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1、教學大綱與課程簡介課 程 號: 07190110課程名稱: 保護生物學周 學 時: 4.0-0.0 學分: 2.0課程類別: 自然科學類預修課程: 植物學、動物學、生態(tài)學、遺傳學面向對象: 生物科學類本科生教學方式: 多媒體投影教學教學目的與基本要求:(限100150字)生物多樣性危機正日益吸引了社會各界的關注,保護生物學是生物學家為解決由于人類活動而使生物多樣性受到極大威脅的問題而逐漸形成的一門新的綜合學科。保護生物學不僅研究物種及其生境所面臨的威脅,還包括采取保護行動,因此它是一門處理危機的決策科學,一門處理統(tǒng)計現象的科學,也是一門價值取向的科學。課程簡介:(限100150字)本課程包括五

2、大部分:概論,生物多樣性所面臨的危機,種群和物種的保護,生態(tài)系統(tǒng)水平的保護,生物多樣性保護和可持續(xù)發(fā)展。通過本課程的學習,使學生掌握保護生物學的范疇和基本原理,熟諳生物多樣性的概念和價值,懂得如何在保護生物學理論的指導下更好地保護生物多樣性,為今后從事相關工作打下堅實的基礎。主要內容及學時分配:第一篇 概論6第一章 什么是保護生物學2第一節(jié) 保護生物學的定義1第二節(jié) 保護生物學的產生與發(fā)展1第二章 什么是生物多樣性4第一節(jié) 生物多樣性的定義和層次3第二節(jié) 生物多樣性的價值1第二篇 生物多樣性的危機10第三章 物種滅絕及其原因4第一節(jié) 物種與物種形成0.5第二節(jié) 物種滅絕速率1第三節(jié) 物種滅絕機

3、制1第四節(jié) 島嶼物種滅絕與島嶼生物地理學0.7第五節(jié) 對滅絕的脆弱性0.8第四章 生物多樣性面臨的脅迫及其原因6第一節(jié) 資源的過度開發(fā)與利用0.5第二節(jié) 生境的破壞0.5第三節(jié) 生境的片斷化1第四節(jié) 生境的退化與污染1第五節(jié) 生物入侵2第六節(jié) 生物安全1第三篇 種群和物種的保護8第五章 小種群問題2第一節(jié) 遺傳變異性的喪失1第二節(jié) 統(tǒng)計變化0.4第三節(jié) 環(huán)境變化與自然災害0.3第四節(jié) 滅絕旋渦0.3第六章 瀕危種的種群生物學3第一節(jié) 自然史和個體生態(tài)學0.5第二節(jié) 種群監(jiān)測0.5第三節(jié) 種群生存力分析0.5第四節(jié) 物種和生態(tài)系統(tǒng)的長期監(jiān)測0.5第五節(jié) 集合種群1第七章 物種保護的措施3第一節(jié)

4、物種受脅等級和保護優(yōu)先序1第二節(jié) 遷地保護策略1第三節(jié) 新種群的建立1第四篇 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)水平的保護5第八章 自然保護區(qū)4第一節(jié) 自然保護區(qū)的基本概念和意義1第二節(jié) 自然保護區(qū)的類型1第三節(jié) 自然保護區(qū)的規(guī)劃1第四節(jié) 自然保護區(qū)的管理0.8第五節(jié) 浙江省自然保護區(qū)簡介0.2第九章 保護區(qū)之外的保護和恢復生態(tài)學1第一節(jié) 問題和價值0.1第二節(jié) 生態(tài)系統(tǒng)管理0.4第三節(jié) 恢復生態(tài)學0.5第五篇 生物多樣性保護與可持續(xù)發(fā)展3第十章 傳統(tǒng)社會與生物多樣性2第一節(jié) 當地人與生物多樣性0.5第二節(jié) 生物多樣性與文化多樣性0.5第三節(jié) 將傳統(tǒng)社會納入生物多樣性保護行動1第十一章 政府與國際行動和立法1第一節(jié) 政

