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1、46 linden street 林登大街 46 號(hào) act i excuse me. my name is richard stewart. 對(duì)不起,我叫richard stewart。 and im a photographer. 我是一位攝影師。 may i take a picture of you and your little boy? 我可以為你和你的小男孩兒拍一張照片嗎? whats it for? 做什么用? its for a book. 是為一本書拍的。 youre writing a book? 你在寫一本書嗎? its a book of pictures. 這是一本

2、攝影集。 i call it family album, u.s.a. 我稱之為“走遍美國(guó)”。 oh, thats a nice idea. 噢, 這想法不錯(cuò)。 well, its fine if you take our picture. 你想為我們拍照就請(qǐng)吧。 im martha vann. 我叫martha vann。 thank you. i appreciate your help. 謝謝。很感謝你的幫助。 im richard. whats your name? 我是 richard,你叫什么? gerald. gerald 。 how old are you, gerald? g

3、erald,你今年多大? five. 五歲。 and where do you live? 你們住哪? we live in california. 我們住在加利福尼亞州 。 well, welcome to new york. 噢,歡迎你們到紐約來。 ok, just a second. 好了,請(qǐng)稍等一下。 im almost ready here. 我快要準(zhǔn)備好了。 can i help you? 我能幫你忙嗎? oh, please. 噢,太好了。 hold geralds hand, please. great! 請(qǐng)握住 gerald 的手。很好! now point to the b

4、uildings. 現(xiàn)在請(qǐng)指著那些建筑物。 terrific! 好極了! give mommy a kiss, gerald. nice! gerald,親一親媽咪,很棒! thank you, gerald. 謝謝你, gerald。 and thank you, mrs. vann. 謝謝,va n n太太。 oh, my pleasure. 噢,不客氣。 well be looking for your book. 我們一定去買你的書。 thank you. good-bye. bye, gerald. 謝謝。再見。gerald ,再見。 thanks again. 再次感謝 。 oh,

5、 youre welcome. 噢 ,請(qǐng)別客氣。 hey, let me take your picture! 嘿 ,讓我給你拍一張照片。 wonderful. please. 好啊,請(qǐng)。 are you from new york? 是從紐約來的嗎? no, im from greece. 不是,我是從希臘來的。 im an exchange student. 我是一名交換學(xué)生。 when did you come here? 是什么時(shí)候來這兒的? three months ago. 三個(gè)月之前。 your english is very good. 你的英語說得很好。 thanks. 謝謝

6、夸獎(jiǎng)。 i studied english in school. 我是在學(xué)校里學(xué)的英語。 would you like some coffee? 要不要來點(diǎn)咖啡? no, thank you. 不了,謝謝。 tell me about your book. 談?wù)勀愕臅伞?oh, its not finished yet, 噢,它尚未完成。 but i have some of the pictures. 但我手頭有一些照片。 would you like to see them? 要不要看一看? yes. id like that. 要啊,我想看一看。 here they are. fami

7、ly album, u.s.a. 就在這。走遍美國(guó)。 its an album of pictures of the united states: 是關(guān)于美國(guó)的: the cities, the special places, and the people. 一些城市、一些特別的地方以及人們的攝影選輯。 and these are pictures of people working: 這是人們工作中的照片: steelworkers, bankers, police, street vendors, 鋼架工人、銀行職員、 警察、 街頭小販、 ambulance drivers, doctor

8、s. 救護(hù)車駕駛員、醫(yī)生等等 oh, this is my father. hes a doctor. 噢,這是我父親。他是一名醫(yī)生 。 this is my mother. 這是我母親。 whats her name? 她叫什么名字? ellen. ellen 。 my younger brother, robbie. 這是我弟弟 robbie 。 he goes to high school. 他在上高中。 this is my sister susan. 這是我妹妹 susan 。 she works for a toy company. 她在一家玩具公司工作 。 heres my gr

