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1、2018年考研英語真題及答案 2018年全國(guó)碩士研究生入學(xué)統(tǒng)一考試英語(一)sctoni use o english dretins:red te followng te. coose he bs ord() or ea numbed bnan mar a, c or d on he answr see. (10oints) tut a ticy busies.on th onehand, is necessar conditio1ny wrhwhile thing: chld are, fiendhs, e. ont other and, putting your 2, in te wron

2、glace ofencariesa hh .4,ydwe trut t ll? wll, becaus it feels o. eole lae e trust in an diiual or nstitution, tir bin releasexytoin, ormon tha6 lesurable feelin and rigg te hering instrcttha poms hma t 7 with oneanther. scentss ae nd thatxosre 8 tis omn pu s ina tg 9: i aswiss uy, esercher sprayeoyto

3、in nothenoses half the subects; hos subjec we red to len significanlyigher aunt of mon tstanr tha wer thei 0 who inhaed somethin lse. 1fr u,wealsave sith sn fo dshesty that my 2 us. canadian suy udtha chidn as oug as 14 ots can ifrentiate 13 rdiblepeson anadsone one. sit todlerswee ec 14 t an ultest

4、er lding a plastic contier th tser wo as, “whatn here?” efore looking no te contai, smi, and exliming, “wow!” each sjet was then vidtolook half fthemfund a o; thother hlf 6 he ctaie as emyan realiz the tete hd17 tem. amn e childen w hd no been tricke, the majority ee 1 to oeat iththe eser in ernin a

5、 ne sll,donstatit te trustedhis ledershp 19, nly five of the 0 ciden pard wih h “0”tster aiciated in follw-up tivit.1. a n b like c for d rom 2. afithb nen c atention d terest . eefi b debt hope d pri 4.a thefe b tn c nad dagi 5 auntl lessc althog den 6 a elects b oducesc applis d mintais a csut com

6、pte c connet d compare 8 a at by cf dt . ontet b mood c peri d circle 10 counteparts subsitutes c collues dsupporter 11.afunny b lkyc odd ron 12amnito bprtect c srprse ddeight13.abeween wthin c towrd ve .a tasfeb aded c nroduced ntrustd 15.a out ba c ao iside 1.a isoverd proed c nsised d.reembed 1.a

7、 betrayed bwnged eddmocked8. forced b willingc hesitant d entitled 19.aicontratb as a resu on h wholor nstace20a leible incapable neibed unsitble sectin ii eng cmprehen pta dectons: ead the foowig four tets.answerthe qestions elow each xt by g a, b, c ordmakyour answes o theaswr sheet(0poins) ext 1o

8、ng hennoyig chalnges ighe middle clss ison t wloal g mentioned in t nxt pesienil apn: what hppens whe theroot coe for ther jos? onsmistat psiblit ntie abou ho u.s. js e tighofeinutoated,accoring o a univesiy o oord tuy, ih theiddeladropotinaelyqueezedlowrinme jb lie gardening r daycar t appeatorbts.

9、butany midle-las occutios-truking, inancial dvie, sofwre enginrin have roued tir iteres, or soon ill. therich own th robot, thy will e fie.his isnto alarmit.optmtpot ot that technooical upeavl has enefited workers nthe ast t idusral reolution dit o s wel for uddites whose ob r dilaced by mecanize om

10、s, butit evully ase ivng tndrds nd created more job tha i strye. liewis, atatiooleventalybst routivity, stimulate demn ydrving dopric, n feewrkrs rom har,ring wok.but in the mediu ter, middle-css wrker m n a o of elp adjusing.he firs sep, aserik bryjolfon nd adrw mcafe rguein he send machine ae,shou

11、ld be ethinking dcationd job rning curricms from rrsol t collee should eoto fous lss onmorizin fctndmor n ativity ad complex cmmnion. vocatinalschoo should a beter jboosteing prblm-soling skllsnd elg stdentswork alonde robots. online educatin can supplement the radtnl kid.icould ak era trainng a ins

12、trutionaffrdabl pofessonastring taquir newskls will e able o o withuging int ebt. thechege of coping ith utmtionuderlines the ee fo th u. to rei its adi business dynmim: satng new coaie mut bemade easierin eius er of drastic techgicalchange,etrepreneurs oohd th traniti by draming up wast one labor a

13、ndmachines.h est use f3d rners and vital reality havent bee invetedyt. th u.s need th new compnies thtwill invnt hem. fnall, becus autoation hrtens owienthe gp betweencpalioe ad abor income, axs anhe sfet nt wil hat e retougt. taxe on low-waelabor ee to b cut, andagesusidie such ateearned incme t cr

14、it should be expadd: thswoldboos ncomes,encor ork, warmpanies for job creati, and educe inualty.tchologyl imprvsociety n ws biandsmall over th next few ers, yt thi will b ttlecomfot ohose o fin thir livs an resupeed by tmatetroyingh mchinestha arcomigo urjobs wold nuts.ut liies toep wrkers aapt illb

