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1、 3 acetyltransferase 乙酰基轉(zhuǎn)移酶, acaricide 1. 殺螨劑 2.acetate 醋酸鹽醋酸纖維素及其制成的產(chǎn)品 5.activator 催化劑,觸媒劑 急性毒性 6.acute toxicity 4.acidify 使酸化 9.aldehyde 醛 8.affinity 7.adult 成蟲 親和力 12.analysis of covariance 協(xié)方差分析 生物堿10.alkaloid 11.amino 氨基的 拒食15.antifeedant 抗生素 13.analysis of variance 方差分析 14.antibiotics 蚜蟲 16.an

2、tigen 抗原 17.aphid 節(jié)肢動物18.arthropod 無毒性19.avirulence 疫苗20.baccine 殺細菌劑21.bactericides 生物測定22.bioassay 生物防除23.biocontrol 生物防治24.biological control 生物合成25.biosynthesis 生物殺蟲劑26.biotic pesticide 生物型27.biotype 物源殺蟲劑28.botanical pesticide 植29. 廣譜殺蟲劑30.broad spectrum pesticide 碳水化合物31.carbohydrate 羰基;碳酰32.c

3、arbonyl 致癌性33.carcinogenicity 病原體34.causal agents 冷卻器35.chiller 氯仿36.chloroform 百菌清37.chlorothalonil (daconil) 慢性38.chronic 凝結(jié)物39.coagulation 濃度40.concentration ,濃縮 41.constant temperature 恒溫 42.contact pesticide 觸殺性農(nóng)藥 43.cytokinin 細胞分裂素 44.deactivation 滅活作用 45.derivative 衍生物 46.derosal 多菌靈 47.desor

4、ption 解吸附作用 48.detoxification 脫毒 49.development rate 發(fā)育速度 50.development zero 發(fā)育起點 51.diamondback moth 小菜蛾 52.diapause 滯育 53.digenesis 世代交替 54.disease-resistant cultivar 抗病品種 消毒劑55.disinfectant 解剖56.dissect (=disulphide) 二硫化物57.disulfide 蛻皮激素58.ecdysone 經(jīng)濟閾值59.economic threshold 卵60.egg/ovum 電泳61.el

5、ectrophoresis 內(nèi)毒素62.endotoxin 昆蟲學63.entomology 食蟲昆蟲64.entomophagous insect 酶65.enzyme 流行病學66.epidemiology 乙烯67.ethylene 外來的物種68.exotic species 致死溫度69.fatal temperature 動物區(qū)系,動物志動物群70.fauna , 72.產(chǎn)卵力生殖力,71.fecundity 73.feign death 假死 74.fermentation 發(fā)酵 75.flammable 易燃的 76.flavonod 類黃銅 77.formulation 劑型

6、 78.fumigant 熏劑 79.fungicides 殺真菌劑 80.galactosyltransferase 乳化轉(zhuǎn)移酶 81.glycol 乙二醇 粒狀農(nóng)藥82.granular pesticide 83.herbicide 除草劑 84.hibernate 越冬 激素,85.hormone 荷爾蒙 碳氫化合物86.hydrocarbon 親水的87.hydrophilic 疏水的88.hydrophobic 羥基89.hydroxyl 次氯酸鹽90.hypochlorite 體外91.in vitro 體內(nèi)92.in vivo 無機的93.inorganic 殺蟲劑94.inse

7、cticide 齡期95.instar 齡,96. 幼蟲齡期97.instar larvae 有害生物綜合防治98.integrated pest management IPM 干擾素99.interferon 101.100.ionization 離子化,電離 位素103.102.isotope 同 仿生的保幼激素104.juvenile hormone mimic 105.larva 幼蟲 106.less-persistent pesticide 低殘留農(nóng)藥 107.life history 生活史 108.low-toxic pesticide 低毒性農(nóng)藥 109.maggot 蛆 1

