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1、Word study,1.Politicians are supposed to have a silver tongue so as to win public support. 2.The Japanese gentleman with elaborate courtesy were ordering a fresh fruit salad. 3.In an apparent slip of the tongue, Ms. Bianchi referred to Richard as Robert,Word study,4.The pilot took an/a evasive actio

2、n to avoid hitting the other plane. 5.The movie star gave an/a evasive answer, skillfully dodging the reporters questions,Word study,6.The Greens are friendly and agreeable persons. Neighbors paid a courtesy visit to newcomers to welcome them. 7.My mother says that writing blogs is a good crutch bec

3、ause it can enrich my life after work,Word study,8.As the years pass, writing will not become easier and those powers of observation will become enfeebled. 9.“Sometimes you are so evasive. I think you dont want to marry me at all.” The girl complained,Word study,10. Martin broke his leg in a footbal

4、l match and has been on crutch for the past six weeks. 11.I could imagine the blurb he would have already written about her abrasive powers of observation,Word study,12.A person who has an/a abrasive manner behaves or talks rudely. 13.After her husband died, her son became an emotional crutch for he

5、r,Word study,14.Youd better not use an/a abrasive cleanser to clean the bath, for it will leave scratches. 15.When her father became enfeebled by age and illness, she gave up her job to care for him,Work with sentences,1.You will be judged, when you reach your forties, by performance and not by prom

6、ise. When you get mature over the age of 40, you are supposed to be a mature person. By then, people will not be so lenient when they make judgement on you. They will judge you by the quality of your writing,Work with sentences,2.The same type of prettiness could contain weakness and strength. Altho

7、ugh the young couple resembled physically, both pretty, they have very different personalities. The young girl is forceful and ambitious while the young man is weak and practical,Work with sentences,3.The girl looked at them, and then she looked at me, but I think she saw only the future. The girl s

8、eemed to look at the Japanese gentleman and then at me, but she was actually indulged in fancying her future life as a writer,Work with sentences,4.He submitted just as two of the Japanese gentleman gave tongue simultaneously. He didnt insist and allowed the young lady to pay for the dinner. Meanwhi

9、le, two Japanese happened to speak at the same time. The writer adds a little more conspicuous behavior of the Japanese guests to strengthen his purpose,Read more: Lifting the Veil,fume 對十分惱火 clutter 凌亂地塞滿;亂堆放 stack 一疊,一堆;大量,許多 backlog 積壓的工作 Belgian 比利時人;比利時的 Belgium 比利時,Read more: Lifting the Veil,

10、cane 藤條;拐杖 contour 輪廓 unfalteringly formal 堅決地,堅定地 prelude 前奏;序幕 baggy 袋狀的,膨脹的;寬松而下垂的 pluck 摘,拔;彈,撥,Read more: Lifting the Veil,rapt 全神貫注的,入迷的 sarong 莎籠(馬來西亞人和印度尼西亞人裹在 腰或胸以下的長條布,男女均穿) timidly 羞怯地 awe n. 敬畏;vt. 使敬畏,使畏怯 be/stand in of sb./sth. 對敬畏,Read more: Lifting the Veil,texture 質(zhì)地,紋理 retrieve for

11、mal 取回,索回;找回,挽回 hectic 繁忙的,Read more: Lifting the Veil,I remember feeling disdain for this collection of ogling humanity. 對于許多人癡迷的收集,我感到不屑一顧。 disdain n.&v. 鄙視,蔑視 ogle (色瞇瞇地)盯著看,Read more: Lifting the Veil,I wondered why he held his head motionless at an odd angle, as though he were in meditation. 我想

12、弄明白,為什么他的頭固定在一個奇怪的角度上紋絲不動,擺出沉思的模樣。 motionless 一動不動的 meditation n. 冥想,沉思,Read more: Lifting the Veil,I could see his luxuriant silvery hair and strong, craggy face. 我能看清他那銀色的頭發(fā)和健壯、多棱的臉孔。 luxuriant 繁茂的;豐富的;奢華的;肥沃的 luxury a. 奢侈的;n. 奢侈品 craggy 崎嶇的;多峭壁的 crag 峭壁,Read more: Lifting the Veil,My hand cupped

13、his elbow to steer him. 我的手托著他的胳膊引導著他。 cup 托 elbow 手肘 steer 行駛;引導,Read more: Lifting the Veil,The music seems out of tune to our Western ears. 這曲子我們西方人聽起來不太悅耳。 be out of tune (與)不協(xié)調(diào),不融洽,Read more: Lifting the Veil,The spherical sound box is fashioned out of a whole coconut shell. 球形的音盒是用整個椰子殼做的。 sph

14、erical 球形的 fashioned 塑成,Read more: Lifting the Veil,suppressing my surprise 強壓著自己的驚奇 suppress (武力)鎮(zhèn)壓;封鎖(消息);抑制,Read more: Lifting the Veil,The nails accentuate each elegant movement of their hands. Its a delightful effect. 她們的指甲更加顯示了她們優(yōu)雅的手勢,實在使人感到賞心悅目。 accentuate 強調(diào),突出,Read more: Lifting the Veil,Hi

15、s hands, four times as large, reached out slowly and clasped them as though they were cradling two tiny exotic birds. 他的手有她四倍那么大,慢慢地伸出來握住這雙小手,這雙小手好像是躺在搖籃中兩只奇異的小鳥。 exotic 異國的,外來的;異國情調(diào)的 cradle 搖籃,Read more: Lifting the Veil,A lump formed in my throat. 我感動得要哭了。 lump (不定形的)塊 a in/to sbs throat 某人梗咽欲泣,Read more: Lifting the Vei


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