



1、范德堡方法在ZnO薄膜測試中的應用朱俊杰1 ,劉磁輝1 ,林碧霞1 ,2 ,謝家純1,傅竹西1 ,2 3摘要:近年來,隨著對寬禁帶半導體材料,氧化鋅薄膜研究的快速發(fā)展,對其電學性質的研究也顯得尤為重 要。主要介紹范德堡方法在 ZnO薄膜電學性質測量中的應用,并對初步測量結果作簡要的討論。關鍵詞:范德堡方法;ZnO膜?。粴W姆接觸;霍爾效應中圖分類號:O47213文獻標識碼:A1引 言ZnO是一種寬禁帶半導體材料,在室溫下的禁帶寬度為3137 eV ,具有廣泛的用途,如:表面聲 波導器件,透明導電膜以及壓電材料等。而且由于其晶格常數(shù)和 GaN相似,故還是GaN很好的襯 底。自1996年,第一篇關于

2、ZnO的紫外發(fā)光的報1道發(fā)表后,ZnO更是成為一種新型的紫外發(fā)光材料,使人們對ZnO薄膜的研究進入了一個新的 高潮。然而為了開發(fā) ZnO基的光電產品,對其電 學性質的研究顯得必不可少?;魻栃?,作為一種電學性質的測量,成為了研究的重要手段。而2 對于這種薄膜樣品的測量,范德堡方法是最為合適的。到目前為止,還很少有用范德堡方法測量 ZnO薄膜電學性質的具體報道。本文將從我們所做的工作出發(fā),具體介紹范德堡方法在ZnO薄膜測量中的應用,并對測量結果作相應的討論。其中d為樣品厚度,f為范德堡因子,是比值 Rab ,cd EIRbc ,ad 的函數(shù)。圖1范德堡法測量示意圖Fig. 1 Scheme of

3、 Van der Pauw fou(2contact technique.測量霍爾系數(shù)時,在一對不相鄰的電極通上電流,并在垂直樣品方向上加一磁場 ,在另一對不 相鄰的電極上測量電壓的變化 ,由此得到霍爾系 數(shù)及其載流子濃度。Rhd VbdB Iac1n = I Rh Iq2范德堡方法原理范德堡方法可以用來測量任意形狀的厚度均 勻的薄膜樣品。在樣品側邊制作四個對稱的電 極,如圖1所示。測電阻率時,依次在一對相鄰的電極通電流 其中d為樣品厚度,B為磁場強度,q為電子電 荷。由電阻率和霍爾系數(shù)的測量 ,同時還可以得 到電子的霍爾遷移率 卩I Rh|/p另一對電極之間測電位差,得到電阻R,代入公式得到

4、電阻率pRaB ,CD = VcD EIaB , RbC ,DA = VdA EIbCn d Rb ,cd + Rbc ,dap=fIn22Rab ,cdRbc ,da測試所用n2ZnO薄膜樣品,是在玻璃襯底上: 由直流濺射方法制備而得。具體生長條件可參見 文獻3 ,4 ,所測薄膜厚度200 nm。測量中,采用了一種銀的合金作為電極,簡單收稿日期:200:203218 ;修訂日期:2003205212基金項目:國家自然科學基金(10174072,5014206 ;國家自然科學基金重點項目(90201038資助項目 作者簡介:朱俊杰(1979 -),男,江蘇人,博士,主要從事氧化鋅光電信息功能材

5、料的研究。3 :通訊聯(lián)系人;E2mail : fuzx ustc. edu. cn , Tel : (0551) 3606004而又方便地解決了金屬電極與半導體之間的歐姆 接觸;同時,在經過一個高低溫的變化過程中,仍能保持良好的接觸,為測量的準確性提供了有力 的保證。四個電極,采用直接點焊的方法,粘在四 個角的表面,其任意兩電極之間的12/特性曲線,如圖2 ( b)所示。4結果與討論利用此方法,測得該樣品在室溫下的載流子173濃度為1104加cm -;電阻率為2125 Q cm ;遷2移率為2617 cm H/s-o同時,我們還測量了變溫 下(77373 K)的電阻率與溫度關系曲線,如圖3所示

6、iooo/r(KIs -I*暫 X、叮 j圖3 ZnO薄膜電阻率與溫度關系曲線Fig. 3 Temperature dependence of DC resistivity for ZnOprepared by DC sputter.從圖3中,發(fā)現(xiàn)濺射制備的ZnO薄膜,在室溫 (280 K)以上時,滿足熱激發(fā)理論,o= oexp ( - Ean KT),并得到激活能Ea = 01035 eV ;而在室溫以下其電阻率隨溫度變化與常規(guī)樣品出現(xiàn)分歧,可能是由于雜質離子在晶界勢壘中的漂移所導致。,為更好地了圖2 電極間12/特性曲線,(a) Al H2ZnO接觸;(b) Ag 合金電極Iffi2ZnO