8、10.malarial 毒氣的 111.male sterility 雄性不112.育 113.median lethal dosage (LD50)致死中量 114.median lethal concentration (LD50)致死中濃度 代謝作用的115.metabolic , 新陳代謝的 116.methyl 甲基 117.microbial 微生物的,由細菌引起的 118.mildethane 托布津 119.mist spryer 噴霧器 120.molt 蛻皮 121.mortality 死亡率 抗蛻皮激素122.moulting hormone antagonist 變位酶

9、123.mutase 突變124.mutation 殺線蟲劑125.nematicide 線蟲126.nematode 煙堿127.nicotine 氮128.nitrogen 農(nóng)藥129.non-contamination pesticide 無污染 生物130.nontarget organism 非靶標131. 生理鹽水132.normal saline 若蟲133.nymph 后代134.offspring 農(nóng)藥135.organic pesticide 有機 有機汞136.organomercury pesticide 農(nóng)藥 農(nóng)藥137.organophosphorus pestic

10、ide 有機磷 寄生138.parasitism ) 物病原體(139.pathogens 病理學140.pathology )物酶過氧141.peroxidase (化 農(nóng)藥持久性142.persistent pesticide 農(nóng)藥;殘留性 殺蟲劑143.pesticide 農(nóng)藥144.pesticide residue 殘留 145.pesticide tolerances 耐藥性 146.pest-resistant cultivar 抗蟲品種 147.petri dish 有蓋培養(yǎng)皿 148.pharmaceutical 制藥學 外激素150.149.pheromone 信息素, 磷

11、酸酶151.phosphatase 152.photosynthesis 光合作用 153.phytohormone 植154.物生長素 155.phytopathology 植156.物病理學 158.物性毒素的157.phytotoxic 植 159.polyethylene 聚乙烯 160.population density 種群密度 161.蟲口密度 162.progeny 后裔 163.pronotum 前胸背板 164.pupa 蛹 165.quarantine 檢疫 166.reductase 還原酶 167.remnant 殘留 168.repellent 忌避劑,驅(qū)蟲劑16

12、9. 抗藥性170.resistance 171.risk assessment 風險評估 172.riskiest pesticide 高毒農(nóng)藥 173.rodenticide 滅鼠劑 174.secretion 分泌 175.segregate 隔離 176.selected insecticides 選擇性殺蟲劑 177.semiochemicals 化學信息素 178.sodium 鈉 溶劑179.solvent 溶解的,180. 隨機的181.stochastic 亞致死濃度182.sublethal concentrations 亞致死中量183.sublethal dose 可持

13、續(xù)農(nóng)業(yè)184.sustainable agriculture 合酶185.synthase 靶標186.target organism 187.生物 萜類化合物188.terpenoid 四氯化物189.tetrachloride 毒性毒力,191.190.virulence 病毒192.virus auction) INT (拍賣consignment 寄售invitation of tender 招標 submission of tender 投標 agent 一般代理人 general agent 總代理人 agency agreement 代理協(xié)議 accumulative commi

14、ssion 累計傭金 compensating/compensatory trade compensation trade (或抵償貿(mào)易)補償貿(mào)易 counter trade (又叫:往返貿(mào)易) processing on giving materials 來料加工assembling on provided parts 來料裝配exclusive right 獨家經(jīng)營/專營權(quán)exclusivity agreement /包銷/代理協(xié)議獨家經(jīng)營 sole agency; sole agent; exclusive agency; 獨家代理exclusive agent - 品質(zhì)條件- orig

15、inal sample 原樣 品質(zhì) quality duplicate sample 規(guī)格 specifications 復(fù)樣 countersample 說明 description 對等樣品 reference sample 標準 standard type 參考樣品 sealed sample 商品目錄 catalogue 封樣 tolerance 公差宣傳小冊 pamphlet assortment 花色(搭配) 貨號 article No. 5% plus or minus 增減 樣品 sample 5% representative sample 代表性樣品fair average

16、 quality 大路貨(良好平均品質(zhì))- 商檢仲裁-disputes 爭議 claim索賠 arbitration 罰金條款 penalty 仲裁arbitral tribunal 仲裁庭不可抗力 force Majeurecertificate of origin 產(chǎn)地證明書 inspection certificate of quanlity 品質(zhì)檢驗證書 inspection certificate of weight (quantity) 重量檢驗證書 *commodity inspection bureau (*.C.I.B) 商品檢驗局* inspection certifica

