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1、Chapter 1 Oil and Gas Fields第1章 油氣田1.1 An Introduction to Oil and Gas Production 1.1石油和天然氣生產的介紹The complex nature of wellstreams is responsible for the complex processing of the produced fluids (gas, oil,water, and solids). The hydrocarbon portion must be separated into products that can be stored a

2、nd/or transported. The nonhydrocarbon contaminants must be removed as much as feasible to meet storage, transport, reinjection, and disposal specifications. Ultimate disposal of the various waste streams depends on factors such as the location of the field and the applicable environmental regulation

3、s. The overriding criterion for product selection, construction, and operation decisions is economics. 油氣井井流的復雜性質,決定了所產流體(氣、油、水和固體)的加工十分復雜。必須分出井流中的烴類,使之成為能儲存和/或能輸送的各種產品;必須盡可能地脫除井流中的非烴雜質,以滿足儲存、輸送、回注和排放的規(guī)范。各類廢棄物的最終處置取決于各種因素,如油氣田所處地域和所采用的環(huán)保規(guī)定等。經濟性是決定油氣田產品設計、建筑和操作決策的最重要準則。Fig. 1-1 is a comprehensive pic

4、ture of the individual unit operations carried out in field processing. All the various modules shown will not all be present in every system. Furthermore, the modules used in a given application may not be arranged in the exact sequence shown, although the sequence is,in general, correct. The selec

5、tion and sequencing of modules is determined during the design phase of field development. 圖1-1表示在礦場進行的各種單元操作的綜合圖。在各系統(tǒng)內不一定有圖1- 所示的全部操作模塊。盡管圖中所示的加工順序通常是正確的,但在某一特定使用情況下,模塊的布置可能會與圖中所示的順序不同。在油氣田開發(fā)設計階段確定模塊的選擇和排列順序。As shown in Fig. 1-1,the individual phases (gas,liquid hydrocarbon, liquid water, and solid

6、s) should be separated from each other as early as practical. Individual streams can then be treated with less technical difficulty and more economically. Hartley and Bin Jadid (1989) illustrate how lab and field tests performed before construction can identify and minimize future production and pro

7、cessing problems such as scaling, foaming, emulsion formation, wax deposition, and hydrate formation. Processing of the separated streams is now reviewed briefly because many of the individual unit operations are discussed in detail in subsequent chapters. 如圖1-1所示,應盡早將各股流體(氣、液態(tài)烴、液態(tài)水和固體)分離。這樣,單獨處理各股流

8、體時,技術難度較小,也較經濟。Hartley和Bin Jadid (19$9闡明了在建設前進行的室內和現(xiàn)場試驗可以發(fā)現(xiàn)并減少將來在生產和加工中可能出現(xiàn)的問題,如結垢、發(fā)泡、形成乳狀液、結蠟以及生成水合物等,現(xiàn)在簡要介紹被分離的各股流體的加工,在后續(xù)章節(jié)中將詳細討論其中的許多單元操作。1 .1 .1 Gas Processing 1 .1 .1氣體加工As shown in Fig. 1-1,gas processing begins with treating, if necessary, to remove the acid gases- hydrogen sulfide and carbo

9、n dioxide. Both gases are very corrosive when liquid water is present and hydrogen sulfide is most toxic. Environmental regulations almost always prohibit the release of significant amounts of hydrogen sulfide to the surroundings. Conversion to elemental sulfur is becoming increasingly necessary. 如圖

10、1-Z所示,氣體加工(若需要)從脫除酸氣(H2S和CO2)開始。當存在液態(tài)水時,這兩種氣體有極強的腐蝕性,而且H2S極具毒性。環(huán)保法規(guī)幾乎都禁止向周圍環(huán)境排放大量H2S,而且正愈來愈多地要求將H2S轉變?yōu)樵亓?。Gas sweetening usually uses aqueous solutions of various chemicals. Therefore, sweetening will precede dehydration. Dehydration is often necessary to prevent the formation of gas hydrates, which

