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1、section 17.1a dialogue.manfred: excuse me, miss! hello! hey, excuse me!stewardess: yes, sir?manfred: hello there.stewardess: can i help you, sir?manfred: maybe i can help you, too. you know what imean?stewardess: what would you like, sir? i havent got allday!manfred: what about tonight, then? do you

2、 get it?what about tonight?stewardess: is there anything youd like, sir?manfred: ok. just get me another beer, then, please.manfred: hi!marco: hello.manfred: nice-looking girl, eh? what do you think?marco: yes, shes quite nice.manfred: yeah, lets ask her out, why dont we?marco: what?stewardess: here

3、s your beer, sir.stewardess: that will be a dollar fifty, please.manfred: listen, what are you doing tonight? whatabout coming out with me and my friend here? bring a girlfriend of yours. we can go to a restaurant together, thenmaybe go for a dance, then back to my hotel, eh? what doyou say?stewarde

4、ss: you havent paid for your beer yet, sir.manfred: oh no, i havent. heres five dollars.stewardess: thank you sir. heres your change.stewardess: 25-50 cents, 3-4-5 dollars.manfred: bloody woman! are american girls alwayslike that?marco: i dont know; im not american.manfred: where do you come from, t

5、hen?marco: im italian; i come from rome.manfred: oh! ive been to rome. i knew a girl there;her name was rosa.marco: oh, really? what was she like?manfred: i never quite understood her, you know. shewas like a shower.marco: like a shower?manfred: yes, hot - cold, hot - cold. do you get it? hot- cold,

6、 hot - cold!marco: yes, i see.stewardess: here are your landing cards.marco: thanks.manfred: hey, wait a minute!manfred: whats a landing card?marco: its a kind of form. you fill it in, and give it topassport control at washdon airport.manfred: oh, i see. damn, i havent got a pen! ill askthat girl ag

7、ain. hey, miss! excuse me!marco: its alright! ive finished my form now; you canhave my pen.manfred: thanks a lot.manfred: “full name”. what does that mean?marco: it means: all your name. your first name, ornames, if youve got more than one, and your last name.manfred: oh, i see! p-i-l-z-b-a-u-m.marc

8、o: hey, are you manfred pilzbaum the soccerplayer?manfred: thats me. manfred pilzbaum: soccer player,and lover!marco: wow! my names marco, by the way. i watchedyou on tv last week: germany against poland. you playedreally well. that last goal was amazing!manfred: it wasnt bad, was it?marco: youve go

9、t a match against italy nextwednesday, havent you?manfred: thats right. you havent got a chance!marco: im not so sure. what about pipistrelli?manfred: pipistrelli? hes not bad, but, really stewardess: we are landing at washdon airport inabout 15 minutes. will passengers please put out theircigarette

10、s?manfred: i havent filled in this form yet. let me see:“date and place of birth”. whats that?marco: when were you born, and where?manfred: oh, i see! i was born in dusseldorf, on the20th of january, 1971. next: “occupation”. “occupation?”marco: job.manfred: ah, job! why dont they say what they mean

11、on these forms? occupation: soccer player, of course!immigration officer: passport, please! and yourlanding card.manfred: here you are, my friend.immigration officer: huh! this wont do! youhavent written your address in washdon!manfred: im staying in a hotel.immigration officer: which hotel are you

12、stayingin?manfred: ive booked a room in the hilton.immigration officer: then why havent youwritten it on your form?manfred: because i dont know the address!immigration officer: very well.immigration officer: what have you got in thatbag, please?manfred: balls.immigration officer: dont you talk to me

13、 likethat!marco: he really has got balls in his bag, actually. hes asoccer player, you see.immigration officer: will you open it, please?manfred: you see? every ball has its story. forexample, this one is from germany against uruguay!manfred: one of the uruguayans came up like this. itook the ball f

14、rom him, and kicked it -manfred: and it was a goal! germany 1, uruguay nil!deutschland, deutschland ber alles!immigration officer: alright, alright. will you putyour balls back and go, please?manfred: certainly, my friend. auf wiedersehen!marco: my god! look at all those girls! are theywaiting for y

