1、精選文庫 國際貿(mào)易單證代碼 代碼 單證名稱 英文名稱 分析證書 certificate of analysis 12 一致性證書 certificate of conformity 質量證書 certificate of quality 測試報告 test report 產(chǎn)品性能報告 p roduct p erformance report 產(chǎn)品規(guī)格型號報告 p roduct sp ecification report 工藝數(shù)據(jù)報告 p rocess data report 首樣測試報告 frist stam pie test report 價格/銷售目錄 p rice/sales catal
2、ogue 10 參與方信息 p arty information 12 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品加工廠證書 mill certificate 13 郵政收據(jù) p ost rece ipt 14 重量證書 weight certificate 15 重量單 weight list 16 證書 certificate 17 價值與原產(chǎn)地綜合證書 combined certificate of value and origin 18 移動聲明A.TR.1 movement certificate A.TR.1 19 數(shù)量證書 certificate of quantity 20 質量數(shù)據(jù)報文 quality data
3、 message 21 查詢 query 22 查詢回復 respo nse to query 105 訂購單 p ruchase order 110 制造說明 manufacturing instructions 120 領料單 stores requisition 130 產(chǎn)品售價單 invoicing data sheet 140 包裝說明 p acking instruction 150 內(nèi)部運輸單 internal trans port order 190 統(tǒng)計及其他管理用內(nèi)部單證 documents statistical and other administrative inte
4、rnal 201 直接支付估價申請 direct p ayment valuation request 202 直接支付估價單 direct p ayment valuation 203 臨時支付估價單 p rovisional p ayment valuation 204 支付估價單 p ayment valuation 205 數(shù)量估價單 quantity valuation 206 數(shù)量估價申請 quantity valuation request 207 合同數(shù)量單 contract bill of quantities-BOQ 208 不標價投標數(shù)量單 unp riced tende
5、r BOQ 209 標價投標數(shù)量單 priced tender BOQ 210 詢價單 enquiry 211 臨時支付申請 interim app lication for p ayment 212 支付協(xié)議 agreement to pay 215 意向書 letter of intent 220 訂單 order 221 總訂單 blanket order 222 現(xiàn)貨訂單 spot order 223 租賃單 lease order 224 緊急訂單 rush order 225 修理單 rep air order 226 分訂單 call off order 227 寄售單 cons
6、ignment order 228 樣品訂單 sample order 229 換貨單 swa p order 230 訂購單變更請求 pu rchase order change request 231 訂購單回復 pu rchase order respo nse 232 租用單 hire order 233 備件訂單 spare p arts order 240 交貨說明 delivery instructions 241 交貨計劃表 delivery schedule 242 按時交貨 delivery just-in-time 245 發(fā)貨通知 delivery release 27
7、0 交貨通知 delivery release 271 裝箱單 p acking list 310 發(fā)盤/報價 offer/quotation 311 報價申請 request for quote 315 合同 contract 320 訂單確認 acknowledgement of order 325 形式發(fā)票 p roforma invoice 326 部分發(fā)票 p artial invoice 327 操作說明 op erating instructions 328 銘牌 name/product pl ate 330 交貨說明要求 request for delivery instru
8、ctions 335 訂艙申請 booking request 340 裝運說明 shi pping instructions 341 托運人說明書(空運) shi pp ers letter of instructions(air) 343 短途貨運單 cartage order(local trans port) 345 待運通知 350 發(fā)運單 351 發(fā)運通知 370 單證分發(fā)通知 380 商業(yè)發(fā)票 381 貨記單 382 傭金單 383 借記單 384 更正發(fā)票 385 合并發(fā)票 386 預付發(fā)票 387 租用發(fā)票 388 稅務發(fā)票 389 自用發(fā)票 390 保兌發(fā)票 393 代理發(fā)
9、票 394 租賃發(fā)票 395 寄售發(fā)票 396 代理貸記單 409 銀行匯票申請書 412 銀行匯票申請書 425 托收支付通知單 426 跟單信用證支付通知書 427 跟單信用證承兌通知書 428 跟單信用證議付通知書 429 銀行擔保申請書 430 銀行擔保 431 跟單信用證賠償單 435 信用證預先通知書 447 托收單 448 單證提交單 450 付款單 451 擴展付款單 452 多重付款單 454 貸記通知單 455 擴展貸記通知單 456 借記通知單 457 借記撤消 ready for des patch advice des patch order des patch ad
10、vice advice of distribution of documents commercial invoice credit note commission note debit note corrected invoice consolidated invoice prep ayment invoice hire invoice tax invoice self-billed invoice delcredere invoice factored invoiced lease invoice consignment invoice factored credit note instr
