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1、質(zhì)量管理文件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版 本 號:1.0 目的Objective確保模具制作過程在受控狀態(tài)下進行,使模具品質(zhì)、交期和成本滿足預(yù)期要求。Ensure the mold s production process is under control ;. And the mold s quality, delivery date and cost meet the expectation 。2.0 范圍Scope本文件只適用於 XX 有限公司之模具制作過程。不包括修模、執(zhí)模、改模。3.0 定義Definition物料清單工程更改通知BOMECNBill of materialEng

2、ineering change notification4.0 職責(zé)Responsibility采購文員制定物料計劃,確保物料按期到位。PurchasingSet the material plan, ensure the material is ready。clerk加工部 /組按圖加工,確保工件按質(zhì)按期完成。ProcessingProcessingaccordingto the graph , ensurethe parts qualityanddepartment/finish it on time 。Team組織制定和調(diào)整生產(chǎn)計劃,確保按計劃加工。制作部Set andadjust th

3、e production plan,ensure toprocessingaccording精密模具部the plan 。Production統(tǒng)籌模具的整體進度、模具制作工藝,確保模具按期試模,監(jiān)控加工department部 /組加工工件的質(zhì)量。PrecisionOrganize the whole schedule of the mold, the production technique,productionand ensure to carry out mold trial on time, monitor the items or partsdepartmentquality 。負責(zé)工

4、件的品質(zhì)檢驗、記錄和狀態(tài)標識,反饋品質(zhì)信息,推動品質(zhì)改進。品質(zhì)部QualityResponsible tothe parts qualityexamine,record,andlabeling,feedback thequality information,andencouragethequalitydepartmentimprovement技術(shù)部提供技術(shù)支援,協(xié)助解決制作過程中的工程技術(shù)問題。technicalResponsible to handle the failure during the production process第1頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版

5、 本 號:department注!以上未盡之處詳見5.0 所述。以下對于精密模具部,制作部經(jīng)理則為精密模具部經(jīng)理。Remark:Detailsrefer to 5.0. In the following,the productiondepartmentmanageralsoinclude the precision production department manager.5.0 內(nèi)容Content5.1 物料計劃material Planning5.1.1 模胚大肉、 BOM 物料:Mold core, BOM material制 模圖初稿評審后,制采購文員查詢采購員采購庫存造 填寫 和

6、,確認可以定經(jīng)編碼員師 料后連同模胚圖交理5.1.2 直接常備物料:Direct and regular material常備物料低于采購訂購點文員5.1.3 間接常備物料:Indirect regular material開采購采購員流程常備物料低于倉務(wù)員 開組長員流程5.2 生產(chǎn)計劃Production plan步驟行動負 責(zé)ProcedureActionIC接到模圖 A 版,對除標準件外的所有工件 (除銅公外 )編排加工工初步的工作 藝,估計工時,要求完成時間,編制 (初稿 ) 。制作組長編排After received the mold graph version A, set the

7、 processingProductioninitial worktechnique requirement, estimate time required, dead line forteam leaderarrangementall the parts beside standard items., andthe (draft) 。第2頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文件文件編號:版本 號:模具制作過程控制程序根據(jù)產(chǎn)品圖、模圖A 版、 ( 初稿 ) 完成以下工作:According to the product graph, mold graph version A,(draft) to complet

8、e the following works:詳細講解模具制作要求、模具結(jié)構(gòu)、產(chǎn)品要求;Describe the mold req uirement, mold s structure, and制作部經(jīng)理product requirement in details.Production強調(diào)制作過程可能引起的失效,落實預(yù)防措施;departmentEmphasis the potential failure in the production process,managerrealize the prevention measures.確認 各工件之加工工藝和完成時間。Conform the pr

9、ocess techniqueand time of completion ofthe parts in the , sign the final version 。產(chǎn)前將輸入電腦系統(tǒng);打印后交制作部經(jīng)理簽核后分準備發(fā)制作部、品質(zhì)部等相關(guān)人員。制作編排員及Input the into the computer system ;PrintProduction生產(chǎn)it, pass to the production department manager sign toscheduler編排approve, then distribute to the production department,P

10、re-producquality department, and related staff;tion and根據(jù)已有 未完成部分、新的 及修production模/改模計劃,制訂排機計劃;arrangementAccording to the unfinished , new and mold modify/repair plan, to set加工 /制作the machine arrangement編排員制訂 分發(fā)各加工組。Processing/Set the and distribute to theproductionprocessing teamscheduler統(tǒng)計分析,發(fā)現(xiàn)超負

