1、(中英文對照)喬布斯2005年斯坦福大學畢業(yè)典禮上的演講稿近年美國畢業(yè)典禮演講中最具影響力的一篇2005年6月12日,在美國斯坦福大學畢業(yè)典禮上,蘋果公司CEO喬布斯發(fā)表了精彩演講。已被確診身患癌癥的喬布斯對在場學子講述了自己經歷的三個故事,與學子們分享自己的創(chuàng)業(yè)心得,并以此激勵年輕一代勇敢、積極、快樂地面對人生。 喬布斯樸實而真誠的演講不但贏得了全場數(shù)次熱烈鼓掌和尖叫,也成為近年美國畢業(yè)典禮演講中最具影響力的一篇。時至今日,這一演講仍然對廣大學子和創(chuàng)業(yè)者產生著深遠影響:This is the text of the Comme nceme nt address by Steve Jobs,
2、CEO of Apple Compu ter and of Pi xar Ani mati on Studios, delivered on June 12, 2005.這是蘋果公司和 Pixar動畫工作室的 CEO Steve Jobs 于2005年6月12號在斯坦福大學的畢業(yè)典禮上面的演講稿: 一、關于信仰:堅信你要堅信,你現(xiàn)在所經歷的,將在你未來的生命中串聯(lián)起來。正是這種信仰讓我沒有失去希望,它使我的人生與眾不同”I am honored to be with you today at your comme nceme nt from one of the fin est uni ver
3、sities in the world. I n ever graduated from college.Truth be told, I n ever graduated from college. This is the closest rve ever gotte n to a college graduati on. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. Thats it. No big deal. Just three stories.我備感榮幸。(尖叫聲)(笑聲)今天,我斯坦福是世界上最好的大學之一,今天能參加各位
4、的畢業(yè)典禮,我從來沒有從大學畢業(yè),說句實話,此時算是我離大學畢業(yè)最近的一刻。 想告訴你們我生命中的三個故事,并非什么了不得的大事件,只是三個小故事而已。The first story is about conn ect ing the dots.第一個故事關于串起生命中的點點滴滴I dropped out of Reed College after the first 6 mon ths, but the n stayed around as a drop-i n for ano ther 18 mon ths or so before I really quit. So why did I
5、drop out?6個月就退學了,但退學是我這一生所做出的最正確的決定之一。我在里德大學待了 之后仍作為旁聽生混了 18個月后才最終離開。我為什么要退學呢?It started before I was born. My biological mother was a young, un wed college graduate stude nt, and she decided to put me up for adop ti on. She felt very stron gly that I should be ado pted by college graduates, so ever
6、yth ing was all set for me to be ado pted at birth by a lawyer and his wife. Except that whe n I popped out they decided at the last minute that they really wan ted a girl. So my paren ts, who were on a wait ing list, got a call in the middle of the ni ght ask in g: We have an unexp ected baby boy;
7、do you want him? They said: Of course. My biological mother later found out that my mother had n ever graduated from college and that my father had n ever graduated from high school.She refused to sig n the final ado pti on pap ers. She only rele nted a few mon ths later whe n my parents pro mised t
8、hat I would someday go to college.當時她還是一所大學故事要從我出生之前開始說起。 我的生母是一名年輕的未婚媽媽,的在讀研究生,于是決定把我送給其他人收養(yǎng)。她堅持我應該被一對念過大學的夫婦收養(yǎng), 所以在我出生的時候, 她已經為我被一個律師和他的太太收養(yǎng)做好了所有的準備。但在最后一刻,這對夫婦改了主意,決定收養(yǎng)一個女孩。候選名單上的另外一對夫婦,也就是我的養(yǎng) 父母,在一天午夜接到了一通電話:“有一個不請自來的男嬰, 你們想收養(yǎng)嗎? ”他們回答:“當然想?!笔潞?,我的生母才發(fā)現(xiàn)我的養(yǎng)母根本就沒有從大學畢業(yè),而我的養(yǎng)父甚至連高中都沒有畢業(yè),所以她拒絕簽署最后的收養(yǎng)文件
9、, 直到幾個月后,我的養(yǎng)父母保證會把我送 到大學,她的態(tài)度才有所轉變。And 17 years later I did go to college. But I n aively chose a college that was almost as expen sive as Stanford, and all of my work in g-class paren ts savi ngs were being spent on my college tuiti on. After sixmon ths, I could nt see the value in it. I had no ide
10、a what I wan ted to do with my life and no idea how college was going to help me figure it out.And here I was spending all of the money my parents had saved their en tire life. So I decided to drop out and trust that it would all work outOK. It was p retty scary at the time, but look ing back it was