9、andfather. he lives in florida. 這是我祖父, 他住在在florida 。 and this is my wife marilyn. 這是我太太 marilyn 。 oh, shes very pretty. 噢 , 她很漂亮。 thanks. and what about your family? 謝謝。那你的家庭呢? they are in thessaloniki. 他們住在thessaloniki 。 thats a large city in northern greece. 那是希臘北部的一個(gè)大城市。 but now im living in the

10、bronx. 但現(xiàn)在我住在 bronx。 with a greek-american family? 跟希裔美國(guó)家庭住嗎? no. hispanic. 不是, 是西班牙語裔家庭。 oh no! its five thirty. 哎呀,已經(jīng)五點(diǎn)半了。 will you excuse me? 我失陪了。 i have to meet my wife. 我得去接我太太。 it was nice meeting you. 非常高興遇見你。 it was a pleasure meeting you, too. 我也很高興碰到你。 thanks for your help. 謝謝你的幫助。 and go

11、od luck! ive got to go. 祝你好運(yùn),我得走了。 by the way, im richard. 噢, 我忘了說,我叫richard。 whats your name? 你呢? alexandra. alexandra 。 bye-bye, alexandra. thanks. 再見,alexandra 。謝謝。 bye-bye. richard! richard! you left your bag! 再見,richard !ricchard!你掉了一個(gè)旅行袋! family album , u.s.a. its an album of pictures of the u

12、nited states. richard takes many pictures for his album. he photographs the cities like new york. and other special places. he photographs people working: police, ambulance drivers, steel workers, doctors. philip stewart, richards father, is a doctor. hes a pediatrician, a childrens doctor. and rich

13、ards mother, ellen stewart, is a home maker. his brother robbie, is a student of riverdale high school. hes 17. richard has one sister. her name is susan. she works for a toy company in new york city. malcolm stewart is rich ards grandfather. hes 72 years old and lives in florida. and this is richar

14、ds wife, marilyn stewart. she is a fashion designer and a sales clerk in a boutique in new york city. youll meet marilyn stewart and all of the other stewarts in family album, u.s.a. act ii excuse me, officer. 對(duì)不起,警官。 can you help me? 你能幫幫我嗎? sure. 當(dāng)然可以。 can you tell me 你能告訴我 how to get to linden st

15、reet, in riverdale? 怎么去riverdale 的林登街? richard stewart, 46 linden street, “richard stewart, 林登街 46 號(hào), riverdale, new york. riverdale, 紐約” you should take the number 1 subway. 應(yīng)當(dāng)搭 1 路地鐵。 is there a station near here? 附近有地鐵站嗎? yes. the stations that way. 有。地鐵站在那邊。 you should take the number 1 train 搭1

16、 路車 to van cortlandt park. 到va n c o r t l a n d t 公園下車。 number 1 train to van cortlandt park. thank you. 1 路車到 va n c o r t l a n d t 公園。謝謝。 anytime. good luck. 不用謝。祝你好運(yùn)。 remember, the number 1 train. the uptown platform. 記住, 搭1 路車。在北線月臺(tái)。 thank you. 謝謝。 youre welcome. 不客氣。 is this pink too bright f

17、or me? 這粉紅色對(duì)我是不是太過鮮艷了? mmm-hmm. it is a very bright pink. 是的,這種粉紅色是鮮艷了點(diǎn)。 try this. its size eight. 試試這一件, 尺碼是八號(hào)。 but i wear size ten. 但我穿十號(hào)的衣服。 how about green? its size ten. 綠的怎么樣? 它是十號(hào)的。 let me try it on. 讓我試試看。 im taking too much of your time. 我耽誤了你很多時(shí)間。 its six oclock. 已經(jīng)六點(diǎn)了。 wheres my husband?

