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1、山東省聊城市某重點(diǎn)中學(xué)2013 屆高三下學(xué)期期初考試英語試題考試時間: 100 分鐘;題號一二三四五六總分得分注意事項(xiàng):1答題前填寫好自己的姓名、班級、考號等信息2請將答案正確填寫在答題卡上第 I 卷(選擇題)評卷人得分一、單項(xiàng)選擇1 Has Tom finished writing his essay today? I have no idea. He _ it this morning.A. wroteB. has writtenC. was writingD. had written2_ interesting the film is, I wont waste any time on

2、it.A. No matterB. WhateverC. HoweverD. Whichever3 Lily went to see the movie alone. If she _ me about it, I would have gone with her.A. should tellB. tellsC. toldD. had told4 _will the ambulance come. Take it easy and your mom will be OK.A. At onceB. In no timeC. Right nowD. The instant5 I really do

3、nt know _ I put my wallet after I paid the bill.A. where was itB. it was where thatC. where it was thatD. where was it that.6 I shouldconvey my appreciationto my high schoolteachers,without_ helpI wouldn t achieve such a big success.A. whomB. themC. whichD. whose7 Sorry, I cant return your book toda

4、y because I am only half way through it. _ I have plenty of other books to read.A. Take it easyB. No wonderC. Take your timeD. No doubt8 Do you like cooking, Sally?. Luckily I ve never had to worry about it.A. Never mindB. Not reallyC. I don t agreeD. You saidit9 Have you seen Jack recently? No. He

5、for another company now.A. is workingB. had workedC. workedD. was working10 She removedhat she was wearing and tried on _ black silk one.A. a; aB. the; theC. the; aD. a; the11David won t get lost he has a good of direction.A. feelingB. ideaC. experienceD. sense112 Tom eagerly finished upwas left of

6、the chicken pie.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. where13 Thank you for your coffee. But you_ it.A. didn t drinkB. aren t drinkingC. don t drinkD. hadn t drunk14Ifpeople eat naturalpoisonsby mistake,they _ go to hospitalwithoutdelay.A. wouldB. canC. mayD. must15 The invention of artificial hearts marked a tu

7、rning point in the battle heart disease.A. amongB. forC. againstD. between評卷人得分二、完型填空Lifeis filledwithchallenges.Aswegetolderwe26 realizethatthosechallenges are the very things that 27us and make us who we are, it is thesame with the challenges that come with28 .When we are faced with a challenge, w

8、e usually have two 29 : we can tryto30itoff,or we can decidethatthethingpresentingthechallengeisn tworth the31and call it quits. Although there are32times when callingitquitsistherightthingto do,in most33allthatis needed iscommitmentand 34 .When we are devoted to 35 , it means that no matter how 36

9、or howuncomfortablesomething is,we willalways choose to37itinsteadofrunningaway from it. Communication is making a38for discussion and talking abouthow you feel instead of just saying what the other person did wrong.39 youcansayto a friend,“I gotmy feelingshurt. ”40“You hurtmy feelings,”you are goin

10、g to be able to solve the problem much faster.In dealing with many challenges that friendship will bring to you, try tosee them for41they are: small hurdles(障礙) you need to jump or42onyourway throughlife.Nothingisso bigthatitisimpossibletoget over,andhurt only43to make us stronger. Its all part of g

11、rowing up, ithappenstoeveryone,and some day you will44on allofthisand say,“ 45asitwas,it made me who I am today. And that is a good thing.”16 A. seem toB. come toC. hope toD. try to17 A. designB. promoteC. directD. shape18 A. successB. pressureC. friendshipD. difficulty19 A. opportunitiesB. expectat

12、ionsC. choicesD. aspects20 A. beatB. showC. takeD .fall21 A. commentB. lossC. troubleD. expense22 A. hardlyB. certainlyC. consequentlyD. exactly23 A. issuesB. casesC. eventsD. affairs24 A. communication B. confidenceC. courageD. consideration25 A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing226 A. do

13、ubtfulB. shamefulC. harmfulD. painful27 A. keepB. controlC. faceD. catch28 A. chanceB. planC. topicD. room29 A. IfB. AsC. WhileD. Unless30 A. other thanB. rather thanC. or ratherD. or else31 A. whatB. whoC. whereD. which32 A. pass byB. come across C. get throughD. run over33 A. servesB. meansC. aims

14、D. attempts34 A. look intoB. look forC. look out D. look back35 A. InterestingB. SurprisingC. ComplicatedD. Hard評卷人得分三、閱讀理解Some weird, wild and wonderful stories coloured the news in 2010:A Copenhagen bus company has put love seatson 103 ofits vehiclesfor peoplelooking for a partner. Even love at fi

