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1、托福聽力做筆記攻略 很多同學學習聽力時總會陷入一個誤區(qū):花很多時間研究筆記。事實上,我并不贊成各位同學花太多時間去學習各種符號、標志、筆記方法。下面就和大家分享托福聽力超實用預測技巧分享,來欣賞一下吧。托福聽力:你真的會做聽力筆記嗎?快來看看這篇攻略為什么記筆記?我們記筆記的目標是幫助我們回顧*的內容。在筆記中首先應該記錄的是主要內容和*框架。測試自己是否已經成功的通過筆記記錄*主旨,可以通過考察自己是否能夠通過筆記完整的復述出(較詳細的)*的主要內容來辨別。其實,如果想要比較詳細地復述*內容,依賴于非常清晰的*骨架,*的細節(jié)內容都需要附著在這幅骨架上。記了筆記,聽不懂?有同學會有記筆記就聽不


3、來進行分析,想想為什么會在這里出題,久而久之就會對考點非常敏感了。托福聽力練習對照文本im sure almost every one of you looked at your watch or at a clock before you came to class today.我相信幾乎你們中的每個人今天在進教室前都看了你的手表或時鐘watches and clocks seem as much a part of our life as breathing or eating.手表和時鐘好像同呼吸和吃飯一樣是我們生活的一部分。and yet, did you know that watc

4、hes and clocks were scarce in the united states until the 1850s?可是,你知不知道直到十九世紀五十年代手表和時鐘在美國都是稀缺的?in the late 1700s, people didnt know the exact time unless they were near a clock.在18世紀晚期,人們不知道具體的時間,除非他們在一個時鐘附近。those delightful clocks in the squares of european towns were built for the public.那些在歐洲城鎮(zhèn)廣

5、場上的可愛時鐘是為公眾建立的。after all, most citizens simply couldnt afford a personal timepiece.畢竟,簡單來講,大多數市民負擔不起個人計時器。well into the 1800s in europe and the united states, the main purpose of a watch, which, by the way, was often on a gold chain, was to show others how wealthy you were.在十九世紀的歐洲和美國,(戴)一個手表的主要原因,那

6、個(手表),順便一說,經常在一個金鏈子上,是給人顯示你是多么的富有。the word wristwatch didnt even enter the english language until nearly 1900.“wristwatch(手表)”這個詞幾乎沒有進入英語,一直到幾乎20世紀。by then the rapid pace of industrialization in the unites states meant that measuring time had become essential.在那時候美國工業(yè)化的快速步伐意味著測量時間變得必要。how could the

7、factory worker get to work on time unless he or she knew exactly what time it was?工廠工人如何能按時上班,如果他或她不知道準確時間的話?since efficiency was now measured by how fast a job was done, everyone was interested in time.由于效率現在用一個工作多塊做完來衡量,每個人都對時間感興趣。and since industrialization made possible the manufacture of large

8、quantities of goods, watches became fairly inexpensive.并且由于工業(yè)化使得大量的貨物生產成為可能,手表變得相當的便宜。furthermore, electric lights kept factories going around the clock. being on time had entered the languageand lifeof every citizen.此外,電燈保持工廠日夜不停的運轉。要準時(的概念)進入了每個公民的語言以及生活托福聽力練習對照文本weve been together now in this pot

9、tery class for several weeks, and i feel you are all doing very well.現在我們一起在這個陶器班好幾周了,而且我感覺你們都做得很好。i thought you might be interested in hearing about a ceramics workshop that will be held here at the college next month.我想你們大概對聽到關于下個月將有一個陶瓷講習班在大學這里舉辦感興趣。kate ferguson, who was recently named by cerami

10、cs monthly as one of the dozen best potters in the world, will be at the recreation center for an intensive seven-day workshop.kate ferguson,最近被陶瓷月刊稱為世界上十二個最好的陶瓷工匠之一,將會在娛樂中心開始一段密集的七天的講習班。participants in the workshop will, kate has assure me, make a lot of pots and be able to work closely with her on

11、 refining their techniques and skills.講習班的參與者將會,kate已經向我保證,制作很多罐子,并且能夠在改善他們的技巧和技能上同她緊密合作。theres only room for eighteen potters and advanced pottery students in the workshop, so everyone will get personal attention.在講習班中只有十八個陶瓷工匠和高級陶藝學生的位置,所以每個人都將得到個性化的關注。it costs $175, which included all your materi

12、als, and a picnic, which is usually attended by all of the participants at the end of the workshop.它(講習班)的價格是175美元,其中包含了所有的你們的材料,和一次野餐,那個通常是由所有的參與者在講習班結束時參加的。a $50 deposit is required ahead of time, with the rest of the tuition due by may 15th.一筆50美元的定金被要求提前(支付),剩余學費到五月十號到期(交齊)i should mention that this workshop is cosponsored by the van howe chemical company, which is donating the clay.我應當提一提這個講習班是由van howe化學公司共同主辦的,它捐贈了粘土。if you want to r


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