11、 may plug high-pressure processing equipment or pipelines at high pressure and at temperatures considerably higher than 32F (0C). 天然氣脫酸氣常使用各種化學劑的水溶液,因而脫酸氣應在氣體脫水之前進行。為防止生成氣體水合物,常需進行脫水。在高壓和比32F(0)高的溫度下,水合物可能堵塞高壓工藝設備和管線。Gas that contains considerable amounts of liquefiable hydrocarbons (ethane or propa

12、ne and heavier) can produce condensate upon compressing or cooling. The condensate may cause difficulty in pipelining or subsequent processing. Field processing to remove these natural-gas liquids ( NGL ) , sometimes referred to simply as condensate, may be economical or may be required to meet a hy

13、drocarbon dew-point specification. In remote locations such processing is generally avoided if possible. Recovered condensate may, in turn, have to be stabilized by removing dissolved gaseous components to obtain a transportable product. 含有大量可液化烴類(C2+或C3+)的氣體,在壓縮或冷卻時一可能產生凝析油。凝析油會給管輸和后續(xù)加一帶來困難。在礦場脫除這些

14、天然氣液體(NGL,有時簡稱為凝析油)可能是經濟的,或為滿足烴露點規(guī)定所必需的。在邊遠地區(qū)應盡一量避免脫除凝析油的工作?;厥盏哪鲇捅仨氝M行穩(wěn)定,脫除溶解氣組分,以獲得可輸送的產品。1 .1 .2 Oil Processing 1 .1 .2原油加工After free water removal, produced oil often contains excessive residual emulsified water。 . Treating, also called dehydration, is required to reduce the water content to a va

15、lue acceptable for transportation or sales. Dehydration should be accomplished using the most economic combination of four factors or techniques;namely, residence time, chemical addition, heat, and electrostatic fields. Dilution water must occasionally be added to reduce the salt content of the resi

16、dual emulsion (i. e. , the sales crude oil) to a suitably low level. In the United States,desalting is usually performed in the refinery;overseas,desalting is sometimes performed in the field.脫除游離水后,生產的原油內常含有過量的殘余乳化水。含有過量殘余乳化水的原油需要進行處理(也稱脫水),將水含量降至運輸和銷售允許的限度內??蓱盟姆N技術的最經濟組合實施脫水,即停留時間、化學添加劑、加熱和靜電場。有時還

17、必須摻人稀釋水,將殘余乳狀液(即銷售原油)內的鹽含量降低至合理的低濃度。美國,脫鹽常在煉廠進行;美國以外地區(qū),脫鹽有時在礦場進行。Hydrogen sulfide in crude oil is limited to reduce handling and transportation difficulties because of its extreme toxicity and corrosiveness. Gas stripping or heating is usually used for hydrogen sulfide removal or sweetening as is di

18、scussed latterly. 由于H2S具有劇毒和腐蝕性,故應限制原油內H2S的含量,以降低原油裝卸、沛在和輸送過程的困難。如在后續(xù)內容中討論的那樣,常用氣提或加熱方法脫除原油內的H2S,或使其“甜化”。Crude oil stabilization refers to lowering the vapor pressure to a value that will allow safe handling and transport. Vapor pressure control is obtained by stage separation, reboiled distillation

19、, or a combination of the two. During stabilization some of the more volatile hydrocarbons are removed as vapor and this gas phase entrains hydrogen sulfide and other volatile sulfur compounds from the sour crude oil. Additional sweetening may not be required. 原油穩(wěn)定是指將蒸氣壓降低至某一數(shù)值,在該蒸氣壓下原油可安全地裝卸、儲存和運輸。

20、多級分離、再沸蒸餾或多級分離與再沸蒸餾相結合,來控制原油蒸氣壓。在穩(wěn)定過程中,某些揮發(fā)性強的烴類成為蒸氣從原油內分出,這種烴類氣體還從酸性原油內帶出H2S和其他揮發(fā)性強的硫化物。原油也可能不需要專門的脫硫或“甜化”處理。1. 2 Brief Description of Crude Oil Surface Treatment 1. 2原油地面處理簡介Well fluids are often a complex mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, gas, and some impurities. It is necessary to remove the gas