17、te 品質(zhì)、重量檢驗證書-數(shù)量條件- 個數(shù) number 凈重 net weight 容積 capacity 毛作凈 gross for net 體積 volume皮重 tare 毛重 gross weight 溢短裝條款 more or less clause -外匯- 外匯 foreign exchange 法定貶值 devaluation 外幣 foreign currency 法定升值 revaluation 匯率 rate of exchange浮動匯率floating rate 國際收支 balance of payments 硬通貨 hard currency 直接標價 dire

18、ct quotation軟通貨 soft currency 間接標價 indirect quotation 金平價 gold standard 買入?yún)R率 buying rate通貨膨脹 inflation 賣出匯率 selling rate 固定匯率 fixed rate 金本位制度 gold standard 黃金輸送點 gold points 鑄幣平價 mint par 紙幣制度 paper money system 國際貨幣基金 international monetary fund 黃金外匯儲備 gold and foreign exchange reserve official up

19、per and lower limits of fluctuatio 匯率波動的官定上下限 出口信貸 export credit 出口津貼 export subsidy 商品傾銷 dumping 外匯傾銷 exchange dumping 優(yōu)惠關(guān)稅 special preferences 保稅倉庫 bonded warehouse 貿(mào)易順差 favorable balance of trade 貿(mào)易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade 進口配額制 import quotas 自由貿(mào)易區(qū) free trade zone 對外貿(mào)易值 value of foreign tr

20、ade 國際貿(mào)易值 value of international trade 普遍優(yōu)惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠國待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT -價格條件- 價格術(shù)語trade term (price term) 運費freight 單價 price 碼頭費wharfage 總值 total value 卸貨費landing charges 金額 amount 關(guān)稅customs duty 凈價 net price 印花稅stamp duty 含傭價price including commi

21、ssion 港口稅port dues 回傭return commission . 裝運港port of shipment 折扣discount, allowance 卸貨港port of discharge 批發(fā)價 wholesale price 目的港port of destination 零售價 retail price 進口許口證import licence 現(xiàn)貨價格spot price 出口許口證export licence 期貨價格forward price 現(xiàn)行價格(時價)current price prevailing price 國際市場價格 world (Internatio

22、nal)Market price 離岸價(船上交貨價)FOB-free on board 成本加運費價(離岸加運費價) C&F-cost and freight CIF-cost,insurance and freight 到岸價(成本加運費、保險費價) - -交貨條件-delivery 交貨 S.S) 縮寫 輪船steamship( shipment 裝運、裝船 charter (the chartered ship) 租船 交貨時間 time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter 裝運期限time of shipment 定期租船time charter 托運人(一

23、般指出口商)shipper, consignor 收貨人consignee 班輪regular shipping liner 駁船lighter 艙位shipping space 油輪tanker 報關(guān)clearance of goods 陸運收據(jù)cargo receipt 提貨to take delivery of goods 空運提單airway bill 正本提單original BL 選擇港(任意港)optional port 選港費optional charges 選港費由買方負擔 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 option

24、al charges for Buyers account 一月份裝船 shipment during January 或 January shipment 一月底裝船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st. 一/二月份裝船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment 在.(時間)分兩批裝船 shipment during.in two lots 在.(時間)平均分兩批裝船 shipment during.in two equal lots 分三個月裝運

25、in three monthly shipments 分三個月,每月平均裝運 in three equal monthly shipments 立即裝運 immediate shipments 即期裝運 prompt shipments 收到信用證后30天內(nèi)裝運 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C 不允許允許分批裝船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable 分享到: 英文縮寫 儀器中文名稱 儀

26、器英文名稱原子發(fā)射光譜儀 Atomic Emission Spectrometer AES 電感偶合等離子體發(fā)射光譜儀 Inductive Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometer ICP 直流等離子體發(fā)射光譜儀 Direct Current Plasma Emission Spectrometer DCP 紫外-可見光分光光度計 UV-Visible Spectrophotometer UV-Vis Microwave Inductive Plasma Emission Spectrometer MIP 微波等離子體光譜儀 原子吸收光譜儀 Atomic Abs

