17、 herwee too may ite soliers, antey ee t erfl. man indians ekled; the survivos were from thir homeland to dffeentara tcountry. i wasa terible hpter in theistoryof a cuntryhat prmise freedom ad eualittoeyne.16. is mplid in te assetha _d a. th indianshadmay ra sucessesn theinin wasb. heindian had no db

18、that tey uld in thersc he reultofth truggle as tht the ndans staedwee theyerbeod.iwas qute obviousat theindians ee to weak t win the stuggle17. hat dostewrter mean yhe old respef the igtsofth inians disappeared?(b).th governmetd a newrspct theighof theidians. overnmen eganto inorehe righsof the indi

19、nsc. the ovrnmnt nevhadny respect fr th rigt f theindas.e goernment thought th inian ere not worth respectin.18. wht i the writerinin bot he tetenttat tindians received fm h u s. goernmt?(c)a. he bievs ha th government alwas repeted te rihtof te idias.b. he beleve tht te goernmetcannotbe crizdfor i

20、teent-o he n-ias.c. he beie thathe governet teated te indiansunustl.d.e biees tat e governments nfai ratmnt gans he indins as no o pose.9. hy dmericn idian begin to see th white settles a a dngette?(a)a e sttlers klled the animal, wich t indians neded forfoo. h ettlrs d o obeythe l pas bythe u. s. o

21、verment.c. thesttler speadsome dese on purps, wich ed many diansd. th selersok much land rom th indianstobuildhirhouses.20 hata he ndins acion to the ovents acnto movethem off teir orig lan?(b)a hey had o sruggieagas srvationb.they bn o fight tewite etlrs.c. thy elteyangry and ecame ckd. ey istned t

22、o e goernen and mod to new es.passage cientists recntly reealed n stnct n which womea o affeed byhed-vces f technolog. teymad a sei ofexpiments d bvation to detemineowhi ie wome hld teir babie ad why.frst they eermne tht modrn moth end t ho ther baby on the lft.o 15 igt-hnded mothers, 83% ld he baby

23、 on the ft.ad out f2 lef-ane moer, 8% hed thebaby nthe left.as a ontrol, omn ee wached mrging from er- makets carrg bby-sidpackages;the bul erehd itho sie ferce (偏愛)a lage ne ofmotheswho brought rpemures toa follwupcliic wereseento holdherbabie gnst teir rightd.o, 155motrs wo had een sepa- raed r th

24、erbabisr 2 hours rigt ater br wer bservefo hoig rsonse. hxperenters resened thebay drectly o the mdieo he hsbody, and noed tt 3% plae the baby on heleft ad 47n the rht. th uho sgest the mediatyter birt is crcl eio we te imusof holng e bbyrleae cetain mternal rsnshais tsay,hesstha te aby is eter onhe

25、r eft left-hane oldig enable the bab t heartheheatbet, a on assocaed wit th security othe wob. i rder todicoerether hearin t artbeathas a benfcil fct on haby,th undaumneartbt wa led t0 02 babies na nery fo day a control group of babies was no xpose o ertbeats th babie inthxpeimnt group gained more w

26、eight an crie far ss thante babieinhecotro grop.21.whodidnotshowside prefnce or holdng bais?(b)a. th mothes whhaddivorcedfrm their hbands.b. themothrs hohad een eratdfom tei bies fo 24 hors after brt. the mothe whosbbies ha beenplacdin cntrl rops.d.t mohrswo hlivea lxurus lie.22.acording to the pssa

27、e,the tme right afterbrth is importt eas_ d a th mothe cn hear he bs heartea in at prodt mothr is rea atal imetatisthe abys needs.the ay can hear the mohe heartbetd. e moher has istntive eenctood taby on the left wydd th sceist wath wen cming ot o superarkets?(a)a. t se ifhecarrieprces and babis dif

28、ferenlyb. o ee o thy cred thir baies.c. to derinewt heyad boght in e suerarkes. to termine hte hey wereright-hndd r left-aed.4 i the xperiment menioen th s paragrap, 102 bbs wee_ c a.n exposed t hrtbeats pacd-ia nrol roup.eosed o heartbats lkd afteryteir mohrs25.h tendtohod their bbe o the lft accoi

29、n to thxpriment?(c)a efthned wome.b. rg-hanomen. bot right-handed mthers and eft-anded moter. womnwhold rcelson h left.passage three o long as techer fai odtiguih btwen taching an aning, th ill contutundere t do for chdren tatwhich nly chidre an do for temslves achingcilr to rea.d ist pssing edng oo