21、and some impurities from the liquid hydrocarbons before they are stored, transported, and sold. Liquid hydrocarbons and objectionable impurities must also be removed from natural gas before the gas goes to a sales line. Impurities that might be found in some well streams are hydrogen sulfide, carbon

22、 dioxide free water, water vapor, mercaptans, nitrogen,helium,and solids. Nearly all of site impurities cause various types of operating problems. 井流通常是液態(tài)烴、氣體和某些雜質的復雜混合物。在液態(tài)烴儲存、輸送和銷售前,必須從浪態(tài)烴中脫除氣體和某些雜質。氣體進人銷售管道前,也必須從天然氣中脫除液態(tài)烴和有害雜質.在某些并流中,可能存在的雜質是硫化氫、二氧化碳、游離水、水蒸氣、硫醇、氮、氦和固體雜質。幾乎所有的雜質都會引起各種操作問題。The sepa

23、ration of natural gas,liquid hydrocarbons, and impurities is accomplished by various field-processing methods,depending upon the composition of the well stream and the desired end product. Those methods include time, chemicals, gravity,heat,chemicals or electrical processes, and combinations of thes

24、e. 根據井流的組成和要求的終端產品,可采用各種現(xiàn)場加工方法實現(xiàn)天然氣、液態(tài)烴和雜質的分離。這些方法包括時間、化學藥品、重力、熱、機械或電加工,以及上述方法的綜合運用。1 .2 .1 Separators 1 .2 .1分離器Separation of well-stream gas from free liquids is the most common and simplest form of field processing. The equipment most widely used for this type of processing is referred to as a se

25、parator. The separation of natural gas from liquids and/or impurities m a separator combines gravity, time,mechanical processes, and occasionally chemicals. 液體與井流氣的分離是現(xiàn)場加工最普遍和最簡單的方式。這類加工中最常用的設備稱為分離器。在分離器內,從液體和/或雜質中分出天然氣時可綜合使用重力、時間和機械方法,偶爾也采用化學藥劑。The size of the separator is dependent upon rate of fl

26、ow of the natural as and/or liquids going in the vessel. The operating pressure of the vessel is dependent upon the pressure of the gas sales line, the flowing pressure of the well,and operating pressure desired by the lease operator. 分離器的大小取決于進人分離器的天然氣流量和/或液體流量。容器的操作壓力取決于氣體銷售管線的壓力、井的流動壓力和礦場操作人員要求的操

27、作壓力。Separators are built in various designs, such as vertical,horizontal and spherical. The internals of the vessel. to aid in the mechanical separation of the gas and liquids, are of a special design,depending upon the manufacture. Although most separators are two-phase in design separating the gas

28、 and liquids, they can be built three-phase lo separate natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons,and free water(Fig. 1-2). 分離器有各種不同設計,如立式、臥式和球形分離器。促進氣液機械分離的容器內部構件是由制造商專門設計的。盡管設計中多數(shù)分離器只分離氣液兩相,但能制造分離天然氣、液態(tài)烴和游離水的三相分離器(圖1-2)。1 .2 .2 Oil Treating 1 .2 .2原油處理When crude oil is produced, various amounts of gas, wat

29、er,and other impurities are mixed with the oil. Some of this mixture comes as free oil,some as free water, and some as a homogeneous mixture known as an emulsion. The gas ,water, and other impurities (known as basic sediment and water) must be removed before selling the oil. This separation process

30、is called oil treating. 采出的原油會混有不同數(shù)量的氣、水和其他雜質。這種混合物中有些為原油,有些為游離水,有些為被稱作乳狀液的均勻混合物。原油銷售前必須脫除氣體、水和其他雜質(稱為底部沉積物和水)。這種分離過程稱為原油處理。Treating systems are important parts of lease equipment. Experience in a particular field or area is valuable in determining the best equipment for the application. 處理系統(tǒng)是礦場設備的重