11、荷現(xiàn)象,提前向上級反饋。Statistic and analysis, if discover any over loading, report tothe superior.根據(jù)實際情況決定工件可否提前或延后, 可否改變加工工藝以制作部經(jīng)理緩解負荷。PorductionAccording to the actual situation, to decide whether the part sschedule have to be changed or not, and whether to changedepartmentmanagerthe technique 。第3頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文

12、件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版本 號:對于調(diào)整排期后,仍然無法加工的工件, 申請外發(fā)加工,見外發(fā)加工控制程序 (工模廠 )For those parts, which cannot be finished even by changed the machine arrangement, could apply contract out processing, details refer to contract out processing controlprocedure (Mold factory)5.3 工藝和進度控制Technique and progress control行動負

13、責(zé)NOICAction依,安排各機臺之加工任務(wù),并對操作者明確加工要加工組長求及注意事項 (特別是以往曾出現(xiàn)的失效 ),采取預(yù)防措施。Processing01 According ,arrange the machineteamprocessing arrangement, and clarify the processing requirement, ,leaderand take preventive measures。加工前應(yīng)提前準備好輔助用具 (如夾具、刀具等 ),檢查監(jiān)測裝置處于完好狀態(tài)。Prepare all the assistant tools before processin

14、g, examine the操作者02monitoring devices to ensure they all in good condition。Operator看清圖紙和工藝流程,并按其要求加工。Carefully read the graph and technique procedure, and processing according to the requirement 。加工過程中,需調(diào)整或更改加工工藝時,與制作組長協(xié)商,并將結(jié)果知加工組長會制作編排員。Processing03During the processing,when need to adjust or chang

15、e the processingteamtechnique, communicate with the production team leader, and notifythe result to the scheduler 。leader加工完成后,填寫 /(鑼床 /磨床 /鉆床)經(jīng)上級審核后交編排員。After the processing is finished, fill the / and pass to the scheduler after appraised by操作者04operatorsuperior 。 省模、制作組以人為單位記錄工時;Mold polish er, p

16、roduction team record the staff s working hour 除此之外的組別則以機臺為單位記錄工時。第4頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版 本 號:Other team record the machine s working hour。將所有 /(鑼床 /磨床 /鉆床)中的工時輸入電腦:Input all the working hour of / into the computer :Warehouse 對各員工或機臺加工工時進行統(tǒng)計,定期生成報表交指定人員。clerk05Calculate each staff ors machine

17、sprocessinghour, formreportregularly and provide to specialize staff 。加工 /制作根據(jù)完成情況調(diào)整排機計劃,未按期完成的工件,向加工組長匯報。編排員Arrange the machine according to the finishing time, report to theProcessing/.processing team leader about the parts which have to be postponed。 Productionscheduler促使各加工負責(zé)人檢討違規(guī)原因 ,采取相應(yīng)對策 , 并知

18、會制作部經(jīng)理。加工組長06Encourage the processing PIC to evaluate the reason of broken law,Processingand take correspondent measures, and notify the productionteamdepartment manager 。leader跟進模具各工件的加工進度,將跟進結(jié)果記錄於上。制作部編排員07 Follow up the progress of mold s parts, and record the result on the.Productionscheduler在調(diào)整

19、生產(chǎn)計劃仍無法確保貨期時,應(yīng)提前申請。If the pats cannot finished before dead line even by changing the制造工程師working schedule, should apply ahead 。Production 填寫 ,由制作部經(jīng)理確認后交項目工程師;engineer08Write , pass to the projectengineer after approved by production department manager 與客戶溝通并即時回復(fù)制作部經(jīng)理。項目工程師Communicate with the custom

20、er and reply to the productionProjectdepartment manager immediately。engineer5.4 制程發(fā)現(xiàn)來料問題The material problem arise during production第5頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版 本 號:流程:品質(zhì)加工/IQ采供I部主C購最終制作屬實應(yīng)Q管/組員標識、跟進處理人員工程商C長師不屬實流程說明:Procedure description流程行動和要求負責(zé)ProceAction and requirementICdure發(fā)現(xiàn)來料問題,影響正常生產(chǎn)時,及時知會

21、品質(zhì)主管或品質(zhì)工程師。01 When problem raised , affect the normalproduction , notify操作人員thequality manager or quality engineer immediately。Operator接到生產(chǎn)制作部門反饋來的信息,及時確認問題是否屬實:When received theproblem informationformtheproductiondepartment, investigate whether the problem is exist:屬實不屬 實品質(zhì)部existRejected主管/工程-則應(yīng)知會

