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1、The Realistic Period: 1865-19X4 Real istic period - the Gi Ided Age” (鍍金時(shí)代), a t erm coined by Mark Twa i n, ref I ec ting t h i s social fact一the poor poorer and the r ich r icher, people, s attention was now d i rec ted to the interesting features of everyday ex i stence In the United States three

2、 fundamentai issues reached the breaking point in the per iod of 1865-1900: the conf I i ct between the agrar i an (a 1 grea r ia nJ) idea I of Jefferson and the i ndustrial i deaI of Hami Iton; the conf I ict betweenthepIantat i ongentility (ds en1 til。ti) of the South and the commercial gen tility

3、 of the Nor th; and the conf I ict between a culturally mature Eas t and expand i ng West In the Rea Ii stic per iod, Amer ican literature evoIved from LocaI color i sm, finally to naturaIi sm. Rea I istic I it era ture expresses the concer n for common p I ace and the I ow, and it offers an objec t

4、 i ve rat her than an i dea I istic view of human nature and human exper i ence. There are three dominant figures of the per iod are Wi I I i am Dean Howe I I s (豪威爾斯),Mark Twain (馬克吐溫)and Henry James (亨利詹姆士). of man on and peop I e, e cI ass Loca I color ism or Regional i sm as a t rend f i rs t ma

5、de i ts presence fe 11 in the I ate 1860s and ear I y 1870s in Amer ica. LocaI color ists tr ied to i mmorta I i ze the d i st i net i ve natura I, soc i a I, and I ingui stic features It is character istic of vernacular Ianguage and satirical humor LocaI co I or i sts incIude Bret Har忑(1836-1902) T

6、he Luck of Roar i ng Camp (咆哮營(yíng)的幸運(yùn)兒)in 1868 Haml in Ga門而 (1860-1940) Harr iet Beecher Stowe Unde Tom s Cabin湯 姆叔叔的小屋) 卅 I I iam Dean Howel ls| (1837-1920) The Rise of Silas La ph am (塞拉斯拉帕姆的發(fā)跡1885) ark(1835 -1910) - Wi I I iam FauIkner cal led Twa in “the father of Amer ican Literature LocaI color i

7、st, he used vernacuI ar Ianguage, dialect and co I Ioqu i a I, simple sentence, wi de-ranging humor, both reaI i sticaI Iy and symboIicaI Iy. The GiIded Age鍍金時(shí)代 L / fe on the Mississippi在密西西比河上 A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur f s Court 亞瑟王朝廷上的康涅狄格州美國(guó)人 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer湯姆索亞歷險(xiǎn) 記 Adventu

8、res of Huckleberry Finn哈克貝里費(fèi) 恩歷險(xiǎn)記 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) is his masterpiece Hem ingway wrote, “All modern Amer ican literature comes from one book by Mark Twa i n ca I I ed, Adventures of Huck I eberry Fi nn-” “Huck , a typica I Amer ican Boy with “a sound heart and a deformed (畸形的)co

9、nscience, , and remarkab I e for the raft s journey down the Mississippi r i ver, through the eyes of Huck, we see the pre-Civi I War Amer ican society. In it i at i onf i ct i on/b iIdungsroman (bi Idu T zra u ma:n教育小說/成長(zhǎng)小說) The bi Idungsroman is a noveI depicting an individual * s maturation (maet

10、 i? rei n) and development. It is about how Huck Finn, when fIoating a Iong with Jim and he Ip ing him as best as he could, changed his mind, his prejudice, about BI ack peopIe, and came to accept Jim as a man and as a close fr i end as we I I. Racism, sIavery and the hypocr isy of “civi Iized” soci

11、ety WiIderness against machine civi Iization Henry James (1843-1916) - the first Amer ican wr iter to conceive his career i n international t heme He i s the forerunner of the 20th-century “stream of consciousnessn noveI (意識(shí)流小說) and the founder of psychological reaI ism (心理 現(xiàn)實(shí)主義),inter ior monologue

12、 (內(nèi)心獨(dú)白),free association (自 由聯(lián)想),his Ianguage is not so easy to understand Psycho logical reaIi sm It is the rea I istic wr i ting tha t probes deep I y into the comp I ex i ties of characters thoughts and motivations. Henry James s noveI The Ambassadors is considered to be a masterpiece of psycholo

13、gical reaIi sm. And Henry James i s considered the founder of psycho IogicaI reaI ism. The f i rs t st age: He deve I oped the i nterna tional noveI. The Amer /can一個(gè)美國(guó)人 Da i sy Mi Iler黛西米勒 br i ng him international fame for the fi rst time The Portrait of A Lady貴婦人的畫像h i s masterp i ece The second s

14、tage: short fiction: The Turn of the Screw螺絲在擰緊 The Beast in the Jungle叢林猛獸 The Th i rd stage he returned to h i s i nternat i ona I themes. The Wings of the Dove鴿巢 The Ambassadors 專 使 The Golden Bow!金碗 James i an theme of the Amer ican in conf liet with European culture He was concerned about how A

15、mer icans behave in an international setting. Europeans were more cuItured, more concerned with art, and more aware oft he sub tleti es of social situati ons. Amer i ca ns were innocent, and more concerned about mora I i ssues. Natural ism自然主義 Amer ican Naturalism was a new and harsher rea I i sm, a

16、nd I ike rea I i sm, it had come from Europe. They saw man, s I i fe as governed by the two forces of hered ity and env i ronment, forces absoluteIy beyond man s control. They attempted to achieve extreme objectivity and frankness, presenting characters of low soc ia I and economic c I asses who wer

17、e determi ned by the i r envi ronment and hered i ty. The naturalists incIude: Stephen Crane (1871-1900) and Maggie: A Girl of the Streets Maggie: A Girl of the Streets (街頭女郎麥 琪)(1893), i s the first n atural istic nove I wr i tten by an Amer i can. 11 i s a study of the power of human heredity and Iimits of free choice Theodore Dre i ser (1871-1945), Sister Carrie (嘉莉妹妹),An American Tragedy (美國(guó)的悲 ?。?Carr ie, accord i ng to Dre i ser, becomes someone under another s care an


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