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1、一、交際英語IX - Bring me the bill, PleaSe-A: YOU are welcome.B: PleaSe Wait for a moment, sir.C: ll hurry UPD: Be quick.答案:B2、 Did you Win the IOO metre race?- Yes, I did.- Really?-A: COngratUlatiOnSB: BeSt WiSheSC: GOOd IUCkD: Right答案:A3、 Hello, may I talk to the director now?-A: Sorry, he is busy at th

2、e moment.B: No, you can,tC: Sorry5 you can,tD: I don,t know.答案:A4、CoUld you help me With Iny physics, please? -A: No. no WayB: No, I COUldn,t.CS No. I can,t.D: SOrry I can,t. I have to go to a InCeting right now.答案:D5、 MUSt I take a taxi?- No, you YOU Can take my car.A: had better toB: don,tC: InUSt

3、 notD: don,t have to答案:D二、閱讀理解1、DO you WaIH to know SomCthing about IhC history of weather?你想 了 解一些有關(guān)天氣的歷史嗎? Don,t IOOk at the sky. Dont lk for OId Weather reports LOOking at the tree rings is InOre important. SOme Weather reports go back Only One CentUnS but SOme trees Can ShOW US an exact遠程教育、網(wǎng)絡(luò)教育

4、大學(xué)英語B、計算機應(yīng)用基礎(chǔ)統(tǒng)考輔導(dǎo)整套題庫,精心整理歸類,全中文翻譯,視頻教程講解,零基礎(chǔ)一次通過,索 取請加QQ: 153 499 368record Of the Weather even further backIt,s Clear that a tree WOUld grow best in a Climate With IOtS Of SUnlight and rainfall. Il is also expected that IittIe SUnIight Or rainfall WOUld Iimit the growth Of a tree. The Change from

5、a favorable (有利的)to an UnfaVOrable Climate Can be reading the tree rings in tree trunk. TO find OUt the Weather Of ten years ago, COUnt the rings Of a tree trunk from the OUtSide to the inside If the tenth ring is far from the Other rings, then We are SUre that IOtS Of SUnny and rainy Weather happen

6、ed .If the rings are ClOSe togethert then the Climate WaS bad for the treeStUdying tree rings is important not Only for the history Of the Weathert but also for the history Of Inan. In a PlaCe Of NeW MeXiCO you Can find Only Sand no trees and no PCOPIe HOWeVerf many CentUrieS ago a IOt Of PeOPle IiV

7、ed there They Ieft SuddCnly. Why?A SCientiSt StUdied the dead tree rings WhiCh had grown there He decided that the PeOPle had to IeaVe because they had CUt down all the trees TreeS Were USed to make fires and buildings So, after the PeOPle CUt down the trees, they had to move(1) N It is UnderStOOd t

8、hat in a favorable Climate tree rings grow far from each OtherA: TB: F答案:A(2) . TreeS brought IOtS Of SUnIight and rainfallA: TB: F答案:B(3) . The SCientiStS are interested in StUdying tree rings because they Can tell WhCther the CIinlate WaS favorable Or not.A: TB: F答案:A(4) . StUdying dead tree rings

9、 ShOWS how the PeOPle left.A: TB: F答案:B(5) - The PeOPle had to IeaVe the PlaCe Of NeW MeXiCO because they had CUt down all the treesA: TB: F答案:A2. Britain and FranCC arc SCDaralCd by (he EngIiSh ChalmCL a body Of WalCr that Can be CrOSSCd in as few as 20 minutes. BlM (he CI山UrCS Of the (Wo CoUmriCS

10、SomCtimCS SCCm (o be miles apat 雖然英 法只被短短20分鐘就能跨越的英吉利海峽分隔,但兩國之間的文化卻相差甚遠。LaSt ThUrSday Britain and FranCe Celebrated the IOOlh anniversary (周年紀念)Of the Signing Of a friendship agreement CalIed the Entente Cordiality. The agreement marked a new beginning for the COUntrieS following CentUrieS Of WarS a

11、nd IOVeJla(C PartnerShiPBUt their relationship has been UPS and downs OVer the PaSt CentUry JUSt IaSt year, there Were fierce CiiSagreCmCntS OVer the Iraq War-WhiCh BritiSh Prime MiniStCr TOny BIair SUPPOrtCd despite FrenCh PreSident JaCqUeS ChiraC SPeaking OUt against it. ThiS discomfort is express

12、ed in Blair and Chirac,s body IangUage at international meetings While the FrenCh Ieader Often greets Gennan ChanCelIOr Gerhard SChrOeder With a hug, Blair just receives a handshake HOWeVeE SOme POIitiCal experts Say the War in Iraq COUId in fact have helped tiesThe historyr Of divisions may Well be

13、 because Of the Very CIiffCrent WayS in WhiCh the two SideS See the WOrld BUt this doesn,t StOP 12 million BritOnS taking holidays in FranCe each year. HOWeVer. Only 3 million FrenCh COnle in the OPPOSite direction. SUrVeyS ShOW that most FrenCh PeOPle feel ClOSer to the GermanS than they do to the

