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1、六年級英語模擬測試題5,聽力部分(40分),一、聽辨單詞,將聽到的單詞的字母編號寫在括號里,每題讀兩遍。(10分),( ) 1. A. seed B. see C. sick,( ) 2. A. know B. how C. now,( ) 3. A. tail B. late C. fail,( ) 4. A. thin B. thank C. think,( ) 5. A. short B. shirt C. shorter,( ) 6. A. feel B. feet C. foot,( ) 7. A. meterB. matter C. match,( ) 8. A. Thursday

2、 B. Saturday C. Tuesday,( ) 9. A. watches B.watched,( ) 10. A. did B. do C. does,二、聽錄音,判斷錄音內(nèi)容與圖是否一致,一致的在括號里寫“T”,否則寫“F”。(10分),三、聽錄音,選擇最佳反應,將字母編號寫在題前的括號里。(10分),( ) 1. A. Yes, I cant. B. Yes, I can. C. No, I can.,( ) 2. A. Theyre yellow. B. Its green. C. Its 50 yuan.,( ) 3. A. She goes to schoo

3、l on foot. B. She goes to the cinema on bus,.C. She goes to the hospital by bike.,( ) 4. A. Its summer. B. Its Monday. C. Its sunny.,( ) 5. A. Im fine, thank you. B. How are you? C. Im five, thanks.,( ) 6. A. Collecting stamps. B. Playing football. C. Watching TV.,( ) 7. A. Shes 145cm. B. Hes 156cm.

4、 C. Shes 45kg.,( ) 8. A. She did my homework yesterday. B. Mike cleaned the table.,C. She had a fever.,( ) 9. A. Were going to take a trip.B. We read books. C. They rowed boats.,( ) 10. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he doesnt. C. No, he isnt.,四、聽錄音,填入句子中所缺的單詞,每題讀兩遍。(10分),1. We _ many _ on our holiday.,2. I

5、 was _ yesterday. I had a _.,3. Jim _ presents for his _.,4. - Did you go _ last weekend?,- No, I _ hiking.,5. I can speak _ and _ well.,筆試部分(60分),一、看圖,把短語或句子補充完整。(10分),二、選擇填空。(10分),( ) 1. He cleaned _ bedroom last Sunday.,A. hes B. his C. he,( ) 2. How _ is your sister?,A. taller B. tallest C. tall

6、,( ) 3. Does your brother _ football?,A. like B. likes C. liked,( ) 4. The drivers must stop at the _ light.,A. yellow B. red C. green,( ) 5. We _ have a farewell party tomorrow.,A. are B. were C. are going to,( ) 6. - What would you like?,-_,A. I dont like beef. B. Id like some chicken. C. I like b

7、eef.,( ) 7. - I have a sore throat.,- _,A. Excuse me. B. You are sad. C. I am sorry to hear that.,( ) 8. Amy likes painting. Ill give her some_ as my presents.,A. coloured pencils B.CD C. chairs,( ) 9. My backpack is _ and _ than yours.,A. bigger, heavy B. small, lighter C. bigger, heavier,( ) 10. S

8、arah _ sad. Whats the matter _ her?,A. look, and B. looks, and C. looks, with,三、看圖,根據(jù)上下文,寫出問句或答句。(10分),1. - _,- My father is a cleaner.,2. - How heavy is Sarah?,- _,3. - Did Lisa listen to music last night?,-,4. - What is your brother doing now?,- _,5. - _,- No, Im shorter than Tim.,四、根據(jù)所給的中文提示完成句子。

9、(10分),1. Tom _ _ (起床) at six thirty every day.,2. Ten years later, I am _ to _ (想做) a doctor.,3. How _ Mike _(感覺) today?,4. I _ and _ (唱歌跳舞) with my mother yesterday morning.,5. Ben is very _ (傷心的) . Because he failed his _(數(shù)學) test.,五、根據(jù)上下文,把適當句子前的大寫字母編號寫在橫線上。(5分),Amy: Hi, Tom._,Tom: I picked apple