31、要組成部分。在確定原油的最佳處理設備時是有價值的,在特定油田和地區(qū)的經驗十分重要。In selecting a treating system, a number of factors should be considered to determine the most desirable method of treating the crude oil to pipeline requirements. Some of these factors are: 為了確定原油的最佳處理方法,使之滿足管輸要求,在選擇處理系統(tǒng)時應考慮許多因素。其中的一些因素是:(1) Tightness of emu

32、lsion. (1)乳液的牢固程度。(2) Specific gravity of the oil and produced water. (2)油和采出水的相對密度。(3) Corrosiveness of the oil ,gas,and produced water. (3)油,氣,和采出水的腐蝕性。(4) Scaling tendencies of the produced water. (4)采出水的結垢趨勢。(5) Quantity of fluid to be treated and percent of water in the fluid. (5)需處理的流體數(shù)量和流體內的水

33、含量。(6) Availability of sales line for the gas. (6)是否有氣體銷售管線。(7) Desirable operating pressure for the equipment. (7)設備所需的操作壓力。(8) Paraffin-forming tendencies of the crude oil. (8)原油的結蠟傾向。Oil-field emulsions are usually of the water-in-oil type;however, a few of the emulsions are oil-in-water type and

34、 are called reverse emulsions. Emulsions are complex and each should be considered individually. 油田乳狀液通常為油包水型,個別情況為水包油型,并稱為反相乳狀液。乳狀液非常復雜,對每一種乳狀液都應單獨考慮。In order to break a crude oil emulsion and obtain clean oil, it is necessary to displace the emulsifier and its film. This brings about the coalescen

35、ce of droplets of water and furnishes a means and time period of undisturbed settling of the coalesced water drops. There are several methods used in conjunction with one another to “ treat” an oil emulsion. 為使原油乳狀液破乳并得到凈化油,需要一置換乳化劑及其薄膜。這樣可促使水摘聚結、并并為聚結水滴提供無干擾的沉降時間和沉降方法。處理原油乳狀液有多種彼此組合的方法。1 .2 .5 Vert

36、ical Treaters 1 .2 .5立式處理器The most commonly used single-well lease treater is the vertical treater as shown in Fig. 1-5. Flow enters the top of the treater into a gas separation section. Care must be exercised to size this section so that it has adequate dimensions to separate the gas from the inlet

37、 flow. If the treater is located downstream of a separator, this chamber can be very small. The gas separation section should have an inlet diverter and a mist extractor. 圖1-5所示的立式處理器是最常用的礦場單井處理器。井流進入處理器頂部的氣體分離段。在確定該段尺寸時,應使其有有足夠的空間寸來從井流中分離出氣體。如果處理器位于分離器下游,氣體分離段可以很小。氣體分離段應有一個入口分流器和捕霧器。The liquids flo

38、w through a downcomer to the base of the treater. which serves as a free-water knockout section. If the treater is located downstream of a free-water knockout , the bottom section can be very small. If the total wollstream is to be treated this section should be sized for 3 to 5 minutes retention ti

39、me for both the oil and the water to allow the free water to settle out. This will minimize the amount of fuel gas needed to heat the liquid stream rising through the heating section. The end of the downcomer should be slightly below the oil water interface to “water wash” the oil being treated. Thi

40、s will assist in the coalescence of water droplets in the oil. 液體通過降液管流至處理器底部,該段為游離水分離段。如果處理器位于游離水分離器下游,則該段可以很小。如果要處理全部井流,以油、水在該段都停留3-5 min來確定該段的大小,以便游離水沉降。分出游離水后,將減少向上通過加熱段液流所需的加熱燃料氣為了用水洗滌被處理的原油,降液管的底端應略低于油水界面。水洗將促進原油內水滴的聚結。 The oil and emulsion rises over the heater fire-tubes to a coalescing sect

