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1、廣東廣州 2019 年高三 1 月調研測試 - 英語2018、01本試卷共 10 頁,三大題 ,總分值 135 分。考試用時 120 分鐘。本卷須知1. 答卷前,考生務必用黑色字跡的鋼筆或簽字筆將自己的姓名和考生號、試室號、座位號填寫在答題卡上,并用2b 鉛筆在答題卡上的相應位置填涂考生號。用2b 鉛筆將試卷類型 a填涂在答題卡相應位置上。2. 選擇題每題選出答案后, 用 2b 鉛筆把答題卡上對應題目選項的答案信息點涂黑,如需改動,用橡皮擦干凈后,再選涂其他答案,答案不能答在試卷上。3. 非選擇題必須用黑色字跡鋼筆或簽字筆作答,答案必須寫在答題卡各題目指定區(qū)域內相應位置上; 如需改動,先劃掉原

2、來的答案,然后再寫上新的答案; 不準使用鉛筆和涂改液。 不按以上要求作答的答案無效。4. 考生必須保持答題卡的整潔。考試結束后,將試卷和答題卡一并交回。 . 語言知識及應用 ( 共兩節(jié),總分值 45 分)第一節(jié)完形填空 ( 共 15 小題;每題 2 分,總分值 30 分)閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從 115 各題所給的 a、b、c和 d 項中,選出最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。rebuildingabrokenfriendshipcanbedifficult.the1may not be easy to get over, but you shouldtry.be the first

3、to talktofault, then it should be easy tothat her friendship is moremisunderstanding.be generous,never returnto thispainfulifthe faultwas yours,tellyour friend.if it wasnt your2 your friend. tell her3to you than any sillyand she willaccept your apology.4unlessshe bringsitup.her so and5thatyoushouldn

4、ever have said what you saidor done what you did.dont send her anemailor6her.you have to be braveandapologizetoherinperson.ifyou relucky,shemight7itat once;otherwise,youwillhave togiveher8to recover. get your shared friends to help ifyour firstattempt has been9.but dontgive up. proveto your friend t

5、hat shes worth fighting for and that youre10toshowhow sorryyou arebybeing matureand11until she s ready to forgive you.afriendshipcanbe brokeninaminutedueto12talk or jealousy. a true friendship however isworth mending but take it13,step by step. talk toher about the good times you had and the bad tim

6、es when youhelpedeach other.tellherhow14itwould be foryouto lose someone you value and respect so much. show her thatyourbrokenfriendshipmustbemended becauseyoucannot15to keep it broken forever. 1.a.friendshipb.feelingc.hurtd. talk 2.a.forgiveb.encouragec.ignored. blame 3.a.dependableb.valuablec.acc

7、eptabled. considerable 4.a.conversationb.friendshipc.idead. topic 5.a.analyzeb.explainc.demonstrated. conclude6. a. callb. meetc.avoidd. join 7.a.confirmb.welcomec.faced. accept 8.a.courageb.timec.reasond. strength 9. a.offensiveb.surprisingc.unsuccessfuld. unacceptable 10.a.willingb.delightedc.scar

8、edd. upset 11.a.politeb.faithfulc.patientd. eager 12.a. unpreparedb.informalc.meaninglessd. careless 13.a.slowlyb.seriouslyc.softlyd. kindly 14.a.strangeb.difficultc.impracticald. pointless 15.a.waitb. livec.hoped. afford第二節(jié)語法填空 ( 共 10 小題;每題 1.5分,總分值 15 分)閱讀下面短文, 按照句子結構的語法性和上下文連貫的要求,在空格處填入一個適當?shù)脑~或使用括

9、號中詞語的正確形式填空,并將答案填寫在答題卡標號為1625 的相應位置上。once,inalovelygarden,livedthemostbeautifulbutterfly in the world. she was so pretty, and had won so manybeauty competitions16she had become very proud.oneday, the naughty cockroach ( off, and decided 17蟑螂 ) got fed up with her showing (teach) her a lesson.she wen

10、t to see the butterfly,and in frontof everyone shetold her that she wasn butterfly only won the been paid. in 19 beautiful.t really that beautiful, and that thecompetitions18thejudges had(real), the cockroach was the mostthebutterflywasangryandtoldthecockroach,“ i20(beat)youinabeautycompetition,with

11、whichever judges you yourself choose.”“ ok, i accept. see you on saturday, ” answered thecockroach, and left21waiting for a reply.thatsaturday everyonewentto22beautycompetition. the butterfly arrived completely confident ofvictory until she saw23thejudgeswere: cockroaches,worms, beetles. all of24pre

12、ferred the ugliness andbad smell of the cockroach.the butterflywas left25(sob)and disappointed,wanting never to enter anotherbeautycompetitioninherlife.fortunately,thecockroach forgave the butterflyforherprideand they became friends. 閱讀 ( 共兩節(jié),總分值50 分)第一節(jié) 閱讀理解 ( 共 20 小題;每題 2 分,總分值 40 分)閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的a