7、接觸Fig. 2( a) 12/ curves for Al ohmic contacts on n2ZnO ; ( b)12/ curves for Ag alloy ohmic contacts on n2ZnO.由圖2 ,可以明顯看到Ag合金與n2ZnO之間構成了很好的歐姆接觸,同時由比較可以發(fā)現(xiàn),其接觸電阻比傳統(tǒng)的Al電極要小得多。此外,此合金電極在低溫下仍能與ZnO薄膜保持很好的歐姆接觸,克服了 Al電極不耐低溫的弱點。范德堡方法是測量半導體材料,尤其是薄膜材料電學性質的一種非常有效的方法。利用此方法,并結合我們研制出的Ag合金技術,方便的測出了濺射制備的 ZnO薄膜,室溫下的電學參

8、數(shù);以及低溫下其電阻率與溫度的關系 解ZnO薄膜的性質提供了保障參考文獻:1 YU P , TANG Z K , WONG G K L , et al . Room temperature stimulated emission from ZnO quantum dot films A .23 nd Int .Conf. on the Physicscf Semiconductor C . World Scientific , Singapore , 1996 ,2 :145321456.2 LJ Van Der Pauw. A method of measuring specific res

9、istivity and Hall efect of discs of arbitrary shape J . Phil . Res Rep , 1958 , 13 :129.3 FU Zhuxi , L IN Bixia , L IAO Guihong , et al . The effect of Zn buffer layer on growth and luminescence of ZnO films deposited on S substrates J . J . Cryst Growth , 1998 , 193 :3162321.4 FU Zhuxi , L IN Bixia

10、 , HE Yiping , et al . Reflection and transmission qoectra of ZnO films and its band2gap structure J . Chin. J . L umin.(發(fā)光學報),2002 , 23 (6) :5592562 (in Chinese). 194-2014 Choi AcadcjiLK:ElccLronicHouse.rraiTvcd. hllpAvww.criki_iLct*Van der Pa uw Method in the Test of ZnO Fil m1 1 1 ,2 2 1 ,2ZHU J

11、un2jie , L IU Ci2hui , L IN Bi 2xia, XIE J ia2chun , FU Zhu2xi(1. Structure Research Laboratory , Chinese Academy cf Sciences;2. Departme nt 0 Physics , Uni versity cf Scie nee and Tech no logy 0 Chi na , Hefei 230026 , Chi na)Abstract : ZnO is a wide band gap semic on ductor with 3136 eV at room te

12、mperature . It has bee n studied for de2 cades for its many applicati ons , such as surface acoustic waveguide , tran spare nt electrodes for some solar cells and buffer layer for epitaxy of GaN. In recent years , ZnO film attracted m ore attention due to its applications in ph oto2 electric materia

13、ls. It has been found to be possibly used in ultraviolet laser devices due to its ability to emit stimu lated ultraviolet photons. The shorter wavelength laser devices can provide many new applications. In order to fabri 2 cate photo2electronic diodes , research on the electrical properties is now u

14、rgently needed.Using the method of Hall effect experime nt, we can get some in formati on on the semic on ductor , such as the carrier concentration , conductance and trans fer rate . F or the sanple of films , Van der Pauw method is very useful . It can be applied to measure the samples with anomal

15、y geometry. But there were few detailed reports on the measu 2EH *7ring of ZnO films by using this method.Using Van der Pauw method to measure the ZnO films , the first problem is to prepare electrode , which is ohmic con tact with ZnO films. Al is mostly used as ohmic electrode , but we found ano t

16、her Ag alloy material with lower con tact resista nce , which is better as ohmic electrode tha n Al . Second , it is stable at low tem perature(77 K), but Al is not . The last , the Ag alloy electrode is much easier to prepare .Using the Ag alloy as the ohmic con tact , we get the carrier concen tra

17、ti on of the sputtered ZnO prepared on glass substrate at room temperature to be 1104 X0 cm ; the resistivity of 2125 Qcm and the transfer rate of22617 cm nV s-. We also get the temperature dependence of DC resistivity of the sputtered ZnO films. At high temperature ( 280 K) , (formally obeys the fo

18、llowing formula :(=exp ( - EanKT)where 0 is a pre 2exponential factor , Ea the activation energy for band conduction , and K the Boltzmanm constant . And we find the activation energy of sputtered ZnO is 01035 eV. At lower temperature ( 77 280 K) ,the deper2 dence is differe nt from the no rmal semic


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