美國歷屆總統(tǒng)簡介:第31任總統(tǒng) 赫伯特-克拉克-胡佛_第1頁
美國歷屆總統(tǒng)簡介:第31任總統(tǒng) 赫伯特-克拉克-胡佛_第2頁
美國歷屆總統(tǒng)簡介:第31任總統(tǒng) 赫伯特-克拉克-胡佛_第3頁




1、美國歷屆總統(tǒng)簡介:第31任總統(tǒng) 赫伯特?克拉克?胡佛 herbert clark hoover was the 31st president of the united states, serving between 1929 and 1933. he was born in iowa in 1874. his father was a blacksmith. he enrolled at stanford university when it opened in 1891,and graduated as a mining engineer. he married his stanford

2、sweetheart, lou henry, and they went to china, where he worked for a private corporation as chinas leading engineer.赫伯特克拉克胡佛是美國第31任總統(tǒng),任期為1929年至1933年。1874年,胡佛出生于愛荷華州。他的父親是一名鐵匠工人。斯坦福大學建于1891年,胡佛曾就讀于這所學校,畢業(yè)后,他成為了一名采礦工程師。胡佛與他斯坦福的同學-羅亨利結(jié)婚,并前往中國,并在一家私人公司工作,作為中國主要的工程師。one week before hoover celebrated his

3、40th birthday in london, germany declared war on france, and the american consul general asked his help in getting stranded tourists home. in six weeks his committee helped 120,000 americans return to the united states. next hoover turned to a far more difficult task, to feed belgium, which had been

4、 overrun by the german army.就在胡佛在倫敦慶祝他40歲生日的前一周,德國對法國宣戰(zhàn),美國總領(lǐng)事要求他幫助受困美國游客回國。在六周的時間內(nèi),他的委員會幫助12萬美國人返回了美國。之后,胡佛又接管了更為棘手的任務,向比利時提供食品補給,當時比利時已經(jīng)被德國軍隊所控。after the united states entered the war, president wilson appointed hoover as the head of the food administration. he succeeded in cutting consumption of f

5、oods needed overseas and avoided rationing at home, yet kept the allies fed. he then served as secretary of commerce under presidents harding and coolidge. hoover became the republican presidential nominee and won the 1928 election.美國參戰(zhàn)之后,威爾遜總統(tǒng)任命胡佛為糧食總署署長。他成功地削減了軍隊在國外的消量,并避免了國內(nèi)的配給。同時保證了同盟國的食品補給。哈定總統(tǒng)

6、以及柯立芝總統(tǒng)在位時,他擔任了商務部長。之后,胡佛成為了共和黨候選人,并贏得了1928年的總統(tǒng)大選。the wall street crash of 1929 struck less than eight months into his term. he created many projects to tryand end the great depression, such as the hoover dam. he cut taxes and increased public spending. none of this produced economic recovery. as a result, hoover is ranked poorly among former presidents. after worldwar ii, he was a fierce opponent of communism. he died in 1964 at the age of 90.1929年,在他擔任總統(tǒng)不到8個月時,華爾街爆發(fā)了股災。他運用


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