13、、b、c和 d項中,選出最正確選項,并在答題卡上將該項涂黑。awhen luca first heard of the island of inventions, he wasstill very young. but its wonders sounded so incredible thatthey were forever burned in his memory. from that moment, henever stopped searching for clues which might lead him to theisland.he read hundreds of adve

14、nture books, histories,volumesof physics and chemistry, even music.over time, he pieced together his idea of what the islandof inventions was like. it was a secret place, where all thegreat wise men of the world would meet to learn and inventtogether.access to the islandwas totallyrestricted.to join

15、,you had to have createdsome great inventionforhumanity.onlythen could you receive the special invitation which camewith directions to the island.so luca spent his youth studying and inventing. every newidea he got, he made it into an invention, and if there weresomething he didntunderstand,hed seek

16、 othersto helphim.soon he met other young inventors and he told them about theislandof inventions.they too dreamed of one day receivinganinvitation letter.as years passed, the disappointment of not receiving their invitation madeluca and his friends work harder and co-operate more. they would meet i

17、n lucas house, share their ideas and build new machines. their inventions became known throughout the world, and improved the lives of millions. but still, no invitation came.they didn tloseheart.they continuedlearningandinventing every day, trying to come up with more and betterideas.fresh young ta

18、lentjoinedtheirgroup, as more inventorsdreamed of getting to the island.one day many yearslater,luca,alreadyveryold,wasspeaking with a brilliant young man named roberts, who hadwritten to him, asking him to join the group. luca startedtelling the man of the wonderful island of inventions, and ofhow

19、he was sure thatsome day they would receivean invitation.surprised, the young inventor interrupted:“ you meanthis place isn t the island of inventions? isntthe letter you sent me the real invitation?”it was only then that luca realised that his dream hadbecome true in his veryown house. no islandcou

20、ld existwhichwould be better than where he was now. no place of inventionwould be betterthan what he and his friendshad created. lucafelt happy to know that he had always been on the island, andthathis life of inventionand study had been a trulyhappy one.26. lucas pictureof the island of inventionsw

21、as mainlybased on _.a. scientific researchb. his imaginationc. reports of othersd. history books 27. why did luca and his colleagues probably never receive an invitation to the island?a. their ideas were not considered worthy enough.b. they were too concerned with acquiring fame.c. the organization

22、had already broken up.d. the island was not a real place.28. what was roberts reaction tolucas storyof theisland?a. he thought he had already arrived at the island.b. he was disappointed to discover it didnt exist.c. he was excited about receiving an invitation.d. he expressed surprise that luca bel

23、ievedin such fairytales.29. what did luca learn at the end of the story?a. the island of inventions did not exist.b. he had wasted most of his life.c. he had unknowingly built his own dreamland.d. he finally would receive his invitation.30. which of the following best describes luca?a.aggressive.b.t

24、rusting.c.creative.d.easy-going.bimagine puttinga seed in a freezer,waiting30,000 years,and then taking the seed out and planting it. do you think aflower would grow?amazingly, scientists have just managed to do somethingvery similar.they found the fruitof an ancientplantthathadbeenfrozenunderground

25、insiberiaaregioncoveringcentral and eastern russia for about 31,800 years. usingpieces of the fruit, the scientists grew plants in a lab. thenew blooms have delicatewhite petals.they are also the oldestfloweringplantsthatresearchershave ever revivedfrom a deepfreeze.“ this is like regenerating a din

26、osaur from tissues of anancient egg, ” said universityof california,losangelesbiologist jane shen-miller.the planthas a longhistory.back when mammothsand woollyrhinoceroses walked theland, an arctic ground squirrelburiedseeds and fruitsin an underground chamber near the kolyma riverin northeasternsi

27、beria.the ground became permafrost,a layerof soil that stays frozen for a long time.recently,russian scientistsdug out the old squirrelholeand found the plant remains 38 meters below the surface. backat the lab, the team fed nutrients to tissue from three of thefruits to grow shoots. then the scient

28、ists transferred theshoots to pots filledwith soil.the plantsproduced seeds thatcould be used to grow even more of them.it s important for scientists to know that plant tissuescan still be revived after being frozen for a long time. that s because many researchers are trying to preserve the seeds of

29、modern plants by freezing them and then storing them in giant lockers at various spots around the globe. one such endeavor,an undergroundfacilityinnorway,iscalledthesvalbardglobal seed vault. it stores hundreds of thousands of frozenseeds. ifa plantever goes extinct,scientistscould bringitback by ta

30、king its seeds from the svalbard or other storagelockers.“ no one knows how long they are able to live for, but freezing is basically the format for many plant conservationattemptsat leastnowadays.” shen-miller said. it s a good thing that some plants are tough enough to survive the experience.31. h