15、ou?manfred: i expect so. it usually happens, you know.marco: well, bye-bye then, manfred. nice to have metyou.manfred: thanks for your help, marco.manfred: oh, would you like a couple of tickets for thematch?marco: yes, thanks a lot.manfred: youre welcome. hey, ive just thought:germany are playing i

16、taly, and youre italian - so why dontyou invite a german girl?marco: i dont know any german girls, actually.manfred: then you can play with her after the match!do you get it? play with her after the match!marco: yes, i see.manfred: anyway, bye-bye marco!marco: bye-bye, manfred. and thanks for the ti

17、ckets.section 17.2a dialogue.marco: excuse me, can i get through, please? will youlet me through, please?kristi: so who do you think will win the match?marco: look, i have nothing to do with football, im justa passenger! can i get through, please?kristi: look what youre doing!marco: hey, im sorry! l

18、et me get it!marco: i hope i havent broken it.kristi: so do i!kristi: i think you have broken it. it doesnt work anymore.marco: let me try it.marco: its no good; im sorry.kristi: oh well, i can still take some photos of pilzbaum,at least. oh no, i cant!marco: what is it?kristi: hes already gone! pil

19、zbaums damn well gone!marco: hey, are you german, by any chance?kristi: yes, i am. why?marco: ive got a couple of tickets for next wednesdaysmatch. would you like to come?kristi: yes, thanks, i would. but why did you ask me if iwas german?marco: ill tell you. you see, i met pilzbaum on theplane, and

20、 he gave me these tickets, and he said: “whydont you try to find a german .thacker: its a disaster, carter!harry: what do you mean, sir?thacker: i spoke to the director-general yesterday,carter.harry: oh? what did he say?thacker: he said it was a disaster!harry: yes, it is, isnt it? still, thats lif

21、e! er what arewe talking about, sir?thacker: about the hugo peters case, of course - whatdo you think? now; temples in prison, isnt he? how longhas he been there?harry: since december last year.thacker: so hes been there for 3 months. but whatabout hugo peters? i want you to arrest hugo peters, cart

22、er.harry: what for, sir? i cant just go up to him and sayim arresting you, mr peters, because we havent arrestedenough people this month!thacker: dont be an idiot, carter! just go to hisapartment and look around!harry: but what are we expecting to find there, sir?thacker: i dont know, but dont come

23、back until youvefound something.harry: very well, sir.thacker: this is urgent, carter. go there immediately,and take a couple of men with you. you can have hensonand bedges.harry: ok, this is how well do it: ill stay in the car, andyou two can go up to the apartment. keep your gun in yourjacket unti

24、l you get there!bedges: may i ask a question, sir?harry: yes, henson?bedges: im bedges, actually, sir. er how many peoplewill there be in the apartment?harry: how many people? i dont know, do i?harry: perhaps nobody at all. or perhaps therell besixteen angry, violent, dangerous men with guns andbomb

25、s!henson: but there are only two of us, sir. will that beenough?harry: do you have a better idea?bedges: may ask a question, sir? why are you staying inthe car? why dont we all go up to the apartment?harry: if you dont like your job, henson, you canalways go and direct traffic!bedges: sorry, sir.hen

26、son: if i may i ask one other question, sir?harry: well, bedges? what is it now?henson: im henson, in fact, sir. whats the number ofthe apartment?harry: its, er 3b. yes, its apartment 3b.harry: its on the third floor, opposite the elevator.john: what a life! nobody ever comes to see me, nobodyever c

27、alls, nothing ever happens! whats the use?john: ill go to bed. why not?john: gee, no! i havent taken my stuff to the laundromat!i dont have any clean sheets! theyre all dirty! oh, ill sleepin the blanket; what does it matter?john: no, wait a minute; ill use the tablecloth! ill justtake my clothes of

