SCI(圖像-計算機視覺-測量)(SCI (image - computer vision - measurement))_第1頁
SCI(圖像-計算機視覺-測量)(SCI (image - computer vision - measurement))_第2頁
SCI(圖像-計算機視覺-測量)(SCI (image - computer vision - measurement))_第3頁
SCI(圖像-計算機視覺-測量)(SCI (image - computer vision - measurement))_第4頁
SCI(圖像-計算機視覺-測量)(SCI (image - computer vision - measurement))_第5頁
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1、SCI(圖像-計算機視覺-測量)(SCI (image - computer vision - measurement))Pattern analysis and machine intelligence (PAMI) top levelInternational Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)SIAM Journal on Imaging SciencesPattern Recognition (PR) 2.509 highThe IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING 2 2.936 (TIP) is high(not

2、e: IEEE T PAMI, INT J COMPUTER VISION ii IEEE T IMAGE PROCESSSION, pattern recognition)1. CVIU: Computer Vision and Image Understanding 1.85 (old magazine, but the review period is long and cautious)2. Image and Vision Computing (IVC) 1.592 (the journal of personal feelings comparison, in CV, not as

3、 good as CVIU, but good, better than PRL)3. Pattern Recognition letters (PRL) 1.191 (root)4. The International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 0.6075. Optical Engineering 0.778 (square root)6. IET Computer Vision 0.684 (the review period is long and the factor is still low

4、, and it is not easy to get to)7. IET Image Processing 0.765 review is too slow!8. Pattern Analysis and Applications 1.043 (for half a year, it has been With Editor status and has not been shown into any review process)9. The offer OF employment notice in June after modification OF the JOURNAL OF VI

5、SUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION 1.183 is not too long. It is easy to submit the report for a year or more10. Signal Processing: Image Communication 1.206 is easy to be in, the review cycle is six months to a year11. Signal Image and Video Processing, 0.589 easy to be in, review time six

6、months to a year, EI retrieval12. Journal of digital imaging 1.121 medicine, which has a low impact factor and is easy to get attention to13. Journal of vlsi signal processing systems for signal image and video 0.609 influence factors are low, easy to be in, the audit cycle is over a year14. The ACM

7、 Transactions on Applied Perception 3 district 1.19 is very rare, English requirement is high15.Com puter Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU) 3 district 1.85 very good journal, the various directions of CV can be cast. Between 2 and 3, its a very good journal. The probability is greater than 20%,

8、but less than 40%; Suitable for Computer Vision and application. (CVGIP: Image Understanding)16. The Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (JVCIR) 3 1.182 is slower, but it seems to be a good sign.17. The Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 3 1.371 have no known Journal, wh

9、ich is more than Mathematical derivation. The impact factor is not high, which is not easy18.The Journal of Electronic Imaging JEI 4 0.538 is faster and the image processing aspect is still very high for the completeness of the research (from theory to experiment)Applied optics 3 1.748 (square root)

10、20. Science China - Technological Sciences Chinese 40.76721. Science China - Information Sciences Chinese 4. 51622. CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, 4 0.14723. - - INFRARED AND MILLIMETER WAVES China INFRARED AND MILLIMETER wave 4 0.34724 International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology 4 0.70

11、5 influence factors are low, easy to be in, the review cycle is six months to a yearThe International Journal of Remote Sensing 3 1.131 Remote Sensing is not suitable for image processing26 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 1 4.578 super cow mathematics, image, pattern recognition periodicals, genera

12、lly people forget27 Pattern Analysis & Applications 4 1.043 no known journals. The influence factor is not high, the influence is small, the review time is over a year, but easy to make.28 Signal Processing 3 1.34 the reviewer level of this journal is not at the level of the level of the reviewer, a

13、nd it is possible to kneel directly, hit half a bottle of water directly, and directly over the waterIn general, SIGNAL PROCESSING - IMAGE COMMUNICATION 3 1.206 is still good, and the retrieval factor of this periodical is constantly improving.30 IEEE Signal Processing Letters 3 1.242 doesnt feel gr

14、eat! The result of the paper is that the innovation is new, the writing needs to be professional!31 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 1 4.991 know it, its awesome32 Machine Vision and Applications 3 1.17 are very wide and can be used in the application of image-related Applications. The journal is bia

15、sed towards engineering Applications. Its pretty easy. But its passed without modification. (fx)33 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2 2.064 belong to the Video processing and communication field of influential Journal, influencing factors to maintain around 234 IEEE Tra

16、nsactions on Multimedia 3 1.848 the top journals in Multimedia, the review speed is very fast, generally 2 months. There are many people in China35 Journal of real-time Image Processing 4 0.991 (square root)36 JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA a-optics IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION 3 1.723 focus

17、on OPTICS, physics, medical IMAGE processing, etc37 Medical Image Analysis 1 3.96 Medical Image processing, excellent journal, top journals in Medical Image processing38 the IEEE ComputationalThe Magazine 2 2.965 super difficult to contribute, basically is monopolized by the cow, dont think39. The i

18、nfluential factors of COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE 2 2.351 fluctuate a lot.Not easy, computer field40 information processing letters 4 0.661 computer field, including short essays, slow review, rapid publication, low impact factor of 0.5 or so, large amount of work, easy to publish, and generally 3 to

19、 6 months of review cycle41 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4 0.607 EI compendex, sci, the review time is over a year or two42 Journal of Logic and Computation 4 0.662 influencing factors, 0.789, SCI retrieval43 Journal of Signal Processing Systems for Signal

20、 Image and Video Technology44 COMPUTER METHODS IN APPLIED MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING 2 2.181 influence factors are low, but still need a certain level to be able to cast, the review 2 - 4 weeks, SCI, EI retrieval45 IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 4 0.283 review time 2 - 4 weeks, easy to

21、 be in, the influence factor small, relatively cold door, the attention number is small, the author has a must be the member (square root)JOURNAL OF VISION 3, 075 medicineMEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS 4 1.225 medicineIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MEDICAL IMAGING 2 3.607 medicine49 IEEE COMPUTER GRAPHICS AND A

22、PPLICATIONS 3 1.64 graphic GRAPHICS50 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2 2.16251 International Journal of Remote Sensing 3 1.13152 COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM 3 1.59853 IET Signal Processing 4 0.66954 IET Information Security 4 0.632IETE Technical Review 4 0.39IETE Journal of Res

23、earch 4 0.13557 Vision Research 3 2.345 (?) medical58 Theoretical Computer Science 4 0.81559 Digital Signal Processing 3 1.3244 1.225 lay particular stress on 60 COMPUTERIZED MEDICAL IMAGING AND GRAPHICS, MEDICAL image processing methods of theoretical analysis AND application of peer review cycles

24、are usually in 2-4 months, image processing, signal processing AND computer vision field is medium of a journal61 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENt 3 1.115 is very strict AND focuses ON solving practical problems. It requires theoretical support AND experimental results support, w

25、hich is very high from the actual value of the paperIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONSUMER ELECTRONICS 4. 98 CONSUMER ELECTRONICSChinese Optics Letters 4. 822 physical classes64 IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 3 1.835 Information Security field, CCF delimited top journals, extremely difficult. Rarely in China.


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