



1、精品文庫 1. terms 1) translation Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. While interpreting the facilitating of oral or sign-language communication between users of different languages antedates writing, translation began

2、only after the appearance of written literature. There exist partial translations of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh (ca. 2000 BCE) into Southwest Asian languages of the second millennium BCE. Translators always risk inappropriate spill-over of source-language idiom and usage into the target-language

3、 translation. On the other hand, spill-overs have imported useful source-language calques and loanwords that have enriched the target languages. Indeed, translators have helped substantially to shape the languages into which they have translated. Owing to the demands of business documentation conseq

4、uent to the Industrial Revolution that began in the mid-18th century, some translation specialties have become formalized, with dedicated schools and professional associations. Because of the laboriousness of translation, since the 1940s engineers have sought to automate translation or tomechanicall

5、y aid the human translator.The rise of the Internet has fostered a world-wide market for translation services and has facilitated language localization. Translation studies systematically study the theory and practice of translation. 2) Translation methods 翻譯方法是翻譯活動中,基于某種翻譯策略,為達(dá)到特定的翻譯目的所采取的特定的途徑、 步驟

6、、手段。 Literal translation : means not to alter the original words and sentences, it strives to keep the sentiments and style of the original. It takes sentences as its basic units and takes the whole text into consideration at the same time in the ideological context and the style of the original wor

7、ks and retains as much as possible the figures of speech.eg纟紙老虎 paper tiger word for word Liberal translation: is an alternative approach which is used mainly to convey the meaning and spirit of the original without trying to reproduce its sentence patterns or figure of speech. Eg ; Adam sapple 喉結(jié) s

8、ense for sense 3) Translation strategies A plan 翻譯策略是翻譯活動中,為實(shí)現(xiàn)特定的翻譯目的所依據(jù)的原則和所采納的方案集合。 or policy designed for a particular purpose. 異化:Foreignization盡量不要打擾原作者,而是把讀者帶向原作者。Schleiermacher : Leave the author in piece as much as possible, and move the reader toward him. ”盡量保留原文的語言、 文學(xué)、文化特質(zhì),保留異國風(fēng) . 歸化: Dom

9、estication 盡量不要打擾原作者, 而是把作者帶向讀者。 Schleiermacher : “Leave the author in piece as much as possible, and move the author toward reader. ”具體表現(xiàn)為在翻譯中, 盡量用目的語讀者喜聞樂見的語言、文學(xué)、文化要素來替換源語的語言、文學(xué)、文化要素, 恪守、回歸目的語的語言、文學(xué)和文化規(guī)范 4) equivalence studies tended to concern how best to attain equivalence. The term equivalence

10、distinct meanings, corresponding to different schools of thought. In the Russian equivalence was usually a one-to-one correspondence between linguistic forms, or authorized technical terms or phrases, such that equivalence was opposed to a Ii was advocated by Jakobson. Through to the 1950s and 1960s

11、, discussions in translation had two tradition, a pair of range of substitutions. However, in the French tradition of Vinay and DarbeInet, drawing on Bally, equivale nee was the atta inment of equal functional value, gen erally requiri ng cha nges in form. Catfords no ti on of equivale nee in 1965 w

12、as as in the French traditi on. In the course of the 1970s, Russian theorists adopted the wider sense of equivalenee as something resulting from lin guistic tran sformati ons. At about the same time, the Interpretive Theory of Translation introduced the notion of deverbalized sense into tran slatio

13、n studies, draw ing a dist inction betwee n word corres ponden ces and sense equivale nces, and show ing the differe nee betwee n dict ionary defi niti ons of words and p hrases (word corres ponden ces) and the sense of texts or fragme nts thereof in a give n con text (sense equivale nces). The disc

14、ussi ons of equivale nee acco mpanied typo logies of tran slati on soluti ons (also called p rocedures, tech niques or strategies), as in Fedorov (1953) and Vinay and Darbel net (1958). In 1958 Loh Dia nyan gs Tran slatio n: Its Prin ci pies and Techni ques (英漢翻譯理論與技巧 )drew on Fedorov and En glish l

15、in guistics to p rese nt a typo logy of tran slati on soluti ons betwee n Chin ese and En glish. In these traditi ons, discussi ons of the ways to atta in equivale nee have mostly bee n p rescri ptive and have bee n related to tran slator training. 5) Translation studies Translation studies is an ac

16、ademic in terdisci pli ne deali ng with the systematic study of the theory, descri ptio n and app licati on of tran slati on, interp ret ing, and localizati on. As an in terdisci pli ne, Tran slati on Studies borrows much from the various fields of study that support tran slati on. These in eludecom

17、p arativeliterature, compu terscie nce,history, lin guistics, p hilology,p hilos op hy, semiotics and term ino logy. The term translation studies was coined by the Amsterdam-based American scholar James S. Holmes in his paper The name and nature of translation studies, which is considered a foun dat

18、i onal stateme nt for the disci pli ne. In En glish, writers occasi on ally use the term translatology (and less commonly traductology) to refer to translation studies, and the corresponding French term for the discipline is usually traductologie (as in the Soci t eFran?aise de Traductologie). In th

19、e United States there is a preference for the term Translation and Interpreting Studies (as in the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association), although European traditi on in eludes interp reti ng with in tran slati on studies (as in the European Society for Tran slati on Studies). E

20、arly studies Historically, tran slatio n studies has long bee n p rescri ptive (telli ng tran slators how to tran slate), to the point that discussi ons of tran slati on that were not p rescri ptive were gen erally not con sidered to be about tran slati on at all. When historia ns of tran slati on s

