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1、Welcome,Unit 2 Poems,Down by the Salley Gardens My love and I did meet She passed the Salley Gardens With little snow-white feet With her did not agree In a field by the river My love and I did stand And on my leaning shoulder She laid her snow-white hand She bid me take life easy As the grass grows

2、 on the weirs But I was young and foolish And now am full of tears,Down by the Salley Garden William Butler Yeats,走進(jìn)垂柳花園 我與愛人在此邂逅 她穿過垂柳花園 纖足如雪般皎白 在河畔那片田野 我和愛人并肩而立 在我微傾的肩上 撫著她雪白的纖手 她囑我善待愛情 如同堰上的荑草 但我卻年輕無知 而今唯有淚水漣漣,Do you know some English poets,Shakespeare (15641616,George Gordon Byron (1788-1824,Eng

3、lish poets,Shelley (17921822,Ode (贊歌/頌) to the West Wind,If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind,Do you know what a famous sentence he wrote,How long will the bright moon appear? Wine-cup in hand, I ask the sky. I do not know what time of year, It would be tonight in the palace on high,水調(diào)歌頭 明月幾時有?

4、把酒問青天。 不知天上宮闕,今夕是何年? 蘇軾,look Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky,輕輕的我走了,正如我輕輕的來; 我輕輕的招手, 作別西天的云彩,Say Goodbye to Cambridge Again,I seek but seek in vain, I search and search again; I feel so sad , so drear, so lonely, without cheer,尋尋覓覓, 冷冷清清, 凄凄慘慘戚戚。 李清照,If winter comes, ca

5、n spring be far behind? Shelley- Ode to the west wind,Do you know any English poet or poem,冬天來了, 春天還會遠(yuǎn)嗎? -雪萊,A Few Simple Forms of English Poems,Skimming,The passage mainly talks about _.A. some simple forms of English poemsB. rhymes and patterns of poemsC. the development of English poemsD. foreign

6、 forms of poems How many forms of English poems are mentioned in this passage?A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6,Five kinds of poems,Nursery rhymes 童謠,List poems 清單詩,Cinquain 五行詩,Haiku 俳句詩,Tang poems 唐詩,to tell a story,to give the reader a strong impression,to express themselves,to convey certain emotions,What is

7、the main idea of the first paragraph ,Careful reading,There are various reasons why people write poetry,Para 1: Brief introduction,1) Read Para 2 Nursery Rhymes and find out the characteristics of nursery rhymes,Have _ but _ language Have strong _ and _ Have a lot of _ Easy to learn and _,rhyme,rhyt

8、hm,repetition,recite,concrete,imaginative,Listen to Poemhush baby.swf,Hush, little baby, dont say a word, Papas going to buy you a mockingbird. If that mockingbird wont sing, Papas going to buy you a diamond ring. If that diamond ring turns to brass, Papas going to buy you a looking glass. If that l

9、ooking-glass gets broke, Papas going to buy you a billy-goat. If that billy-goat runs away, Papa is going to buy you another today,d,in,a:s,u,ei,rhyme (韻,rhythm (節(jié)奏,2)What is the poem A about,Poem A is a nursery rhyme conveying a fathers _ for his baby,love,Para 3. List Poems,Read Para 3 and answer

10、the following question,What are list poems like,1) Have a _ line length and _ _. 2) Some have _ while others do not,repeated phrases,flexible,rhymes,I saw a fish-pond all on fire, I saw a house bow to a squire, I saw a person twelve-feet high, I saw a cottage in the sky, I saw a balloon made of lead

11、, I saw a coffin drop down dead, I saw two sparrows run a race, I saw two horses making lace, I saw a girl just like a cat, I saw a kitten wear a hat, I saw a man who saw these too, And said though strange they all were true,B,List poem (清單詩,我看見魚塘在燃燒。 我看見房子向地主哈腰。 我看見一個人有十二英尺高。 我看見一個村子在天上。 我看見一個氣球使用鉛