27、orption Spectroscopy AAS 原子熒光光譜儀 Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy AFS 傅里葉變換紅外光譜儀 FT-IR Spectrometer FTIR 傅里葉變換拉曼光譜儀 FT-Raman Spectrometer FTIR-Raman 氣相色譜儀 Gas Chromatograph GC 高壓/效液相色譜儀 High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC 離子色譜儀 Ion Chromatograph 凝膠滲透色譜儀 Gel Permeation Chromatograph

28、GPC 體積排阻色譜 Size Exclusion Chromatograph SEC X射線熒光光譜儀 X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer XRF X射線衍射儀 X-Ray Diffractomer XRD 同位素X熒光光譜儀 Isotope X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer 電子能譜儀 Electron Energy Disperse Spectroscopy 能譜儀 Energy Disperse Spectroscopy EDS 質(zhì)譜儀 Mass Spectrometer MS ICP-質(zhì)譜聯(lián)用儀 ICP-MS ICP-MS 氣

29、相色譜-質(zhì)譜聯(lián)用儀 GC-MS GC-MS 液相色譜-質(zhì)譜聯(lián)用儀 LC-MS LC-MS 核磁共振波譜儀 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer NMR 電子順磁共振波譜儀 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrometer ESR 極譜儀 Polarograph 伏安儀 Voltammerter 自動滴定儀 Automatic Titrator 電導(dǎo)儀 Conductivity Meter pH計 pH Meter 水質(zhì)分析儀 Water Test Kits 電泳儀 Electrophoresis System 表

30、面科學 Surface Science 電子顯微鏡 Electro Microscopy 光學顯微鏡 Optical Microscopy 金相顯微鏡 Metallurgical Microscopy 掃描探針顯微鏡 Scanning Probe Microscopy 表面分析儀 Surface Analyzer Instrument for Nondestructive Testing 無損檢測儀 物性分析 Physical Property Analysis 熱分析儀 Thermal Analyzer 粘度計 Viscometer 流變儀 Rheometer 粒度分析儀 Particle

31、Size Analyzer 熱物理性能測定儀 Thermal Physical Property Tester 電性能測定儀 Electrical Property Tester 光學性能測定儀 Optical Property Tester 機械性能測定儀 Mechanical Property Tester 燃燒性能測定儀 Combustion Property Tester 老化性能測定儀 Aging Property Tester 生物技術(shù)分析 Biochemical analysis PCR儀 Instrument for Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR

32、DNA及蛋白質(zhì)的測序和合成儀 Sequencers and Synthesizers for DNA and Protein 傳感器 Sensors 其他 Other/Miscellaneous 流動分析與過程分析 Flow Analytical and Process Analytical Chemistry 氣體分析 Gas Analysis 基本物理量測定 Basic Physics 樣品處理 Sample Handling 金屬/材料元素分析儀 Metal/material elemental analysis 環(huán)境成分分析儀 CHN Analysis 發(fā)酵罐 Fermenter 生物

33、反應(yīng)器 Bio-reactor 搖床 Shaker 離心機 Centrifuge 超聲破碎儀 Ultrasonic Cell Disruptor 超低溫冰箱 Ultra-low Temperature Freezer 恒溫循環(huán)泵 Constant Temperature Circulator 超濾器 Ultrahigh Purity Filter 凍干機 Freeze Drying Equipment 部分收集器 Fraction Collector 氨基酸測序儀 Protein Sequencer Amino Acid Analyzer 氨基酸組成分析儀 多肽合成儀 Peptide synthesizer DNA測序儀 DNA Sequencers DNA合成儀 DNA synthesizer 紫外觀察燈 Ultraviolet Lamp 分子雜交儀 Hybridization Oven PCR儀 PCR Amplifier 化學發(fā)光儀 Chemiluminescence Apparatus 紫外檢測儀 Ultraviolet Detector 電泳 Electrophoresis 酶標儀 ELIAS


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