31、ow did the fruit originally get underground?a. it was placed there by an animal.b. it was trapped there during the ice-age.c. it was planted there by ancient farmers.d. it was buried there after the earthquake.32. which of the followingwas notused to recreatetheancient plant?a.modern nutrients.b.par

32、tsofitsfruit.c. itsfrozenseeds.d. plantpots withsoil. 33. why are scientists interested in this discovery? a. it helps them learn how plant life has changed in the past 30,000 years.b.itcan helpguidefutureeffortstoprotectendangeredplant-life.c. itcan providedirectionsforwhere to look forother ancien

33、tplants.d. it proves that all plant life can survive for thousands of years when frozen.34. the underlinedword “they ” inthe finalparagraphrefers to _.a. plantsb. seedsc. scientistsd.storage lockers35. the purpose of the passage is to _.a. discuss a plant conservation effortb. introduce some ancient

34、 plantsc. outline some causes of global warmingd. describe a scientific research projectcas thousands ofcommunities inthe usa especiallyin thesouth became booming gateways for immigrant families fromcentral and south america during the1990s and theearlyyearsofthenew century,publicschoolsstruggledwit

35、htheunfamiliartaskofservingthelargenumbersofenglishlearners arriving in their classrooms.education programs needed to be built from scratch.“wehad no teaching resources suitable for english learners herebefore.we hadtodevelop themallourselves,” atexasprincipalsaid.throughout thecountry,districtshad

36、totraintheir own teachers to teach english to non-native speakers orrecruit teachers from elsewhere. school staff members had tofigureout how to communicate with parents who spoke no english.but even as immigrationhas slowed or stopped in manyplaces,and instructionalprograms forenglish-learnershave

37、matured,serving immigrant families and their children remains a workinprogressinmany publicschools,especiallythoseincommunities that are skeptical, or sometimes unwelcoming, to the newcomers. one of the biggest challenges educators face,is communicating effectively with parents who don t speakenglis

38、h complaintsan issue that, in part, has contributed to recentof discriminationby latinostudentsin somecities.“ the parents role is very important for the success ofthese students,but itsalsoone ofthe most difficultthingsweve had to tackle,” said jim d. rollins, the president ofthespringdaleschooldis

39、trict,where the 19,000-studentschool system has gone from having no english-learners15 yearsago to more than 7,500 now.“you have to make it a priorityand work on it, work on it, and work on it.”asidefromthepracticalchallenges,such as findingbilingual (會說兩種語言的 ) staff members, guiding districtsthroug

40、h such dramaticchanges requires schoolleadersto bridgedifficult political and cultural divides. for school leadersinthe south, especiallyin the lastfew years, thisdifficultjob has been madeharder still by the negative attitudes of some locals towards immigrants. 36. according to the passage, what is

41、 the problem that public schools are facing?a. handling more cases from the immigrant mexican communities. b. offering services to immigrant families in the southernstates.c. offeringenough communicative lessons to immigrant parents.d. providing education for non-native english learners.37. the unde

42、rlined part“ built from scratch”(inparagraph 2) probably meansa. completely newc. based on past experience“_”.b. painful to maked. constructed gradually 38. what is one of the things the school leaders have done to deal with the problems?a. provide more spanish-only classes.b. invite more teachers f

43、rom other places.c. train their teachers to speak spanish.d. use bilingual parents as part-time teachers.39. what do we know about the immigrant parents?a. many of them cannot speak english.b. most of them think education is not important.c. some of them feel skeptical about the local community.d. f

44、ew of them have attended american schools. 40. according to paragraph 3, what has caused some of the recent complaints by latino students? a. discrimination by schools.b. unfriendliness of the locals.c. miscommunication with parents.d. poor government service.dsteven spielbergs new movie lincoln pai

45、nts a vivid andbreath-takingpictureofthe16th u.s. presidentand hisdeterminationtoend slavery. spielbergbased hisfilmon partsof team of rivals, a book by doris kearns goodwin. he makesabrahamlincolnrelevanttoday bypresentingacunningpoliticalmind trying to overcome washington s alltoofamiliarpolitical

46、 divisions.in previousmovies,lincolnwas shown as a simple yet almostperfect man. but spielbergs lincoln is different.“ i wasdetermined to make a movie about a working president dealingwith real problems. not some angel,” spielberg said.we watch the president first ending slavery and then thewar.the

47、film s adviser, historian eric martin, explains how lincolns thinking evolved.“ his main objective when the war began was not the freeing of the slaves but to keep the country united. lincoln realizes that in order to keep the country together, the question ofslavery will have to be addressed,” mart

48、in said.the filmfocuses on the lastfour months of his presidency.in the movie, the arguments among political enemies seemvery similar to the problems we see in washington today. thedisagreements were bitter.the film turns to lincoln s relationships with his wife and kids, his beliefs and constant self-examination. daniel day-lewis, the actor who plays lincoln, offers an oscar-worthy performance as the 16th president


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