



1、51.對(duì)厭煩” 54.弱” tell sb. sth. tell sth. to sb. be tired of be weak in send sb. sth. send sth.to sb. be fed up with be bad at wish sb. sth. wish sth. to sb. be sick of be poor at read sb. sth. read sth. to sb. be bored with 55.感嘆句句型匯總 teach sb. sth. teach sth. to sb. 52. tired句型概覽 what + a/an + adj + C

2、 + 主 + 謂! telegraph sb. t sth. graph sth. to sb be tired of 對(duì)厭倦,對(duì)煩 What + adj+ pl./u + 主 + 謂! write sb. sth. write sth. to sb. be tired with/from sth./doing sth. How + adj/ adv + 主 + 謂! sing sb. sth. sing sth. to/for sb. 因感到疲勞 How +句子! save sb. sth. save sth. for sb. be tired out 56. “賓語”總覽 order sb

3、. sth. order sth. for sb. 精疲力竭(=be exhausted) show sb. sth show sth. to sb. pour sb. sth. pour sth. for sb. 53.擅長” pass sb. sth. pass sth. to sb. make sb. sth. make sth. for sb. do well in sth.do ing sth. post sb. sth. post sth. to sb. buy sb. sth. buy sth. for sb. be good at sth.do ing sth. give sb

4、. sth give sth. to sb. cook sb. sth. cook sth for sb. be expert at sth.do ing sth. take sb. sth. take sth. to sb. get sb. sth. get sth. for sb. be clever at sth.do ing sth. lend sb sth. lend sth. to sb. leave sb. sth. leave sth. for sb. be great at sth.do ing sth. throw sb. sth. -throw sth. to sb. w

5、in sb. sth. win sth. for sb. be excelle nt at sth.do ing sth. do sb. harm do harm to sb. His hard work won him a lot of praise. be skilled at sth.do ing sth. offer sb. sth. offer sth. to sb. His hard work won a lot of praise for him. be adept at sth.do ing sth. wave sb. sth. wave sth. to sb. 57.毛病”

6、there is sth. wrong with sth./sb. sth. is wrong with wave sb off扌車手告別 wave goodbye to sb. say goodbye to sb. be shocked at對(duì)很震驚 62.生氣”的句型 be angry with sb. 58. doing與 to do, 意思別模糊 forget doing sth. 做了忘了 see sb. off be angry about sth. forget to do sth. 忘了做了 60.給某人打電話 be angry at sb./sth. remember doi

7、ng sth.記得已做 call sb be angry with/at sb. about sth. remember to do sth.記住要做 ring sb. be angry that stop doing sth. 停止做 call up sb. be mad at sb. stop to do sth. 停下來去做 ring up sb. be anno yed with sb. watch/see/hear sb. doi ng sth.看/聽見在做 phone sb 63.嚴(yán)格”三句型 watch/see/hear sb. do sth.看/聽見做 pho ne sb. t

8、o do sth. be strict with sb. go on doing sth. 繼續(xù)做(同一件事) give sb a pho ne be strict in sth. go on to do sth. 繼續(xù)做(另一件事) give sb. a call be strict with sb. in sth. try doing sth. 努力做 call sb. at+電話號(hào)碼 64.根據(jù)” try to do sth. 嘗試做 dial +電話號(hào)碼 base A. on/upon B mean doing sth. 意味著 61.“ 驚” A be based on/upon B

9、 mea n to do sth. 打算做 be surprised at 65.“殘疾” learn doing sth. 學(xué)過(不一定會(huì)) be amazed at be bli nd in learn to do sth. 學(xué)會(huì)做 be ast oni shed at be deaf in 59.告別” be asto un ded at be lame in 66.盡力”句型匯總in surprisetake care to do sth. take care not to do sth. be un der the care of be careful about/of be car

10、eless about/of It areless of sb. to do sth. 73. 如何打、抓人” catch sb. by the +身體部位 grasp sb by the +身體部位 hit sb. on/in the + 身體部位 tap sb. on the back/shoulder 74. 關(guān)于“ up with的句型 catch up with 追趕 keep up with 與 保持一致 put up with 容忍 come up with 提出 be fed up with 厭惡 75. “ choos句型總匯 choose to do sth choose

11、sb as 職位 try to do sth. try one s best to do sth. do one s best to do sth. do one s upmost to do sth. put one s effort into sth./doing sth spare no effort to do sth.全力以赴做 en deavor to do sth.竭盡全力做 go out of one s way to do sth. 67. 視而不見”與 充耳不聞” be bli nd to close one s eyes to sth. be deaf to 68. 洗耳

12、恭聽”與目不轉(zhuǎn)睛” be all ears be all eyes 69. 與某人做生意” do bus in ess with sb. make a deal with sb. 70. “ surpris句 型匯總 to one s surprise be surprised at sth./do ing sth. with a surprised look 71. “ ca句型匯總 call sb. call sb.up給某人打電話 call on sb.拜訪某人 call on sb. to do sth.號(hào)召某人做 drop in on sb 拜訪某人 call at sp. call sb. at +電話號(hào)碼 call off sth/d ong sth. = can cel sth/d ong sth. p


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