



1、般現(xiàn)在時結構及專項練習 概念: 1. 表示現(xiàn)在的狀態(tài)I am twelve. 2. 表示經(jīng)?;蛄晳T性動作 He gets up at six. 3. 表示客觀事實真理The earth goes around the sun. 標志性詞語: ofte n, usually, sometimes always,n ever, on Sun day every year/m on th/day She ofte n goes to school on foot. He goes to park once a week. 行為動詞第三人稱單數(shù)加-s的形式 es, 1. 一般動詞直接加-s2.以輔音字

2、母+y,把y改i再加 3. 以s,x,sh,ch結尾的動詞加-es 4.以o結尾的動詞一般加-es 5. 特殊情況:have has 基本結構 Be型: 肯定式:主語+ am/is/are +其他 否定式:主語+ am/is/are+not+其他 一般疑問句:Am/ls/Are+主語+其他? 特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞is/are+主語? 實義動詞型: 肯定式:主語+行為動詞(注意人稱三單形式)+其他 否定式:主語+don t/doesn動詞原形+其他 一般疑問句:Do/Does+主語+動詞原形+其他? 特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞+do/does+主語+動詞原形? 寫出下列動詞的第三人稱形式 wash

3、: watch: study: finish : go: snow: carry: stop: see drive: let: teach keep: join : put: do: drink: enjoy play: begi n: take: run: fly: talk: stay: look: thi nk: carry: fix : 單項選擇 1. Therean En glish film at the cin ema now. A:isB:are C:am D:be 2. The picture n ice. A:look B:looks C:looked D:be look

4、3. He sits dow n and soon asleep. A:fallB:falli ngC:falled D: falls 4. The water sweet. A:dri nkingB:dri nksC:dri nk D:to drink 5. I up at six but Mikeup at seven A:get,gets B:get ,get C:gets,get D:getting, to get 6. My father for eight hours every day. A:workingB:works C:work D:to work 7. Uncle Wan

5、g never En glish, because heknow how to say it. A:speak,doesn B:speak,don t:speaks,don D:speaks,doesn t 8. On Sun day my daughter watchi ng TV and my s to play football with his frien ds. A:like,wa ntB:likes,wa ntC:like,wa nts D:likes,wa nts 9. Su Yang usually some clothes on Sun day. A:washed B:was

6、hs C:washes D:washing 10. Su Hai and Su Yang_-eight less ons this term. A:have B:has C:haves D:hav ing 用所給詞的正確形式填空 1、 We often(not play) on the playground. 2、 you (brush) your teeth every day? 3、 How many less onsyour classmate(have) on Sun day? 4、It (take) me two hours to finish my homework every d

7、ay. 5、 The child often (watch) TV in the evening. & What he usually (do) after school? 7、John (study) Math , Chinese ,English ,Scienee and Art at school. 8、 Mr. Wang often (go) to Shanghai? 9、There (be) a football match on TV every morning. 10、We (not watch)TV on Mon day. 句式訓練 1、Do you like to play

8、football after school? 肯定和否定回答: 2、I have many books. 否定句: 一般疑問句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 3、Nancy doesn t run fast. 肯定句: 4、I usually play football on Friday after noon. 否定句: 一般疑問句: 肯定和否定回答: 特殊疑問句: 5、Tom does his homework at home. 否定句: 一般疑問句: 特殊疑問句: 6、Mike has two letters for him. 否定句: 一般疑問句: 否定回答: 特殊疑問句: 找出錯誤,并改正 1. Is your brother speak En glish 2. Does he likes going fish ing? 3. Jane do his homework every morning. 4. He like play basketball with his frien ds. 5. We eats dinner at six and go to bed at eleve n


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