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1、Company Profile企業(yè)概況Company Name 企叩夂稱Xxx Co. , Ltd.Company Address 企業(yè)地址Room 506-507. Huangxing Bldg.Middle Sect ion. Fengze St., FengzeDi st.Quanzhou,Fujian Province福建省泉州市豐澤區(qū)豐澤街中段煌星大廈506-507室Te電話Fax 傳真P.郵編E-ma i1Date of Estab 1 i shment 企業(yè)成立年份Business Type 企業(yè)性質(zhì)Si no-foreign joint venture中外合資Higher Au

2、thor ity上級(jí)主管部門 Quanzhou Administration for1ndustry and Commerce工商行政管理局Legal Person 企業(yè)法人Positi on職務(wù)Title職稱Techn i ca1 Supervi sor 企業(yè)技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人Positi on職務(wù)Title職稱Numbers of RegularStaff 企業(yè)編制人數(shù)Regu 1 ar Sta在冊(cè)人數(shù)268Senior ProfessionalTit高級(jí)職稱16Medium ProfessionalTitle中級(jí)職稱23Junior ProfessionalTit初級(jí)職稱48Qualificat

3、ion Grade andCertificate No. 企業(yè)資質(zhì)等級(jí)及證號(hào)Qualification Certificate ofConstruct io n Enterpr is建筑業(yè)企業(yè)資質(zhì)證 書No.證號(hào)Qua I ification Certificate of Spec i a I Engineering Desi專項(xiàng)工程設(shè)計(jì)資質(zhì)證書 No.證號(hào)Qua I ification Cert i ficate ofSafetyof Construction Enterpr is 建筑業(yè)企業(yè)安全 資質(zhì)證書No.證號(hào)Business License andScope of BusinessD

4、ecoration mater ials, inter i or and exter ior decoration business and supporting design service工商莒業(yè)執(zhí)照及營(yíng)業(yè)范 圍裝飾裝璜材料、承接室內(nèi)外裝飾裝修業(yè)務(wù)及配套設(shè)計(jì)服務(wù)。Registered Capital 注冊(cè)資金RMB 30, 000. 0003000萬人民幣Bank of Depos i t &Account No.開戶銀行 及賬號(hào)Bank of China Dalian Zhongshan Square Subbranch, 大連市中國(guó)銀行中山廣場(chǎng)支行Contact Person & Te

5、l. 聯(lián)系人姓名及電話號(hào)碼Performance Prof i企業(yè)業(yè)績(jī)簡(jiǎn)介xxxC o. . Ltd. , fou nded i n Oct. 1994 with the regi s tered capi tai of RMB 30,000,000 Yuan, has passed qua I ification on construction decoration & bui Iding curtain waI I LeveI I and qua I ification on spec i a I des i gn of construetion decoration. Grade A i

6、 ssued byMinistry of Construetion, Safety Qua I ification Certificate LeveI I i ssued by Fuj ian Construetion Bureau, as we I I as Fi re-fightingDes i gn & Construetion Qua I i f i cation Certificate Grade A i ssued byFuj i an Pub I ic Secur i ty Bureau Fi re Fighting Br i gade.Xxx有限公司創(chuàng)立于1994年10月,注冊(cè)

7、資金3000萬元,現(xiàn)公司已具備建 設(shè)部頒發(fā)的“建筑裝飾、建筑幕墻施工一級(jí)資質(zhì)”及“建筑裝飾專項(xiàng)設(shè)計(jì) 甲級(jí)資質(zhì)”,福建省建設(shè)廳頒發(fā)的“一級(jí)安全資質(zhì)證書”,福建省公安消防 總隊(duì)頒發(fā)的“甲級(jí)消防設(shè)計(jì)、施工資質(zhì)證書”。Cur re ntly, our compa ny has a total of 300 emp I oyees, including 69 man ager i a I st affs and 52 of which have profess i onal tit I es, and 11 project managers Since our estabI i shment, the

8、company performance is updating year after year under the joint efforts of our staffs, the des i g n and const rue tion performance that we have comp I e ted have been we I I accep ted by the owner and peop I e from a I I wa I ks of I i fe Our mainly performance i s as fol lows:目前公司擁有員工總?cè)藬?shù)約300人,包括管理

9、人員69人,具有專業(yè)職稱 管理人員52人,項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理總數(shù)門人。公司自創(chuàng)辦以來,在全體員工的不 斷努力下,公司業(yè)績(jī)年年翻新,所完成的設(shè)計(jì)和施工業(yè)績(jī)均得到業(yè)主乃至 社會(huì)各界的普遍贊譽(yù)?,F(xiàn)將公司主要的業(yè)績(jī)簡(jiǎn)介如下:l Honors and Award 一、企業(yè)榮譽(yù)情況:No. 序 號(hào)Description 內(nèi)容Issue Authority 發(fā)文(證)單位IssueDate 簽發(fā)日 期1Second Nations I Inter ior Des i gn Show- Bro nzeAward全國(guó)第二屆室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)大展銅獎(jiǎng)China National Light Industry Bureau 國(guó)家輕工業(yè)

