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1、Lesson 99,Ow,本課內(nèi)容,單詞學習 賓語從句 課文講解 翻譯句子 作業(yè),單詞學習,ow int. 哎呦 slip(slipped, slipped) v. 滑到,滑 了一腳 fall(fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒; n. 秋天 downstairs adv. 下樓 hurt(hurt, hurt) v. 傷, 傷害, 疼痛 back n. 背 stand up 起立,站起來 help v. 幫助 at once 立即 sure adj. 一定的,確信的 X-ray n. X光透視,slip 1)v. 滑倒,滑了一跤 在泥濘中滑到 Slip in the mud 在樓梯

2、上滑倒 slip on the stairs 我在結(jié)冰的路上滑倒了,傷了腳踝。 I slipped on the icy road and hurt my ankle. 2)v. 滑落 鋼筆從我的手中滑落。 The pen slipped from my hand. 玻璃杯從他的手中滑落,打碎了。 The glass slipped out of his hand and broke,3)v. 溜走 他偷偷地溜出房間。 He slipped out of the room. slip away/ off 不辭而別 他從舞會上偷偷地溜了出去。 She slipped away from the

3、party. 4)n. 疏忽,錯誤 a slip of the pen 筆誤 a slip of the tongue 口誤,Fall (fell, fallen) 1)v.落下,跌倒 她昨天掉進河里去了。 She fell into the river yesterday. 秋天葉子都落了 . Leaves fall in autumn. 2) v. 下降 明天氣溫將下降。 The temperature will fall tomorrow. 油價己經(jīng)跌下去了。 The petrol price has fallen,fall across 偶然碰到,與 邂逅 昨天他偶然碰見了他以前的女朋

4、友。 He fell across his former girl friend yesterday. -fall asleep 入睡 他剛要睡著,門鈴響了。 He is just falling asleep, The doorbell rang. -fall in love with 愛上某人 她對他一見鐘情。 She fell in love with him at the first sight,downstairs adv. 樓下 反義詞upstairs -go downstairs 下樓去 -be downstairs 在樓下 hurt 1) v. 傷 他的女兒從自行車上捽了下來,

5、傷到了背部。His daughter fell off the bike and hurt her back. 2)v. 傷害感情 I feel hurt. 我感到受到了傷害。(尤指思想、心靈) 3)v. 疼痛 Does it hurt? 痛嗎,back 1) n. 背,背部 lie on ones back 面朝天地躺著 我的背部痛 My back hurts. 2)n. 背面 the back of the hand 手背 紙的背面 the back of the paper 一 塊布的背面 the back of a piece of cloth,3)n. 后面,后部 教室的后面有2名學

6、生。 There are two students at the back of the classroom. 4)adv. 在后,向后 stand back 向后站 5)adv.回原處 go back to 回到 他要回到家鄉(xiāng)去了。 He will go back to his hometown. 把書放回原處 put these books back,stand up 站立,站起來 sit down 坐下 stand on ones head 倒立 stand on ones own feet 獨立,自食其力,不依賴別人 stand behind 做的后盾,支持 我將一直支持你。 I wi

7、ll stand behind you all the time,help 1)v. 幫助 help sb out 幫助某人解決難題, 擺脫困境 我不知道怎么做這項工作,請幫我一把。 I dont know how to do this work. Please help me. help sb with sth 你幫我做家務(wù)真是太好了。 You are so kind to help me with the housework. 你能幫我學英語嗎? Can you help me with English? 2)n. 幫助 希望我能對你有所幫助。 I hope that I can be a

8、ny help for you,sure adj. 一定的,確信的 你能肯定嗎? Are you sure of it? Do you feel sure about it? 你對它有把握嗎? 我肯定他會來。 I am sure that he will come. be sure and (口)千萬要,一定要 千萬要記住我對你講的話。 Be sure and remember what I told you. 一定要吃藥。 Be sure and take the medicine. feel sure of oneself 有自信心 她總是很自信。 She always feels sur

9、e of herself,賓語從句,賓語從句在句中作賓語,一般用that引導(dǎo),但在口語中經(jīng)常省略掉that。 可用在say,think,believe,hope,know,understand,suppose等動詞之后;也可用在某些描寫感情的形容詞之后,如afraid,sure,sorry,glad等之后。 我知道我能修理這輛車。 I know that I can repair this car. 我為他的死深感悲痛 I am deeply sorry about his death,賓語從句還可以由when,where,what,why,how以及if和whether來引導(dǎo),而它們在句中不

10、能省略,且賓語從句通常都應(yīng)以陳述句的形式出現(xiàn)。 主語 +be adj./v. +if + 陳述句 主語 +be adj./v. +特殊疑問詞 +陳述句 我想知道你上周是否去了倫敦。 I want to know if you went to London last week. 我不知道你在說什么。 I dont know what you are talking about,課文講解,Whats the matter, Andy? Whats the matter?=Whats wrong?=What happened? I slipped and fell downstairs. downs

11、tairs是副詞,修飾fell fall off 從跌落 昨天夜里,她的奶奶從床上摔下來。 Her grandmother fell off the bed last night. fall out of 從 里面 摔出去 那個可憐的女孩從窗戶里摔出來了。 The poor girl fell out of the window. fall down 摔倒 他試圖站起來,但是又摔倒了。 He tried to stand up, but he fell down again,Yes, I have. I think that Ive hurt my back. I think 后面接賓語從句(

12、省略了that) Ive hurt my back. 做think的賓語。 我想她己經(jīng)上床睡覺了。 I think that she has already gone to bed. 他認為他是正確的。 He thinks that he is right. hurt做及物動詞時,意為“傷到”;做不及物動詞時,意為“疼”。 他抬那個很重的箱子的時候傷到了腰,現(xiàn)在他腰疼。 He hurt his waist when he lifted that heavy box. Now his waist hurts,Try and stand up. Can you stand up? Here Let

13、 me help you. and 連接兩個動詞 上樓來看一看吧 Come upstairs and see it. 去買條新裙子吧! Go and buy a new dress. try to do 盡力,設(shè)法做 我設(shè)法把他找出來 I try to find him out. 你應(yīng)該盡力幫助她。 You should try to help her,try doing 試著 他試著把真相告訴他的媽媽。 He tries telling his mother the truth. Let sb do sth 讓某人做某事 放 開他,讓他走。 Let him go. Im sorry, Luc

14、y. Im afraid that I cant get up. 我恐怕會遲到。 Im afraid that I will be late. 恐怕明天會下雨。 Im afraid (that) it will rain tomorrow. get up =stand up 站起來,I think that the doctor had better see you. Ill phone Dr. Carter. had better do sth 最好 她最好給她的媽媽打個電話。 Shed better call her mother now. phone the doctor = call the doctor 給醫(yī)生打電話 The doctor says (that) he will come at once. 她說她非常喜歡音樂。 She says that she likes music very much. at once 馬上,立刻 = immediately = right away,常用于一般將來時,Im sure (that


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