18、我丈夫怎么還沒來? i was expecting him here at five forty-five. 我們約好了五點(diǎn)四十五在這兒會(huì)面的。 dont worry. the traffic is very heavy at this hour. 別擔(dān)心。這個(gè)時(shí)間交通很忙。 i know. but were going to be late for dinner. 我知道。但我們晚餐可要遲到了。 ill take this green sweater. 我買這件綠色毛衣吧。 i like the color on me, dont you? 我覺得這種顏色較適合我, 你說呢? i think

19、 it looks terrific on you. 我覺得你穿上它好極了 im sorry im so late. 對(duì)不起我遲到這么久。 i had a really bad day. 今天真是糟透了。 its ten after six. were late. 現(xiàn)在是六點(diǎn)十分。我們晚了。 robbies cooking tonight, and dinners at six thirty. 今晚 robbie 做飯, 晚餐六點(diǎn)半開始。 i know. i know. im really sorry. 我知道。我知道。我真的很抱歉。 i left my bag of film on the

20、ferry. 我把裝底片的旅行袋遺忘在渡船上。 i went back for it, but the ferry was gone. 等我回去找的時(shí)候, 船已經(jīng)開走了。 i lost a whole days work. 我浪費(fèi)了一整天的工作成果。 ill call the staten island ferry lost-and-found office. 我來打電話給 staten island渡輪失物招領(lǐng)處。 i didnt think of that. thanks. 我倒沒有想到這個(gè)法子。謝了。 hello. 你好。 yes. the number, please, 你好。我想問一

21、下, of the staten island ferry lost-and-found office. staten 渡輪失物招領(lǐng)處的電話號(hào)碼。 five five five.zero eight zero eight. 555.0808。 thank you. 謝謝。 i really appreciate it, marilyn. 真的很感謝,marilyn 。 hello.你好。 did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon, 請(qǐng)問今天下午有人撿到一個(gè)照像機(jī)旅行袋, a small canvas bag, 一個(gè)小的粗帆布袋? on the j.

22、 f. kennedy ferry?.no? 是在j. f. kennedy 渡船上丟的。沒有嗎? maybe someone will find it. 也許會(huì)有人發(fā)現(xiàn)的。 the name is stewart, richard stewart. 失主是 stewart ,richard stewart 。 and the telephone number is five five five. 電話是 555. three oh nine oh. thank you. 3090。謝謝 。 sorry, richard. they dont have it. 對(duì)不起,richard 。他們那

23、兒沒有。 thanks, anyway. 不管怎樣, 我都得謝謝你。 there was a girl on the ferry. 在渡船上有一個(gè)女孩。 now maybe. 也許現(xiàn)在 tell me about it on the way home. 在回家的路上告訴我吧 。 act iii and give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. 每餐之后給她吃一茶匙的藥。 dont worry. shell be fine. 不要擔(dān)心, 她會(huì)好的。 youre welcome. good-bye. 不用謝。再見。 how are

24、you? 你怎么樣? im tired and hungry. 我累了, 也餓了。 well, marilyn and richard called. 好啦, marilyn 和richard打電話來了。 theyll be here soon, and then well eat. 他們馬上就到。他們一到就開飯。 all right. is.is susan coming? 好吧, susan 來嗎? well, shell be here later. 來, 她會(huì)晚一點(diǎn)。 she has to work late tonight. 她今晚得工作得晚一些。 and whats robbie

25、cooking for dinner? robbie 為晚餐準(zhǔn)備了什么? its a surprise. 會(huì)給你一個(gè)驚喜。 i hope its pasta. 我希望是意大利通心粉。 robbie, the dinner was terrific. robbie, 晚餐真是棒極了。 yes, it was delicious. 對(duì), 味道非常好。 whats for dessert? 有什么甜點(diǎn)呢? oh, i forgot dessert. 哦, 我忘了甜點(diǎn)了。 robbie! robbie! dont worry. 別愁。 weve got lots of ice cream. 我們有很多

26、冰淇淋。 oh, id love some ice cream. 哦, 我想吃冰淇淋。 well, theres chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla. 好的, 這兒有巧克力冰淇淋, 咖啡冰淇淋和一點(diǎn)香草的。 ill have vanilla. 我要香草的。 is that all right with everyone? 各位有意見嗎? ill have chocolate. 我要巧克力的。 me, too. 我也是。 uh, one scoop of coffee 我要一勺咖啡的 and one scoop of chocolate for m