15、rst sight is possible on the bus, saida spokesman for the British owned Arriva company to explain the two seats oneach bus that are covered in red cloth and a love seat sign.Shoppersat aninternationalluxuryfairinVerona,Italy,foundacell-phone-equipped golden coffin among the items on display. The pho

16、nes willhelp the dead contact relatives if they have been buried alive by mistake.A man inNewYork came up with a disarmingway to setoffhislatestbank heist,appro aching the clerks window witha large bunch of flowers and handing overa hold- up note saying“give me the money!” An Englishman who lost all

17、 his legs and arms in an electrical accidentsuccessfullyswamacrosstheChannel, a challengehe had been preparingfor twoyears. The whole cost is 400 dollars.A set of artificialteeth made for Britains war-timeprime minister WinstonChurchillknown as theteeththatsaved theworldsoldfor nearly 18,000pounds(2

18、1,500 euros, 24,000 dollars) at auction. A Britishwomancaused an Internethate campaign aftershe was caughton cameradumping a cat in a rubbishbin.She was fined250 pounds (400 dollars,280 euros)after pleading guilty.The BBC apologized completelyand withoutany doubts after a radio presenterjokingly ann

19、ounced that Queen Elizabeth II had died. Two Australian men needed surgery after shooting each other in the bottoms during a drinking session to see if it would hurt were charged 400 dollars separately. A KuwaitiMP(議員 ) proposed state-aidfor male citizens totake secondwives,in a bid to reduce the la

20、rge number of unmarried women in the oil-rich state.36 What is special about the coffin in the second news?A. It is goldenB. It has a cell phone.C. It is a luxuryD. It has many items37 What isthe probable meaning of theunderlined word heistin the thirdnews?A. robberyB. proposal C. beggingD. raising

21、money38 Who has to spend 400 dollars to do the surgery?3A. A British woman who dumped a cat in a rubbish bin.B. Onewho bought Winston Churchills artificial teeth.C. An Australian man who shot in bottom to test the hurt.D. An Englishman crossing the Channel without legs and arms.39 From the last news

22、 we can infer that _.A. In Kuwait many men are eager to get marriedB. A lot of rich single men lived in KuwaitC. There are quantities of oil in KuwaitD. There are many single women in KuwaitThousands of dead red-winged blackbirds fell from the sky in an Arkansas townon NewYearsEve aftermassive in ju

23、ries,testsby Arkansas officialsconcludedon Monday. Some 5,000 birds mysteriously fell from the sky in Beebe, Arkansasafterdarkon NewYearsEve. “The birdssuffered fromacute physicalinjuriesleading to internal hemorrhage(大量出血) and death. There was no sign ofinfectiousdisease,” theArkansasGameand Fish C

24、ommission saidin a statement.The birds were otherwise healthy, it said.One theory is that birds were frightened by New Years fireworks and flew intobuildingsor other objects.“Loud noiseswere reportedshortlybeforethebirdsbegan to fall from the sky,” the statement said, adding that blackbirds havepoor

25、 night vision and seldom fly at night.Anothertheory was thatsevere weather suchas lightning accounted for theloudnoisesbutthiswas discountedbecause theviolentweatherhad alreadyleftthe area. “Were leaning more toward a stressevent, said ArkansasGame andFish Commission spokesman Keith Stephens.The com

26、missionalsoistryingtodeterminewhat caused thedeathsof up to 100,000fishovera 20-milestretchoftheArkansas River near a dam in Ozark,125 mileswest of Beebe. The fish were discovered on December 30. Stephens said thecommissionexpectedresultson thefishtestsinprobablya month. Since almostall the fish wer

27、e one species - bottom-feeding drum, Stephens said, the testwas very important. Stephens also said:“The events do not appear related.”Both that section of the river and the air at the site of the bird deaths weretested for toxins( 毒素 ).Beebe isa townofabout4,500people located30 milesnortheast of the

28、 state capital.40 What isNOTtheprobablereasonwhy thedead red-wingedblackbirdsfellfromthe sky?A. Internal hemorrhageB. FireworksC. Lightning weatherD. Murder41 Inthethirdparagraph,theunderlinedworddiscountedprobablymean_.A. not to reduce costB. not to believeC. to make up a partD. to explain mystery4

29、2 According to Stephens, we can infer the probable cause of the dead fish is_.來A. cold weatherB. poor managementC. diseaseD. lack of food43 The passage is mainly developed by _.A. analyzing causesB. making comparisons4C. examining differencesD. following the time order“Our aim is to take our art to

30、the world andmake people understand what it is to move,” said David Belle, the founder ofparkour(跑酷 ).Do youloverunning?Itisa good exercise,yetmany peoplefindit boring.Butwhat ifmaking yourmorningjoga creativeone? Likejumpingfromwallsand overgaps, and ground rolls? Just like the James Bond in the mo

