



1、http:/www.tahtby.c n/ / / http:/www .1 wyt. net/孩子焦慮的原因與緩解方法我的孩子在進(jìn)入大班后,由于有了一些作業(yè),他對自己的學(xué)習(xí)要求很高,而且 由于老師有時(shí)候會(huì)批評一些沒有回家看書的小朋友 ,他就很擔(dān)心自己,經(jīng)常會(huì)問 我:“我的英語單詞還沒有記住,怎么辦?” “我的作業(yè)還沒有寫好,怎么辦?” “時(shí)間 不夠了,我還有好多事情沒有作好呢,怎么辦啊?甚至于晚上躺在床上睡不著,也 會(huì)很焦慮的問我很多遍“我老是想尿尿,怎么辦“我睡不著,眼睛閉著休息,可以 嗎,面對這些每天都會(huì)

2、重復(fù)的問題 ,我雖然都同他說,沒有關(guān)系,不要擔(dān)心,可是這似乎都沒有改變他的心理狀態(tài)。有什么好的方法可以讓容易焦慮的孩子能夠自信些呢?My childre n after into large, because have some homework, for hisown learning requirementis very high, and because the teacher issometimes criticized some have no children of home reading a book, he is very worried about yourself,oft

3、e n ask me: I have nt rememberEnglish words, what can I do? Havent write my homework, what can I do? Did nt have eno ugh time, I still have a lot of things not ready yet, how to do? Eve n in bed at ni ght cant sleep, also will be very an xious to ask me many times I always want to pee, what can I do

4、? I cant sleep, eyes closed to rest, ok?Faci ng these repetitive problems every day,though, I say with him, no matter, dont worry, but it seems did not cha nge his men tal state. What good method can make an xious childre n can be con fide nt?專家解答:孩子的這個(gè)狀態(tài)除了孩子對自己的要求有關(guān),也可能和孩子對老師的認(rèn)識有關(guān)??赡芎⒆訉τ诤屠蠋煹年P(guān)系相對敏感,

5、希望得到老師的肯定,總是 擔(dān)心不能滿足老師的要求,因此感覺到焦慮。家長可以考慮從這個(gè)角度對孩子的 想法分析一下,針對孩子的內(nèi)心,來幫助孩子緩解他的焦慮。Experts answer: children of this state in addition to the child relatedto your request, may also be understandingof the teacher and thechildren about the. Probably children and teachers is relatively sensitive to the relati

6、on ship betwee n, hope to get the affirmati on of the teacher, always worry about cant meet the requireme nts of the teacher, so feel anxiety. Parents can consider childs idea from the Angle of the analysis, in view of the inner child, to help a child to ease his an xiety.學(xué)者認(rèn)為,孩子緊張焦慮的成因非常復(fù)雜,它可以是基因方面

7、的,也可能是由 后天環(huán)境引起的。Scholars believe that child an xious formati on is very complex, it canbe gen etically, may also be caused by the en vir onment.先天氣質(zhì)起一定作用Play a part inn ate temperame nt很多媽媽都有這樣的體驗(yàn),他們的寶貝在4個(gè)月大的時(shí)候就表現(xiàn)出極度的,見 到陌生人就哭泣或害怕。稍長大一些后,他們中的一些依然表現(xiàn)出敏感、自信心 不足、自尊心又很強(qiáng)的性格特點(diǎn),容易緊張,多慮。有些父母很納悶,自己帶孩子和 別人沒有什么

8、區(qū)別,為什么孩子這么“磨人” ?在這里,先天氣質(zhì)確實(shí)起到了一定的 作用。Many mothers have such experie nee, their babies in the 4 mon thsof age showed extremely, will cry or afraid of stranger. After slightly older, some of them still shows in sufficie nt sen sitivity, self-c on fide nee, self-esteem and strong personality,easy to ten

9、sion, much lv. Someparents wonder, they took the kids and others no differenee, so gri ndi ng why childre n? Here, the inn ate temperame nt does play a role.環(huán)境因素En viro nmen tal factors有研究表明,環(huán)境因素的作用越來越不容忽視。大多具有焦慮氣質(zhì)的孩子,他 們的父母也容易焦慮,或情緒易急躁。滴灌不難想象,遇事經(jīng)常緊張的父母傳遞給 孩子的信息也是惶惑焦慮的;而情緒不穩(wěn)、愛責(zé)打孩子的父母,他們的孩子在長期 被忽略、責(zé)打

