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1、1998年博士入學考試英語真題PART I LlSTENlNG COMPREHENSION (15 points, 1 Point for each)SeCtiOn ADireCtions: In this SeCtiOnt you Will hear nine ShOrt COnVerSations between two speakers. At the end Of each COnVerSation, a third VOiCe Will ask a QUeStiOn about What WaS said. The question Will be SPOken OnIy OnCe

2、ChOOSe the best answer from the four ChOiCeS giVen by Inarking the COrreSPOnding Ietter With a SingIe bar across it On your AnSWer Sheet.1.2.A.B.C.D.A.S goingS goingS goingS goingtotototobuy SOme bake the CIean UP dust andto the Cinema.3.B. ViSit a friend Of hersC. GO to bed earlyD GO home for dinne

3、rA. He WantS her to PiCk UPB. He Want S her to take theC. He WantS his broken bone.8.flowers cake.the floor mop the kitchen.the bone On the ground, bone OUt Of the fish to be treatedD He has SOmething to COmPlain aboutA. The man had IOSt his keysB. The man wasn, t able to OPen the doorC. The

4、door needed repairingD He Wanted the WOman to help himA. Shet d Iike to COme alongB. SheC. TheD. TheA. Heknows her Way around the harbor. Warm Weather is QUite PIeaSant ride WilI take all day is anxious to go to the museumB. He refuses to go to the museumC. He doesn, t Iike to go to the museumD. He

5、WilI go With herA. TWO boat ticketsB. TWOC. TWOD. TWOA. HeB. Thetrain ticketsPIaneS tickets tickets for the PIay.IikeS the houseIOOk Of the house SUrPriSeS him.C. He thinks the house is too Smal 1D HeiS happy to See the house they have bought.A. SIeeP Iate9.B. ViSit SOme friends.C. BUy thingsD GO fo

6、r a rideSeCtiOn BDirections: In this SeCtiOnf you Will hear two ShOrt PaSSageS At the end Of each PaSSagef there Will be three questions. BOth the PaSSage and the questions Will be read to you Only once. After each question, there Will be a pause. DUring the PaUSG you InUSt ChOOSe the best answer fr

7、om the four ChOiCeS give by Inaking the COrreSPOnding Ietter With a Single bar across it On your AnSWer Sheet.10. A. A deep, resonant VOiCeB. GOOd grammarC. UnderStanding Of the audience* S POint Of VieWD Information Orl the SUbjeCt11. A. COnfUSing UTOng is not good WritingB. Writing is not easy for

8、 everyoneC. COrreCt grammar is Part Of good WritingD AnyOne Can Iearn to Write12. A. HiS advice is StilI USefUI todayB. He knew nothing about WritingC. He WaS a POPUIar teacherD He WaS born Under a IUCky Star13. A. 4 B. 5 C 6 D. 714. A. It* S a IOng COUntry With 1, 285, OOO kilometerB. It s a COUntr

9、y full Of natural resourcesC. Itsa COUntrySUrrOUndedbyPaCifiCOCeanDItsa COUntryWithaIOtOfPaCifiCOCean.15. A. It has a dry CIimateB. ItisextremelyWetC. Itsrather cool.D It depends OrI each regionPART II VoCABULARY (20 POintSt 1/2 POint for each)SeCtiOn ADireCtiOns: There are twenty questions in this

10、SeCtiOn EaCh question is a SentenCe With One WOrd Or PhraSe underlined. BelOW the SentenCe are four WOrdS Or PhraSeS Inarked Af B, C and D. ChOOSe the WOrd Or PhraSe that is ClOSet in meaning to the Underlined one. Mark the COrreSPOnding Ietter With a Single bar across it On your AnSWer Sheet.16. EC

11、OnOmiC development is IikeIy to assume a bigger and more SignifiCant role in the WOrldA. SUPPOSe B PreSUme C Undertake D transmit17. The government has a POIiCy Of fostering the POIiCe awareness Of the dangers in SmOkingA. encouraging B discovering C. hindering D emphasizing18. The SCientiStS at the