11、uctions for bank transfer app lication for banks draft collection p ayment advice documentary credit p ayment advice documentary credit acce ptance advice documentary credit negotiation advice app lication for bankers guarantee bankers guarantee documentary credit letter of indemnity p readvice of c
12、redit collection order documents p resentation form p ayment order extended p ayment order mult iple p ayment order credit advice extended credit advice debit advice reversal of debit 458 貸記撤消 reversal of credit 460 跟單信用證申請書 documentary credit app lication 465 跟單信用書 documentary credit 466 跟單信用證通知書 d
13、ocumentary credit notification 467 跟單信用證轉讓通知書 documentary credit transfer advice 468 跟單信用證更改通知書 documentary credit amendment notifiication 469 跟單信用證更改單 documentary credit amendment 481 匯款通知 remittance advice 485 銀行匯款 bankers draft 490 匯票 bill of exchange 491 本票 p romissory note 492 賬戶財務報表 financial
14、statement of account 493 賬戶報表報文 statement of account message 520 保險憑證 insurance certificate 530 保險單 insurance p olicy 550 保險申報單(明細表) insurance declardtion sheet(bordereau) 575 保險人發(fā)票 insurers invoice 580 承保單 cover note 610 貨運說明 forwarding instructions 621 貨運代理給進口代理的通知 forwarders advice to import agen
15、t 622 貨運代理給出口商的通知 forwarders advice to exp orter 623 貨運代理發(fā)票 forwarders invoice 624 貨運代理收據(jù)證明 forwarders certificate of rece ipt 630 托運單 Shi pping note 631 貨運代理人倉庫代理 forwarders warehouse rece ipt 632 貨物收據(jù) goods rece ipt 633 港口費用單 port charges documents 635 入庫單 warehouse warrant 640 提貨單 delivery order
16、650 裝卸單 handling order 655 通行證 gate p ass 700 運單 waybill 701 通用(多用)運輸單證 universal(mult ipurp ose)trans port document 702 承運人貨物收據(jù) goods rece ipt ,carriage 703 全程運單 house waybill 704 主提單 master bill of lading 705 提單 bill of lading 706 正本提單 bill of lading original 707 副本提單 bill of lading copy 708 空集裝箱提
17、單 empty container bill 709 油輪提單 tanker bill of lading 710 海運提單 sea waybill 711 內(nèi)河提單 inland waterway bill of landing 712不可轉讓的海運單證(通用) non-negotiable maritime trans port document(generic) 713 大副收據(jù) mates rece ipt 714 全程提單 house bill of lading 715 無提單提貨保函 letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of
18、 lading 716 貨運代理人提單 forwarders bill of lading 720鐵路托運單(通用條款) rail consignment note(generic term) 722 陸運單 road list-SMGS 723 押運正式確認 escort offical recognition 724 分段計費單證 recharging document 730 公路托運單 road consignment note 740 空運單 air waybill 741 主空運單 master air waybill 743 分空運單 substitute air waybill
19、 744 乘務人員物品申報單 crews effects declaration 745 乘客名單 p assenger list 746 鐵路運輸交貨通知 delivery notice(rail trans port) 750 郵遞包裹投遞單 das patch note (p ost p arcels) 760 多式聯(lián)運單證(通用) multimodal/combined trans port document(generic) 761 直達提單 through bill of lading 763 貨運代理人運輸證書 forwarders certificate of trans po
20、rt 764 聯(lián)運單證(通用) combined trans port document(generic) 765 多式聯(lián)運單證(通用) multimodal trans port document(generic) 766 多式聯(lián)運提單 combined trans port bill of lading/multimodal bill of lading 770 訂艙通知 booking confirmation 775 要求交貨通知 calling forward notice 780 運費發(fā)票 freight invoice 781 貨物到達的通知 arrival notice(goo