10、s on my uncles farm._,Amy: _,How did you go to the farm?,Tom: _,Amy: Did you have a good time?,Tom: _,Amy: Me too.,六、閱讀理解。(15分)(一)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷句子對錯,對的寫“T”,否則寫“F”。(5分),OnedayTed lefthishousewith sixdonkeys togo tothemarket(集市). Aftersometime, hefelttired androdeoneofthem.Hecountedthedonkeys,andthere wereo

11、nlyfive, sohegotoffandwenttolookforthe sixth. Helookedandlookedbutcouldnt find it. Sohewentbacktothedonkeysandcountedthemasecondtime.Thistimetherewere six,soherodeoneof them again and they started.,Afterafewminuteshecountedthedonkeysathirdtime,andtherewerefive! Oneofhisfriends passed whenhewascounti

12、ng,andTedsaid,Ilefthomewithsixdonkeys.ThenIhadfive.ThenIhadsixagain.AndnowIhadonlyfive. Look! One, two, three,four,five. But, Ted said thefriends,Youre sitting on adonkey, too. That is the sixth! Andyou are theseventh.,( ) 1. That morning Ted went to the market with six donkeys.,( ) 2. Ted rode a do

13、nkey because he wanted to count them.,( ) 3. Ted counted five donkeys because one of them ran away.,( ) 4. His friend counted seven donkeys.,( ) 5. Ted was not very clever.,(二)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇正確答案,把編號寫在題前的括號里。(5分),Acrow(烏鴉)wantedtodrink,buthecantfindwater.Helookshereandthere. Atlast, hecries,Icanseeajar(罐子)

14、 andthereissomewater init. Hetries togetto water, buthecant.HowcanIgetthewater? Hecries, Icanput mybreak(鳥) quite close to it. But he can not drink. What can I do? I want to drink.,Helookshereandthere,thenhepicks upasmallstone(石頭) inhis break and carries it to the jar of water and drops it into the

15、jar. Soon the water will be high in the jar and I can drink,says the crow.,So he begins to do that until (直到)the water is high enough to drink.,( ) 1. What is the crow looking for?,A. Jar B. Water C. Food,( ) 2. Why cant he drink right now?,A. Water is in the jar. B. He doesnt want to drink it. C. T

16、he water isnt high enough for him drink.,( ) 3. Why does he pick up stones?,A. He wants to put them into the water. B. Hes playing a game. C. He is very hungry.,( ) 4. Whats the English meaning for drop?,A. put. into. B. put. to. C. carry. to.,( ) 5. Which title(題目) do you think is the best(最好)?,A.

17、Thirsty Crow B. A Clever Crow C. A Crow and a jar of Water,(三)閱讀短文,然后把句子補充完整。(5分),Everybody has a home. Animals also have their homes. People live in many different kinds of houses. Animals have different kinds of houses, too.,Some animals live in holes under the ground. Woodchuck (山拔鼠) lives under

18、the ground. Its home has two doors. If any enemy(敵人) comes in through(通過) on door. The woodchuck will go out through the other one. Some animals live in holes in trees. Squirrels build their nests high in the trees. Birds also live in holes in trees. And most of them live in their nests. Only hawks(

19、鷹)build their nests high in the mountains.(山脈),1. People live in different _.,2. Woodchucks live under the_.,3. Squirrels live in _high in the trees.,4. Most of birds live in_.,5. Hawks live in_ high in the mountains.,聽力材料,一、聽辨單詞,將聽到的單詞的字母編號寫在括號里,每題讀兩遍。(10分),1. seed 2. how 3. tail 4. thank 5. shorte

20、r 6. feel 7. matter8. Thursday 9. watches 10. does,二、聽錄音,判斷錄音內(nèi)容與圖是否一致,一致的在括號里寫“T”,否則寫“F”。(10分),1. -What did your mother do this morning.,-She washed clothes.,2. - Did he go to work by bike?,- Yes, he did.,3. - What did the girl do last night?,- She learned English.,4. Mrs Wang is playing the piano.,5. - Whats the matter with you.,- I have a fever.,6. - What did the children do last Saturday?,- They saw the bears.,7. - Is the man watching TV?,- No, hes playing chess.,8. - What can you see on the farm?,- I can see two goats.,9. - Are you happy now?,-


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