11、 one of the best decisi ons I ever made. The minute I dropped out I could stop taking the required classes that did nt in terest me, and begi n dropping in on the ones that looked in terest ing.17年之后,我真上了大學。但因為年幼無知,我選擇了一所和斯坦福一樣昂貴的大學,(笑聲)我的父母都是工人階級,他們傾其所有資助我的學業(yè)。在6個月之后,我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己完全不知道這樣念下去究竟有什么用。當時,我的人生漫無目
12、標, 也不知道大學對我能起到什么幫助,為了念書, 還花光了父母畢生的積蓄,所以我決定退學。我相信車到山前必有路。當時作這個決定的時候非常害怕,但現(xiàn)在回頭去看, 這是我這一生所做出的最正確的決定之一。(笑聲)從我退學那一刻起,我就再也不用去上那些我毫無興趣的必修課了,我開 始旁聽那些看來比較有意思的科目。It was nt all roma ntic. I did nt have a dorm room, so I sle pt on the floor in frien ds rooms, I retur ned coke bottles for the 5 cent; depo sits t
13、o buy food with, and I would walk the 7 miles across tow n everySun day ni ght to get one good meal a week at the Hare Krish na tem pie.I loved it. And much of what I stumbled into by follow ing my curiosity and in tuiti on turned out to be p riceless later on. Let me give you one exa mple:這件事情做起來一點
14、都不浪漫。因為沒有自己的宿舍,我只能睡在朋友房間的地板上; 可樂瓶的押金是 5分錢,我把瓶子還回去好用押金買吃的;在每個周日的晚上,我都會步 行7英里穿越市區(qū),到 HareKrishna 教堂吃一頓大餐,我喜歡那兒的食物。我跟隨好奇心 和直覺所做的事情,事后證明大多數(shù)都是極其珍貴的經驗。我舉一個例子:Reed College at that time offered p erha ps the best calligra phyin struct ion in the coun try. Throughout the campus every p oster, every label on e
15、very drawer, was beautifully hand calligra phed. Because Ihad dropped out and did nt have to take the no rmal classes, I decided to take a calligra phy class to lear n how to do this. I lear ned about serif and san serif typ efaces, about vary ing the amount of sp ace betwee n differe nt letter comb
16、 in ati ons, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that scie nee cant cap ture, and I found it fasci nat ing.那個時候,里德大學提供了全美國最好的書法教育。整個校園的每一張海報, 每一個抽屜上的標簽,都是漂亮的手寫體。由于已經退學,不用再去上那些常規(guī)的課程,于是我選擇了一個書法班,想學學怎么寫出一手漂亮字。在這個班上,我學習了各種字體,如何改變不同字體組合之間的字間
17、距,以及如何做出漂亮的版式。那是一種科學永遠無法捕捉的充滿美 感、歷史感和藝術感的微妙,我發(fā)現(xiàn)這太有意思了。None of this had even a hope of any p ractical app licati on in my life.But ten years later, whe n we were desig ning the first Macin tosh compu ter, it all came back to me. And we desig ned it all into the Mac. It was the first compu ter with be
18、autiful typograp hy. If I had n ever dropped in on that si ngle course in college, the Mac would have n ever had mult iple typ efaces or proportion ally sp aced fon ts. And sinceWin dows just copied the Mac, its likely that no personal computer would have them. If I had n ever dropped out, I would h
19、ave n ever dropped in on this calligra phy class, and personal compu ters might not have the won derful typography that they do. Of course it was impo ssible to conn ect the dots look ing forward whe n I was in college.But it was very, very clear look ing backwards ten years later.當時,我壓根兒沒想到這些知識會在我的
20、生命中有什么實際運用價值;但是10年之后,當我們設計第一款 Macin tosh電腦的時候,這些東西全派上了用場。我把它們全部設計進了 Mac,這是第一臺可以排出好看版式的電腦。如果當時我大學里沒有旁聽這門課程的話,Mac就不會提供各種字體和等間距字體。自從Windows系統(tǒng)抄襲了 Mac以后,(鼓掌大笑)所有的個人電腦都有了這些東西。如果我沒有退學,我就不會去書法班旁聽,而今天的個人電腦大概也就不會有出色的版式功能。當然我在念大學的那會兒,不可能有先見之明,把那些生命中的點點滴滴都串起來;但 10年之后再回頭看,生命的軌跡變得非常清楚。Aga in, you cant connect the