28、f.john: my god - whos that? is it annie, perhaps?bedges: open this door immediately!john: whos there?henson: police! open up immediately!john: gee, i think you have the wrong apartment.john: aaagh! may i put on some clothes, please? ill justbe a couple of minutes!bedges: stand back! were coming in!s

29、ection 17.2e dialogue.from kristi schmidthundreds of journalists from all over europe were atwashdon airport this afternoon to meet germanys footballsuperstar manfred pilzbaum, coming in for nextwednesdays world cup match against italy.what has pilzbaum got thats so special? last year he earnedover

30、3 million german marks, and its impossible these daysto open a newspaper without seeing his name.after all, youre a soccer player, not an einstein or aschopenhauer? i put it to him. so how many world cupgoals has this schopenhauer guy scored, eh? he asked. itold him that schopenhauer was a philosoph

31、er, not a soccerplayer.im a philosopher, too. ill tell you my philosophy,pilzbaum answered. you need exactly the same thing infootball as you need in life; only in life you need two ofthem. do you get it?i got it.section 17.3a dialogue.clare: hello, my name is clare martin. im a journalistand i live

32、 in brighton, a town on the south coast of england.clare: brighton is a popular resort and visitors comefrom all over the world to see the beach, museums, pubs andtheatre.clare: im going to find some visitors to the town andfind out what they think of brighton.clare: im down here on the beach and im

33、 joined bysome visitors to brighton. can i ask you some questions?lietta: yes.clare: first of all, where are you from?lietta: the united states. the state of nebraska.clare: and your name is?lietta: lietta sprakling.clare: have you ever been to brighton before, leitta?lietta: no.clare: so are you he

34、re on holiday or for business?lietta: holiday.clare: how long are you here for?lietta: just today.clare: a day trip. now, what have you been able to seein one day?lietta: weve just gone to the royal pavilion.clare: and what do you think of brighton?lietta: i think its very nice. pretty.clare: have y

35、ou been in england before?lietta: yes. this is my second trip to england.clare: and what do you think about england?lietta: i love it.clare: im now here on the palace pier by the sea andthere are a lot of young visitors around me.clare: i can hear people speaking spanish, italian,chinese, french and

36、 over here i can hear some peoplespeaking german.clare: excuse me, could you answer a few questions?where are you from?michaela: im from hamburg, germany.clare: and what is your name?michaela: my name is michaela.clare: and is this your first visit to england?michaela: yes.clare: why did you come to

37、 brighton?michaela: i wanted to go to oxford but there was nocourse. so i decided to go to brighton, and its, um, a verynice city.clare: so you are here really to learn english?michaela: yes.clare: is that difficult?michaela: mmm. sometimes.clare: what do you think about english people? arethey frie

38、ndly?michaela: yes. the family im staying in is veryfriendly.clare: what do you do for fun and entertainment?michaela: i walk along the beach and perhaps i go tothe cinema and, umm, er, well i go to the disco.clare: im here at the town museum. its an interestingplace and very popular with tourists.

39、excuse me, are you avisitor to brighton?freya: yes i am.clare: can you tell me your name?freya: yes. my name is freya elliot.clare: and where do you come from?freya: im from australia.clare: why did you come to brighton?freya: i came to brighton because i have relativesstaying here and i wanted a tr

40、ip to the uk.clare: is this your first time in the uk?freya: yes it is.clare: what do you think of brighton?freya: oh, its lovely. i like the seaside and i like thetourist attractions.clare: what sort of attractions?freya: ah, things like the pavilion. ah, beaches. clubs.ah, just the night life. thi

41、ngs like that.clare: have you found it easy to meet people here?freya: yes, i have. everyones very friendly.clare: im now sitting in the beer garden of an englishpub and with me are some polish students who are over hereto learn english. can i ask what do you think of england?young man: very nice, b

42、ut very expensive.first girl: its very expensive yes, but the people inengland are very nice. yes, very friendly.second girl: england is quite different from poland.clare: what do you think of english food?first girl: yes. english food is very good. sometimesit is better than polish food.clare: what