10、、否定的狀況下,會(huì)缺乏足夠的安全感和穩(wěn)定感Studies have show n that the role of en vir onmen tal factors is moreand more nots allow to ignore. Most have anxious temperament of children, their parents also prone to anxiety, or easily irritable mood. It is not hard to imaginethat he often nervous parents passed to thechild

11、s in formatio n is un certa inty of an xiety; And emoti onal in stability, love stricke n child pare nts, their childre n in the long n eglected, beate n, no conditions, will lack sense of security and stability.父母要求過高Pare nts dema nd too much如今,更為多見的焦慮是父母通過對孩子實(shí)行超前教育給孩子帶來的壓力一 別的孩子不會(huì)的自己的孩子要會(huì),單梁起重機(jī)別的孩

12、子會(huì)的自己的孩子要更 精通。由于有了“不能輸在起跑線上”這樣的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn),孩子的表現(xiàn)很難讓父母滿 意和認(rèn)可,他們就一遍一遍地要求孩子做得更好,久而久之,孩子會(huì)因?yàn)樽约翰荒軐?shí)現(xiàn)預(yù)期的目標(biāo),自信心受損,內(nèi)心焦躁不安。假如父母再輔以恐嚇或粗暴的懲罰 手段,孩子在做某一件事情時(shí)就會(huì)顯得更加緊張。Today, the more see more an xiety through practice the adva need education for childrenis parents give children bring pressure, otherchildre n wont their chil

13、dre n to, other childre n will be their own childre n to be more proficient in. Thanks to the do not lose on the starting linesuch a high standard, childrens performanee is very difficult to let pare nts satisfact ion and recog niti on, they asked aga in and aga in children do better, over time, chi

14、ldren will because they can not achieve the desired goals, self-c on fide nee, restless heart. If pare nts along with intimidationor brutal punishment,when your child doing somethingwill appear more n ervous.過度保護(hù)和溺愛Excessive protect ion and dote on過度地保護(hù)和溺愛孩子,使他缺乏獨(dú)立性發(fā)展,也是造成孩子焦慮的原因。就 拿小雨來說,她從小就是家人寵愛下的

15、“小公主”,幾乎沒有受到過什么委屈,就連 上幼兒園,也是姑姑工作的地方。1年前,姑姑隨丈夫出國定居,小雨有一陣子不想 去幼兒園,后來勉強(qiáng)去了,就開始咬起指甲來。丙烯酸聚氨酯家人的過度包辦通常 使孩子失去了適應(yīng)社會(huì)能力的鍛煉機(jī)會(huì),當(dāng)他們獨(dú)自置身于新環(huán)境、新情景中或 與陌生人接觸,會(huì)產(chǎn)生不知如何應(yīng)對的困惑,以致情緒波動(dòng)、過度擔(dān)憂。Excessiveprotecti onand doti ng, his lack of in depe ndencedevelopme nt, also is the cause of child an xiety. Take the light rain, she w

16、as raised under the family pet little princess, almost no received any injustice, even in kindergarten, where aunt work well. 1 years ago, her aunt with her husba nd to go abroad to settle dow n, light rain for a while,dont want to go to the kindergarten,then just go, start biting nails.Excessive fa

17、mily arranged usually make children lose the ability to adapt to the social practice, when they are alone in a new environment, newsituati ons, or con tact with stra ngers, will produce con fused dont knowhow to deal with, so that the mood swin gs, excessive concern.父母關(guān)系不和諧Pare nts relati on ship no

18、t harm onious也有很多孩子的焦慮影射了父母關(guān)系的不和諧。比如父母在婚姻關(guān)系上有裂 痕,他們自己不愿意面對,而通過提高對孩子的要求來彌補(bǔ)婚姻中的缺陷感;孩子此時(shí)也會(huì)下意識地配合父母渣漿泵,表現(xiàn)出一些焦慮的癥狀,使家里的矛盾轉(zhuǎn)移 到自己的身上,心甘情愿地做“替罪羊”,從而避免父母關(guān)系的破裂。Also has a lot of childre ns an xiety, echoes pare nts relatio nship notharm onio us. There are cracks on marriage such as pare nts, they dontwant to face, and by rais ing the


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