1、雅思小作文提分小技巧 雅思小作文提分第一步 ,題干重述要做好,今天就給大家?guī)砹搜潘夹∽魑奶岱值谝徊?,希望能夠幫助到大家,下面就和大家分享,來欣賞一下吧。雅思小作文提分第一步 題干重述要做好劍3真題:the graph blew shows the unemployment rates in the us and japan between march 1993 and march 1999.以上這句話是考試時所給的題干,很多沒有經(jīng)過培訓的考生看到這種題干就會照抄,這樣做當然會扣分。因此,我們在備考時,大家需要總結(jié)這樣的題干應(yīng)該如何去改寫,如總結(jié)題干中的show我們應(yīng)該怎么處理,題干中的時間表
2、達between march 1993 and march 1999應(yīng)該如何去改寫。雅思小作文題干重述之高階版the graph indicates the jobless rates in the us and japan from march 1993 to march 1999.大家會發(fā)現(xiàn),高分同學的改法,基本將原來的題干主語,謂語,和賓語部分都做了改寫,并同時保持語法正確,語意沒有變化,句型精練不羅嗦。將原來的show改成了indicate并注意加了第三人稱s。尤其需注意的是,高分同學需要考慮失業(yè)率the unemployment rates如何去改寫更好,讓自己的語言盡可能地道。但是
3、,很多同學為了追求華麗用詞,反而會越改越錯,如果實在吃不準自己的用詞,建議不要作太大改動,將能改動的時間和show盡可能改掉,其余的還是保留,尤其是只需要考5.5分就夠了的同學。畢竟讓考官看懂你在寫什么,才是最重要的。雅思小作文題干重述之基本版the(line可加也可以不加)graph indicates(這個詞大家背一下誰都能會,因此還是改了)the unemployment(這個詞不會改,那就放著不要動)rates in the us and japan from march 1993 to march 1999.(最后時間fromto改寫難度不大,因此改掉)雖然改動得不多,不能加太多分,
4、但是畢竟沒有錯誤,這樣可以保住開頭第一句不錯,至少語法分是不會被扣了??荚嚂r,大家可根據(jù)自己的水平,衡量采取哪個版本,但是在平時,我們還是應(yīng)該多積累高分版本的改法。雅思小作文題干重述之低分版反面教材,請大家引以為戒,不要犯類似錯誤。the graph below show the unemployment rate in the us and japan during 7 years from march 1993 to march 1999.不知道細心的同學有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn),這個開頭存在很多小錯誤,下面我們來簡單分析一下。雅思小作文題干重述常見錯誤一:below這個below其實是不用寫的,大家想
5、一下,考官出題的時候題干下面放了一張圖。但考生在寫作文的時候,*下面有圖嗎?因此這個below建議去掉。雅思小作文題干重述常見錯誤二:show很多語法不好的同學一定要注意,這個詞粗看好像沒有什么問題,很多同學看到這個詞,以為它是錯在照抄了題干。其實不然,細心的同學會發(fā)現(xiàn)這句話主語是the graph第三人稱單數(shù),而謂語動詞寫的卻是show, 犯了最基本的語法錯誤,應(yīng)該改為shows。雅思小作文題干重述常見錯誤三:句子中將年份數(shù)錯考生誤以為93年也算一年,因此算成了7年,這個大家一定要小心,其實跨度是6年。另外,時間狀語完全可以寫得簡單一點,不需要添加during.years??梢詫⑦@個“在.年
6、間”(during.years)放在第二句話的開頭,用來引出第一段第二句話的總趨勢(overview)。例如:the graph indicates the jobless rates in the us and japan from march 1993 to march 1999. over the span of six years(在總的六年間)the us rate experienced a downward trend while japan saw an opposite trend.雅思小作文題干重述常見形式:1. 如果表格的數(shù)據(jù)較多,我們就可以這樣改寫:the table
7、gives information about.the table provides the details regarding the underground rail way systems in six cities. (注意:這里六個城市沒有必要一個一個寫出來)2. 直接描述比例或數(shù)量the chart shows the percentage of british households with a range of consumer durables from 1972 to 1983.3. 遇到地圖題或流程圖我們可以這樣改:the diagram illustrates how
8、the village changed from 1970 to 2000.雅思大作文結(jié)尾段怎么寫?3招教你安天下雅思大作文結(jié)尾段怎么寫招式一:回答問題 answer the question范例1:when a country develops its technology; the traditional skills and ways of life die out.it is pointless to try and keep them alive.to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?in conclusi
9、on, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good, i think it is by no means pointless, in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with technology.we should not ignore technology, because it can be our friend and support our way of life.這個結(jié)尾段落明確的提出了自己的觀點,不是所有的科技都是好的,但是科技也不是完全沒有用處的。雅思大作
10、文結(jié)尾段怎么寫招式二:不要添加新的信息 not apply any new information范例2:happiness is considered to be very important in life.why is it difficult to define? what factors are important in achieving happiness?like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but i think these are the two factors that may be th
11、e most important for achieving happiness.用1句話明確自己的觀點,幸福很難定義,可能有兩個因素起到作用。雅思大作文結(jié)尾段怎么寫招式三:2-3個句子為宜 2-3 sentences are enoughsome people believe that childrens leisure activities must be educational; otherwise they are a complete waste of time.do you agree or disagree?finally, i think it is also importan
12、t to remember that children need to relax as well as work.if everything they do must have some educational or academic relevance, then they will soon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last thing parents would want.2句話,作者的態(tài)度很明確,學生不可能花所有的時間去學習,否者就會完全失去對學習的興趣,所以也應(yīng)該給學生一些放松的時間。一般在結(jié)尾段的最開始部分,考