30、 them it derair ntendlessurpent n acvitis bot eding. dogla nss hatrdng cannot be taught di-rcly and schools shoull so tryigt do theimposible. eaching and aing are t ntirel dffret roees.they diferi kind an fncto. hefunctio of teaching is to ratete conditi nhe climt tawl make i posie fr chldre dee th

31、mosteficent stem for tecingthemel o radl thigs also public tivity:itcan be sen nd observedleanng t read invovell ha eachndiual dos to aeseseo te wold of ritd laguag. almst llo it i privat, orlearning an ocupaton ofthemind, ad tht pocessino opn pubic scrutiny.if ole of ch and arerar not ntrchngeable,

32、 wat ten can b done rougthing that will aid te chil in theques (探索) orknowlege? smhae in- pl ru falteachinructionsma lrnintoread asy. whch meansmin. readin a meaingful, enjoyal andfequent xperienc r hilren. whe th rols of ahr a leaner are sen for wat theyare n hn both eher an earer fulfillthem aprop

33、riatey,hemuco e presre dfeein offilure r bth is eiinad.eaning to ra isadeasier wenteahes cra anni ronmet wrechildn e iene opprtnity tsoe theprobem ofeaning to a yreading.2. acrdin to te pasage, arning to rad will no logrb difficlt taskhen_ a .hldenbecoe hihl mtiateb.rols o eache and learr are itrcha

34、nblecteachn helphildren in te srh for kowledge. readin enrches childrens eperence7. etechin f rdng i be suessfu if (b) . ache ca mprovcndtions atschool fothe uent teacesca enabe studnts t velo theirwn wa o adg.teachers cevise thmos effcient ysem forreadingd. tachrs a akethei technctivities osevabl28

35、 the word scrtiny ( ine3, araraph 3 ) moprobablma b a inqur b seraion ccorl supicn29. the ainid f the assae is _ c . eches hould aslitl as possblein helpngstenslen to d. eacershoud encorstudents o re as idely s possile . reading abilit issometingaured rater thantaught edng is morecomplicate tneneral

36、y believd30. the probemi the reing course asmentione in hfirstparagrah s tat_ d a. tise o h m ificlt scool urssb.stuent ped endess hous i anc. raing task ae sgne with litl guidancd toomuch ti is spentintaching abou eadingpassage furpople ving oparts o he souhoatoenglan face a erioupoblem. i1993,th n

37、ers o a larg hotel and f eveal houss icoerd,totheir horror, that their gar- dehad dpperedoenight. th e hd etenito he sft stone lifs n hich they had been buil whieptswere,studng theproblem, totelnd sevra hosesipperd altgeter, sdig dw he cifan intotsea.erosio (侵蝕)ofthe whie lfs lg the south oast of en

38、nd a lays bee a oblm bt iths becoe more riou n recet yar. dzens of homs eha to be abandone as the sea has rept arter and farthernland expers ave stud the ares mt afeted and have w up amp for lcal eople, orecastng e ear in wich thirhomeswil be slep byte hugy seaangry owes hav caled n hegvernmnt to er

39、ect se dento protet tei ome.govenme surveyo hae ote out at mot case, this isiossible. new sea walls woud ost hundred of millions of pondsan woud merely mae the wesnd rrt go fuheralog h oas, hiftith prle omne area to athr. the danger is lkey to cntue, teysa. tithe wveseach aninlan area of rd rokwhih

40、il n betena imeson imeanwhle, f youwant tobu a caphewth an uncrtan future, apply t ahous aget i oneof he theatened rso the su oastf nlnd. you can et a oue for kcdown prce but tay tur outto b a kockdn home.3he pert std on the prolem f rosion can_ d lead to is eentualsolution. provide an efectivwy to

41、sow itownc help t prvet it from onigd wa eople whose hos are in nge32. h s hecause of t robemha peopleliing on prt the south o of eglan face?(d)a.te isapearance f hels, housdgadens.b. the epers lack ofnowldecth sng ofte sa evl. thewashing-way of limeone liff.33. it ist eaible tobild s deenssprotecta

42、inst eosion because a a.it isoocosld ill endaner neighbring eas hgoernmenis too low in tking actionc. th will beeasily kocke own b wavesan urrentsd. oue aents algh cast d notspot the ia34. the ersionof twhite cliffs ine out of englnd _b a.wllson bec a blem or ple living in central glandb. asnow be atretto the lcal residets is quicky chging the map o engn dcan stoppedifope meaus ar tken3. ording to the athor,hen bying a house alng hesu cost f england,peole sould_ a a. be wareofpontiadager volvedb. guard gnt eing cheated by e


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