22、IQC 組長,及時發(fā)出 ,確定處理方法并交采購員 ;問題。師Quality02IQC teamleader , issue totheissuer,departmentandascertain the handle measures and pass to thereachhead/agreementpurchaseron the problemengineer-安排 IQC 作好不合格標識。ArrangementtheIQC to preparethe failurelabel ;若為退貨或需對供應(yīng)商進行處罰,則按來料控制程序處理。03If need to rejected the good

23、s or penalty the supplier, treat accordingthe Material control procedure按要求對制程發(fā)現(xiàn)的不良來料進行標識,并跟進其處理。04Labelthe failurematerialdiscoverduringtheproductionprocessIQCaccording to the requirement, and follow up the treatment第6頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版本 號:5.5 品質(zhì)檢驗與控制Quality examining and control檢驗方式:Metho

24、d of examine :檢驗標準: 操作者自檢;examining criteria :The operator self-examine; 受控圖紙 (模圖、散件圖、加工圖 );制作組的監(jiān)督檢查;Controlled graph(moldgraph 、itemsMonitoringexaminebytheproduction team;graph 、processing graph) ; 檢驗指導(dǎo)書。IPQC 對規(guī)定工序進行檢驗。 Examining instruction 。IPQC examine the regulate workingprocedure 。操作者合格不合 格Pas

25、sFailure自檢 返工; 于圖紙對應(yīng)流程處簽名,然后將工件、Operatorredo圖紙一起流入下工序。self- 重檢合格方可放行。Sign for the correspondent procedureexamingraph, thenpassthe parts, graphdeliveryonlyafterof theere-examine 。to next procedure 。制作組 每個工件所有工序完成后,制作組收到工件后應(yīng)作監(jiān)督檢查,發(fā)現(xiàn)有問題及監(jiān)督檢時將其反饋給 IPQC ;查After finish all procedure of each parts, the pro

26、duction team should carryMonitoriparts, if discoverany problem,out monitoring examine after received thengnotify the IPQC immediately ;examin”要求處理。 IPQC 發(fā)出 交品質(zhì)部主管確認后, 按“e of thefeedbackform and passto the qualityIPQC issue failure informationproductidepartment head, handle according to “ ”。on tam加工完

27、成的工件,自檢合格后以下情形必須送IPQC 檢驗:IPQCThe parts finished processing, under the following conditions after examine,檢驗must send to IPQC to examine :IPQC1 、外發(fā)加工前; 2、工件加工完送制作前; 3、工件在加工過程中轉(zhuǎn)移加工組別Examin時。e; 2 、 before send to the productionBefore contract out processing第7頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版本 號:department af

28、ter finished the processing ;3、when the parts transfer to otherteam during processing 。IPQC 組長與制作組長溝通,確定工件之重要尺寸,在參考圖上做出標識。IPQC team leader should communicate with the production team leader,conform the important dimension of the parts ,and indicate on the referencegraph 。IPQC 組長根據(jù)實際情況,將工件檢測工作分配給指定人員

29、。IPQC team leader depends on the situation, distribute the part s examinjob to specialize staff 。檢測工件之重要尺寸, 填寫 ,尺寸檢測結(jié)果記錄在參考圖上。Examine the important dimension, writethe ,record the examine result on the reference graph。於圖紙反面蓋 “ QC PASSED ”,於對應(yīng)流程處簽字做實, 檢驗記錄與圖紙經(jīng) IPQC 組長審核后,與工件一起置於“合格區(qū)” ;IPQC 檢Seal “ QC

30、 PASSED ” on the back of the graph , sign on theIPQCcorrespondent procedure, examine the record and the graph, then驗合格IPQCappraised by the quality department supervisor or IPQC teamexamineleader, put the parts on the“ pass; ” areapassed 注:需多次檢查的工件及多工件之圖紙,檢驗記錄和標識應(yīng)予適當區(qū)分。Remark :the graph of parts whic

31、h need multiple examine, the examine recordand the label should be separated 。於圖紙反面蓋紅色“ QC REJ ”,於對應(yīng)流程處簽字作實;并在對應(yīng)流程下記錄 號碼。seal red “ QCREJ ” onthegraph sback , signon thecorrespondentprocedure, and record the number of on the correspondent procedure。檢驗記錄與圖紙交品質(zhì)部主管或IPQC 組長審核后,於工件上標識IPQC 檢“QC REJ ”字樣,置“

32、不合格區(qū)” ;驗 不 合Pass the examining resultand the graph to thequality格department to appraise, seal “QC REJ ” on the parts and put itin the “failure ” area ;IPQC 組對于不合格工件,則填寫 交品質(zhì)部主管,跟長進不合格品的處理。IPQCFor those failure parts, fill the failure information feedback sheet.teamAnd pass to thequality departmenthea