13、生就應(yīng)該給考官一個明確的信號詞,讓考官了解*已經(jīng)進入尾聲了。這里所謂的信號詞就是一些結(jié)尾段的套句:信號詞:finally, to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, therefore, thus, overall句型:1. it can be concluded that2. we can find that3. i think it is also important to remember that4. the main point is to make sure that5. i believe that/ personally, i think that
14、/ i would say that/ i agree that/ my view is that雅思大作文結(jié)尾段之可采用的技巧1.總結(jié)式(重述前文)把在前文中的觀點在結(jié)尾段進行重述,但是不能出現(xiàn)與開頭段或者題目中的單詞重復。in many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.what do you think are the cause of this?what solutions can you suggest?perhaps parenting classes are needed to help t
15、hem to do this, and high quality nursery schools could be established that would support families more in terms of raising the next generation.the government should fund this kind of parental support, because this is no longer a problem for individual families, but for society as a whole.把solutions進
16、行的簡單的再次描寫-父母、好的托兒所、政府的資金扶助。.owadays we are producing more and more rubbish.why do you think this is happening? what can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?i think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general public.children can be educated about
17、environmental issues at school, but adults need to take action.governments can encourage such action by putting taxes on packaging, such as plastic bags, by providing recycling services and by fining households and shops that do not attempt to recycle their waste.重述上文的內(nèi)容,由政府采取措施提高意識(children adult)-
18、具體措施(提高價格、循環(huán)利用、罰款)2.兩分式把*涉及到的主題人或者物分成兩種,對其進行分別的說明。in many countries children are engaged in some kind of paid work.some people regard this ad completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking responsibility.what are your opinions on this?nevert
19、heless, in better economic circumstances, few parents would choose to send their children out to full-time paid work.if learning responsibilities and work experience are considered to be important, then children can acquire these by having light, part-time jobs or even doing tasks such as helping th
20、eir parents around the family home, which are unpaid, but undoubtedly of value in childrens development.對于有錢的家庭而言,家長很少送小孩去做童工;如果是為了錢或者其他,可做兼職。.ome people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change.others, however, think that change is always a good thing.discuss both these
21、 views and give your own opinion.in conclusion, i would say that change can be stimulating and energizing for individuals when they pursue it themselves, but that all change, including that which is imposed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes.如果是人們自己的選擇那么改變是一件好的事情,但如果是被強加于身,改變則不會帶來任何可
22、喜的效果。3.折中式很難判斷in conclusion, i do not think其中到底誰占據(jù)主導地位,或者什么是最重要的,兩者是缺一不可的,需共同存在。research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life.that either nature or nurture is the major influence o
23、n a person, but that both have powerful effects.how these factors interact is still unknown today and they remain largely unpredictable in a persons life.兩者是缺一不可的,天賦和后天培養(yǎng)同等重要。4.轉(zhuǎn)折對比式提出另一種群體,與之相比,會產(chǎn)生什么效果來支持自己的觀點。successful sports professionals can earn a great deal of more money than people in other
24、important professionals.some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair.personally, i think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on spor
25、t than on more essential professions and achievements.把運動員與其他方面的工作人員進行對比比上不足比下有余。雅思寫作大作文批改示例:政府類話題作文目是:in some cities, the governments have tried to reduce traffic. for instance, they imposed a congestion tax during rush hours. do you think this development is positive or negative?適合人群:作文萬年5.5語法較好但找
