推進河北省市場化節(jié)能減排的政策建議(Policy suggestions on promoting energy saving and emission reduction in Hebei)_第1頁
推進河北省市場化節(jié)能減排的政策建議(Policy suggestions on promoting energy saving and emission reduction in Hebei)_第2頁
推進河北省市場化節(jié)能減排的政策建議(Policy suggestions on promoting energy saving and emission reduction in Hebei)_第3頁
推進河北省市場化節(jié)能減排的政策建議(Policy suggestions on promoting energy saving and emission reduction in Hebei)_第4頁
推進河北省市場化節(jié)能減排的政策建議(Policy suggestions on promoting energy saving and emission reduction in Hebei)_第5頁
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1、推進河北省市場化節(jié)能減排的政策建議(Policy suggestions on promoting energy saving and emission reduction in Hebei)Abstract: the experiences of the European Union, Japan, the United States and other developed countries in energy saving and emission reduction provide a lot of enlightenment for the implementation of mar

2、ket-oriented energy-saving emission reduction in Hebei province. Hebei province should further establish and improve the promotion of energy-saving emission reduction market access mechanism, trading mechanism and exit mechanism, perfect the relevant laws and regulations, perfect service system, bui

3、ld the propaganda system, promoting energy-saving emission reduction market smoothly.Key words: Hebei province; energy saving and emission reduction; low carbon economyCLC number: F407.1, document identification code: A, article number: 1003-3890 (2010) 09-0092-05I. energy saving and emission reduct

4、ion in Hebei ProvinceIn recent years, Hebei has actively implemented energy-saving emission reduction, and adopted relevant measures to make energy-saving emission reduction work achieved some success, but there are also many problems, mainly in the following five aspects.1., great administrative ef

5、forts. Whether such regulations, or implementation of the program, a clear energy-saving emission reduction target responsibility system in Hebei Province, into the cadre performance evaluation evaluation system, and the implementation of a veto, is directly related to the appointment and dismissal

6、of cadres, rewards and punishment clear, strict measures, basic to establish target responsibility system as the core, layers of implementation of energy-saving emission reduction promoting mechanism, fully to mobilize the enthusiasm of the leading cadres at all levels.2., the use of economic means

7、less. Despite the clear principles of market access and the direction of industrial structure adjustment, but the lack of detailed system of Finance and taxation, finance, land and other related policies; mainly rely on administrative supervision and management in the enterprise energy saving behavi

8、or, lack of interest driven mechanism; enterprise products, elimination of delisting also depends mainly on the administrative means, the lack of economic necessary incentive mechanism.3. weak policy implementation measures. Although issued such regulations, license management comprehensive implemen

9、tation plan and project limits approved ban batch system of laws and regulations and policy measures, but the lack of operability, the system with the supporting policies, regulations and policies to implement the implementation is not in place, the effect is not obvious, high cost, low efficiency o

10、f implementation.4., enterprises lack initiative. Due to resource prices did not straighten out, punitive policies, incentive policies, leading enterprises in energy saving and emission reduction of high cost, low income, lack of innovation motivation, lack of enthusiasm of energy saving initiatives

11、; the enterprise energy saving and emission reduction assessment measures defects, unfairness, encourage backward whipping fast cattle in the actual operation. Affected the enthusiasm of advanced energy saving enterprises.5., low degree of public participation. Energy saving and emission reduction i

12、s a common people, the benefit of future generations of the Enze complex, merit engineering, is also a system to social engineering, cannot do without public participation and public understanding and support. In the current policies and measures for energy conservation and emission reduction, the p

13、ublic guidance is still at the level of publicity and education, the lack of necessary interest guidance mechanism and compulsory punishment measures. Lack of normal citizen participation and supervision channels for the formulation and implementation of energy conservation and emission reduction po

14、licy has not yet formed an effective social supervision mechanism.Two, the experience and Enlightenment of energy-saving emission reduction in developed countriesInvestigating the experiences and practices of the EU, Japan, the United States and other developed countries in energy saving and emissio

15、n reduction can bring the following three lessons for the energy saving and emission reduction work in Hebei province.1., government led and market-oriented operation simultaneously, so that enterprises truly become the first implementation of energy-saving emission reduction. The developed countrie

16、s are mainly carrying out energy conservation and emission reduction under the framework of the Kyoto protocol. As the treaty is an intergovernmental convention, the contracting government is in the position of the first responsible person. The developed countries signed a detailed programme of work

17、 for the completion of the energy conservation and emission reduction targets stipulated in the treaty. Such as the Italy government in 1998 established the inter ministerial working group formulated the national energy plan, the financial and tax policy and other aspects of energy saving and emissi

18、on reduction of the tilt, the 2007 budget is to increase the tilt, support measures is also more comprehensive system.The United States as a non signatory has promulgated the twenty-first Century clean energy, energy efficiency and Renewable Energy Office of strategic plan, national energy policy mo

