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1、.雙學(xué)位畢業(yè)論文中文題目: 淺析動物莊園的諷刺藝術(shù) 外文題目: the brief analysis of irony art of animal farm 院 系 英語學(xué)院 專 業(yè) 英語(語言文學(xué)) 年 級 2011級秋季班 學(xué)生姓名 指導(dǎo)教師 精品.四川外國語大學(xué)教務(wù)處制精品.淺析動物莊園的諷刺藝術(shù)摘要:動物農(nóng)莊是英國作家喬治奧威爾所著的一部政治寓言體小說,故事描述了一場“動物主義”革命的醞釀、興起和最終蛻變。小說主要映射了19世紀(jì)前中期的世界格局以及資本主義和共產(chǎn)主義的發(fā)展和復(fù)雜斗爭。本文主要從小說中涉及的故事情節(jié)和諷刺藝術(shù)的手法出發(fā),并結(jié)合諷刺藝術(shù)在英國的歷史去分析作者在動物農(nóng)莊中諷刺

2、藝術(shù)的體現(xiàn)與運用。這種諷刺分析主要剖析小說中出現(xiàn)的典型人物形象,如“拿破侖”、“雪球”、“拳擊手”等等以及其“動物主義”革命最終“失敗”的悲慘結(jié)局上。通過本文的寫作,筆者表達了對喬治奧威爾諷刺手法的贊賞,并且希望通過本次對動物農(nóng)莊中諷刺成分的探討,提高自己對政治寓言體小說的理解以及提高對動物農(nóng)莊背后所暗指的蘇聯(lián)階級斗爭、共產(chǎn)主義革命的認識。關(guān)鍵詞:喬治奧威爾;諷刺藝術(shù);小說;動物莊園 精品.the brief analysis of irony art of animal farmabstractanimal farm is a political fable style novel writ

3、ten by british writer george orwell. the story describes the brewing, rising up and final transformation of an animal revolution. the novel mainly maps the world pattern and the development and complicated struggle between capitalism and communism in the middle of the 19th century. this article main

4、ly analyzes the embodiment and application of irony art of the author in the animal farm from the view of plot of novel and the irony art technique and combining the irony art history in british. the irony analysis mainly analyzes the typical characters in the novel, such as napoleon, snowball, boxe

5、r, etc., and the tragic failure end of animal revolution. by writing this article, writer of this paper expresses the appreciation to george orwells irony, and hopes that can improve the understanding of political fable style novel and increase the cognitive of the class struggle of the soviet union

6、 and the communist revolution that animal farm referring to through the discussion of irony composition in animal farm.key words: george orwell, irony art; novel; animal farm精品.acknowledgementsin the research of this selected topic, i get hongjun wu teachers guidance in the process of study. mrs wu

7、cares about my research, helps me to develop research ideas, and gives me inspiration and warm encouragement. during thesis writing, mrs wu guides me carefully in every process, helps me sort out ideas, and reads my articles carefully each time and puts forward detailed suggestions for modification.

8、 mrs wus rigorous attitude of doing scholarly research and serious attitude to life not only bring me great help during thesis writing, also need to appreciate my life and study. here, i want to firstly thank to my teacher hongjun wu.thanks to college english teachers, in four years on the academic

9、teaching and daily life give me much care. the four years education will make me benefit for life.and schoolmates, classmates for four years, thank you for the best youth with you accompany, you give me help and care. i will always remember that.精品.contents中文摘要.iabstractiiacknowledgements iiiithe br

10、ief analysis of irony art of animal farm1introduction1i. the introduction of irony art3a.the origin of irony art3b.the core of irony4ii. irony art analysis of animal farm5a.image browsing of the novel5b.the analysis of the irony technique in the novel6iii. the realistic significance of the irony art

11、8conclusion9notes10bibliography11精品.the brief analysis of irony art of animal farmintroduction george orwell, a great british writer, he often investigates and examines social problems with rich perspective and sharp vision as social activist. the observations of these phenomena always achieve the p

12、oint of details and particulars. animal farm is written in 1945. it is a political fable style novel. the whole story was believed that it has a striking similarity with the soviet union and even the entire communist movement in the 20th century by later commentators.1 a lot of things written by the

13、 author in the book that time were verified in the later by history. the concept of totalitarianism didnt appear at that time, but orwell had warned people about the consequences of the totalitarian might bring.animal farm tells the story that animals cant stand the oppression of farm owner, then th

14、ey struggle and revolt under the guidance of two pigs. through fierce fight and struggle, they finally get rid of the planter, and establish a management of their own homes. in the farm, they pursue the principle of all animals are equal, and put forward some slogans that criticize the evil behavior

15、s. but the good time dont last long , pigs in the farm gradually become high above the leadership and encroach on other animals fruits of their labor, and enjoy the other animals cant enjoy substance, and take this for granted, thus become the new privileged class. at the same time, another struggle

