



1、20佃版3年中考2年模擬專用資源情景交際第15講(時間:40分鐘,分值:40分)、單項(xiàng)填空(共15小題,每小題1分滿分15分)1. (2018 青海)一Would you mind turning up the music? . Dad is slee ping no w.()A. Sorry, I can t do it B.Yes, pl easeC. No, not at allD.OK, I will2. (2018 天津)一Tom fell off his bike and hurt his knee.一.()A. Pretty goodB.That s too badC.That

2、s funnyD.That s a good idea3. (2018 安徽)一It s said that shopping online is safe. . You d better be careful.。A.I agreeB.That dependsC.I thi nk soD.No p roblem4. (2018 長春)一Shall we make a cake for Tina as a birthday gift? . It will give her a big surp rise.()A.Good ideaB.It s a pityC.You re welcome D.N

3、ever mi nd5. (2018 南京)Amaz in gly, I ve man aged to fini shpttoject by myself. I told you it was easy.( )A.With pleasure.B.Guess what?C.There you are!D.It doesn t matter.6. (2018 蘇州)一I m going to take the kids to see the movie. . The kids are too young. That movie is not suitable for them.( )A.Y ou

4、d better not B.Good ideaC.I thi nk soD.No p roblem7.(2018 武漢)It s very kind of you to help me. Thank you very much.一.()A. Tha nk youB. Don t thank meC. Sorry to help you very littleD. You are welcome8. (2018 濱州)一I ve made little progress in ath during this term.Don t worry.()A. It s never too old to

5、 learnB. Rome was not built in a dayC. Well begun is half doneD. The early bird catches the worm9. (2018 濱州)一Would you please come to my birthday party with me tonight?I supp ose we will have a won derful ni ght!( )A. No wayB.Have a good timeC.Not exactlyD.My pleasure10. (2018 揚(yáng)州)一You must hand in y

6、our report tomorrow.What? . We can t finish it that quickly.()A.No wayB.No p roblemC.That s right D.That s for sure11. (2018 泰州)一I d like to choose light blue as the colour of our bedroom. The colour brings us a calm and p eaceful feeli ng.()A. No wayB. So unds greatC. ln your dreamsD. I can t decid

7、e12. (2018 連云港)Could you help me carry the equipment to the basketball field, Robin?. I ll do it at once.(A.Not at allB.No p roblemC.Wait a moment D.That s right. Dad, I will.(A.I hope soC d love to13. (2018 鹽城)Jackie, I m going on bus in ess. Please look after yourself.)B. Don t worryD. Don t mntio

8、n it14. (2018 宿遷)一May I have a look at the magazine China Today?)B.It s a pityD.I d like toCertainiy. .(A.Tha nk youC. Here you are15. (2018 邵陽改編)My mother was badly ill in hospital yesterday. I had to look after her, so I didn t go to haVhe picnic.一.()A.Never mindB. I am sorry to hear thatC. No p r

9、oblemD. I hope so二、補(bǔ)全對話(共5大題,每大題中5個小題,每小題1分,滿分25分)1.(2018張家界)Tom:Hi, Sarah!?Sarah:We talked about our dreams freely in class.Tom: (2)Sarah:I want to be a sin ger.Tom:(3)Sarah:Well, because I think singing is a great way to express my feelings about the world. It s much fun for me.Tom:(4)Sarah:Well,

10、I am going to kee p on tak ing singing less ons and p ractice more.Tom:So unds great! I hope your dream will come true.Sarah:(5).2. (2018伊春改編)A:Hello, this is Li Wei. (1) ?B:Hello, it s Zhu Hui here.A: (2)s Day.B:I m looking at the photos that we took on FatherA:You must have a good time on that day

11、 esp ecially your father. B:Yes, my mother cooked a big dinner and I bought a p rese nt for him. A:Really?B:I bought a cup and prin ted my family p hoto on it.We all love our family.A:Oh, that s meaningful!Y)0 great!B:(4)A:You are right. By the way, (5)B:Sure, I will take my ping-pong bat to school

12、tomorrow.3. (2018廣西改編)A:Hi, Alex. The Win ter Oly mp ics will be held in Beiji ng in 2022.(1)?B:Yes, I will go to Beiji ng. I really like watch ing the Win ter Olympics.A:(2). And I like the OlympicTorch(火炬).B:You can see it at the opening ceremony.A:I m looking forward to it.B:(3)A:I love to watch

13、team even ts.s and women s skating. The skaters are so amazing.B:I enjoy watch ing both menA:(4)B:I know you can t wait. And they look so beautiful and cool on the ice. A:(5).B:OK, see you in Beiji ng.4.(2018 龍東)A:Good after noon, madam!(1) B:Yes, p lease. (2)A:What kind of noodles would you like?B:

14、What kind of no odles do you have?A:We have beef, mutt on and chicke n no odles.B:Are there any vegetables in the beef no odles?A:Yes, some tomatoes in them.B:OK. I d like the beef noodles.A:B:A small bowl, p lease.A: (4)B:A glass of orange juice, pl ease.A:OK, is that all?B:Yes.A:Twe nty-five yua n

15、 pl ease. B:Here s the money.A:Tha nk you!5.(2018遵義改編) M:Hello!W:Hello!This is CCTV. We are maki ng a survey of TV watchi ng habits.(1)一M:Sure.W:0K.(2)M:I m a worker.W:M:About one hour every day.W:What s your favorite TV program?M:Oh, I like to watch sports and films in the evening.W:(4)M:No, I real

16、ly donW:(5)t watch talk shows very often.6答案精解精析1.A2.B3.B4.A5.C 6.A7.D8.B9.D10.A11.B12.B13.B14.C15.B1. (1)What did you do in class(2) What do you want to be in the future/What your dream/What do you want to be whe n you grow up(3) Why/Why do you want to be a sin ger/A sin ger, why/Why do you like si

17、nging(4) How are you going to do that/What are you going to do/What will you do(5) Tha nks/Tha nk you/I hope so2. (1)May I sp eak to Zhu Hui(2) What are you doing(3) What did you buy Tha nks/Tha nk you(5)Could you pl ease lend me your ping-pong bat3. (1)Are you going to Beiji ng(2) Me too/I also like watchi ng them(3) What are your favorite events(4) 1 can wait to see them(5) See you4. (1)Ca n I help you/May I help you(2) 1 like some no odles/l want some no odles(3) What size bowl of no odles would you like/What size bowl of no odles do you want(4) A nything else/Do you want any


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