19、re than 10 policies to promote energy conservation, and in May 2001 established the national energy policy development group. However, the government does not mean to achieve the purpose of energy saving government blanket, through a simple administrative order, but give full play to the leverage of

20、 fiscal policy, with the price mechanism, resource saving protocol, emissions trading system and so on, let the invisible hand to guide enterprises to consciously energy-saving emission reduction, to enable enterprises to truly become the first implementation of the main energy saving and emission r

21、eduction the.2. industrial policies and emissions trading simultaneously, energy-saving emission reduction has become a trade opportunity. In order to achieve emission reduction targets, the EU three countries from scratch on the industrial level emission reduction, and the other hand from the marke

22、t level of emissions trading. Emission trading has made energy-saving emission reduction a win-win business opportunity, which can reduce resistance and achieve the goal effectively and flexibly. The EU emissions trading is mainly divided into two categories: one is the establishment of the EU emiss

23、ions trading system (EUETS), the EU enterprises can buy carbon emission targets within this framework, the EU 1 tons of carbon dioxide emissions in the price of 20 euros 30 euros, the transaction amount of $20 billion; the other is a clean development mechanism (CDM), is the main project of cooperat

24、ion between developed and developing countries. The method is developed countries to help developing countries to reduce carbon dioxide emissions of 1 tons of carbon dioxide, you can get 1 tons of carbon dioxide emissions in your country. This way the EU countries cut their emissions by half. The EU

25、 is now working extensively with CDM projects in developing countries. In June 2007, the European Unions largest CDM project, China Europe CDM project, was launched in china.3., both legal norms and public participation, so that energy-saving emission reduction has become a conscious action of the w

26、hole society. Perfect laws and regulations and strict implementation measures are important safeguards for developed countries to promote energy conservation and emission reduction programs. However, people set up the awareness of energy saving and emission reduction, and actively participate in ene

27、rgy conservation activities, strengthen the supervision of the behavior of enterprise production, the national energy-saving emission reduction actions by laws and regulations constraints, market driven interest gradually turned to morality, conscience dictates, will greatly reduce the energy saving

28、 and emission reduction of administrative costs, legal costs and market transaction cost. The consciousness of energy saving and emission reduction is an important embodiment of national quality. It is of far-reaching significance to strengthen publicity and advocate comprehensively. The Cabinet Off

29、ice of Japan began the nationwide energy saving campaign in October 2003, encouraging people to participate in activities such as resource recycling and waste reduction. In addition, in to prevent global warming, the large-scale national movement, as of March 2007, Japan has 1 million 100 thousand p

30、eople, more than 11000 enterprises and groups to participate. This shows that many Japanese nationals from their own start, and actively participate in, and promote energy-saving emission reduction work. The European national energy-saving emission reduction efforts, and the people and enterprises a

31、re very understanding, some are even willing to higher price to buy 20% of the price of green electricity, thanks to this aspect of some EU countries the implementation mechanism of wages and the cost of living index linked, so that people have as much as possible to reduce the expenditure burden; o

32、n the other hand the government also pay attention to publicity and education results.Three. Exploration and practice of energy saving and emission reduction in ChinaAs early as 1980s, China has actively explored market-oriented energy-saving emission reduction, mainly divided into the following fou

33、r stages.1., the implementation of the sewage permit system and emissions trading pilot. Since 1988, China began to pilot and gradually promote the sewage permit system. 1990-1994, the State Environmental Protection Administration in 16 major city (Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Taiyuan, Gu

34、iyang, Chongqing, Liuzhou, Yichang, Jilin, Changzhou, Xuzhou, Baotou, Mudanjiang, Kaiyuan, Pingdingshan) of the air pollutant emission permit system and pilot in the 6 key city (Baotou, Taiyuan Guiyang, Liuzhou, Pingdingshan, Kaiyuan), the atmospheric emissions trading pilot.In 1993, the State Envir

35、onmental Protection Bureau began to test the sulfur dioxide and soot emission trading policies in 6 cities such as Baotou. In August 1996, the State Council issued the decision on Several Issues concerning environmental protection, and formally put forward the national total discharge control plan f

36、or major pollutants, including total control of 12 kinds of pollutants, such as soot and sulfur dioxide. In January 1998, the State Council issued approved by the State Council on the acid rain control zones and sulphur dioxide pollution problems related to control (the letter 19985), April 1998, th

37、e State Environmental Protection Administration jointly with the relevant departments, the UNCED 19986 document to the announced specific scope of the two control zones. These provide basic conditions for the implementation of emission trading in china. #p# paging Title #e#2., extensive cooperation

38、with foreign countries, research and demonstration. In April 1999, the State Environmental Protection Administration and the environmental protection agency signed an agreement on the use of the market mechanism in Chinese reduce cooperation agreement the feasibility study of sulfur dioxide emission

39、s, the Jiangsu city of Nantong province and Liaoning city of Benxi Province as a pilot city for the project. At the same time, increasing legislative research. In September 2000, the third revised version of the air pollution prevention law began to be implemented. For the first time, the legal stat