10、局98.82Fuj ian Fi rst Inter ior Design Show- Thi rd Prize福建省首屆室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)大展三等獎(jiǎng)Fujian Inter ior Decoration Association福建省室內(nèi)裝飾裝修協(xié)會(huì)98. 103Fujian Second Inter i or Des i gn Show-Third Prize福建省第二屆室內(nèi)裝飾設(shè)計(jì)三等獎(jiǎng)Fujian Inter ior Decoration Association福建省室內(nèi)裝飾裝修協(xié)會(huì)2000. 14Thi rd Nat ional Inter ior Design Show- Mer itAwar

11、d全國(guó)第=屆室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)大展優(yōu)秀獎(jiǎng)China National Light Industry Bureau 國(guó)家輕工業(yè)局2000. 85Fol I owing Contract & Observing Credit Enterpr i se1999-20001999-2000年度重合同守信用單位Quanzhou Municipal People1s Government 泉州市人民政府2001.56Fol lowing Contract & Observing Credit Enterpr i se2001-20022001-2002年度守合同重信用單位Quanzhou Municipal Peo

12、p1e1s Government 泉州市人民政府2003. 87Advanced Enterpr i se of FujianProv i nc i a I Construct i on Decorat i onIndustry 2000福建省建筑裝飾行業(yè)2000年度先進(jìn)企業(yè)Fujian Construction IndustryAssociation DecorationEng ineer ingCommittee福建省建筑業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)裝飾工程委員 會(huì)2002. 128Fujian Trustworthy Construct!onDecorationEnterpr i se 2001福建省2001

13、年度建筑裝飾待業(yè)信得過企業(yè)Fujian Construction IndustryAssociation DecorationEngineer ingCommittee福建省建筑業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)裝飾工程委員 會(huì)2002. 59Fujian Trustworthy ConstructionDecorationEnterpr i se 2002福建省2002年度建筑裝飾待業(yè)信得過企業(yè)Fujian Construction Industry Association DecorationEngineer ingCommittee福建省建筑業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)裝飾工程委員2003. 8會(huì)10IS09001: 2000 Qua

14、I i ty Management SystemCertificationIS09001: 2000版質(zhì)量管理體系認(rèn)證Be i j i ng Zhenyexing Management SystemCert ificat ion Co. , Ltd.北京振業(yè)興管理體系認(rèn)證有限公 司2004. 311Fujian Second Inter ior Design Contest - Pub I icBui Iding. Decorat ion Design Thi rd Pr ize 福建省第二屆室內(nèi)設(shè)計(jì)大獎(jiǎng)賽公建類裝飾 設(shè)計(jì)三等獎(jiǎng)Fujian Construction Industry Asso

15、ciation DecorationEng ineer ingCommittee福建省建筑業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)裝飾工程委員 會(huì)2004. 312Top 20 Enterpr i se of Fuj i an Construct i onDecoration Industry 20032003年度福建省建筑裝飾行業(yè)二十強(qiáng)企業(yè)Fujian Construction IndustryAssociation DecorationEngineer ingCommittee福建省建筑業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)裝飾工程委員 會(huì)2004. 713Fujian Trustworthy ConstructionDecorationEnterpr

16、i se 2003福建省2003年度建筑裝飾信得過企業(yè)Fujian Construction Industry Association DecorationEng ineer ingCommittee福建省建筑業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)裝飾工程委員 會(huì)2004. 10Main Project Performance 企業(yè)主要工程業(yè)績(jī)No序aProject Name 工程名稱Projec t Ty I 程類別Project Cost (ten thousand yua工程造 價(jià)(萬元)Date ofCommenceme nt &Comp let ion 開、竣工日 期Qua IityEvaluati on 質(zhì)量評(píng)定

17、Remarks 備注1Harmfulness of Multi-functional Books of Boha i University 渤海大學(xué)多功能圖書 危害性Curta i n Wai I Decora 幕墻裝 飾8002004. 7-2004. 10ExceIlen t優(yōu)良Awarded Ch i naConstruct ionEngineer ing LubanPr i ze2005榮獲2005年度中國(guó) 建筑工程魯班獎(jiǎng)2Community Cultural Centerof ComprehensiveOffice Building,Chongq i ng Renhe Town Go

18、vernment 重慶人和鎮(zhèn)政府綜合 辦公樓社區(qū)文化中心Curta i n Wai I Decora 幕墻裝 飾5362004. 12-2005.8Qua I ifie d 合格3Dry Suspending Stone Mater ia IConstruct ionProject of Complex BuiIding. Liaoning University of Technology 遼寧工學(xué)院綜合樓干 掛石材施工工程Curta inWai IDecora t ion 幕 墻裝飾5302005. 4-2005.9ExceIlen t優(yōu)良Awarded Ch i naConstructionEngin


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