41、ion where sufficient retention time is provided to allow the small water particles in the oil continuous phase to coalesce and settle to the bottom.原油及其乳狀液上升,通過加熱器火筒至聚結段。聚結段可提供足夠的停留時間,便連續(xù)相原油內的水滴聚結并沉降至處理器底部Treated oil flows out the oil outlet. Any gas, flashed from the oil due to heating, flows throu

42、gh the equalizing line to the gas space above. Oil level is maintained by pneumatic or lever operated dump valves. Oil-water interface is controlled by an interface controller, or an adjustable external water leg. 處理后的原油從油出口流出。由于加熱,從原油內閃蒸出的氣體通過平衡管線流入處理器頂端的氣體空間。氣動或連桿操作的出油閥可控制油面液位,由界面控制器或外部可調出水管線控制油水界

43、面。The detailed design of the treater, including the design of internals (many features of which are patented) should be the responsibility of the equipment supplier. 處理器及其內部構件(構件的許多特點都有相應專利)的詳細設計應由設備供應商負責。1.2.6 Stabilization and Sweetening of Crude Oil 1.2.6原油的穩(wěn)定和脫酸Dissolved gas in the wellhead crud

44、e oil must be removed to meet pipeline, storage, or tanker Reid vapor pressure(RVP) specifications . When the oil is essentially free of dissolved natural gas, or “dead”then it can be stored in a vented tank at atmospheric pressure subject, of course, to emission regulations. The presence of the mos

45、t volatile hydrocarbons ( C1 ,C2,C3,etc. ) increases the RVP dramatically. Removal of these dissolved natural-gas components is called crude oil stabilization. 必須脫去井口原油內的溶解氣,以滿足管道、儲存或油輪運輸對雷特蒸氣壓的技術規(guī)定。只有當原油內基本上沒有溶解天然氣(或稱“死油”)并滿足廢氣排放規(guī)定時,才能儲存在常壓通風儲罐內。原油內存在揮發(fā)性極強的組分(C1,C2,C3,等)時,將極大地增加雷特蒸氣壓。脫除這些溶解的天然氣組分稱為

46、原油穩(wěn)定。The RVP is usually set in the range of 10 -12 psia,which generally yields a true vapor pressure (T V P )o r,more properly, a bubble point pressure at 100 。F- of slightly higher value,1315 psia. Other important specifications that must be met are BS&W and H2S content. Hydrogen sulfide specificat

47、ions are usually in the range of 10-60 ppm (Moins ,1980). 通常,設定的雷特蒸氣壓范圍為14-12 psia,雷特蒸氣壓(RVP)一般比真實蒸氣壓(TVP,確切的說是144 0F下的泡點壓力)略低,真實蒸氣壓約為13-15 psia。對原油的其他重要規(guī)定還包括水和懸浮固體含量以及H2S含量。對H2S含量的規(guī)定范圍常為10 -60 ppm( Moins,1980 )。Often a considerable amount of gas is dissolved in crude oil. Hydrocarbons are usually w

48、orth more as liquid (i. e. , in the crude oil phase than in the vapor or natural gas phase), even when associated gas is used for LNGI8 or when the gas is sold and condensate is extracted. 原油內常溶有相當數(shù)量的氣體。液態(tài)烴類的價值一般較高(即烴類在原油內比在蒸氣或天然氣內的價值高),即使是伴生氣用作制造液化天然氣,或從氣體內回收凝析油、銷售氣體,其價值也低于原油。A second possible bene

49、fit of spiking crude oil with light hydrocarbons is the potential for increased price due to increased API gravity. This increase is usually small, howeverless than one degree APIand the price increase is also modest, about 10 cents/bbl per API increase. 用輕烴摻入原油的另一好處是,由于API相對密度增加,可提高原油售價。相對密度的增加一般很小