12、 UniVerSity Of Bern in SWitZerIand have USed a WeakenedVirUS that is not infectious and has PrOVed Safe and effectiveA. dangerous B harmful C COntagiOUS D invading19. The POIiCe CdUtiOned US about the icy roads after the heavy SnOW fall IaSt nightA. alerted B described C refrained D informed20. The

13、CarPenter did a CIUmSy PieCe Of WOrk repairing the staircase.A. WOnderfUI B. CarefUI C UnfiniShed D UnSkilIed21. The attempt to bring the QUarreling COUPle together again Came Off to PeOPIe, S astonishmentA. foiledB. SUCCeeded C ended D COntinUed22. It WaS the COldeSt Winter for forty-five years Vil

14、IdgeS in the EngIiSh COUntrySide Were CUt Off by the SnOW and the ThameS froze OVerA. isolatedB. SUrrOunded C COVered D, removed23. China and India IaUnChed dramatic market because they need it to avoid collapse.A. radical B. SenSatiOnaI C ViVid D effective24. The CairO newspapers the next day Carri

15、ed banner headlines about the StUdent demonstration and they denounced BritiSh arroganceA. declared the end OfB Iet the PUbIiC knowC. had a QUarrel WithD aired VieWS against25. What has Changed is that CaPitaI has become inc:TedibIy mobile and much harder for economies to COntrO1A. increasingly B im

16、practically C doubtfully D exceptionally26. ClintOn has argued that the best Way to keep HaitianS at home is to See that democracy and PrOSPerity take root thereA detect B 1己arnC ensure D understand27. The biggest COmPUter COmPany in SiIiCOn ValIey has Iaid Off hundreds Of PeOPle during the IaSt few

17、 monthsA. dismissed B. detached C declined D dispersed28. CUItUral PatternS Of getting food are generated Prijna:Tily by the natural Or PhySiCa1A. PrimitiVeIy B. PrinCiPally C. Preferably D POtentially29. The QUeStiOn reall3r PUt him On the SPOt because he knew almost nothing aboutit.A. On the Way h

18、ome B in a difficult POSitiOnC. On the WatChD OUt Of COndition30. EStabIiShlnent Or a(n) SoUnd SOCial insurance SyStem is essential for deepening economic reformsA. durable B. UndiStUrbed C. healthy D accurate31. In a front Page editorial they declared: A required COUrSe is a(n) illibewl actA. autho

19、ritarian B SteadfaSt C. IniSerable D UnWilling32. The BUdlandS NatiOnal Park WaS established in SOUth DakOta to PreSerVe thisWeirdIy beautiful regionA. SUrPriSingIy B. ImPreSSiVeIy C exceedingly D fantastically33. ThiS monument imagine WaS designed to Stir UP emotions Of awe and respect, but COUld S

20、CarCeIy evoke feelings Of Warmth and affectionA. tangle B. Agitate C teem D StiPUIate34. SOme mechanism regulates the OnSet and the rate Of deterioration Of a IiVing body.A Start B. death C SPeed D aggression35. PreCiSiOn instruments allow SCientiStS to measure minute QUantitieS With a high degree O

21、f accuracyA. momentary B VariOUS C any D briefSeCtiOn BDireCtiOns: There are twenty questions in this SeCtiOn EaCh question IS a SentenCe Wi th SOme thing missing. BeIOW each SentenCet are four WOrdS Or PhraSeS Jnarked Af B, C and D. ChOOSe One WOrd Or PhraSe that best COmPleteS the sentence. Hark t

22、he COrreSPOnding Ietter With a Single bar across it On your AnSWer Sheet.36. All transactions are StriCtIy and We never sell, rent Or trade anycustomer S nameA. COnfident B COnSenSUaI C COnfidential D COnSeqUentiaI37. AdVertiSing is a distinguished from Other forms Of COmmUniCatiOn theadvertiser Pay