16、 is unfolding that the two leading boar - napoleon and snowball have different opinions in 精品.the management. napoleon slander snowball was a traitor, quisling in order to keep leadership and scramble for power. in order to maintain its own rule, napoleon conducts bloody purges to snowball and its s

17、upport animals and cleans up them out of the farm. as a result, napoleon begins to make a cult of personality, many other animals under the oppressive rule of napoleon are flattery. at last napoleon alliances with people, and establish a dictatorship. the principle of farm is also changed from all a

18、nimals are equal to some animals are more equal than other animals2. the sad condition of the animals returns to before. the novel caricatures the totalitarian by describing animal life fable, reflects the social reality at that time already some on the international. but the meaning of animal farm

19、is far more than that, animal farm has extremely strong ironic artistic features classic. the ironic language is hit the nail on the head, incisively and vividly. the irony methods of this book are worth our study.in animal farm, orwell integrates various writing technique that he is good at, and sh

20、ows a cold satirical allegory for readers. with the aid of this fable type technique, satirizes the common problems of the human society in all ages. he directly analyzes totalitarian rule with great vision and foresight, describes that the totalitarian may cause enormous destruction. this paper tri

21、es to analyze of the irony in animal farm, and reveal the implication behind this parable.精品.i. the introduction of irony artirony art as a special art form, mainly comprises literature and drama, it is different from other kinds of art forms. it is different from literary criticism class. it not on

22、ly exposures the habit of human or personal, folly, faults and shortcomings in direct. irony art is generally not directly to criticize someone or something, but uses a hint, ridicule, metaphor or personification technique to expose and condemn. it can cause more readers attention and thinking.3a. t

23、he origin of irony artbritains irony art has a long history and brilliant artistic achievements, since is known as the father of the精品. literature, chaucer, there has already been the irony art. in subsequent history, shakespeares comedy script, popes satirical poetry, swifts “gullivers travels” are

24、 all classical representative of the british irony, followed by the novels of dickens, george bernard shaws drama and so on. the british seemed to have always been good at using humor and irony. shakespeare was called irony humor and wit is the flash of wisdom. in numerous ironies, the writers throu

25、gh a variety of irony art, makes all sorts of lifelike characters. they have different characters, live in different life environment, but in somewhere they have the same sad and inherent defects. the british traditional means of irony are very rich. the most frequently used methods are as follow: s

26、uch as metaphor, personification, symbol, exaggeration, and so on. authors by skillfully using these techniques, reveal the targets that they want to satirize and make those heart covered under the surface were exposed.b. the core of ironylu xun gave a general description of the connotation of irony

27、 art in the what is irony (1935): i think: an author, uses the refining, or just some exaggeration ink - but must also be natural art -writes a group of people or a true, this work is called irony.4 lu xun thought that the life of irony lies in its authenticity. perhaps the facts described by writer

28、 have not appeared now, but it will happen in the future. from this we know that the irony should not be a false and also shouldnt be figment, and should not be the eye-catching blame the status quo and the so-called anecdote supposition. irony is supposed to be a sign of real way, and should not be

29、 selfish and ridicule. both ancient and mod精品.ern chinese and foreign, from the scholars and strange stories to the high old man, nose, animal farm and other literary classics, written by them may be illusory, never happened, but their performance of social reality and human nature.ii. irony art ana

30、lysis of animal farma. image browsing of the novelin his animal farm, orwell uses a lot of irony art techniques. that enhances the literariness of the work, and more deepens the theme of his work, highlights the irony of the works. this chapter through the analysis of different complex characters of

31、 this paper interprets that how he uses irony technique to realize the object of irony in his novel精品. and how orwell vividly shapes character image in order to tell the general moral critique of reality.two pigs: in this paper the various kinds of animals, they play major roles in every event of th

32、is novel. they are the major leaders of the animal farm. at first the two pigs encourage all animals in heart, so that eventually they two led animals to revolt successfully, and occupy the farm, built their own homes. however, this two pigs characters and fate are totally different. napoleon is not

33、 only the leader with political views, is also more familiar with the operation of the power and rule. eventually he breaks his original ideal, become the authoritarian leaders of animal farm. however the snowball is an idealist, at first he has the lofty ideals, and gives his all to the so-called a

34、nimal, but due to he has the different opinions with napoleon, he is finally cleaned by napoleon. when describes the two pigs orwell uses much symbol technique of irony.shrill voice: this is a very interesting image in the novel. he can be seen in the forefront of all sorts of speech. he successfull

35、y disguises himself through the rhetoric in common animals, and states about the various public affairs, and speaks good words for each speech of the leadership. but in fact, he is the propaganda machine of napoleon. orwell puts comparison irony technique into describing the shrill voice incisively

36、and vividly.boxer: boxer plays a role of grass-roots in animal farm. whether it is in the leading time of farmer owner jones, or in the leading time of later napoleon, animals those are similar to the boxer have been in the status being exploited. perhaps they never stand up. the精品.y are courage, ho