21、 dots look ing forward; you can onlyyourconnect them look ing backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in someth ing gut, desti ny, life, karma, whatever. This app roach has n ever let me dow n, and it has made all the differe nee in my lif
22、e.再強調一次,你不可能充滿預見地將生命的點滴串聯(lián)起來;只有在你回頭看的時候, 你才會發(fā)現(xiàn)這些點點滴滴之間的聯(lián)系。所以,你要堅信,你現(xiàn)在所經歷的將在你未來的生命中串聯(lián)起來。你不得不相信某些東西,你的直覺、命運、生活、因緣際會正是這種信仰讓我不會失去希望,它讓我的人生變得與眾不同。二、關于成功:堅持偉大的工作只會在歲月的醞釀中越陳越香。在終有所獲之前,不要停下尋覓的腳步My sec ond story is about love and loss.第二個故事是關于愛與失去I was lucky I found what I loved to do early in life. Woz and I
23、started Apple in my parents garage whe n I was 20. We worked hard,and in 10 years Apple had grow n from just the two of us in a garageinto a $2 billi on company with over 4000 empio yees. We had justreleased our fin est creati onthe Maci ntosha year earlier, and Ihad just turned 30. And the n I got
24、fired. How can you get fired from acompany you started? Well, as Apple grew we hired some one who Ithought was very tale nted to run the company with me, and for thefirst year or so things went well. But the n our visi ons of the futurebega n to diverge and even tually we had a falli ng out. When we
25、 did,our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out. And veryp ublicly out. What had bee n the focus of my en tire adult life was gone,and it was devastati ng.我是幸運的,在年輕的時候就知道了自己愛做什么。在我20歲的時候,就和沃茲在我父母的車庫里開創(chuàng)了蘋果電腦公司。我們勤奮工作,只用了 10年的時間,蘋果電腦就從車庫里的兩個小伙子擴展成擁有4000名員工,價值達到 20億美元的企業(yè)。而在此之前的一年,我們剛推出了我
26、們最好的產品Maci ntosh 電腦,當時我剛過而立之年。然后,我就被炒了魷魚。一個人怎么可以被他所創(chuàng)立的公司解雇呢?(笑聲)這么說吧,隨著蘋果的成長,我們請了一個原本以為很能干的家伙和我一起管理這家公司,在頭一年左右,他干得還不錯,但后來,我們對公司未來的前景出現(xiàn)了分歧,于是我們之間出現(xiàn)了矛盾。由于公司的 董事會站在他那一邊, 所以在我30歲的時候,就被踢出了局。我失去了一直貫穿在我整個 成年生活的重心,打擊是毀滅性的。I really did nt know what to do for a few mon ths. I felt that I had let the p revious
27、 gen eratio n of entrepren eurs dow n - that I had dropped the bat on as it was being p assed to me. I met with David Packard andBob Noyce and tried to apo logize for screw ing up so badly. I was a veryI still loved what I did.p ublic failure, and I even thought about running away from the valley.Bu
28、t someth ing slowly bega n to daw n on meThe tur n of eve nts at Apple had not cha nged that one bit. I had bee n rejected, but I was still in love. And so I decided to start over.在頭幾個月,我真不知道要做些什么。我覺得我讓企業(yè)界的前輩們失望了,我失去了傳到我手上的指揮棒。我遇到了戴維 .帕卡德(普惠的創(chuàng)辦人之一)和鮑勃 .諾伊斯(英特爾 的創(chuàng)辦人之一),我向他們道歉,因為我把事情搞砸了。我成了人人皆知的失敗者,我甚
29、至 想過逃離硅谷。但曙光漸漸出現(xiàn),我還是喜歡我做過的事情。 在蘋果電腦發(fā)生的一切絲毫沒 有改變我,一個比特都沒有。雖然被拋棄了,但我的熱忱不改。我決定重新開始。I did nt see it the n, but it turned out that getti ng fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heavi ness of being successful was rep laced by the light ness of being a begi nner aga
30、in, less sure about everyth in g. It freed me to en ter one of the most creative p eriods of my life.我當時沒有看出來, 但事實證明,我被蘋果開掉是我這一生所經歷過的最棒的事情。成功的沉重被鳳凰涅槃的輕盈所代替,每件事情都不再那么確定,我以自由之軀進入了我整個生命當中最有創(chuàng)意的時期。During the n ext five years, I started a company n amed NeXT, ano ther company n amed P ixar, and fell in lo
