



1、If There Were No After LifeIf There Were No After Lifehether there s afterlife, the anser has never been thesame. the atheists den after life, believing that our life is no more tha n from the radle to the grave. the ma are about their illustrious n ames after death; the ma feel attahed to the affet

2、ion of their offspring, but the never la their hopes on their afterlife. the ma also sa that good ill be rearded ith good, and evil ith evil, but the don t reall believe anretribution in their after life.hoever, in the religious orld or among the superstitious people, the belief in afterlife is ver

3、popular. the do not onl believe in afterlife, but thousands of reinarnations as ell. in the msterious orld, there are the paradise and the hell, the elestial beings and the gods, the buddha and the bodhisattvas.mabe the reall believed it, or mabe the just an ted to make use of people sven erati on,

4、the anient emperors alas delared that the ere the real drag ons, the sons of god, hile the roal mini sters laimed to be the reinarnations of various onstellations. but an the stars reinarn ate?ma n people burn inense and koto, do good deeds and strive for virtues, no t just for the prese nt, but mai

5、nl to let god see their sinerit so as to be reborn into a better afterlife, or to ahieve the highest en lighte nmentafter several lives of pratie. the do believe in afterlife.but i an t help asking: suppose there ere no afterlife, ould ou still do good deeds and strive for virtues? and if god does n

6、ot see hat ou are doing, ould ou still be so upright and selfless? if ou ork, not for serving the publi and liberating the others, but just for a better afterlife of our on, isn t it a little too selfish? paring ith this kind of believers, those ho dont believe in afterlife, but stillkeep doing good

7、 deeds, are the most sinere and honest philanthropists, beause the do them not for themselves but for other.ou ma onder if i believe in afterlife. m anser is: i kno nothing about m previous life, so i dare not make improper ments on afterlife. but i do hope there s afterlife!beause our present life

8、is so short that so man things slip XX before our proper understanding. i have so man dreams, so man ishes, so man ambitions, as ell as so man regrets and onerns. if there ere no afterlife, all of them ill remain unrealized!i m not ontented ith the present monplae life, i m ver muh attahed to the af

9、fetions that should have been mine but have been ashed XX b the hurring time, and i earn for the perfetion and maturit if i ould start all over again. so believe it or not, i d rather there ere afterlife. translated b zhang baodan ma 1, 2016關鍵詞搜索:范文 您還可以返回 英語演講稿 欄目瀏覽更多相關范文。(201X年4月7日附送:lloveE nglish

10、 英語演講稿IloveE nglish 英語演講稿您正在公文易網(wǎng)閱讀i love english英語演講稿asever one kno s,e nglish is ver importa nt toda.it has bee n used everhere in the orld.it has bee the most mon Ian guage on internet and for intern ati onal trade. if e an speak en glish ell,e ill have more hane to sueed.beause more and more peop

11、le have take n no tie of it,the nu mber of the people ho go to learn en glish has in reased at a high speed. but for mself,i learn english not onl beause of its importane and its usefu In ess,but also beause of m love for it.he n i lear n en glish, i an feel a differe nt a of thinking hih gives me m

12、ore room to touh the o您正在公文易網(wǎng)閱讀i love english英語演講稿rld.hen i read english novels,i an feel the pleasure from the book hih is different from reading the tran slati on .he n i speak en glish, i an feel the on fide nt from m ords.he n i rite en glish,i an see the beaut hih is not the same as our hin ese

13、. i love en glish,it gives me a olorfuldream.i hope i an travel around the orld one da. ith m good english, i an make friends ith man people from different ontries.i an see man plaes of great intrests.i dream that i an go to london,beause it is the birth plae of english. i also ant to use m good eng

14、lish&n 您正在公文易網(wǎng)閱讀 i love english 英語演講稿 bsp;to introdue our great plaes to the english spoken people,i hope that the an love our ountr like us. i kno, rome as not built in a da. i believe that after ontinuous hard stud, one da i an speak english ver ell. if ou ant to be loved, ou should learn to love

15、and be lovable. so i believe as i love english everda , it ill love me too. i am sure that i ill realize m dream one da! thank ou!親愛的老師,同學們: 我很高興可以在這個課堂上做一次演講。這一次,我想 談談英語。我的話題是我愛英語。 正如每個人所知,英語在今天十分 重要。它已經(jīng)被應用到世界的各個角落。它已經(jīng)成為商業(yè)上最為通用 的一門語言并廣泛的用于國際貿易。如果我們能說好英語,我們就有 更多的機會成功。因為越來越多的人注意到這一點,學英語的人數(shù)正 在已很高的速度增長。 但是對我而言,我學英語不僅僅因為它的重要 性以及它的實用性,更是因為我喜愛英語。當我學英語時您正在公文 易網(wǎng)閱讀 i love english 英語演講稿,我可以體會到一種不 同的思維方式,它可以給我更多接觸世界的空間。當我讀英語小說 時,我能感受到不同于閱讀翻譯文的快樂。當我說英語時,我可以感 到自信。當我寫英語時,我能夠感到不同于漢語的那種美我愛英語,它給了我一個色彩斑斕的夢。我希望有朝一日我可以暢游世界,第3頁共5頁用我流利的英語,我可以和世界各地的人交友。我能看到許多的名 勝。我


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