43、 about things to go and see and the history ofengland?second girl: we have history of england in poland, afew lessons of course. and, we are we can see this historytoday because we were in washdon, in westminster, in thehouse of parliament.section 18.1a dialogue.bedges: were coming in!henson: stay o

44、ver there by that window! and put yourhands on your head!john: my hands on my head?henson: just do what i say, ok?john: but if i put my hands on my head the tableclothwill fall down!bedges: oh, alright! put one hand on your head and keepthe other one on the tablecloth.john: gee, im sorry, guys. i di

45、dnt expect you, you see. iusually have sheets on my bed, its just that i forgot to go tothe laundromat this weekend, so thats why i henson: just shut up, will you? ok, ill look in here, andyou look in the bedroom, bedges.henson: well, theres nothing in here.henson: have you found anything yet, bedge

46、s?bedges: just some magazines.henson: what kind of magazines?bedges: im just taking a look.henson: what do you think youre doing? put thatmagazine down!bedges: sorry about that.henson: i dont understand this at all. i think ill have aword with mr carter.henson: henson here, sir. over.harry: carter h

47、ere. hows it going? over.henson: not very well, sir. we havent found anything,except some mens magazines. over.harry: then you havent tried enough. have you lookedunder the antique furniture? have you looked inside theantique statues? over.henson: what? there arent any antiques in here. over.harry:

48、well, is there anybody in the apartment? over.henson: yes, there is a strange guy here. over.harry: what does he look like? over.henson: hes got black hair, and glasses, and hes, like,wearing a tablecloth. i think hes a bit, kind of, simple - ifyou know what i mean. over.harry: you idiots! youre in

49、the wrong bloodyapartment! hugo peters apartment is next door! over.henson: well, this is apartment 3b. over.john: excuse me, guys, if youre looking for hugo peters,he doesnt -henson: just shut up, will you? i didnt ask your opinion.harry: i told you to go to apartment 3a, didnt i? sowhat the hell a

50、re you waiting for? get on with it - now!over and out.henson: well come on, lets go!john: are you off now?bedges: thank you very much for your help, sir!henson: thats enough! come on!john: goodnight, guys! thanks for everything!annie: you know, dad, im glad you bought apartment3c now. i didnt like i

51、t at first, but i do now.hugo: it really wasnt easy to sell 3a after that terribleparty! anyway, ive sold it now, and i still got a good price.annie: anyway, i think 3cs much nicer. its bigger than3a, and i prefer the colour.hugo: well, here we are!annie: is that a police car outside the house? what

52、 arethey doing, do you think?hugo: i dont know, but it looks like that damned harrycarter again. ive had enough of that man!annie: have you done anything wrong, daddy?hugo: you just stay by the car for a moment, dear.harry: good evening, mr peters.hugo: what the hell are you doing here?harry: be car

53、eful how you talk to me, mr peters. ive gottwo of my men in your apartment at the moment.hugo: you have no right to do that! no right at all!harry: oh yes, i have! ive got this. look!hugo: may i read it, please?harry: very well. here you are.harry: why are you laughing? what is it? whats sofunny?hug

54、o: youve gone to apartment 3a, havent you? imsorry to tell you, mr carter, but ive moved. i live in 3cnow.harry: what?hugo: yes, theres a sweet old lady in apartment 3a now.do tell your men to be gentle with her, wont you? she is abit lets say, fragile.hugo: sorry about that! goodnight, mr carter!hu

55、go: its alright annie, theres no problem. lets go upto the apartment.commentator: so the score is still germany 2, italy1. only 2 minutes to go, and its almost over now for italy.if they lose this match theyll be out of the world cup.germany are still in control, pilzbaums got the ball - hepasses it

56、 to schinkenbrot. how different the two teams are -the germans play like a perfect machine, almost -pipistrellis coming up now - hes got the ball - he passes itto lucertola - lucertolas got a chance now marco: come on, italy, come on!kristi: its 2 to 1, marco. were going to win!commentator:so will lucertola take his chance? no,fusskndels coming up on his right - its too late - its agoal!commentator: its another goal for ital


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