31、ve with an amaz ing woma n who would become my wife. Pi xar went on to create the worlds first compu ter ani mated feature film, Toy Story, and is now the mostsuccessful ani mati on studio in the world. In a remarkable turn of even ts, Apple bought NeXT, I retur ned to Apple, and the tech no logy we
32、 devel oped at NeXT is at the heart of AppI es curre nt ren aissa nee. AndLaure ne and I have a won derful family together.在接下來的5年里,我開創(chuàng)了一家叫做 NeXT的公司,接著是一家名叫 Pixar的公司, 并且結識了后來成為我妻子的曼妙女郎。Pixar制作了世界上第一部全電腦動畫電影玩具總動員,現(xiàn)在這家公司是世界上最成功的動畫制作公司之一。(掌聲)后來經歷一系列的事件,蘋果買下了 NeXT ,于是我又回到了蘋果,我們在 NeXT研發(fā)出的技術成為推動蘋 果復興的核心動力
33、。我和勞倫斯也擁有了美滿的家庭。rm p retty sure none of this would have happened if I had nt bee n fired from App le. It was awful tast ing medici ne, but I guess the p atie nt n eeded it.Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Dont lose faith.rm convin ced that the only thing that kept me going was that
34、I loved what I did. Youve got to find what you love. And that is as true for your work as it is for your lovers. Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you
35、 do.If you have nt found it yet, kee p look ing. Dont settle. As with all matters of the heart, youll know whe n you find it. An d, like any great relati onship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So kee p look ing un til you find it. Dont settle.這一切都不可能在我身上發(fā)生。 這個良藥的味道實 生活有時候就像一塊板磚
36、拍向你的腦袋, 但不要喪我非??隙?,如果沒有被蘋果炒掉, 在是太苦了,但是我想病人需要這個藥。 失信心。熱愛我所從事的工作,是一直支持我不斷前進的惟一理由。你得找出你的最愛,對工作如此,對愛人亦是如此。工作將占據(jù)你生命中相當大的一部分,從事你認為具有非凡意義的工作,方能給你帶來真正的滿足感。而從事一份偉大工作的惟一方法,就是去熱愛這份工作。如果你到現(xiàn)在還沒有找到這樣一份工作,那么就繼續(xù)找。不要安于現(xiàn)狀,當萬事了于 心的時候,你就會知道何時能找到。 如同任何偉大的浪漫關系一樣,偉大的工作只會在歲月的醞釀中越陳越香。所以,在你終有所獲之前,不要停下你尋覓的腳步。不要停下。三、關于抉擇:堅定財富名利
37、生不帶來,死不帶去,要遵從你的內心和直覺,不要把時間浪費在別人的生活里。提醒自己行將入土是我在面臨重大抉擇時的首選工具。My third story is about death.第三個故事關于死亡Whe n I was 17, I read a quote that went someth ing like:If you liveeach day as if it was your last, someday youll most certa inly be right.It made an imp ressi on on me, and since the n, for the p ast
38、 33 years, Ihave looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself:If todaywere the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to dotoday? And whe never the an swer has bee n No for too many days ina row, I know I n eed to cha nge someth ing.在17歲的時候,我讀過一句格言,好像是:“如果你把每一天都當成你生命里的最后 一天,你
39、將在某一天發(fā)現(xiàn)原來一切皆在掌握之中?!保ㄐβ暎┻@句話從我讀到之日起,就對我產生了深遠的影響。 在過去的33年里,我每天早晨都對著鏡子問自己:“如果今天是我生命中的末日,我還愿意做我今天本來應該做的事情嗎?”當一連好多天答案都否定的時候,我就知道做出改變的時候到了。Rememberi ng that ril be dead soon is the most imp orta nt tool rveever encoun tered to help me make the big choices in life. Becausealmost everyth ingall exter nal exp
40、 ectati ons, all p ride, all fear ofembarrassme nt or failure - these thi ngs just fall away in the face ofdeath, leav ing only what is truly important. Rememberi ng that you aregoing to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking youhave someth ing to lose. You are already n aked. Ther
41、e is no reas on notto follow your heart.提醒自己行將入土是我在面臨人生中的重大抉擇時,最為重要的工具。因為所有的事情一一外界的期望、所有的尊榮、對尷尬和失敗的懼怕一一在面對死亡的 時候,都將煙消云散,只留下真正重要的東西。在我所知道的各種方法中,提醒自己即將死去是避免掉入畏懼失去這個陷阱的最好辦法。 你內心的呼喚。人赤條條地來,赤條條地走,沒有理由不聽從About a year ago I was diag no sed with can cer. I had a sea n at 7:30 in the morning, and it clearly