33、d, to follow up the failure第8頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版 本 號:leadergoods treatment.組織制作組長、制造工程師等相關(guān)人員評審以決定處理方式,并將處理結(jié)果填寫在 上。若有分歧,則由制造工程師品質(zhì)部主決定最終處理方式。但燒焊必須獲得項目工程師的同意。管Organizethe productionteamleader 、 productionengineerandQualityrelatedstafftodecidetakewhichmeasures,andrecordthedepartmentdecisionon th

34、e .If cannotHeadreach agreement, the production engineer should make final decision.不合格品處理Failure goods treatment處理方式行動負 責(zé)TreatmentActionIC燒 焊按燒焊工作指導(dǎo)書進行BurningCarry out according to the Burning work instruction 鑲 件發(fā)出 ECN ,修改圖紙并通知相關(guān)人員制造工程師ProductionMountingIssue ECN ,amend the graph and notify the re

35、lated staffengineer按圖紙重新加工;原加工者OriginalReprocess according to the graph;原件再加工processorReprocess若涉及更改設(shè)計,發(fā)出ECN 和修改圖紙。制造工程師If change of designis needed,issue ECN and amend theProductiongraph 。engineer在不合格工件上作報廢標識, 依 將報廢工件退廢品倉,并將 抄送一份給原加工部門。Label write off on the failure items, send to the wasteIPQC報 廢w

36、arehouse according to the and send a copy to the original processingdepartment提出補料申請 (即以舊換新 ),注明 編號。原加工者Make material refill application, indicate the code of processor第9頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版 本 號:注!決定處理方式后, 除報廢直接由 IPQC 將工件退倉外,其余均由IPQC 將隨工件一起退回原加工者。After decide the measures taken, Beside the wr

37、ite off parts send directly to thewarehouse by the IPQC, the IPQC should send back the remains parts withthe failure information feedback sheet to the original processor。以上不合格工件燒焊、鑲件和原件再加工處理后, IPQC 須作重新檢驗,并記錄於上。The parts above after burning, mounting or reprocessing, should be examined by the IPQC,

38、and record the result on the 。品質(zhì)部主管決定是否發(fā)出CAR( 糾正措施報告 )。The quality department supervisor decide whether to issue CAR (correction actions report) or not 。5.6 現(xiàn)場管理On site management5.6.1標識、可追溯性:所有模具和工件均以模號進行追溯。Label 、tractability : All the mold and parts are trace by the mold no 。NO行動和要求負 責(zé)Action and

39、requirementIC物料從貨倉領(lǐng)出時,標注零件編號 (標準件除外 )。倉務(wù)組01 When get the materials form the warehouse, label the item no.Warehouse(except the standard items) 。team在加工或打字嘜前, 以倉務(wù)組標注的零件編號為標識; 經(jīng)粗加工后, 必須補上加工前原有標識。操作者02Before processing ,use the items no given by the warehouse team asOperatorthe indicator ;after rough pr

40、ocessing , must add back the originallabel 。工件加工時, 按散件圖之零件編號及要求, 在工件指定位置打上字嘜后,再進行加工;銅公應(yīng)按照加工圖之銅公編號及要求進行標識。when the parts processing ,according to the code and requirement03of the item graph. The brass parts should indicate according to the操作者processing graph s code and requirement。Operator加工完成的工件應(yīng)與其它

41、未加工工件分區(qū)放置并標識清楚。The parts which finished processing should separate storage and label form the unfinished parts 。第10頁共15頁質(zhì)量管理文件模具制作過程控制程序文件編號:版 本 號:模胚或模具上拆下來的零件,按字嘜統(tǒng)一要求標識,并將其統(tǒng)一擺制作放在箱 /架內(nèi),然后再在箱 /架上標注模號。技工04 The items remove form the mold or mold embryo, should labelProductionaccording to the Wording u

42、nify requirement, and put in theworkerbox/rack ,then label the mold no on the box/rack 。注:銅公、工件之編號方法詳見字嘜統(tǒng)一要求 。Brass work 、 work pieces coding details refer towording unify requirement 。5.6.2 物料管理material management項目行動和要求負 責(zé)ProjectAction and requirementIC申請:填寫 ,注明補料原因補料者Application: write the , indicate the補料ApplicantreasonMaterial部門經(jīng)理refill審批DepartmentApprovalmanager每半年列印呆料清單交總經(jīng)理、加工、制作部經(jīng)理。Print the idle material list to the GM, production manager and呆料processing manager half an year倉務(wù)組長組織相關(guān)人員討論處理方案,提交總經(jīng)理審批,并檢討呆/料產(chǎn)WarehouseIdle生的原因,制訂糾正和預(yù)防措施。teammaterialOrganize related staff to


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