



1、The 15 college majors with the biggest payoffs 15個最有 錢途”的大學(xué)專業(yè)Headed back to school, and uncertain what to major in? It might help to check out a hefty new paperback tome, College MajorsHan dbook with Real Career Paths and Payoffs. The 546-page book is packed with detailed career in formati on on 58

2、majors, in clud ingthe kinds of jobs each major is likely to lead to; how closely related grads work usually is to the subjects they studied; how much (orlittle) degree holders in each field report enjoying what they do; and how much they earn.The four co-authors led by Drexel Uni versity research p

3、rofessor Neeta P. Fogg and by Paul Harri ngton, director of Drexels Cen terfor Labor Markets and Policy mined the data from mountains of Cen sus Bureau statistics, U.S. Departme nt of Labor studies, and a2011 National Science Foundation survey of 170, 000 college grads.Media n pay for a rece nt coll

4、ege graduate with a full-time job in 2010, the researchers found, stood at $53, 976. But these 15 majorscomma nded substa ntially more:1. Pre-med $100, 0002. Computer systems engin eeri ng $85, 0003. Pharmacy $84, 0004. Chemical engineering $80, 0005. Electrical and electronics engineering $75, 0006

5、. Mechanical engineering $75, 0007. Aerospace and aero nautical engin eeri ng $74, 0008. Computer science $73, 0009. I ndustrial engin eeri ng $73, 00010. Physics and astronomy $72, 20011. Civil engin eeri ng $70, 00012. Electrical and electro nics engin eeri ng tech no logy $65, 00013. Economics $6

6、3, 30014. Finan cial man ageme nt $63, 00015. Mecha ni cal engin eeri ng tech nology $63, 000Clearly, engin eers are hot properties, but even the five non-engin eeri ng majors on the list require a strong mathematical bent. What if youre not in cli ned toward math and scie nce? Luckily for liberal a

7、rts mave ns, College Majors Han dbook no tes, Salary is not the only form of payoff from a college educati on.Co nsider: Despite relatively modest media n pay of $44, 000, well below the roughly $54, 000 average for all 58 fields of study, En glish majors report job satisfact ion that is on a par wi

8、th that of people who make far more mon ey. Likewise, rece nt grads who majored inhistory, although they earn $48, 000 on average and ofte n end up work ing in un related fields like sales and marketi ngreport higher-tha n-average satisfacti on with their chose n path.Moreover, even at the lower end

9、 of the salary scale, the authors point out, higher education leads to more earning power: The average employed young person with a bachelors degree earned 81% more in 2011 than his or counterpart with a high school diploma. The earnings premium of in dividuals with college degrees persists over the

10、ir lifetime. Given the ofte n jaw-dropp ing price tag on a sheepsk in these days, thats good to know.15個最有 錢途”的大學(xué)專業(yè)最近的一項詳盡調(diào)查顯示:要想讓在大學(xué)四年里投入的時間和金錢得到最佳回報,必須具備數(shù)學(xué)頭腦。College Majors要開學(xué)了,還不確定該選什么專業(yè)嗎?可以去看看最新出版的紙皮版大手冊,大學(xué)專業(yè)指南:職業(yè)道路和回報(Handbook with Real Career Paths and Payoffs )。這本長達 546頁的手冊詳細記錄了58個專業(yè)的職業(yè)信息,其中包

11、括:可能得到的工作類型、工作和專業(yè)的相關(guān)度、對工作的滿意度以及薪水。四個作者以德雷塞爾大學(xué)( Drexel University )教授尼塔?P福格和該校勞動力市場和政策中心( Center for Labor Markets and Policy ) 的主管保羅?哈林頓為首,合作研究了堆積如山的數(shù)據(jù),其中包括:美國人口普查局(Census Bureau )的統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù)、美國勞工部(Department of Labor )的研究以及美國國家科學(xué)基金會( National Science Foundation )在2011年對17萬名大學(xué)畢業(yè)生的調(diào)查。研究發(fā)現(xiàn):擁有全職工作的應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生在2010

12、年的中位工資為 53,976美元。但下列15個專業(yè)畢業(yè)生的收入明顯高出一截:1. 醫(yī)學(xué)預(yù)科100,000美元2. 計算機系統(tǒng)工程85,000美元3. 藥劑學(xué)84,000美元4. 化學(xué)工程 80,000美元5. 電氣及電子工程75,000美元6. 機械工程75,000美元7. 航天及航空工程74,000美元8. 計算機科學(xué)73,000美元9. 工業(yè)工程 73,000美元10. 物理及天文學(xué) 72,200美元11. 土木工程 70,000美元12. 電氣及電子工程技術(shù)65,000美元13. 經(jīng)濟學(xué)63,300美元14. 財務(wù)管理63,000美元15. 機械工程技術(shù) 63,000美元工程師顯然炙手可熱,但即使5個上榜的非工程專業(yè)也要求具有深厚的數(shù)學(xué)功底。那些不喜歡數(shù)學(xué)和科學(xué)的人就只能干瞪眼了嗎?對文科生來說,幸運的是,這本大學(xué)專業(yè)指南同時也告訴我們:薪酬并不是大學(xué)教育的唯一回報。”看看這個:英語專業(yè)的畢業(yè)生中位工資僅有4.4萬美元,遠遠低于約 5.4萬美元的平均值,但他們的工作滿意度卻和那些掙錢多得多的家伙不相上下。與此類似,


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