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1、Strategic Planning Guidelines for IEEE EntitiesDraft by A. J. SchwabVersion 0 -06/14/96(Initiated by the discussion during the San Diego SPC-Meeting in Feb. 1996)IntroductionStrategic Planning is a most valuable tool helping organizations improve their performance and total quality. Strategic planni

2、ng simply means creating a strategy giving guidance in realizing a vision . A strategy tells how to get from where an organization is to where it wants to be or is supposed to be. Moving from the status quo to the envisioned state is a process, that is a combination of sequential and concurrent acti

3、vities. A strategy can be considered aplan or map of this process.It is appropriate to distinguish between long-term and medium-term strategic planning .- Long-term strategic planning is done at the corporate level of an organization, looks many years ahead and results in a grand strategy (altern.:

4、corporate strategy, master strategy). The grand strategy consists of a corporate mission , a corporate policy , and strategic, far-reaching goals. The grand strategy is written in very general terms and is widely published to customers, members etc. (Not necessesarly true in industrial organizations

5、.)- Medium-term strategic planning can be done at the corporate level but also at lower levels. It builds on the grand strategy, looks 1 to 3 years ahead, specifies objectives to be sought to move the organisation toward achieving its strategic goals, and results in a medium-term strategy. The mediu

6、m-term strategy consists of an imperative mission , objectives and object strategies suggesting specific projects. The medium-term strategy is the database from which an operational plan is derived, specifying individual projects. It is written in very specific terms and is, basically, an internal d

7、ocument accessible only to the corporations managers, in the case of the IEEE, its staff and volunteers.Usually, a long-term strategy document is accompanied by a medium-term strategy document. Alternatively, a medium-term strategy document could include a Prologue Long-term strategy. Obviously, lon

8、g-term strategy and medium-term strategy address different audiences and differ by broad, far-reaching goals on the one hand and specific, short-term objectives on the other hand.The basic structure of the overall strategic planning process and its components are shown in Figure 1.Long-Term Strotegk

9、: Pluming,Top Goipaate MenqerrenAIShort TermStrijcPlcrinng pl 幀 louirlevelFigure 1: Basic structure and components of Long- and Short-Term Strategic Planning .pjonal 卩由 rrihg Impbmendon (hAruemert & InnplemertasThe components and their relationships are explained in more detail in the following para

10、graphs.Lon g-term Strategic Pla nningCreatio n of a gra nd strategy beg ins with a Ion g-term visio n existi ng in the mi nd of the top corporate man ageme nt In order to realize its visio n and to com muni cate it to others, the top corporate man ageme ntwrites dow n a corporate missio n and cracks

11、 the missi on into strategic goals, e.g. IEEEs missi on and goals:The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers promotes the developme nt of electrotech no logy and allied scie nces, the applicati on of those tech no logies for the ben efit of huma ni ty, the adva nceme nt of the professi on

12、, and the well-be ing of its members.Goal 1: GlobalizationGoal 5: Educati on-Goal 2: Information Exchange-Goal 6: Public SupportGoal 3: Products and Services-Goal 7: OrganizationGoal 4: Sta ndardsGoal 8: FinanceFurther, the top corporate man ageme nt outl ines operat ing and decisi on guideli nes fo

13、r deali ng with members, employees, nonm embers, colleagues and the gen eral en vir on- ment of the orga ni zati on, so-called corporate policy or corporate culture.In more detail, creati ng a Ion g-term strategy is accomplished by-an alyz ing all bus in ess opport un ities,evaluat ing adva ntages a

14、nd disadva ntages of the various opti ons con sideri ng en viro nmen tal in flue nces and finan cial resources,-establishing a corporate policy,-specifying desired goals.By hav ing coined the corporate missi on, chose n a certa in set of strategic goals and by having defined the corporate policy , t

15、he top management has created agrand strategy. The gra nd strategy is the smallest com mon denomin ator to which all members of an organization must become committed. It is followed by a medium-term strategic pla nning process run by a strategic pla nners committee, in clud ing participa nts from al

16、l man ageme nt levels.Medium-Term Strategic Pla nningMedium Term Strategic Planning presumes that the corporate mission, corporate policy and strategic goals exist already. The strategic planners of the medium-term strategy build on the Ion g-term strategy and are gen erally concerned with the ide n

17、ti- fication of objectives and specific activities being means of reaching the goals of the grand strategy. Further, medium-term strategic planning deals with evolutionary cha ngeq e.g. the updati ng of existi ng goals, add ing of new goals, improveme nt of weak points in various areas of the organi

18、zation, etc.Creat ing the medium-term strategy beg ins with a comprehe nsive an alysis of the prese nt state of the organization. SWOT-Analysis has proven, to be a highly valuable tool for this purpose. This method identifies systematically the Strengths and Weaknessesof the organization as well as

19、the Opportunities and Threats of its environment. In addition to this analysis, the present policy and present strategies must be discussed and challenged. In order that all IEEE volunteers identify themselves with the goals and the objectives of the strategic planning process, the strategic planner