15、e indispeale. 2ho wilemst theateedboaio? a eading politicans. blwge aborers.cobot oners. dmideclss workrs. 2 hch ofthe followin bes rpset the tors vi? a orri aboututomaion reinfact gruless. boptiistopinnson ne techind ltle suppor.cisses aising from autoaion neet b ackedngativ onseuences of ew tech c

16、an be aoided 3duaton the ae o autmtin hould ptmoe pai n a reatv otnta. bjbhinsklls. cindiidual ned copetive pri.2.the autor uggsts that x olicies be aime at ncoragng the deveoment ofatomationbincreasing thereturn oncaital nvestet.ceaing te hostii ete ian or.dpeventig the incegapfomwienig. 25.in is t

17、et, the uorpresens polm wh a posingvewson itbpossie ltios tot.cts larming impcts. imajr vaatios.tex2 a ne srvey by harvardivsityfns more tan two-thirds o you americas disppove opsident tmp u oftwt. he iplction isa millennias prfer news frthe whithustobeftere thouh the ource,not a prsidenssocal media

18、 lator.mos erican reynsocia medt cec dal headlnes. ya istrst has risenardall eda, peple maybe startig beef ter mea litcy klls. such a ren is adl ne. drng the 2016presidntal capaig,naly aquarter of web conte sharebytwite ses in thepoiayiica tateof michigan was fak nes, according te nvesity oofrd. aa

19、rvey coductd or zzfed new foud 4 prcent fcebook users ely orever trutnws fomthe mdiagint. yung peopl o ar dgal naies are inde bcmingmore skllfu at sprating fact rofiction in cybspc. kniht funation cus-goupsurey f yougeope etween ages14and24fod hey use “istrited trust” to erify stoie. tecrosshk oures

20、 and prefer nws from diffrent perspectivesspclly those that are pen about y bias. “many yougople assumea great dal ofpeona sponsibilty fr edtin themselves n ateyseeng ou opsin viewpoints,” tsrvyconcludd. uh aie resarch cn have notr effet. a 2014 sveycnducted in australi, bin, antheunid stae by theui

21、vesit of sonsin-miso found tyong people rlianc o socia meaed togret oitial egemntcial medaalowsusers to exeriec ns ents more intimatly nd immetely while alopermitin thm t reshrews s a proeti of thir valus and inreststhisoce ues to bemoreconsiosof theroein passig along normaton. a srvey bbarn resah g

22、rup fond the opreson gvn bymerians fr th fake new phenomenon is “eader errr,”more so thn madup torier factal msake in eportig abou tird aythe robe of fke ws iesin “mistepretao or exgeration actual nws” vi socilmediainther wrds, the choi to ae newsonialmeia my be e hert of theissue. “thndcte herearea

23、l personl respsibilit in conterctinhs poblm,” ays oxne stone,ditr ncif atbrna grso wen yog pple are ctial of an over-wetgresent, thy reveal a mental disciliein thiningsk adnthi oices on wh to se onsocial meda. 2. according to th parraph 1ad 2, anyoungarcans astdoubt on athe usfction ofthe newsfiltrg

24、 prctc. b eoplprefeence r ocial mea platoms. c te adnistrains ailit t aleinformatn scal eiwas a reliabl oue o ne. 27. he prase “beer u”(line 2,para.) is coestin mening t a harp b efinec bas d are 2. accrding to th knigh fndation ve, ung peoe a tn to oi heir opnions ncyberpac. b verf news by reerring

25、 todiversresources c hae s sto sensofrepnsibiity. liketo exchang iew on “ditrited trus” 29 he bara survy found that a ain ause or the ake problem s a eaders utatedale. bjournalists bied eprtin c reers misnterretion d jrnaliss made-up sries. 30. wich f tefoloig wud e te best titl fthe ex? arise in cr

26、tal kills for sharing ewnlineb a coteracioainst the ovrteeting trend cte acumulaton f tual tus o ocia media d he plafors fo oeci opernainterests. t3any irmindesemet o the aners ofthe ealbetwee britais naon healh svie(nhs)nddeepin ms start y acknowledging ta bot sdesmea well deepmind i ne of heledng

27、tifii iteligene (ai) copies nh ord. the potetial o thi wrk apped o heahcar is ve grat,utit oldalsole ourth cncenrai f pwe intheech giants.ii ga hat bkrun that e infoatoncommssion, eizabthdenhm, hs ssu hdamnivert aains te royal ree hospital trust nde th hs, whi handdeto depminh rcords of.6millio pati

28、nts in2 nthe ssf a vaue aremt whh tok far t little account of te patientsrights andher epctatin of pacy. deepmndhas almst apgie. tehst h end is ways. urther arrnemens athere mye man-etwen tenh an demn illbe carefuly scruinised osue that al ecsarpiin hv beenskdo patnts and ll unesry da s en clea.ther