21、ds) 782 無法交貨的通知 notice of circumstances p reventing delvery(goods) 783 無法運貨清單 notice of circumstances p reventing delvery (goods) 784 交貨通知單 delivery notice(goods) 785 載貨清單 cargo manifest 786 載貨運費清單 freigh manifest 787 公路運輸貨物清單 bordereau 788 集裝箱載貨清單 container mainfest(unit p acking list) 789 鐵路費用單 ch
22、arges note 790 托收通知 charges of collection 791 船舶安全證書 safety of shi p certificate 792 無線電臺安全證書 safety of radio certificate 793 設備安全證書 safety of equip ment certificate 794 油污民事責任書 civil liability for oil certificate 795 載重線證書 loadline document 796 免于除鼠證書 derat document 797 航海健康證書 maritime declaration
23、of health 798 船舶登記證書 certificate of registry 799 船用物品申報單 shi ps stores declaration 810 出口許可證申請表 export licence,a pp lication 811 出口許可證 export licence 812 出口結匯核銷單 exchange control declaration,ex port 820 T出口單證(海關轉運報關單) (歐共體用) des patch note model T 821 T1出口單證(內(nèi)部轉運報關單) (歐共體用) des patch note model T1 8
24、22 T2出口單證(原產(chǎn)地證明書)(歐共體用) des patch note model T2 823 T5管理單證(退運單證)(歐共體用) control document T5 824 鐵路運輸退運單 re-sending consignment note 825 T2L出口單證(原產(chǎn)地證明書) (歐共體用) des patch note model T2L 830 出口貨物報關 goods declaration for exp ortation 833 離港貨物報關單 cargo declaration(de parture) 840 貨物監(jiān)管證書申請表 app lication fo
25、r goods control certificate 841 貨物監(jiān)管證書 goods control certificate 850 植物檢疫申請表 app lication for p hytosanitary certificate 851 植物檢疫證書 p hytosanilary certificate 852 衛(wèi)生檢疫證書 sanitary certificate 853 動物檢疫證書 veterinary certificate 855 商品檢驗申請表 app lication for ins pection certificate 856 商品檢驗證書 ins pection
26、 certificate 860 原產(chǎn)地證書申請表 certificate of origin,a pp lication for 861 原產(chǎn)地證書 certificate of origin 862 原產(chǎn)地申明 declaratin of origin 863 地區(qū)名稱證書 regional app ellation certificate 864 優(yōu)惠原產(chǎn)地證書 p reference certificate of origin 865 普惠制原產(chǎn)地證書 certificate of origin form GSP 870 領事發(fā)票 consular invoice 890 危險貨物申報
27、單 dangerous goods declaration 895 出口統(tǒng)計報表 statistical document,ex port 896 國際貿(mào)易統(tǒng)計申報表 intrastat declaration 901 交貨核對證明 delivery verification certificate 910 進口許可證申請表 import licence,a pp lication for 911 進口許可證 import licence 913 無商品細節(jié)的報關單 customs declaration with commercial detail 914 有商品和項目細節(jié)的報關單 cust
28、oms declaration with commercial and item detail 915 無項目細節(jié)的報關單 customs declaration without item detail 916 有關單證 related document 917 海關收據(jù) rece ip t (Customs) 925 調匯申請 app lication for exchange allocation 926 調匯許可 foreign exchange p ermit 927 進口外匯管理申報 exchange control declaration(i mport) 929 進口貨物報關單 goods declaration for imp ortation 930 內(nèi)銷貨物報關單 goods declaration for home use 931 海關即刻放行報關單 customs immediate release declaration 932 海關放行通知 customs delivery note 933 到港貨物報關單 cargo declara
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- 11蟋蟀的住宅 教學設計 -2024-2025學年語文四年級上冊統(tǒng)編版
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- 5 搭石 教學設計-2024-2025學年語文五年級上冊(統(tǒng)編版)
- 11屹立在世界的東方(教學設計)2023-2024學年統(tǒng)編版道德與法治五年級下冊
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