27、e. 和一勺巧克力的。 robbie, will you help me serve? robbie,你能幫我端么? i keep thinking about that bag of film. eight rolls. 我一直在想著旅行袋的事。一共有八卷 。 a whole days work. 一整天的成果呀。 and good stuff, too. 而且都很精采。 dont worry, richard. 別擔(dān)心, richard 。 somenoe will find it. 有人會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)它的。 ill get it. hello. 我去開門。你好。 hello.你好。 does r

28、ichard stewart live here? richard stewart 住在這兒?jiǎn)? yes, hes my brother. 是的,他是我哥哥。 im robbie.robbie stewart. 我叫robbie.robbie stewart 。 im alexandra pappas. 我叫 alexandra pappas。 how do you do? 你好。 your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat. 你哥哥將他的旅行袋遺忘在渡船上了。 i found it. 我發(fā)現(xiàn)了它。 im really glad to

29、see you. 非常高興見到你。 i mean.my brotherll be re ally glad to see you! 我的意思是. 我哥哥見到你會(huì)非常高興。 robbie! who is it? robbie !是誰呀? its richards film! richard 的底片。 i mean, alexandra pappas. 我是說alexandra pappas。 come in, please. 請(qǐng)進(jìn)。 alexandra! alexandra ! hello, richard. i found your bag! 你好, richard 。 我撿到你的旅行袋。 o

30、h, thank you! thank you! 哦, 謝謝, 謝謝! um.alexandra, let me introduce you. 噢alexandra,讓我介紹一下。 this is my wife marilyn. 這是我太太 marilyn。 richard showed me your photo. richard給我看了你的照片。 how do you do? 你好。 oh yes. 哦。 richard told us all about you. richard跟我們談起你。 its nice to meet you. 很高興見到你。 and this is my m

31、other, ellen stewart. 這是我媽媽,ellen stewart 。 how do you do? 你好。 and my father, dr. philip stewart. 這是我父親,philip stewart 醫(yī)生。 nice to meet you, alexandra. 很高興見到你, alexandra 。 and.ah.you met robbie. 還有啊, 你已經(jīng)見過robbie 。 yes. and you must be susan. hi. 是的。那你一定是 susan 了, 你好。 hi. welcome. 嗨, 歡迎。 im so glad y

32、ou found the bag 我很高興你發(fā)現(xiàn)了旅行袋 and took the time and trouble to return it. 而且不怕麻煩, 花時(shí)間將它送來。 oh, it was no trouble. 哦, 沒什么麻煩。 i just took the wrong train. 只是我坐錯(cuò)了車。 would you like something to eat? 來吃點(diǎn)東西, 好嗎? thank you, no. 謝謝, 不用了。 im late for dinner at my house. 我回家吃晚飯要遲到了。 i really have to go. 我真的得走了

33、。 would you like to call home? 你想跟家里通個(gè)電話嗎? id appreciate that. 謝謝你(讓我使用電話)。 please, use the phone. 請(qǐng)隨便用。 thanks. excuse me. 謝謝。失陪一下。 alexandras a high-school exchange student from greece. alexandra 是從希臘來的交換高中生。 where does she live? 她住在哪兒? with a family in the bronx. 住在bronx 區(qū)的一個(gè)家庭 。 oh, thats not to

34、o far from here! 噢, 那兒不是很遠(yuǎn)! take it easy, robbie. 不要太緊張,robbie。 thank you. 謝謝。 i can only stay a few minutes. 我只能停留幾分鐘。 have some iced tea. 喝點(diǎn)冰茶吧。 thanks, mrs. stewart. 謝謝, stewart 太太 。 please sit down, alexandra. 請(qǐng)坐 ,alexandra 。 so, youre an exchange student. 哦, 你是一名交換學(xué)生。 where do you go to school?