31、vie Casino Royale?Bond jumps down from a roof to a windowsill and then runs several blocks overobstacleson the way. Itisjustbecause of Bonds wonderfulperformancesthatthe sport has become popular worldwide.Yes, that s parkour, an extreme street sport aimed at moving from one pointto another as quickl

32、y as possible, getting over all the obstacles in the pathusing only the abilities of the human body. Parkour is considered an extremesport. As its participants dash around a city, they may jump over fences, runup walls and even move from rooftop to rooftop.Parkourcan be justas excitingand charmingas

33、 itsounds, but itsparticipantssee parkour much more than that.Overcomingalltheobstaclesonthecourseandinlifeispartofthephilosophy( 理念 ) behind parkour. This is the same as life. You must determineyour destination, go straight, jump over all the barriers as if in parkour andnever fall back from them i

34、n yourlife, to reach the destination successfully.A parkourloversaid,“Ilove parkour because itsphilosophyhas become my life,my way to do everything.”Another philosophy we ve learnt from parkour is freedom. It can be done byanyone,atanytime,anywhere in theworld.Itisa kindofexpressionoftrustin yoursel

35、f that you earn energy and confidence.44 Parkour has become popular throughout the world because of .A. its founder, David BelleB. the film, Casino RoyaleC. its risks and tricksD. the varieties of participants45 The underlined word“obstacles” in Paragraph 2 is closestin meaning to“”.A. streetsB. obj

36、ectsC. barriersD. roofs46 Which of the following is true of parkour?A. It challenges human abilities.B. It is a good but boring sport.C. It needs special training.D. It is a team sport.47 As its participants move around a city, .A. they can ask for helpB. they may choose to escapeC. they should run

37、to extremesD. they must learn to survive48 Which of the following is the philosophy of parkour?5A. Sports and extremes.B. Excitement and popularity.C. Dreams and success.D. Determination and freedom.Parentsare oftenamazed athow fast theirchildgrows and develops.Newresearchhas determined that the abi

38、lity to quantify may develop much sooner than mostparents realize.Kristy vanMarle, professor of the University of Missouri, has determined thatcontrarytowhat previous studieshave shown, infants(嬰兒) areabletoquantifysubstances(物質(zhì)) like sand or water as early as 10 months. As long as thedifference bet

39、ween the two substancesis large enough, infants willchoose thelarger amount, especially when it comes to food.With the assistance of her team researchers, vanMarle tested the quantifyingskillsofbabiesby presentingthem with two cups:one containinga smallamountof food,and one containinga largeramount.

40、 Consistently,thebabieschose thelarger amount.“Severalstudiesthroughoutthelast15 yearshave shown thatinfantsare verygood attelling how many objectstheysee;however,infantsdont seem tocountthings likewater or sand,” vanMarle said.“What were saying is that theycan quantify substances; its just much har

41、der. The infants can see how muchfood goes into each cup and compare that in their memories. They decide whichamount is larger, and they almost always select the larger one.”This information further refutes(駁斥) the long-held idea that babies“knownothing of the world,” vanMarle said.“Since psychologi

42、sts have begun studying infants with sensitive measures,weve discovered a lot of early abilities.I think for parents, it should beexciting to know that theres somebody in there that hassome fundamental andbasic knowledge oftheworld,and thatknowledgeis guidingtheir development, ”vanMarle said.In the

43、future, vanMarle says this kind of study could be linked to a childsprogress in math-related skills, although programs marketed to increase thoseabilities, such as“Baby Einstein, ” still have mixed reviews when it comesto academic study.49 The quantifying ability refers to the ability to .A. choose

44、between different substancesB. get much knowledge of the worldC. describe the quantity of somethingD. obtain math-related skills50 What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 4?A. The process of doing research.B. The scientific findings.C. The final choice of infants.D. The observation of infants behav

45、ior.51 Babies choose the larger amount of food .A. by saying numbersB. with the help of parentsC. on personal preferenceD. through their natural abilities52 We can learn from the text that .A. some parents dont care about their kids6B. people used to think the world is known to babiesC. little resea

46、rch has been done on infantsD. scholars disagree on baby-training programs53 Whats the best title of the text?A. Breakthrough in Baby StudiesB. Amazing Baby-training IdeasC. Early Human AbilitiesD. Unique Quantifying MethodsMy first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things seems to meto have been gained on a memorable raw afternoon towards evening near my parents tomb in the churchyard.“Hold your noise! ” came a terrible voice, as a man started up from amongthe tombs at the side of the church.“Keep still, you little


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