14、British. And the research Carried OUt in Britain has found that Only a third Of the POPUlatiOn believes the FrenCh Can be tstcd. PerhaPS this bad feeling COmeS because the BritiSh dislike FranCe,s CIOSe relationship With Germany, Or because the FrenCh are not happy With Britain. FOr centuries, the r

15、elationship between Britain and FranCe isA: friendlyB: impoliteC: brotherlyD: a IniXtUre Of IOVe and hate答案:D 、The War in Iraq doesto the relationship between FranCe and BritailLA: goodB: hanC: neither good nor harmD: both good and harm答案:DS ClOSe IinkS With the US.WhateVer the answer is, as both Si

16、deS Celebrate IOO years Of MdOUbtfUl friendship, they are at IeaSt able to make jokes about each other. Here,s one: WhafS the best thing about Britaiifs relationship With France? The EngIiSh Channel.(3) . The BritiSh are not SO friendly toand the FrenCh are not SO friendly to.A: Germany; AmeriCaB: A

17、meriCa; GermanyC: Germany; GermanyD: AmeriCa; AmeriCa答案:A(4) . are more interested in having holidays in.A: AmenCallPeOPle . BritaillB: BrItiShPeOPle . GermallyC: FrenCh PeOPle . BntalnD: BritiSh PeOPle . FralICe答案:D(5) 、What does the IaSt SentenCe mean?A: AS IOng as the EngliSh Channel exists, no f

18、urther disagreement Will form between FranCe and Britain.B: ThC EngliSh Channel Can PreVent anything Unfriendly happening in both FranCe and Britain.C: FranCe and Britain are near neighbors, and this Will help balance the relationship between themD: The EngliSh Channel is the IargeSt enemy between F

19、ranCe and Britain.答案:C三、詞匯與語法IX these honours he received a SUnl Of moneyA: EXCePtB: BUtC: BeSideSD: OUtSide答案:C2x I wont be freeI finish this work.A:afterB;Untilc:butD:When答案:B3x The WindOW WaS broken. Try toWhO has broken it.A: find OUtB: findC: IOOk forD: IOOk答案:A4 -Where is Mr.Green?-the Iibrarr

20、.A: He,s gone toB: He,s been toC: He isnt inD: He,s OUt答案:A5. YOU have finished the work,you?A: haven,tB: haveC: dontD: do答案:A四、完型填空Il SCCmS CluilC ClCall ujs (o PaV Mo PCOPIC differed amounts OfmonCy for doing (he SamC 蘭理J對做同樣工作的兩個人支付不同的報酬,這看上去很不公平。BUt it is not as easy as it appeals at first _ to

21、introduce equal Pay for CqUal work.TWO PeOPle may be WOrking SidC by Side in a factory and doing the Same work, but One may be doing it twice as fast as the2; Or One Inay be Inaking no mistakes, WhiIe the Other is making a lot.In SOme kinds Of work, One Can SOlVe the PrOblem Of SPeed if One PayS by

22、the amount Of WOrk to be done and not by the hour: WOrk Paid for in this 3 is Called PieCe-WOrk. BUt it is not always POSSibIe to do this, SO it is SOmetiIneS USefUl to Pay WOrkerS at different rates, WhiCh take differences in Skill into _4_ ThiS USUally means that the younger and therefore IeSS exp

23、erienced WOrker gets IeSS than the 5_ and more experienced one, WhiCh SeemS reasonable enough(1)、A: OtherB: SightC: OlderD: WayE: account 答案:B 、A: OtherB: SightC: OIderD: WayE: account 答案:A 、A: OtherB: SightC: OlderD: WayE: account 答案:D 、A: OtherB: SightC: OIderD: WayE: account 答案:E 、A: OtherB: Sigh

24、tC: OIderD: WayE: account 答案:C五. 英譯漢(1) X In an age Of plenty, We feel SPiritUal hunger.在這個物質(zhì)財富充裕的時代,我們感到精神上的 饑渴。(2) 、BUt it IOOkS Iike SOmething I WOIlld never buy.但它看起來就像是我絕不會買的東西。(3) 、We are getting ready for OUr EngliSh examination.我們正在為英語考試做準備。(4) . YOU and your team Can discover the answers to

25、 PrOblemS together.你和你的團隊可一起找到問題的答案。_(5) . We InUSt take SOme measures to COntrOl the POllUtion.我們必須采取措施來控制污染。(6) 、You,ll find in EngIiSh SOme WOrdS Can be remembered more easily than the OtherS.你會發(fā)現(xiàn)英 語里有些詞比別的詞容易記憶。六. 寫作InStrUCtioils:建議你在30分鐘內(nèi),根據(jù)下面所給的題綱用英語寫出一篇不少于80詞的短文。你的一位外國朋友給你來信,打算到中國旅游。你給他回信,提出旅游建議。你的回信應(yīng)包括 下列內(nèi)容:(1)接到朋友的來信:(2)你對旅游的安排汁劃及理由;(3)表達你希望見到朋友的心愿。Dear Sam:I have just received your Ietter and know that you are going to COme


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