50、,小于10 API,而價格也溫和地增加。每增加10API,每桶原油約增加10美分。As previously discussed, sour crudes do contain sulfur compounds in general and hydrogen sulfide in particular, Stabilization must also remove the volatile sulfur compounds to meet sales or transport specifications. 如前所述,酸性原油一般總含有硫化物,特別是含有H2S。穩(wěn)定處理時也必須脫除揮發(fā)性硫化物

51、,以滿足銷售和輸送的技術要求。The economic goal of stabilization is to maximize stock-tank oil recovery while meet in vapor pressure and H2S content specifications, as well as BS&W. Butanes increase the vapor pressure of crude oil considerably, since the true vapor pressure of i-C4 and n-C4 are 72. 6 and 52.1 psia

52、, respectively. Control of the butane content controls the RVP and TVP. 在滿足蒸氣壓、H2S和固體懸浮物及水含量的技術要求下,使礦場儲罐原油收率最高是原油穩(wěn)定的經濟目的。由于正、異丁烷的絕對真實蒸氣壓分別為72. 6 psi和52.1psi,故丁烷對原油蒸氣壓的增加有重要影響。控制丁烷含量就控制了RVP和TVP。The technical goal of stabilization is to remove C1, C2,and C3 as completely as possible while leaving the

53、maximum amounts of C4(and C5 and heavier) in the crude oil.穩(wěn)定的技術目的是盡可能地完全脫除C1,C2,和C3。并在原油內留下盡可能多的C4,(以及C5和重于C5的組分)。Crude oil can be stabilized by passing it through a series of flash drums or vapor-liquid separator vessels at successively lower pressures. Tray towers with reboilers , alternatively o

54、r in conjunction with separators, are also used, though less often. 讓原油通過一系列逐步降壓的閃蒸罐或氣一液分離器可以使原油穩(wěn)定,也可以使用帶重沸器的板式塔或采用板式塔與分離器結合的方式使原油穩(wěn)定,但使用較少。Stabilization can also sweeten the crude because the chief sulfur-containing or sour contaminant, H2S, has a boiling point of -76. 5 T-intermediate to that of et

55、hane and propane. Incidentally, dissolved radon gas will also be removed with the light hydrocarbons. its boiling point is -79. 2 F. Radon radioactivity must be considered very carefully. 由于主要的含硫或酸性雜質為H2S,它的沸點為一76. 5F,介于乙烷和丙烷之間,故穩(wěn)定過程也使原油脫酸。順便提及,氡的沸點為一79. 2 0F,在穩(wěn)定過程中溶解在原油中的氡氣也會隨輕烴一起從原油內脫除。必須十分謹慎地對待氡的

56、放射性。So-called sour crude oil contains H2S and other sulfur-containing compounds. Even small amounts of H2S make the crude oil extremely toxic and corrosive. The other sulfur compounds are far less toxic and not so aggressively corrosive, even though some have equally strong odors. The presence of li

57、quid water exacerbates the corrosion a s does CO2. Personnel safety and equipment protection require that H2S and (to a lesser extent) other sulfur compounds be removed. 所謂酸性原油,是指含有H2S和其他含硫化合物的原油。即使含少量硫化氫,也使原油具有很強的毒性和腐蝕性。盡管某些硫化物有與H2S相同的強烈氣味,但這些硫化物的毒性和腐蝕性遠低于H2S。與CO2類似,液態(tài)水的存在也會激化腐蝕。從人員安全和設備防護的角度來看,應脫除

58、H2S,并在某種程度上同時脫除其他硫化物。1 .3 Treating Oil Field Emulsions 1. 3油田乳狀液的處理1 .3 .1 Theory o f Emulsions 1.3.1乳狀液理論An emulsion is a combination of two immiscible liquids, or liquids that do not mix together under normal conditions. One of the liquids is spread out, or dispersed, throughout the other in the form of small droplets. These droplets can be of all sizes, from fairly large to very small. Sometimes droplets are so small that more than fifty of them could


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