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1、Unit 2 cloning,Which ones are natural clones? Which ones are man-made? How do they differ.,Warming up,A strawberry plant,Natural clone,Growing new plants,Natural clone is one that occurs in a natural form of cloning without human help.,Man-made clone is one that produced through human intervention(介

2、入) .,Dolly the sheep,She was cloned while the others were born naturally. In other word, Dolly was a _ sheep.,cloned,How does Dolly differ from other sheep?,Pre-reading add your questions to the list,Question list about cloning What is a clone? How is a clone produced ? What benefits can humans gain

3、 from cloning? What problems may arise when humans are cloned? 5. 6. ,CLONING: WHERE IS IT LEADING US?,Predict: To which question from our list the answer might be found in this passage?,Fast reading3 mins,2. Outline key word for each paragraph Para. 1 _ Para. 2 _ Para. 3 _ Para. 4 _ Para. 5 _,Read

4、for Main idea of the passage,Introduction/ definition,Uses and breakthrough,Problems of Dolly,the Impact of cloning,Peoples reaction to cloning,The main idea of the text is_ A. animal cloning is very valuable and can benefit the world. B. animal cloning could be misused by bad people so it must be f

5、orbidden C. animal cloning is well developed because Dolly the sheep was born. D. animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future.,main idea,1.Dolly the sheep_. A. looked exactly like the sheep that provides the egg. B. was the exact copy of the sheep that provides the n

6、ucleus. C. looked like the sheep that gave birth to it. D. had the characteristics of all three sheep.,Reading II Skimming ( 5ms ),Choose the right answer according to the text.,2. It can be inferred from the passage that a cloned animal_. A. usually lives as long as the original one B. usually live

7、s longer than the original one C. usually lives longer than the original one D. is usually as healthy as the original one,3. The sheep that donated the somatic cell most probably lived _ years. A. 3 B. 6 C. 9 D. 12,4. Which of the following is not an advantage of cloning? Cloning can be used for med

8、ical purposes. Large quantities of food can be produced by cloning. Cloning can help keep animals from becoming extinct. Famous persons who have passed away can be cloned.,5. In the second paragraph, the word “straightforward” means _. A. uncomplicated B. honest C. frank D.difficult,6. Which of the

9、follow is NOT a problem or danger of cloning according to the text? Cloned Bin Ladens would do harm to the world. B. Animal clones may develop the illness of older animals and may die younger than the donor animals. C. There are moral objections to cloning human beings. D. Too much cloning may lead

10、to the destruction of the balance of nature.,Cloning is a way of making an exact copy of another animal and plant.,What is cloning ?,Cloning happens both in _ and in_. They can be cloned by _ and _.,plants,animals,themselves,humans,Natural clone,Man-made clone,Para 1,fill the blanks,Intensive Readin

11、g,1.How many major uses do cloning have? Firstly, commercial Secondly, research 2. When was the cloning of Dolly the sheep born? Why did the scientists succeed in cloning it?,Para 2 Read together,1996. It was their determination and patience that paid off.,The major uses and breakthrough of cloning,

12、At first, the fact that Dolly developed _ in a natural way was _. Later, the news _she lived for six years, half the length of the life of the _ one was _. Finally, the problem that occurred to the scientists was that a cloned animal lives_ than the original one.,Para 3,The problems of Dolly,normall

13、y,encouraging,orginal,that,disturbing,shorter,read freely,1. The fact that she seemed to develop normally was very encouraging. 2. Then came the disturbing news that Dolly had become seriously ill.,Appositive clause,We can infer from the last three paragraphs that _. The normal development of Dolly

14、had no effect on the cloning of other species. B. Dollys serious disease and final death disturbed the whole world. C. Dolly successfully cloned a new lamb with the help of cloning scientists. D. There were arguments about animals about animal cloning and concerns about the future of cloning.,Para 4

15、& 5,The impact and peoples reaction to cloning,the author does not state any personal opinion about cloning.,A. Objective (be fair) B. Negative (be against it) C. Positive (be in favor of it),The writers attitude towards cloning,Because_,Homework,1. 創(chuàng)新作業(yè)本 period I 2. Finish Ex.1,2,3, Page12.,我國成功繁殖克隆兔 體形要比普通兔大許多,2002年5月中旬成功地繁殖了一只胚胎細(xì)胞克隆兔。,第一只克隆寵物貓,克隆馬及其“母親兼姐姐”,2002年4月十六日美國第一頭克隆?!鞍住碑a(chǎn)下牛犢喜作媽咪,克隆的熒光小豬(左)和正常小豬(右),A strawberry plant,The n


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