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1、商務(wù)英語信函的的語篇結(jié)構(gòu)(2) 商務(wù)英語信函的的語篇結(jié)構(gòu) (1 )Dear Sir, 1)W e should like you to send us a catalogue and p r i _ listregarding your ch rom ium p lated domest ic p roducts . You w ereremended to us by co lleagues at Loyan Indust r ies in Kedahw ith w hom you have, w e understand, done business fo r a num2ber of y

2、ears . 2) Th is pany p rodu _s a large range of domest ic and of2f i _ furniture, and w e are interested in using a number of p rod2ucts f rom your cur rent range in the _nufacture of our goods .A s w e are about to expand our expo r t operat ion, it is essent ialthat our supp liers be bo th pet it

3、ive in term s of p r i _, andext remely reliable . 3 )W e w ill be interested in discussing term s w ith you asand w hen the f inal decision has been taken, but, p r io r to th is,can you _me w hat discounts you offer on bulk purchases? 4) I look fo rw ard to hear ing f rom you soon .Yours faithfull

4、y, (2 )Dear Sirs, 1)O ur o rder no. 434 of 6M ay fo r upho lstery _ter ials hasnow been delivered . 2)W e have exam ined the sh ipment carefully and, to ourgreat disappo intment, f ind that they are no t of the quality w eo rdered .The _ter ials do no t _tch the samp les you sent us . Thequality of

5、some of them is so poo r that w e feel that a m istakehas been _de in _k ing up the o rder . 3) The goods do no t _tch the requirements of our pa2ny . W e have, therefo re, no cho i _ but to ask you to take the _ter ials back and rep la _ them w ith _ter ials of the qualityw e o rdered .W e are very

6、 keen to reso lve th is _t ter am icably . If youcan rep la _ the _ter ials, w e are p repared to allow the agreeddelivery t ime to run f rom the date you conf irm that you cansupp ly the co r rect _ter ials . 4)W e look fo rw ard to your ear ly rep ly .Yours faithfully,很顯然在這兩封信中, 我們一眼就可以辨別出信(1)是詢價信

7、, 信(2)是索賠信。因?yàn)檫@兩個語篇 體裁的內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)特征鮮明,詢價信的 體裁結(jié)構(gòu)有四個語步: 1)告知如何取得收信人情況; 2)有關(guān)經(jīng)營的業(yè)務(wù)范圍; 3)提出請求; 4)要求盡早回復(fù)。索賠信的 體裁結(jié)構(gòu)也有四個語步, 他們是: 1)確認(rèn)來函; 2)申訴投訴及說明投訴內(nèi)容; 3)要求退貨; 4)敦促回復(fù)。人們對這兩個語篇的 體裁及其內(nèi)在結(jié)構(gòu)十分熟悉, 這兩個語篇在建構(gòu)時, 一方面遵守了商務(wù)信函的 體裁規(guī)范, 另一方面又本體現(xiàn)了詢價信和索賠信各自英語語篇的 體裁特點(diǎn)。 體裁的理據(jù)同樣制約著商務(wù)信函的內(nèi)容和形式, 做生意的人不能違反這種制約性, 寫商務(wù)信函時必須遵循信函的理據(jù)模式。詢價信的開頭, 詳

8、細(xì)告知詢價項(xiàng)目和細(xì)則, 并說明其他請求,接著解釋選擇與收信人公司接洽的原因, 最后要求對方盡早回復(fù)。其理據(jù)是買方希望進(jìn)一步了解有關(guān)產(chǎn)品的情況, 如對產(chǎn)品感興趣, 且 _合理, 買賣雙方就有可能建立起業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。而寫索賠信時, 語氣要委婉, 措辭要謹(jǐn)慎, 以便對方讀了此信后能采取合作的態(tài)度。同時對事實(shí)的陳述要做到有理有據(jù), 這樣對方才易于接受, 最終使自己能得到更好的服務(wù)或合理的賠償。其 體裁的理據(jù)是雙方盡可能就索賠問題能達(dá)成一致, 以后的業(yè)務(wù)往來還應(yīng)該繼續(xù)。它的本理據(jù)模式是: 1)詳盡陳述事實(shí), 告知問題所在; 2)解釋可能的問題起因, 并說明此問題帶來的不便或損失; 3)說明希望對方如何解決問

9、題(如: 要求換貨, 給予合理的交貨日期等)。 “一個語篇 體裁的體現(xiàn)樣式通常是由特定的語言結(jié)構(gòu)充當(dāng)(黃國文 xx: 126)?!眹@著做生意的目的, 商務(wù)信函又是如何體現(xiàn)這種語言結(jié)構(gòu)的呢? 商務(wù)英語信函的語言結(jié)構(gòu)可表現(xiàn)為多方面, 具體分析可以在三個層面展開。 在英語商務(wù)信函中, 詞匯的使用具有鮮明的 體裁特征。信函前面稱呼是Sir, 而不是John; 后面的結(jié)尾敬語是yours sin _re2ly 而不是yours, 這是本 商務(wù)信函與個人信函的最大區(qū)別。詞匯使用的這種差異同樣體現(xiàn)在句子中, 商務(wù)信函的用語多屬于書卷詞語范疇, 同時, 句子結(jié)構(gòu)也有其特定的寫作要求, 且有時用被動態(tài)。試比較

10、:a) Iw as so r ry to learn that you no longer require our ser2vi _s . b) L earning that you no longer require our servi _s w as agreat disappo intment to me . a ) If you would like fur ther info r _t ion regarding ourp roducts, p lease do no hesitate to contact me b) Fur ther info r _t ion is availa

11、ble on request . a ) P r i _ quo ted included t ranspo r tat ion and insuran _co sts . b) T ranspo r tat ion and insuran _ co st are included in thep r i _s quo ted .從以上的比較中, 我們可以看到, 每組b)中的句子更具有商務(wù)信函的特征。 商務(wù)信函交際對象的關(guān)系是買方和賣方的關(guān)系, 信函的書寫一般采用誠懇、積極合作的語氣, 這樣才有助于與對方建立良好的關(guān)系。同時在商務(wù)信函中, 盡可能表現(xiàn)出友好和禮貌的態(tài)度, 給人以一種信任感。下面

12、每一組a)中的句子帶有消極的語氣, 而b)的句子語氣則顯得積極肯定。 a) It is no t our fault if you do no t check w hether the goodsare sat isfacto ry on delivery . b) I am af raid customers are expected to check that goodsare sat isfacto ry on delivery . a) P roblem s of th is type are mon w ith the low er mod2el . N ext t ime you w ill have to buy the mo re advan _d model . b) P roblem s of th is


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