12、做的。 我看見一個死人從棺材里掉出來。 我看見兩只麻雀在賽跑。 我看見兩匹馬在做袋子。 我看見一個女孩長得像貓。 我看見一只貓戴著帽子。 我看見一個人他也看見這些。 雖然說起來很奇怪, 但都是真的,Our first football match We would have won if Jack had just scored that goal, if wed had just a few more minutes, if we had trained harder, if Ben had passed the ball to Joe, if wed had thousands of fa

13、ns screaming, if I hadnt taken my eye off the ball, if we hadnt stayed up so late the night before, if we hadnt taken it easy, if we hadnt run out of energy, We would have won if weve been better,C,1. Did his team win the game? 2. How many excuses did they make to explain why they didnt win? 3. Does

14、 the speaker really believe his own excuse,No,Nine,Poem C : Answer the following questions,If no, what is the reason for their failure,No,The reason why they are fail is that they are not good enough,1) is made up of _ lines 2) can _a strong picture in just few words,the features of Cinquain poems,5

15、,convey,Para 4. Cinquain (五行詩,Brother Beautiful, athletic Teasing, shouting, laughing Friend and enemy too mine,one word (topic,two adjs,three verbs with ing,four words,one word,Five lines,兄弟 愛美, 又愛運(yùn)動 愛鬧, 愛叫, 又愛笑 是我的朋友 也是我的敵人,D,Does the speaker like summer,No. The reader thinks that summer is hot an

16、d boring. The words drooping, dreading, week in, week out and endless convey(傳達(dá)) this feeling,Summer Sleepy, salty Drying, drooping, dreading Week in, week out Endless,E,夏日 困乏, 咸澀 干涸, 枯萎, 恐怖 周而復(fù)始 永無止境,the features of HaikuPoem,1) _ form; 2)_ syllables; 3)give a clear _ 4)create a special feeling usi

17、ng the _ of words,Japanese,17,picture,minimum,Para 4. Haiku (俳句詩,A fallen blossom is coming back to the branch. look, a butterfly! (by Moritake,Snow having melted, The whole village is brimful of happy children (by Issa,落下的花朵 回到了樹枝上。 瞧啊,是個蝴蝶,雪兒融化了, 整個村莊充滿著 歡樂的兒童,F,G,17 syllables,相傳遠(yuǎn)古時代,這里是滔滔江河,有一少婦,

18、因丈夫下河打魚,久而不返,遂帶七子登山望夫,感而成石,望夫石 王健 望夫處,江悠悠。 化為石,不回頭。 山頭日日風(fēng)復(fù)雨, 行人歸來石應(yīng)語,Where she awaits her husband, On and on the river flows Never looking back Transformed into stone. Day by day upon the mountain top, wind and rain revolve. Should the journeyer return, this stone would utter speech. (by Wang Jian,H

19、,Tang Poem(唐詩,How many feelings of the woman can we learn from Poem H ,A. loneliness B. joy C. love D. trust E. anger F. hate G. sorrow,2.The woman may have the feelings of,loneliness,she was alone watching her husband on the mountain top,love,she waited year after year despite wind and rain,trust,s

20、he believed her husband would come back one day,sorrow,year after year, she waited and waited without seeing any hope of her husband coming back, she was very sad,Nursery Rhymes,They have strong rhyme and a lot of repetition,List Poems,They repeated phrases and some rhyme, and easy to write,Cinquain

21、,They are made up of 5 lines, and convey a strong picture, and easy to write,Haiku,They are made up of 17 syllables, and give a picture and a special feeling,Tang Poems,They are translation from the Chinese,Characteristics,Form,What forms are the following poems,Life is beauty, admire it. Life is bl

22、iss, taste it. Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a duty, complete it.Life is a game, play it. Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it,List poems,Guess,What forms are the following poems,Trees green every spring bright orange in autumn bare in winter,Haiku,What forms are the following poems,A SPRING MORNING I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, Everywhere round me the singing of birds But now I remember the night, the storm, And I wonder how many blossoms were broken,Tang Poem,What forms are the following poems,Cinquain,Wha


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