



1、你不可能生來讓很多人喜歡,更不可能讓每位老板都喜歡,但你可以讓自己做到有很多人需要你 如何管理你的老板 他需要你盡職盡責地把工作干好,所以你是他的手;他需要你把他不了解的情況及時匯報給 所以你是他的大腦;他有時候需 他,所以你是他的眼睛和耳朵;他有時候需要你幫他岀岀主意, 要你站岀來替他說話,也有時候需要你替他保守秘密,所以你是他的嘴巴;他需要你和他緊密地 站在一起,使他感覺更穩(wěn)當,所以你是他的腳。你的老板沒有三頭六臂, 也沒有千里眼、 順風耳, 有時候他比你更脆弱、更加危機四伏,他需要你的支撐才能站得住腳并往上爬。 管理老板,首先要明確,你們直接有什么樣的價值需求。 你能給你的老板帶來什么價

2、值,而他需要你的價值是什么;反之亦然。 既然是基于價值交換,所以下屬在心態(tài)上首先就要讓自己和老板岀于平等的層面。 明確雙方的需求后,決定雙方之間的相處方式,就因人而異了, 要摸索磨合,這里就有很多技巧 層面的東西。 做老板的,根本就不是以贏得所有人的心為目標的。 不存在好老板一說。 商業(yè)上、職場上,最好不要岀現(xiàn)好和壞這類詞,用不上。 任何一個老板都不需要對任何一個下屬好”,我們只需要做到 “fair,公平。 什么時候把問題歸結到價值二字,而不是總是什么合不來啊, 不喜歡他啊,看我不順眼啊這類的 東西,說明看到問題的實質了。 首先,你要關心的是老板需要你什么,其次再看你能提供什么, 這和做銷售是

3、一樣的, 老板是我 們最重要的客戶,因為我們此時銷售的是我們自己。 兩個人之間岀了問題,的確一定是雙方都有問題, 但是, 搞清楚是誰的責任其實意義不大, 因為 其實沒有任何人真正關心。 有好多次,有網友或者書迷問我是否還在當老板招聘人手, 說無論如何也要跟著我干, 我都謝絕 了,我曾經說過幾次很重的話,這樣幼稚地做岀決定的人,我是不會要的。 和同事和老板當然可以成為朋友,但不要讓這種 友情”影響到職場上的專業(yè)水準。 對事不對人,就這么簡單的原則。 和老板的溝通很重要,但多數(shù)人主要放在聯(lián)絡感情上了。 你能提供什么,他要的是你能提供的 其實應該重點放在,他需要你什么,他對你的期望是什么, 嗎? 的

4、確有因為被老板喜歡而得到加薪的,我在聯(lián)想就是如此,我在西門子也這樣給喜歡的下屬加過 薪,但是如果大家還是把加薪等職場目標建立在讓老板喜歡自己的層面,一定不會成功。 做銷售的,如果一味靠讓客戶喜歡你而買你的東西,能成功一次、兩次,能成功十次、百次嗎? 的價值。 我從來不否定人格魅力的重要性。 對不同風格老板的體會:老虎型的老板,你少說多做;貓頭鷹型的老板,你要多說多做;孔 雀型的老板,你要多說,適當留些空間讓他做;考拉型老板,你會很爽! 我從來不會想去得罪客戶、得罪老板,但僅這些是不夠的。 如果你離開,會對你老板構成什么樣的影響?沒有什么是不可替代的。 幫主有兩個很大的特點,一是尊重人,信守雙贏

5、,輕易不把事情做絕;二是善于逆向思維,思維多 維,多角度。 管理銷售團隊、咨詢團隊可能是最難的。 平衡是最美。 平衡是動態(tài)的,沒有一勞永逸的,人在職場,與老板、下屬、同事相處都是如此,利益平衡,供 需相應。 How to Manage Your Boss Marily n Pu der-York, P h.D. is a cli nical p sychologist in New York who sp ecializes in work pl ace stress issues. Q:How do you man age the p rotot yp ical difficult boss

6、? A:Successfully managing a difficult boss is a challe nge but ofte n feasible. First, you should try to understand the reasons for your bosss difficult behavior. Assu ming that your boss gen erally behaves in a fairly reas on able manner, and his or her difficultbehavior seems to be a result of str

7、ess overload rather tha n character, cha nces are good that the behavior can be modified. If your bosss behavior seems to reflect a chroni cally hostile, abusive style of in teracti ng regardless of the amount of stress in the work place, the cha nces are less po sitivethat the behavior can cha nge.

8、 In fact, you may want to con sider seek ing coun sel from a trusted men tor or huma n resources pro fessi onal to evaluate your op ti ons. Second, you have to man age your own n egative emoti ons regardi ng your bosss behavior so that you dont engage in self-defeating behavior (e.g. ston ewalli ng,

9、 or coun terattack ing your boss). Third, once you un dersta nd and have man agedyour own n egative react ions, you may work to com muni cate your concerns as long as they are framed in a helpful,positive manner, thereby creating an atmosphere for problem resolutio n. Q:If you feel youve bee n criti

10、cized un fairly by your boss, whats the best way to confront him or her with your concerns? A:You should discuss your concerns not confront your boss. There is a differe nee. You n eed to carry out the discussi on of your concerns in a non-adversarial way. Like a marriage, you should try to handle y

11、our complaints in a manner that does not do further damage to your relatio nship. Q:Whats the best way to res pond to criticism from your boss? A:Try to see the criticism as valuable in formatio n about how to do ego from a power better, not as a personal attack. Try to sep arate your personal your

12、bus in ess persona. Try hard to con trol your impu Ises to react emoti on ally or defe nsively. Try to see the criticism as an opportun ity to work together with your boss on a devel opment plan. See yourself as a partner with your boss on this plan, rather than as a victim of struggle. Q:Whats the

13、curre nt trend of job stress? Is there more or less? the last A:The downsizing and reorganizationof corporate America in 10 to 15 years has set off unmistakable pressures and stresses. There is a very real and p ersiste nt fear of loss of employment and job in security in the majority of empio yees.

14、 The impact of job loss on in dividuals and families has been enormous. According toThe New York Times , more than 43 milli on jobs have bee n lost in the Un ited States since 1979. Q:How can empo weri ng empio yees hel p lesse n stress age nts in the work place? A:Whenempioyees feel less like victi

15、ms of circumstances out of their con trol,they feel more empo wered. Empio yees whoare give n can did, timely and con siste nt com muni cati ons from man ageme nt about the status of their careers, as well as more responsibilityto directly managetheir careers and their work relati onships, tend to b

16、e less an xious and more highly motivated. Although few empioyees believe that job security is a guarantee anym ore, empio yees who are empo wered with more in formati on and responsibilityover their future tend to cope more effectively because they feel less po werless. Q:Sometimes empio yees are h

17、esita nt to sp eak to their boss about criticism. Is there a way to overcome that fear of retributi on? A:The cha nces that your fear of retributi on will turn into reality will be significantlyreduced to the degree that you can discuss criticism with your boss in a reas on able non-emoti on al, non

18、-defe nsive manner. You can avoid sett ing up your boss to be angry at you and therefore risk retributi on by careful planning and dipIo matic com muni cati on. Q:Whats the best way to deal with stress in the work pl ace? A:Stress is always in the eye of the beholder. What may cause one empio yee stress in the work place may not eve n cause a ripple of concern to another. The key to


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