27、這件事已經(jīng)做了,你來評價有效沒有”,而不是“有人建議應(yīng)該做這件事,你來預測下有效沒有”。所以恰當?shù)母膶懯恰皌herefore,the government has chosen to levy congestion taxation on those who drive during peak time.”【3】不亮明自己的觀點,只改寫下題目就不管了:一定要在首段亮明觀點,樹立好標桿,讓考官直截了當get到你的核心看法!就算還沒有確定是支持還是否定,最能給考官留下好印象的辦法是寫“the pros and cons of this policy will be briefly spelled
28、out below”。佳琪:there is no denying that traffic problem has become a serious issue in china【1】, especially in recent years. during rush hours, traffic jam can be easily found in many roads. so some people suggestedthat【2】 government should impose a congestion tax during rush hours.主體段【4】在主體段仍然大篇幅介紹話題
29、背景,遲遲不亮明自己的觀點并展開論述?!?】跑題,沒有抓住真正有爭議的地方:收稅能不能減少交通堵塞還不知道呢,就開始說收稅使交通堵塞減少之后的好處:減少廢氣和噪聲污染,對人們健康好/給人們節(jié)省時間,他們可以更好地工作學習/減少車禍,讓人們更安全請問這是默認了收稅就可以減少交通堵塞嗎?憑什么?!佳琪(主1):with the development of economic, people are increasingly migrating to big cities, the city where people live is getting larger and they may spend
30、 more time on commute. so more and more people bought cars to go to work, the continuous increase in the average of the car seems to have become a worldwide problem【4】. in rush hours, imposing a congestion tax can reduce traffic jam, because more people would get up early to take bus and subway. to
31、some extent, this policy can make city moreenvironmentally friendly. moreover ,with the congestion tax being imposed, drivers will pay more attention to traffic information, they will try their best to prevent traffic jam and drive away from the citys main roads. when the city traffic jam gets less,
32、 workers can spend less time on the road, and can do a lot of useful things in the works on companion with their family【5】.teamo(主1): the administrations imposing a traffic jam tax can bring some benefits to us. for government it can add revenue, than they can use the revenue to build public infrast
33、ructure. for citizens, it can make us healthy or safe. by imposing tax ,the use of car will reduce ,then the air pollution would get improved . it will cut down the harmful to our lungs. at the same time, it can slow down the rate of traffic accident【5】.【6】通篇在支持“政府的確減少交通擁堵”,對tax能不能減少擁堵視而不見:題目問this d
34、evelopment是積極還是消極的,很多寶寶的問題就在于不知道this development到底是哪個development(是事件1“reduce traffic”還是事件2“impose tax”)。那么你反過來想想,減少交通擁堵難道是一件壞事?sherry(主1): too many cars have an adverse impact on the environment. the emission of greenhouse gases have risen temperatures and caused smoggy days .therefore, it is more e
35、asy for people to suffer from air pollution and get diseases .the noise pollution is also a disturbing factor .i think most of us may have experienced that we were awakened by it in the morning.【6】【7】不理解讓步段使用對比手法的精髓,對比搞錯主體,羅列觀點自說自話a.事情沒有絕對的不好,只有在哪種情況下/對哪一類人群的、相對的壞,所以要削弱a的有效性,講“b有而a沒有的”,如“只是收稅,而不改善公共
36、交通的效率,就無法吸引大家去乘公交,所以他們依然會愿意駕車,擁堵還是解決不了”,而不能像列清單一樣地說政府應(yīng)該做b因為b好。b.前面你支持的是“政府收稅在.的情況下的確可以減少擁堵”,那么提出其他措施時就應(yīng)該說“還有其他方面政府應(yīng)該做,這些方面比收稅更能減少擁堵”,而很多寶寶卻寫成:個人也應(yīng)該做的能減少交通堵塞的事/能減少環(huán)境污染的其他措施。拿驢頭對馬嘴,大錯特錯!teamo(主2): meanwhile ,i think governments also can take some other measures to reduce car use . firstly ,they can bu
37、ilding up public transports to reduce the use of private cars. secondly, limiting the license plate number is another way to reduce traffic. thirdly,the government could raise environmental awareness amongst the general public , appealing citizens to reduce the use of car【7a】.玥兒(主2):there are also o
38、ther ways, which are more beneficial to our environment 【7b】as well as solving the growing traffic. firstly, traffic law plays an important role to regulate cars. for example, car lottery makes a huge difference on traffic condition, especially in the big cities like beijing or shanghai. only a few lucky people have rights to buy a car and at least one day a week they are not allowed to drive on the street. whats more, individuals should increase their traffic awareness, instead of shrinking their society responsibilities. people can also turn to some space-saving tr
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