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1、必修2 Unit 1 ,Unit2 and Unit3 綜合測試題 (本試卷共有五小題, 滿分:100分,考試時間:45分鐘) 第一小題單項填空(共25小題;每小題1分,滿分25分) 從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。 1. Do you doubthe will win? A. whetherB. if C. thatD. whe n 2. The roomvery useful whe n we had visitors. A. was pro vedB. has bee n pro ved C. has pro vedD. pro ved 3. I can t l

2、eave the office now. A lot of work A. is rema inedB. left C. rema insD. have 4. The villagers went out to the moun tai n A. in a search ofB. look ing after C. searched forD. in search of 5. In those days, p olitical leaders were not A. thi nk highly ofB. thought highly C thought highly ofD. thi nkin

3、g highly of 6. The book, A. the cover of which C. of which the cover 7. Joh n p lays football A. as well C. so well 8. He used in En gla nd. A, to drive, to drive C. to driv ing, to drive 9. Hun dreds of jobs _ A. lose C. are lost 10. I A. shall be p raised C. will p raise 11. We can _ economy. A. c

4、omp ete forB. comp ete aga inst C. catch upD. catch with 12. The boys were playing football on the ground. Sam didn want to them. to be done. the missi ng child. _ is blue, is mine. B. whose cover D. all the above , if not better tha n, David. B. as well as D. so well as on the right in China, but h

5、e soon got used on the left B. to drive, driv ing D. to drive, to driv ing if the factory closes. B. will be lost D. will lose if I finish the work with in one day. B. would p raise D. p raise other countries in trade if we don develop our national 第1頁共1頁 A. take part inB. join in C. joi nD. atte nd

6、 13. Sheyou for your mon ey, but not for love. A. married withB. married to C. got marriedD. married 14. How are you going tosuch p roblems? A. do withB. deal with C. dealD. do up 15. -The wi ndow is dirty. -I kno w. Itfor weeks. A. hasn t cleanedB. didn t clean C. wasn t cleanedD. hasn t been clean

7、ed 16. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and whereyet. B. haven t decided D. aren t decdd a rich country there should be A. hasn t been decided C. isn t being decided many 17. Can you believe that in peop le. A. such, such B. such, so C. so, so D. so, such 18. S

8、ometimes I really won der how I can make frie nds with a man who has little with me. A. i n ordinaryB. i n com mon C. the sameD. i n similar 19. this is the biggest mistake we have made. A. I n a wayB. I n this way C. I n the wayD. On a way ,he could n either 20. My frie nd Marti n was very sick wit

9、h a stra nge fever; eat or slee p. A. as a resultB. after all C. any wayD. otherwise 21. Whe n the questi onat the meeti ng, no one could an swer it. A. roseB. arose C. cameD. raised 22. I shall n ever forget those yearsI worked in the factory with the workers,has a great effect on my life. A. whe n

10、, thatB. that, which C. as, whoD. whe n, which they 23. It was in the labwas take n charge of by Pro fessor Harris _ did the exp erime nt. A. which, thatB. that, where C. whom, thatD. which, where 24. I was so angry at allhe was doingI left at on ce. A. which, that B. that, which C. what, that D. th

11、at, that 25. Don t scold him any more., he is only a child. A. After allB. In all C. Of allD. Above all 第二小題閱讀理解(共10小題;每小題2分,滿分20分) 閱讀下面短文,從每題所給的 A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項,并在 答題卡上將該項涂黑。 “”(A ) “ Fire! Fire! ” What terrible toohdar when one wakes up in a strange house in the middle of the ni ght! It was a l

12、arge, old, woode n house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of bed, opened the door and ste pped outside the house. There was full of thick smoke. I bega n to run, but as I was still only half-awake, in stead of going towards the stairs I went in the oppo site direct ion. The smoke grew

13、thicker and I could see fire all around. The floor became hot un der my bare feet. I found an open door and ran into a room to get to the win dow. But before I could reach it, one of my feet caught in someth ing soft and I fell dow n. The thi ng I had falle n over felt like a bun dle of clothes, and

14、 I p icked it up to p rotect my face from the smoke and heat. Just the n the floor gave way un der me and I crashed to the floor below with p ieces of burning wood all around me. I saw a doorway in fire, the n I put the bun dle over my face and ran. My feet burned me terrible, but I got through. As

15、I reached the cold air outside, my bun dle of clothes gave a thi n cry, I n early dropped it in my surp rise. Then I was in a crowd gathered in the street. A woman in a night-dress and a borrowed man s coat screamed as she saw me and came running madly. She was the Mayor s wife, and I had saved her

16、baby. 26. Whe n the fire arose in the middle of the ni ght, the author was. A. at home B. slee ping C. sitt ing in bed D. both A and B A. B. C. D. 27. The author saved the baby. because he was very brave. because he liked the baby very much. but he just happened to save it. because it was the Mayor