35、 在哪兒上學(xué)? at the bronx high school of science. 在bronx 區(qū)的理科中學(xué)讀書。 oh, thats a very good school. 哦, 那是個(gè)好學(xué)校。 what are your favorite subjects? 喜歡哪些課程? biology and mathematics. 生物學(xué)和數(shù)學(xué)。 richard tells me youre a doctor. richard告訴我您是醫(yī)生。 yes, a pediatrician. 是的, 小兒科醫(yī)生。 and what does your father do? 令尊是做什么的? hes

36、 a lawyer, in thessaloniki. 他是thessaloniki的一名律師。 would you like some pasta? 你想不想來點(diǎn)意大利通心粉? i made it myself. 我自己做的。 it might be a little cold. 可能有點(diǎn)涼了。 thanks, no. i do have to go. 謝謝, 不用了。我真的得走了。 it was nice meeting you all. 很高興見到你們一家。 well, maybe youll come for lunch some sunday, 既然如此, 或許哪個(gè)星期天能來吃中飯。

37、 so we can really thank you 讓我們好好的感謝你 for bringing richards bag back. 送回richard的旅行袋。 maybe. 再說。 youre welcome anytime. 歡迎你隨時(shí)來玩。 good-bye. 再見。 can i drive you home? 我開車送你回去好嗎? no, thanks. 不用了, 謝謝。 the train is just up the street. 地鐵就在街的那一頭。 it wont take me long at all. 不需要花很長(zhǎng)時(shí)間的。 well, you really sav

38、ed the day for me, alexandra.你真的幫了我一個(gè)大忙,alexandra 。 bye. 再見。 bye-bye. 再見。 good night. 晚安。 shes a smart young lady, and very nice. 她是個(gè)聰明的年輕姑娘, 而且很善良。 very! hey, she forgot her bag! 十分! 嘿, 她忘了她的包! i guess well be seeing alexandra again. 我想我們不久又將見到alexandra。 right, robbie? 對(duì)吧,robbie? my name is richard

39、 stewart. im a photographer. im martha vann. im richard. whats your name? gerald. by the way, im richard. whats your name? alexandra. we live in california. are you from new york? no, im from greece. im robbie, robbie stewart. im alexandra pappas. how do you do? alexandra, let me introduce you. this

40、 is my wife, marilyn. richard showed me your photo. how do you do? oh yes. richard told us all about you. its nice to meet you. and this is my mother, ellen stewart. how do you do? and my father, dr. philip stewart. nice to meet you, alexandra. and youve met robbie. yes. and you must be susan. hi. h

41、i. it was nice meeting you all. the blind date 介紹會(huì)面 act i excuse me. can you help me? 對(duì)不起,你能幫我么? sure, what do you want? 可以啊, 什么事? where is 83 wooster street? wooster街83 號(hào)在哪? thats easy. walk to the corner. 很好找。你走到拐角, then make a left turn. 然后向左轉(zhuǎn), then walk two blocks to the traffic light. 接著走兩條街到紅綠

42、燈, make another left to wooster. 再向左轉(zhuǎn)就到了 wooster街了。 thank you. 謝謝你。 to the corner and then a left? 走到拐角向左轉(zhuǎn),對(duì)嗎? yeah. a left. 是的,向左轉(zhuǎn)。 hot dog? only seventy-five cents. 要熱狗嗎?只要七十五美分。 no. thank you. i have a dinner date. 不,謝謝。我要去赴晚餐約會(huì)。 555-9470.and its busy. 555-9470 占線 try again. 再試一次。 555-9470.and it

43、s still busy. 555-9470 還是忙。 excuse me, maam. 對(duì)不起,夫人。 im looking for 83 wooster street. 我想找 wooster街83 號(hào)。 yes. wooster street is two blocks, 噢,wooster街是兩條街區(qū), and 83 is to the right, about two houses. 83 號(hào)是在右邊,大約過兩棟房子就到了。 thank you, thank you! 謝謝,謝謝! youre welcome. 不用謝。 who is it? 誰呀? harry bennett. i