40、us of total emission control and emission permits was clearly defined. In September 2001, the project made preliminary progress and achieved the first successful transaction of sulfur dioxide emission rights in Nantong, Jiangsu province. In October 13, 2001, the measures for the administration of su

41、lfur dioxide emission trading in Taiyuan were issued. The ADB loan project by the United States Future Resources Research Institute of Environmental Sciences and Chinese shared grants of SO2 emission trading system implementation in Taiyuan City, the project to develop emissions trading system is wo

42、rth popularizing. In 2002, the State Environmental Protection Administration and the environmental protection association, to carry out research projects to promote trade policy of total sulfur dioxide emission control and emission Chinese implementation in Shandong Province, Shanxi Province, Jiangs

43、u Province, Henan Province, Shanghai City, Tianjin City, Liuzhou City, China Huaneng Group (4+3+1 project). In October 2002, 4+3+1 demonstration work, Jiangsu provincial Environmental Protection Bureau and the Jiangsu provincial economic and Trade Bureau jointly formulated the Interim Measures of Ji

44、angsu province electric power industry of sulfur dioxide emission trading management, first established a provincial basis for the implementation of emissions trading. In December of the same year, the Taicang port environmental protection power generation Co., Ltd., Jiangsu, Taicang, and the Nanjin

45、g Xiaguan Power Plant carried out the first transaction between China and the two sides of the administrative region of the sulfur dioxide emissions trading. In December 2005, the emission trading was written into the decision of the State Council on the implementation of Scientific Outlook on Devel

46、opments efforts to strengthen environmental protection (200539). In the fourteenth article of the decision wrote: conditional areas and units can implement sulfur dioxide emissions trading.3., actively develop the clean development mechanism (CDM) project. The clean development mechanism refers to t

47、he developed countries by providing financial and technical means to carry out the project in cooperation with developing countries, in developing countries is consistent with the policy of sustainable development requirements, and the effect of emission reduction of greenhouse gas project investmen

48、t, in exchange for investment projects generated by some or all of the emission reductions as the GHG emission reduction obligations of the composition part. China as non Annex I Parties in the Kyoto Protocol , although not to assume responsibility for emissions reductions, but the clean development

49、 mechanism will give Chinese bring billions of dollars in financing opportunities, greatly reduce the enterprise development project financing risk. In order to strengthen international cooperation in the framework of the UNFCCC and its protocol, China actively participates in the CDM project. In Ju

50、ne 30, 2004, the Interim Measures for the operation and management of Clean Development Mechanism projects began to be implemented, and revised in October 12, 2005. In November 2007, the National Clean Development Mechanism Fund was established to promote the CDM project. As of July 8, 2008, the tot

51、al number of CDM projects approved by the national development and Reform Commission was 1388, of which 40 were in Hebei (12 of which were registered successfully in EB, and 5 had been issued with CER). If all 40 projects are registered successfully, the estimated annual reduction of 5 million 582 t

52、housand and 900 tons of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide equivalent will be calculated at the price of 8.5 euro per ton,An annual gain of 47 million 454 thousand euros. The implementation of the project in the Chinese has become an important way of the developed countries of the EU and Japan to a

53、chieve its goal of cutting greenhouse gas control, and Chinese enterprises in developed countries through the use of technology transfer and funding, can also achieve technological progress and improving energy efficiency.4., all localities have set up market-oriented energy-saving emission reductio

54、n service platform. Since the establishment of Chinas first emission trading centre in Zhejiang, Jiaxing in November 1, 2007, 12 provinces have applied for pilot projects. Beijing, Tianjin and Shanghai have set up three emission rights exchange, the State Ministry of finance, the Ministry of environ

55、mental protection intends to start the Taihu River Basin in Jiangsu main water pollutant emission trading pilot.Four, the basic strategy of implementing energy-saving emission reduction in Hebei ProvinceFrom the developed countries and other provinces experience, according to the existing research i

56、n Hebei province energy saving practice problems and obstacles, combined with Hebei province relevant policy basis, put forward the basic strategy for the implementation of energy-saving emission reduction market in Hebei province.1., establish a sound energy saving and emission reduction market acc

57、ess mechanism. First, the implementation of industrial access differential policy. Through the implementation of Industrial Differentiation policy, incremental optimization drives stock adjustment. For high-tech industries, advanced equipment manufacturing industry, labor-intensive industry, environ

58、mental protection industry, modern service industry, green industry, low resource consumption, little environmental pollution, high technology content of labor employment, in industry and commerce, taxation, financing, guarantees, listing, land and other aspects to give preferential policies to supp

59、ort and encourage these industries market entry. For the iron and steel, cement, chemical industry, papermaking and other high pollution, high energy consumption and resource-based industries, the government should restrict the policy constraints through environmental impact assessment, land approval and other feasible or even prohibit their entry. To study and formulate the catalogue of industrial guidance in Hebei Province, to further raise the threshold for environmental acce


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