42、showed a tumor on my pan creas. I did nt even know what a pan creas was. The doctors told me this was almost certa inly a type of cancer that is in curable, and that I should expect to live no Ion ger tha n three to six mon ths. My doctor advised me to go home and get my affairs in order, which is d
43、octors code for prepare to die. It mea ns to try to tell your kids everythi ng you thought youd have the n ext 10 years to tell them in just a few mon ths. It mea ns to make sure everyth ing is butt oned up so that it will be as easy as po ssible for your family. It mea ns to say your goodbyes.大約一年前
44、,我被診斷出癌癥。在早晨7 : 30我做了一個檢查,掃描結果清楚地顯示我的胰臟出現(xiàn)了一個腫瘤。我當時甚至不知道胰臟究竟是什么。醫(yī)生告訴我,幾乎可以確定這是一種不治之癥,頂多還能活3至6個月。大夫建議我回家,把諸事安排妥當,這是醫(yī)生對臨終病人的標準用語。這意味著你得把你今后 10年要對你的子女說的話用幾個月的 時間說完;這意味著你得把一切都安排妥當,盡可能減少你的家人在你身后的負擔;這意味著向眾人告別的時間到了。I lived with that diag no sis all day. Later that eve ning I had a biopsy.where they stuck an
45、en dosc ope dow n my throat, through my stomach and into my in testi nes, put a n eedle into my pan creas and got a few cells from the tumor. I was sedated, but my wife, who was there, told me that whe n they viewed the cells un der a microsc ope the doctors started crying because it turned out to b
46、e a very rare form of pan creatic cancer that is curable with surgery. I had the surgery and rm fine now.我整天都想著診斷結果。那天晚上做了一個切片檢查,醫(yī)生把一個內窺鏡從我的喉管伸 進去,穿過我的胃進入腸道,將探針伸進胰臟,從腫瘤上取出了幾個細胞。我打了鎮(zhèn)靜劑, 但我的太太當時在場,她后來告訴我說,當大夫們從顯微鏡下觀察了細胞組織之后,都哭了起來,因為那是非常罕見的, 可以通過手術治療的胰臟癌。 我接受了手術,現(xiàn)在已經康復了。This was the closest rve bee n t
47、o facing death, and I hope its the closest I get for a few more decades. Having lived through it, I can now say this to you with a bit more certa inty tha n whe n death was a useful but purely in tellectual concept:No one wants to die. Eve n people who want to go to heave n dont want to die to get t
48、here. And yet death is the desti nati on we all share.No one has ever esca ped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the sin gle best inven tio n of Life. It is Lifes cha nge age nt. It clears out the old to make way for the n ew. Right now the new is you, but someday n ot to
49、o long from now, you will gradually become the oldand be cleared away.Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.這是我最接近死亡的一次,我希望在隨后的幾十年里,都不要有比這一次更接近死亡的 經歷。在經歷了這次與死神擦肩而過的經驗之后,死亡對我來說只是一項有效的判斷工具, 并且只是一個純粹的理性概念,我能夠更肯定地告訴你們以下事實:沒人想死;即使想去天堂的人,也是希望能活著進去。(笑聲)死亡是我們每個人的人生終點站,沒人能夠成為例外。生命就是如此,因為死亡很可能是生命最好的造物
50、,它是生命更迭的媒介,送走耄耋老者,給新生代讓路。 現(xiàn)在你們還是新生代,但不久的將來你們也將逐漸老去,被送出人生的 舞臺。很抱歉說得這么富有戲劇性,但生命就是如此。Your time is limited, so dont waste it livi ng some one elses life.Dont be trapped by dogmawhich is livi ng with the results of otherpeopi es thinking. Dont let the no ise of others opinions drow n out your own inner voice. And most imp orta nt, have the courage to follow your heart and in tuiti on. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everyth ing else is sec on dary.你們的時間有限,所以不要把時間浪費在別人的生活里。 不要被條條框框束縛, 否則你 就生活在他人思考的結果里。 不要讓他人的觀點所發(fā)出的噪音淹沒你內心的聲音。 最為重要 的是,要有遵從你的內心和直覺的勇氣, 它們可能已知道你其實想成為一個什
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