23、S for the message to be deliveredA. in WhiCh B in this Way C. in that D in Order that38. Many CitiZenS Of the world* S richest nations find it increasingly PainfUIto the incessant demand for Change that CharaCteriZeS OUr timeA. keep UP With B COme UP With C. go along With D face UP With39. PerhaPs,

24、if We COUld examine the manners Of different nations With , WeShOUld find no PeOPIe SO rude to be WithOUt rules Of POIiteneSSA. exactitude B Certainty C appreciation D impartiality40. The CaPtain every member Of the CreW to rigorous PhySiCaI hardshipsA. endured B. SUbjeCted C experienced D SUbmitted

25、41. That COUntry Will COntinUe to make new nerves gas WeaPOnS after the COnCIUSiOnOf a global treaty banning themI according to a SeCret administration POIiCyreviewA. makes effect B takes effect C. PUtS into effect D PUtS Orl effect42. JUSt as SPaCe WaS into regions, time WaS SPIit UP into eras, sea

26、sons, and epochsA. decomposedB originated C. evolved D restrained43. A doctor S ObIigation When he Can no IOnger the approach Of death is to make the Patient COmfOrtable, including easing his pain. A hang around B hang On C hold back D hold On44. Many important nature ConSerVatiOn SiteS are as SiteS

27、 Of SPeCiaISCientifiC IntereSt Or NatiOnaI NatUre ReSerVeSA. BOUnded B. designated C CUItiVated D COnfined45. With the fall in the number Of StUdentS StUdying science, We WilI have IOStmany With the POtentiaI for intellectualA. Credibility B Credential C. recreation D CreatiVity46. OUr WOrSt fear ha

28、ve PrOVed after he told US everything about it.A. hosted B. blessed C UnfOUnded D UPrOOted47. The VilIage moved further and further away from the City and IinkS With OUtSideCOmmUnity haveA Withered B ShOrtened C Sheared D CUrtaiIed48. We hoped to be able to get married early this month, but things d

29、idn* tasWe had expectedA. WOrked OUt B COme by C fill UP D Iay down49. The teacher made StrenUOUS efforts to read the faint andhandwriting inhis students* exercise booksA illegal B. illite:TateC illegible D illustrative50. SOUth Africa* S black majority got its first realin governing early IatDeCemb

30、erA. remark B. tale C SPeeCh D Say51. the difficulty Of the task, I ShaII be IUCky to COmPlete it by May.A. Regarding B GiVen C PreSUming D ACCePted52. SO are businessmen by the COnStantIy Changing numbers that they OftenCannOt determine Whether they are making PrOfit Or notA. OUtSOld B. OUtgrownC O

31、Vel已XCitedD OVerWhelnIed53. The border incident Ied to the two COUntrieS, diplomatic relationsA. PUlIing Off B breaking Off C. PaSSing Off D falling Off54. WithOUt a WhOleheartedto a keen forward-looking ViSiOn and a deep insight,you Can not be a IeaderA COmmitment B determination C. resolution D Ob

32、ligatiOn55. The WOrker* S PrOlniSed Were increase is being WhiIe it is examined bythe government to See if it is greater than the IaW allowsA. PUt back B. held down C PUt down D held backPART III CLOSE TEST (15 POintS)Directions: DeCide WhiCh Of the ChOiCeS giVen below WOUld best COmPlete the PaSSag

33、e if InSerted in the COrreSPOnding blanks Mark the COrreC t ChOiCeS for each blank in your AnSWer Shee t.One SUPermarket in TOkyO has managed to SOlVe the PrObIemS Of ShOPIifting 店彳亍動) 56 by CaShierS and IOng IineS Of CUStOmerS Waiting at the CaSh registers It is Japan* S advanced COmPUter technolog

34、y that has COme 57 With the answers ShOPPerS at an OK SUPermarket On the OUtSkirtS Of the City now PUSh a Cart 58 a PIaStiC Card Chained to it and buy from glass CaSeS Where the goods are On display. The PIaStiC magnetic number CarrieS his Or her OWn Card WhiCh is 59 at the entrance WhiIe ShOPPing t

