



1、年 級:三年級輔導(dǎo)科目:英語課題Unit 6 what time is it ?教學(xué)目的【學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo)】:1、建立單詞 class, bed, OK, eleve n, twelve, wake up, mum, oclock,breakfast, dinner的音、行、義的聯(lián)系。2、能理解句型 What time is it? It s o clock. It s time for.的含義,并能應(yīng)用到實際中進行描述。3、 學(xué)生能初步聽懂、會說、會讀單詞these, here s=here is,能初步聽懂并會說句型 What are these?【學(xué)習(xí)重難點】:1、句型: What time i

2、s it? It s o clock. It s time for breakfast/class/school.2、詞匯:breakfast, lunch, dinner, eleven, twelve, bed, these, OK, bag.3、語音:字母t在單詞中的讀音。4、能初步學(xué)會談?wù)摃r間教學(xué)內(nèi)容矢口識回顧詞匯class, bed, OK, lu nch, eleve n, twelve (復(fù)習(xí)回顧一到十的英語單詞 ) wake up,(相關(guān)的詞組拓展聯(lián)想)mum, o clock, breakfast, dinnerthese,(區(qū)分 this that those 的關(guān)系)he

3、re s=here is.句型What time is it?It s twelve o clockHurry up. It s . o clock. It s time for .Wake up, Cici. It s .t s time for .You re late.What time is it? It s seven o What are these?clock. Liu Tao gets up at seve n.上節(jié)課知識回顧與積累:Don t be late aga inIt s nice.How ni ce!How beautiful!What a nice cake!Wh

4、at s this?Is this your pen cil?Where s your pen cil?經(jīng)典例題一、選出不同類的單詞。()1.A .timeB. twoC .three()2.A .whereB. whatC .one()3.A .dinnerB. lu nchC .eat()4.A .breakfastB. birdC .duck()5.A .rulerB. forC .book二、英漢互譯。1.八點鐘2.什么時候5.快點7. have lunch3.這些書 4.醒來6. twelve crayons8. Its time for class10. Heres your ba

5、g.9. Dont be late.三、選擇填空。四、填寫Mike的日程表7:00Its time for.8:00Its time.12:00Its time for lun ch.6:00Its.9:00Mikes timetable五、選出正確的號碼。()查詢電話號碼()報警電話)火警電話)救護電話()消費者投訴舉報電話A B C D Eone two zeroone one zeroone one nineone two three one five one one four六、閱讀短文,選擇答案I am a number 數(shù)字).I have (有)four letters (字母)

6、.My first (第一)letter is in , baUnotin your. My seco nd (第二)letter is in in, but not in on. My third (第三)letter is in ,bufesb”n test. The last letter is between d a nd f. Who am I?()1. How many letter does the nu mber have有)?A. 5B. 3)2. The first letter isA.B. oC. 4()1. What time?A. it isB. is itC.it

7、s()2.9:50A. It isB. Is itC.it is()3.當(dāng)你不知道這些東西是什么時,你該說:A. Whats this?B. Is that a book?C.What are these?()4.你想詢問別人的年齡時,你該說:A. How are you?B. How old are you?C. What about you?()5. eleven的左鄰右舍是A. ten nineB.te n twelveC.nine twelve()6. Its time forA. cakeB.eatC.meet()7. Its timeeat.A. forB. toC.in()8.He


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