5、府和國際行動0.5第二節(jié) 國際和中國的法規(guī)0.5相關教學環(huán)節(jié)安排:采用多媒體投影教學。周學時4,共8周。在冬學期或春學期進行??荚嚪绞郊耙螅簩W期末就所學內容進行閉卷筆試。推薦教材或參考書:(含教材名,主編,出版社,出版年代)1. 保護生物學基礎,Richard Primack、季維智主編,中國林業(yè)出版社,2000;2. 生物多樣性科學,陳靈芝、馬克平主編,上海科學技術出版社,2001;3. Essential of Conservation Biology. Richard B. Primack. Sinauer Associates, Inc. Publishes, 2002.保護生物學主

6、講教師名單姓 名職 稱聯系電話E-mail或手機備注于明堅副教授88206469丁平教授88206468Teaching Program and Course IntroductionCourse Code: 07190110Course Name: Conservation BiologyPeriod per Week: 4.0-0.0 Course Credit: 2.0Course Category: Natural Sciences(Science and research)The prerequisites: Bo

7、tany, Zoology, Ecology, GeneticesCourse Object: Students majoring Biological ScienceCourse Modus: Multimedia educationCourse Objective and Basic Requirements:(100150 word)Popular interest in protecting the worlds biological diversity-including its amazing ranges of species, its complex biological co

8、mmunities, and the genetics variation within species-has intensified during the last few decades. I has become increasingly evident to both scientists and the general public that we are living in a period of unprecedented biodiversity loss. Conservation biology is a new, integrated science that has

9、developed in response to the desire to face this challenge. It has three goals: first, to document the full range of biological diversity on Earth; second, to invesgate human impact on species, communities, and ecosystems; and third, to develop practical approaches to prvent the extinction of specie

10、s, to maintain genetic variation within species, and to protect and restore biological communities and their associated ecosyatem fuctions.Introduction of the Course:(100150 word)There are five parts in this course: Major Issues that define the discipline, biological diversity crisis, conservation a

11、t the population and species levels, practical applications, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. The students will be familiar with concepts and basic principles of conservation biology, the concepts and value of biodiversity, and how to protect biodiversity after learn the course

12、.Main Contents and Time Allocation:I Major Issues that define the discipline 6hrsChapter 1 What is Conservation Biology? 2hrsDefine of conservation biology 1hrThe origin and development of conservation biology 1hrChapter 2 What is biological diversity? 4hrsDefine and levels of biological diversity 3

13、hrsValues of biological diversity 1hrII Crisis of Biological Diversity 10hrsChapter 3 Species Extinction and Causes 4hrsSpecies and speciation 0.5hrRate of species extinction 1hrMechanism of species extinction 1 hrSpecies extinction in islands and island biogeography 0.7hrVulnerability to extinction

14、 0.8hrChapter 4 Threats to Biological Diversity and causes 6hrsExcess exploitation and use of resourse 0.5hrHabitat destruction 0.5hrHabitat fragmentation 1hrHabitat degradation and pollution 1hrBiological invasion 2hrsBiological safety 1hrIII Conservation at the Population and Species Levels 8hrsCh

15、apter 5 Problems of Small Populations 2hrsLoss of genetic variability 1hrDemographic variatio 0.4hrEnvironmental variation and natural catastrophes 0.3hrExtinction vortices 0.3hrChapter 6 Population Biology of Endangered Species 3hrsNatural history and autoecology 0.5hrMonitoring populations 0.5hrPo

16、pulation Viability Analysis 0.5hrLong-term monitoring of species and ecosystems 0.5hrMetapopultaio 1hrChapter 6 Approaches to protecting populations 3hrsPriorities for protecting 1hrEx Situ conservation 1hrEstablishing new population 1hrIV Conservation at the Scosystem Level 5hrsChapter 6 Natural Re

17、serve 4hrsConcepts and significance of natural reserve 1hrTypes of natural reserve 1hrPlanning natural reserve 1hrManaging natural reserve 0.8hrNatural reserves in Zhejiang Province 0.2hrChapter 6 Conservation out Natural Reserves and Restoration Ecology 1hrProblems and values 0.1hrEcosystem managem

18、ent 0.4hrRestoration ecology 0.5hrV Biodiversity conservation and sustainable development 3hrsChapter 7 Traditional Society and Biological Diversity 2hrsAboriginals and biological diversity 0.5hrBiological and cultural diversity 0.5hrIncluding traditional society to biodiversity conservation 1hrChapter 8 Government and International Action and Legslation 1hrGovernment and international action 0.5hrInternational and Chinese ru


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