35、he CUStOmer PUSheS the Card into a SlOt beside 60 items are Wanted and PUSheS a button Or two. The glass-covered Vending machines are COnneCted to a COmPUter that 61 the PriCe Of every item in the StOre PriCeS Of every PUrChaSe are added to automatically. 62 She has finished ShOPPingt the CUStOmer h

36、ands her Card to a CaShier WhO 63 it to the register A SeCOnd Iater the 64 POPS OUt ShOPIifting is PhySiCalIy impossible OnCe you touch a COmmOdity the COmPUter remembers it 65 you hide it Or 66 you eat it Orl the SPOt A CaShier at the OK SUPermarket is now able to WOrk 15 times faster than her 67 a

37、t a COnVentiOnaI SUPermarket 68 , are required at the store, WhiCh 69 2500 SeParate items One man is enough to keep the Vending machine filled, because 70 the StOCk for a Certain COmmOdity is at IeaSt to run OUt a red IamP in the COmPUter room SeeS him.56.A.IniStakeB.madeC. doneD PrObIemS57.A.togeth

38、erB.UPC. alongDOn58.A.WithB.WithOUtC. CarryingD Under59.A.COlIeCtedB.filledC. SentD ShOWn60.A.thoseB.WhatC. the numberD WhiCheVer61.A.ShOUtSB.knowsC. CaICUIateSD PUtS62.A.BefOreB.ImmediateIyC. After allD. When63.A.OPenSB.feedsC. readsD COnneCtS64.A.CaShB.moneyC. ChangeSD. total65.A.exceptB.in SPite

39、OfC. no matter how D the Way66.A.beforeB.WhenC. even ifD WatCheS67.A.friendB.COlIeagUeC. COmPanyD neighbor68.A.for instance B. StilIC IaterD howeve69.A.IOSeSB.needsC. SelISD deals70.A.thereB.WheneVerC. mostDOfPART IV READlNG COMPREHENSION (30 PointS)DireCtiOns: EaCh Of the PaSSageS below is followed

40、 by SeVeraI questions about it.Read the PaSSageS CarefUIly and to each question ChOOSe the bust answer At B, C Or D. Mark your answer On the AnSWer ShUUt by blackening the COrreSPOnding Ietter Wi th a PenCilPaSSage OneIn the Iate I960* s, many PeOPle in NOrth AmeriCa turned their attention to enviro

41、nmental PrOblems, and new SteeI and glass SkySCraPerS Were WideIy CritiCiZed ECOIOgiStS POinted OUt that a CIUSter Of tall buildings in a City Often OVerbUrdenS PUbliC transportation and Parking IOt CaPaCitieSSkySCraPerS are also IaViSh consumers, and wasters, Of electric POWer In One recent year, t

42、he addition Of 17 InilliOn SqUare feet Of SkySCraPer OffiCe SPaCe in NeW YOrk City raised the Peak daily demand for electricity by 120,OOO kilowatts enough to SUPPOrt the entire City Of Albany NeW YOrk for a dayGlaSSWalIed SkySCraPerS Can be SPeCialIy WaSteful The heat IOSS (Or gain) through a WalI

43、insulation board TO IeSSen the Strain On heating and air-conditioning equipment builders Of SkySCraPerS have begun to USe double-glazed PaneIS Of glass and reflective glasses COated With SilVer Or gold mirror films that reduce glare as WelI as heat gain However, mirror-walled SkySCraPerS raise the t

44、emperature Of the SUrrOUnding air and affect neighboring buildingsSkySCraPerS PUt a SeVere Strain On a city, S SanitatiOn facilities, too. If fully occupied, the two WOrId Trade Center towers in NeW YOrk City WOUld alone generate 2.25 million gallons Of raw SeWage each year-as much as a City the SiZ

45、e Of StanfOrd COnneCtiCUt WhiCh has a POPUlatiOn Of more than 109,000.SkySCraPerS also interfere With television reception block bird flyways and ObStrUCt air traffic In BOStOn in the Iate 1960, S SOme PeOPIe even feared that ShadOWS from SkySCraPerS WOUld kill the grass On BOStOn COmInon.Still, PeO