21、tudies trace early Wester n thought about translation, for example, they most often set the beginning at Ciceros remarks on how he used translation from Greek to Latin to improve his oratorical abilities an early description of what Jerome en ded up call ing sen se-for-se nse tran slati on. The desc

22、ri ptive history of interp reters in Egypt provided by Herodotus several centuries earlier is typically not thought of as translation studies p resumably because it does not tell tran slators how to tran slate. In China, the discussi on on how to tran slate origi nated with the tran slati on of Budd

23、hist sutras duri ng the Han Dyn asty. 6) Translation schools Functional theories of tran slati on Key concepts Functional theories from Germa ny in the 1970s-1980s mark a move away from static lin guistic typo logies. Reiss stresses equivale nee at text level, li nking Ian guage functions to text ty

24、pes and tran slati on strategy. Holz-M? in tt? ris theory of tran slati onal action: a com muni cative pro cess in volvi ng a series of p layers. Vermeers skopos theory of tran slati on strategy depending on purpose of TT is expan ded in Reiss and Vermee n Nords tran slati on-orie nted text an alysi

25、s: a functional app roach with more atte nti on to ST. Lin guistic school of tran slati on studies Equivale nee and equivale nt effect Key concepts The p roblem of equivale nee in meaning, discussed by Jakobs on (1959) and cen tral to tran slati on studies for two decades. Nida adaptation of transfo

26、rmational grammar model, and scientific methods to analyze meaning in his work on Bible tran slati ng. Nida concepts of formal equivale nee and dyn amic equivale nee and the principle of equivale nee and the principle of equivale nt effect: focus on the recep tor. Newmark semantic translation and co

27、mmunicative translation. Development of ? bersetzungswissenschaft ( scienee of translating ) in the Germanies of the 1970s and 1980s. Theoretical criticisms of equivale nee and the tertium comp arati onis. Roma n Jakobs on: the n ature of lin guistic meaning and equivale nee Nida and the scienee of

28、translating Newmark: sema ntic and com mun icative tran slati on Koller: Korres pondenz and ?quivale nzLater deve lopments in equivale nee 交際翻譯流派The Communi cative Tran slati on school. 闡釋學(xué)派 Hermeneutic School of Translation Study 代表人物:施某爾。馬赫,韋努蒂:1995年作品譯者的隱形The Tran slator In visibility. 7) Culture

29、 turn in translation studies The cultural turn: This is the term used in tran slati on studies for the move towards the an alysis of tran slati on from a cultural studies an gle. The cultural tur n meant still ano ther ste p forward in the devel opment of the disci pli ne. It was sketched by Susa n

30、Bass nett and Andre Lefevere in Translation - History - Culture, and quickly represented by the exchanges between translation studies and other area studies and concepts: gender studies, cannibalism, po st-co Ion iaiism or cultural studies, among others. 8) translator s subjectivity A. The invention

31、 of the text. B. The invention of the translator. C. Text style. (Nida :narrative, descriptive, discussion, dialogue.) D. The readship. (Martion Joos: five o lock theory.) 9) Categories of translation 10) reader responsef we look at translation in terms of the response, rather than in terms of their

32、 resp ective forms, the n we in troduce ano ther point of view: the in telligibility of the tran slati on, such in telligibility is not, however, to be measured merely in terms of whether the words are un dersta ndable and the senten ces grammatically con structed, but in terms of the total imp act

33、the message has on the one who receives it. (Nida & Taber, 1969,22) 2. Im po rtant figures in translation history 1) F. Tyltler 泰特勒關(guān)于翻譯理論的傳世之作是1790年匿名出版的專著論翻譯的原則 (Essay on the Prin ci pies of Tra nslation),書中最為出色的部分之一是泰特勒給優(yōu)秀的翻譯” 下的定義,即 原作的優(yōu)點(diǎn)完全移植在譯作語言之中,使譯語使用者像原語使用者一樣,對 這種優(yōu)點(diǎn)能清楚地領(lǐng)悟,并有著同樣強(qiáng)烈的感受”。在此基礎(chǔ)上,泰

34、特勒提出了翻譯的三原 則,分別是: A. That the translation should give a compiete transcript of the ideas of the original work. B. That the style and manner of writing should be of the same character with that of the origi nal. C. That the tran slati on should have all the ease of origi nal compo siti on. 2) Yan Fu

35、以社會學(xué)為主,天演論 Evoluti on and Ethics and other essays. 嚴(yán)復(fù)是中國近代翻譯史上學(xué)貫中西、劃時代意義的翻譯家,也是我國首創(chuàng)完整翻譯標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 的先驅(qū)者。嚴(yán)復(fù)吸收了中國古代佛經(jīng)翻譯思想的精髓,并結(jié)合自己的翻譯實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗(yàn),在天 演論譯例言里鮮明地提出了“信、達(dá)、雅”的翻譯原則和標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。 “信” “達(dá)”(expressiveness)指譯文通順流暢 “雅”(eleganee)可解為譯文有文采,文字典雅 這條著名的“三字經(jīng)”對后世的翻譯理論和實(shí)踐的影響很大, 受這三個字影響的。 3) Lin Yutang 作者,學(xué)者,翻譯家,語言學(xué)家,新道家代表人物 My Cou ntry and My Peo pie, The Art of Life, Mome nt in Pek ing. 標(biāo)準(zhǔn):忠實(shí),通順,美。即Faithfu In ess, smooth ness and beauty. 直譯:Lireral translation, 死譯 Stubborn translation, 意譯 Liberal translation, 胡譯 Abandoned tran slati


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