37、nesty and work hard, but this doesnt change the reality that they are exploited, and finally cant come out of the tragedy that they are completely betrayed. they symbolize the hare-working but cowardly laborers.b. the analysis of the irony technique in the novelin the novel, it uses many kinds of ir

38、ony techniques. these methods have the characteristics of each and appear in the novel and describe the characters of each figure. through a lot of description techniques, the novel shows different personalities of each figure vividly, and their personalities are very different. i think this novel m

39、ainly uses those irony techniques such as: contrast, symbol, exaggeration, etc.for this part, i will focus on the symbolism of the animal farm. as an allegorical novel, the symbolism is the author want to convey to the reader, in the novel each animal has the different strong symbolic significance.

40、first, the image of napoleon symbolizes the dictator. in animal revolution, “napoleon” has shown its strong character, its arrogance, rarely speak but is very sinister. it is good at deceiving subordinate with rhetoric, for example, the pigs in the house eating apple and milk, but they are shouting:

41、comrades!. in fact, most of us dont like milk and apples. we eat these things only purpose is to keep our health. our pigs are knowledge workers, all the management and organization depends on our farm, we pay close attention to your happiness day and night, it is to you, we dr精品.ink milk, eat an ap

42、ple.5and for those who do not support their animals such as “snowball”, they carry out suppression and revenge and eventually clean them cruelly. the pig leaders represented by “napoleon” shout loudly equality every day, but pleasure-seeking privately. they cultivate their underlings through various

43、 means. and they use rich to lure others to serve for their own authoritarian rule. these are all directly point to the soviet authoritarian rule, symbolism. it discloses the international social reality baldly through a pigs words and deeds. the behaviors of “napoleon” in animal farm suggest the be

44、haviors of some authoritarian rulers under the authoritarian rule, and the irony is strongly.6for this part, i will focus on the comparison technique in the animal farm. in this paper it adopts a large number of contrast methods, whether they are the contrast before the revolution and after the revo

45、lution or the comparison of different characters all reflect the real meaning of animal revolution and the real purpose of authoritarian leaders under the hide in the appearance. for example from the beginning of the basic idea of all animals are equal to the later all animals are equal, but some an

46、imals are more equal than others, from the beginning of the revolution specified by the 7 principles, to the end it is abolished or tampered. and the changes directly highlight the contradictory of the leaders from the front to the end, and the contradiction of the leaderships theory is essentially

47、to tries to conceal the leadership centralization unruliness7. according to 精品.these changes of ideological of the authoritarian leaders, we can see the changes of authoritarian leaders thought. the contrasts reflect the process that a leader from one against authoritarian and exploitation revolutio

48、nary gradually becomes a sinister autocratic ruler full of power. by the comparison between “napoleon” and “snowball”, “shrill voice” and “boxers”, “napoleon” and the original farmer owner jones, the novel discloses the psychological activities in different periods and complex relationships between

49、them, in such a large group that each figure has different character. finally these animals have their different destination because of their respective characteristics. some are on high position, some are enslaved oppression and some are dead. and all this are responses and ironies to the social re

50、ality at that time.iii. the realistic significance of the irony artthe real purpose of irony art should be criticism. irony art as literature carrier with long history has its unique artistic charm.8the authors description to the animal farm is a miniature of real world. there are all kinds of chara

51、cters of the reality in the novel. the authors irony is pessimistic. in his works, the oppressed people have no hope to get the kind of life they dream to get and had been promised. and this also agreed with some of the social reality at that time. through satirist in reality may not be noticed by p

52、eople or deep understanding of social reality by people directly in front of people. through the irony can put something not directly show display, can be understood from the seemin精品.gly plain truth of deep. irony can better highlight the purpose of writing.9throughout history, we never really perf

53、ect society, human beings constantly attempt and explore the different road, and we will make all sorts of mistakes. irony art can better reveal our mistakes, and let us see more clearly the road ahead. irony literature may be in a specific period of time to touch the sore spots of many persons, and

54、 may be hated and abandoned by a lot of people. but it is important for the human beings. irony art reminds us the mistakes of our past like a needle. it makes us have broader wisdom and deeper thinking, and make us braver to go on.conclusionthe author conducts a comprehensive description to a small

55、 society of the animal through the animal farm. it enables us to see the ugliness of authoritarian rule, further make us see a lot of the weakness of human nature. the author depicts those animals, in fact, it is through the description of animals to represent the persons thoughts. there are nicety

56、and evil of human nature, and the vision of the ideal and rights, also the simple dedication and greedy desire. these are our own inner profound analysis. through the novel, we can see more clearly 精品.ourselves. we can only know shortcomings to correct shortcomings. through irony, we can attack ugly, and can praise nicety by irony.this article mainly discusses the irony art applied in animal farm, and analyzes the main role in it, and analyzes those irony art used by the author when he describes various related roles in his novel. this paper tries to


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