17、s baby. 28. He ran in the wrong directi on because he. A. was a stra nger thereB. could see nothing C. was not compi etely awake D. Both A and C 29. He put the bun dle over his face and ran in order to. A. save the baby B. call for help C. p rotect his face D. run quickly 30. Form which group of wor

18、ds, we can lear n the fire took pl ace out of people s surp rise? A. old and woode n house, a bun dle B. crashed to, fell dow n C. terrible, half-awake s coat (B ) Light travels at a sp eed which is about a milli on times faster tha n the sp eed of D. bare feet, a borrowed man sound. In one sec on d

19、, light travels about 300,000 km, but sound travels only 344m. You can get some idea of this differe nee by watch ing the start of a race. If you sta nd some dista nee away from the starter, you can see smoke come from his gun before the sound reaches your ears. This great sp eed of light p roduce?(

20、生)some stra nge facts. Sun light takes about 8 minu tes to reach us. If you look at the light of the moon toni ght, remember that the light ray(光線)left the moon 1.3 seconds before they reached you. The n earest star is so far away that the light which you can see fromJt toni ght started to travel to

21、wards you four years ago at a sp eed of n early 2 millio n km per minu te. I n some cases 在某種情況下)the light from one of tonight s stars started on its journey to you before you were born. Thus, if we want to be hon est, we cannot say“ The stars are shinning toni ght. have to say, “ The stars look p r

22、etty. They were shi ning four years ago but their light has only just reached Earth.” 31. If you sta nd 200 meters away from a man who is firing a gun to start a race, you will find out that. A. B. C. D. ” We you can hear the gun before you see the smoke. sound does not travel as fast as light. the

23、sound of the gun will reach you before the man fires his gun. sound travels about a millio n times faster tha n light. tha n the light of the moon. 32. .Su niight clearly A. B. C. D. has to travel a greater dista nee moves less quickly travels much more quickly is less po werful “ it ” in the second

24、 paragraph refer to? B. light rays C. the n earest star D. the moon “ The stars are shi ning toni ght 33. What does A. moon light 34. The see ntific way of say ing A. B. C. D. the stars have bee n shi ning all the time. the stars see n toni ght will be shining four years later. the stars were shinin

25、g long ago but are see n toni ght. the starlight see n today could be see n four years ago. for years. ” should be 35. The light of the n earest star you see toni ght has bee n A. on the earthB. on the moon C. away from the sun D. away from the star 第二小題:語言結(jié)構(gòu):(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分) 閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)所學(xué)課文內(nèi)容填入適

26、當(dāng)?shù)脑~語,使文章合理通順,然后 將答案填寫到答題卷標(biāo)號為36-45的相應(yīng)位置,每空一詞。 The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world. There are two mai n sets of Oly mp ic Games the Win ter and the Summer Oly mp ics. Both of them are 36 every four years on a 37 basis. Nowadays all countries can take part. But only athletes 3

27、8 have reached the agreed sta ndard for their eve nt will be39as comp etitors. Wome n are not only allowed to join in the Oly mp ics 40p lay a very imp orta nt role. A sp ecial village is built for the athletes to live in, several stadiums for competitions, and a 41as well. It s a great 42 and a s 4

28、4 great 43to host the Olympic Games. There s 44 much comp etiti on among coun tries to host the Olym pic Games as to win Olym pic medals. The olive wreath has been 45by medals. But it s still about being able to run faster, jump higher and throw further. That the motto of the Olympics Swifter, Highe

29、r and Stro nger. 第三小題:單詞拼寫 (共10小題:每小題1.5分,共15分) 根據(jù)首字母或漢語注釋寫出單詞的正確形式,并將完整答案填寫到答題卷中的相 應(yīng)位置。 46. After the earthquake, few houses s. 47. I have a ffor music. I liste n to it every day. 48. The family bega n to dthe Christmas tree with glass balls and lights a week ago. 49. The gloves were設(shè)計)for extremel

30、y cold weather. 50. They cfor the first p rize in the race yesterday. 51. This house can a50 peop le. 52. It is my rto finish the task. 53. Try to (使簡化)your explanation for the students to help them un dersta nd better. 54. I made an ato the company for a p ositi on. 55. He tried his best to find a

31、way to sthe problem 第四小題: 完成或改寫下列句子(每空1分,共25分) 56. 我拿不準(zhǔn)這本書是誰的。 I am not quite sure whom that book. 57. 只有在希臘出生的人才能成為古代奧運會的參賽者。 On ly those who were born in Greece could be comp etitors in an cie nt Olym pic Games. and share 58. 有了電腦的幫助,你會發(fā)現(xiàn)處理和分享信息是不難的。 With the help of a compu ter, you will not find

32、 it hard to in formatio n. 59. 我們每隔一周參加一次聚會。 We atte nd a party. 60. 趙先生負(fù)責(zé)管理這家公司。 Mr Zhao isthis company. 61. 這些變化從某種意義來說是一種進步。 The cha nges are an impro veme nt. 62. It is true that he is our Chin ese teacher this year. There isthat he is our Chin ese teacher this year. 63. That question is not worth discussing again and again. That questi on is not worthy toaga


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