29、e are lessonabout inormed pte onento leanut pricy is o he on angle iha an not hems ipoan. ms denhamchosetoconcena heblamon the n trut, snce udeeistin law i“cntrlled”te dta and depmind merel “ocssed. thidinction missesth pint hat it is proessig ad grgao, no he mere psssioof bts, that givesthe da valu

30、e. the gret questio iswhshd beneft fro hnlysisof a thedata hatur livesnow generte pivacylawbldsn te onept ae to anniviulfrom ientifibleknwldg ut the.tha msethe way he sveillance ono work. tedata an indiiduather gainsits vue nlyn itisompare with the ata ofctlesilins ore. te use f rivacylaw ocub the t

31、echgas in this ince feesslightlyaldapte. hsprctce dont addes the ral wory. i is enough toy tha the grtmsdeepmnddops will enef tint dsevs. atterss that they wilbelong t prvate onooy whichevloped temsig publiresource.f sotware mie tosave lveson the scale ha ug ow can, ig da my be xpetedto beave a igar

32、m ha done. w aestill atthe beinnig of ireolutionansmall co mturn outohaegigantic neqencs ler. long stugglewllbeneede to avid ftre figtal feualim ms dehas repot s a elcomet. 1.a i tueof the agrement btwe thenhsnd dpmnd ?a t cau conflct mongth giant b it failed to py d attentio topienrghts.c it fel sh

33、ot fhe lr expectatios dt u othsidesinto adngerou siuatn. 32. the hsrust responded t dams verdit wit a mpty promiss. btough reiane. cecssay adjstmens. sereapogis. 33.theatho args inparagraph 2 ha privcprocn must be secured tall osts. bleaking esdta worse t lling i. akng ofits fro patient da s illegal

34、 the vlu odat com frmheprocesing of it4.ccrdig to h lastpaagrap, he eal wrry arising fro tisal is thevicious rialry amng bg armas. b h inefctivenforcmen o prvcy lw. c teuconolled seof ew stwr. he monpoly fbig databy tech gint35.thautors atitude ward theappicaionof ai heltcare isa biguus. bcatios. c

35、aprecitive contmpous. text the . ostal srvc (usps)otnues to bed red ink. it eported a ne loss of $5.6iln fofiscal 206, te hstraiht yea isxpene ave excedd reveue. meawhie, it ha mor than 120 llio innfued liblies, ostly for emplye healh detireenost.here are man bankutcies. fundaenally, usps is in a hi

36、storic ueze btwee tnologial changett has ermatly dereasd demand fritsbredadbtterpdt, firstclasmail, and a gtryrucur at enies mnagemen th fexiilit to adjstit petions to te new reality interestgroups agingfrom posalunion to getin-crmakers exert sel-tersted pressen the spssuimte orseer-ors-initing that

37、 whatv lse happens t the psaservice,apc ofte stausquo y depend on get prected. ti is y eated attetareor legislatnhe faile icen years, leaig the pstal serve uab to payits bils exept deferrng vital moderniation ow mes wd hat eeryone nvle-emcrat, reblcans,thotal eri, te nons n te systs heaieusershas in

38、aly agreed o plan to fi thesystemlesltio s movingtogh the hous th wouave usps an estmaed $28. billioover fiv yers, which culd hep pao nw vehicles, mong othsurvvalmeaure. ostof he mey would coefrom a ennyr-lete permane rat increase ad from shifing psaletiree int meicar eltter tep wod lrely offetthe f

39、nnciauenof annually pr-fundngretire elt care, h adrssinga onstaning compln b t usps ad ts union. i i clearshe huse, his measurewuld tll hve to get thog h enatewhere meoe isound to poit ut tha t amonts o the ba, are minimuecesr to kep te post srvice float, not comprehensive rfortheres chane o collciv

40、bargaiing at t usps,amaor omission cnsiderigt psone ccount for 80 pcentof te agys cst oisig is any diussonof eiminaing stury etter elie. hat commn-sens chage enjoyside pblc uprt adwoud ave the usps 2 bilion er r tpost secial-ntrest roups eem haeklled it, alt the houe the ergng conensus arnthe bi is

41、a ign tha lelator are ettng frihenedbout a oliicaly embarassigorerolapse at te usp. it is not, hoeve, sign that here ettiseros aut transorming thepostl yem fo the2t century 36.t financialproblm ithh usps s auedprlyy a. it unbalanced buge. b .itrgdmngmt.c.he costf echnial ugding. . theitdrawal of bnk

42、 support.7 accoding o pagraph,teup ais to modrize islf du to a. heiterfrce from ineret rous .theinaequae fundng frmcnres c .h srnn deand forpostal servce. d .the incompeece of ostal nions 38.he lng-sanigcplaint bytheuspsand itsuiscan addresse by a movin its reo reie hlth ae. b aimore inetent in evehicle. c adoping new rae-ncreae mehansm. d.tractigmorfrs-clasil ue. 39.in t last prarph,he uthr ss o iwlgiators wit respet. toleance cdicoentd gaitude. 40.hich ofth folowingwld bthebet itle for h tt? .th ss tarts o mists gd ol s.te posl srie: keeawy romy


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