20、s must frequently step in the volunteers and regular members shoes wich enables them to better con sider members expectatio ns.Based on the results of this an alysis exist ing goals must be updated or upgraded, new goals must be ide ntified. Possible cha nces a nd opti ons must be evaluated, possibl

21、y supported by the development of scenarios. Eventually, all options are prioritized and a set of objectives for each goal is identified. As a result of these activities the strategic pla nn ers carry in their head a com mon medium-term visi on. This visi on describes in present tense a virtual stat

22、e of the organization which, of course, does not yet exist, e.g.:IEEE is the best practice professional organization exceeding members expectations by its superb member services. It is perceived as a role model by all other professi onal orga ni zati ons, eve n in huma nities or politics. Because of

23、 IEEEs in valuable support of their daily work and professional life, all electrical, electronic and computer scienee engineers consider IEEE membership a must.Usually, all ide ntified objectives and opti ons, one way or ano ther, are capable of improv ing an organizations performanee. Hence, one co

24、uld be naive and try to implement all of them simultaneously. However, most activities cause cost and, because the resources are limited, one must make a selection and prioritize all options with respect to their potential of achieving the selected goals and objectives. By selecting specific activit

25、ies (projects) with respect to their cost and efficie ncy in reach ing the objectives and goals and by allocating commensurate resources to these options, one has desig ned a medium-term strategy, including as many objective strategies as objectives exist. I n other words A medium-term strategy is a

26、 comb in ati on of carefully selected objectives and activities for which the spiritual fathers of the strategy allocate comme nsurate resources.In order to realize their visio n and to com muni cate it to all volun teers dow nstream the organization, the strategic planners write down their thoughts

27、 in form of an imperative missi on and a set ofobjectives for each goal to be achieved.Imperative Missi onAn imperative mission defines a task, for instanceMake IEEE the best practice professional organization perceived as the standard against which other professional organizations benchmark themsel

28、ves. Enhance IEEEs member services such that electrical, electronics, and computer science engineers would consider lacking IEEE membership a missed opport uni ty.The imperative missi on is cracked into smaller pieces, so-called objectives. Each objective has its own objective-strategy, specify ing

29、the projects achiev ing that objective.The granularity of the objectives and projects depends on the complexity of the missio n.Objective G1.1Objective G2.1Objective G3.1Objective G4.1Objective G5.1Objective G6.1Objective G7.1Objective G8.1Objective G1.2,Objective G2.2,Objective G3.2,Objective G4.2,

30、Objective G5.2,Objective G6.2,Objective G7.2,Objective G8.2,Objective G1.3.Objective G2.3.Objective G3.3.Objective G4.3.Objective G5.3.Objective G6.3.Objective G7.3.Objective G8.3.Upon docume ntatio n of the imperative missi on, the objectives, and the in dividual objective-strategies in writte n fo

31、rm an operati onal pla n is gen erated list ing in detail all projects required to achieve in dividual objectives.Gen erati ng the Operati onal Pla nVisi ons and missi ons by themselves do not guara ntee successVisi ons must be realized, missions executed, and planned goals and objectives be reached

32、. Therefore, the most substantial and concrete component of strategic planning is the operational plan (implementation matrix) which precisely defines who does what, when, how and where, when certain results (milestone must exist and which financial resources (budget) are associated with specific ac

33、tivities.The operatio nal pla n accompa nies the strategic docume nt and, as a rule, must be desig ned with stro ng in volveme nt, at least close supervisi on, of the strategys pla nn ers. The operational plan specifies numerous projects for which project managers must be appo in ted and finan cial

34、resources be allocated. Both are man ageme nt decisi onsDesign of the action plan must by no means be completely delegated to the imple- men ters If so, strategic pla nning will rema in without impact and will be comme nted as Fu-Fu dust etc. Only poor managers create missions and visions and expect

35、 their realization exclusively from the implementers. Highly qualified top managers do not only create visi ons but carry also substa ntial thoughts in their mind about how they want to realize their visi on and com muni cate these thoughts to their subord in ates.Frequently, strategic planning and

36、operative planning (operational plan design) are regarded isolated actions. False, optimum results are obtained only if the strategicpla nn ers are sufficie ntly kno wledgeable and compete nt, i n order to ide ntify the right operative activities and the right strategies themselves. Although the des

37、ign of the acti on pla n may be delegated to their subord in ates, the spiritual fathers must con tribute to the formulation of detailed objectives and objective-strategies. Thereby, operative pla nning becomes part of strategic pla nning.An example of an operatio nal pla n is show n in Figure 2.GoalsProjectleaderTaskResultBudgetStart/E nd1. Goal-Project 1.1-Project 1.2-Project 1.3-Project 1.42. Goal-Project 2.1-Project 2.2-Project 2.33. Goal-Project 3.1-Project 3.2-Project 3.3-Project 3.4-Project 3.54. Goal-Project 4.1-Project 4.25. Goal-Project


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