46、PIe COntinUe to build SkySCraPerS for all the reasons that they have always built them - PerSOnaI ambition, CiViC pride, and the desire Of OWnerS to have the IargeSt POSSibIe amount Of rentable SPare71. The man PUrPOSe Of the PaSSage is toA. COmPare SkySCraPerS With Other StrUCtUreSB. describe SkySC

47、raPerS and their effect On the environmentC. advocate the USe Of masonry in the COnStrUCtiOn Of SkySCraPerSD illustrate SOme architectural designs Of SkySCraPerS72. ACCOrding to the passage, What is One disadvantage Of SkySCraPerS that have mirrored walls?A. The exterior SUrrOUnding air is heatedB.

48、The WindOWS must be CIeaned daily.C. COnStrUCtiOn time is increasedD EXtra air-conditioning equipment is needed73. ACCOrding to the PaSSage, in the Iate I960* S SOme residents Of BOStOn Were COnCerned With WhiCh aspect Of sk5rscrapers?A. The noise from their COnStrUCtiOnB. The removal Of trees from

49、building SiteSC. the harmful effects On the city* S grassD The high COSt Of rentable OffiCe SPaCe74. The author raise issues that WOUId most COnCern WhiCh Of the following groups?A. EIeCtriCianS B. EnVirOnmenta1ists C AViatOrS D TeaCherS75. Where in the PaSSage does the author COmPare the energy COn

50、SUmPtiOn Of SkySCraPerS With that Of a city?A. LineS 5-8 B. LineS 13-14C. LineS 19-21 D. LineS 22-24PaSSage TWOI WaS 22 years Old When I WaS finally received IntO the ChUrChj but I StilI SUffered from an adolescent S SUffOCating SOnS that brought me in IOVe Of POetry and rhetoric, SenSe Of history,

51、COSmiC distress and indignation SOmehOW I felt that SOme Of MOther Church* S ancient glamour might rub Off OrI me and that I mightSOmehOW be transformed by it and become Part Of its mystery.Of course, that, S not the Way it WOrkS at all. I believe now that grace grows from Within SIOW but Very SUre

52、ShOrtIy after becoming a barrister, When I WaS 27, in a moment Of high hope and idealism and making COnlmOn CaUSe With the man I had recently married, fought to abolish the death PenaIty. AlI but a SmalI CirCle Of friends, WhOm I ShalI HOnOr for ever fell away PrOfeSSiOnal doors banged ShUtWe Went t

53、o IiVe On the Greek islands Of MikOnOS It is a Strange place, treeless FrOm the roof Or OUr house at VirSt We COUId See SeVerl islands in SUmmer Iying Iike dolphins, encircling the WhiteWaShed PigeOn house Where We make OUr homeAt the tiny ChUrCh We mad ea group Of five, JOSePh the tailor, my husban

54、d and I and another EngIiSh COUPIe We Went to enjoy each other* S COmPany as much as to have the PIeaUre Of hearing the SerViCe If the PrieSt didn t come-as he Often COUld, t When the Wind blew at force Nine-it did, t PartiCUIarIy matter We Stayed On to have a drink Under the trees and WatCh the SUr

55、l SetYearS Iater I Went back to that island With my two SOnS MiIOnOS itself had Changed not for the better, it had Changed from my VilIage into a City Where I knew OnIy One PerSOn in a hundred.The ChUrCh at AIefantare had Changed too. It WaS PaCked With a multi-racial group A PrieSt arrived to Say M

56、ass, but there WaS no One available to SerVe at alter (祭壇)UGO OrI I Said to my son, you do itUnSeIfCOnSCiOusly, WithOUt hesitation, he took the bell and Went UP to the alter followed by his brother It WaS a moment Of timeless, happiness-of total reconciliation.Outside, Under the blazing sun, the Wind WaS roaring through the trees Of AIefantare Inside, I felt a total SyntheSiS Of all reasons, all motives, and


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