44、s this susan? harry bennett。是susan 嗎? yes, it is. come up. 是的,是我。請(qǐng)上來。 im on the top floor. 我在頂層。 hello, harry. its nice to meet you. 你好,harry。很高興見到你。 nice to meet you, susan. 很高興見到你,susan。 sorry im late. 很抱歉我遲到了。 the traffic. the parking. i was lost. 交通擁擠,又找不到停車的地方,而且我又迷路了! what pretty flowers! than

45、k you. 好漂亮的花!謝謝你。 oh, please come in. 噢,請(qǐng)進(jìn)來。 dont worry about being late. its fine. 別為遲到擔(dān)心了,沒有關(guān)系的。 excuse the mess. i just moved here. 請(qǐng)不要介意這兒亂得很,我剛剛搬來住。 oh, id like you to meet my sister-in-law marilyn. 噢,我來向你介紹我嫂子 marilyn。 marilyn stewart, this is harry bennett. marilyn stewart,這是harry bennett。 pl

46、eased to meet you. 很高興見到你。 nice to meet you, harry. 我也很高興見到你,harry。 are we too late for ou r dinner reservation? 我們會(huì)不會(huì)錯(cuò)過晚餐訂位的時(shí)間? no, the restaurant will hold our table. 不會(huì),餐廳會(huì)保留我們的席位。 i know the owner very well. 我和老板很熟。 i eat there a lot. 我在那兒吃過好多次。 do you know the phone number of the restaurant? 知道

47、那家餐廳的電話號(hào)碼么? id like to call home 我想打電話回家 and leave the number with the baby-sitter. 把餐廳的電話告訴臨時(shí)保姆。 sure. the number is. five five five.seventeen twenty. 沒問題,號(hào)碼是 555-1720。 may i use the phone? 我可以用一下電話嗎? five five five.one seven two oh. hello? 555-1720 , 喂? hi, michelle. its daddy. 嗨,michelle。是爸爸。 can

48、 i speak to betty? 我能跟 betty說話嗎? i want to leave the phone number of the restaurant. 我要留餐廳的電話號(hào)碼給她. hi, betty. ill be at five five five.seventeen twenty. 好,betty。我的電話號(hào)碼是 555-1720 。 ok. thanks. see you later. 好,謝謝。再見。 well, thats done. shall we go? 好了,打完了。我們可以走了嗎? im ready. see you later, marilyn. 我準(zhǔn)備

49、好了。marilyn,再見。 have a nice evening. 祝你們今晚愉快。 bye, marilyn. hope to see you again. 再見,marilyn。希望能再次見面。 me, too. have fun! 我也是。祝你們玩得愉快! thanks. 謝謝。 after you. 請(qǐng)先走。 excuse me, can you help me? sure, what do you want? where is 83 wooster street? thats easy, walk to the corner and make a left turn, then

50、walk two blocks to the traffic light, make another left to wooster. thank-you. to the corner, and then a left. walk to the corner and make a left turn, then walk two blocks to the traffic light, make another left to wooster. come on harry, its your turn. follow the directions. excuse me, maam. im lo

51、oking for 83 wooster street. yes. wooster street is two blocks and 83 is to the right. wooster street is two blocks and 83 is to the right. come on harry, its your turn, follow the directions. congratulations, harry. you found 83 wooster street! now harry, lets try some new directions. go to the tra

52、ffic light at the corner of prince street and make a right turn. go 1 block and make a left at queen street. go to 290 queen street. congratulations, harry, you did it. act ii ah! miss stewart! welcome! 嗨!stewart小姐!歡迎光臨! how are you? 最近好嗎? fine, somsak. and you? 很好,somsak,你呢? fine, thank you. 很好,謝謝。

53、 this is my friend harry bennett. 這是我的朋友 harry bennett。 pleased to meet you. 很高興見到你。 very nice to meet you. 很愉快見到你。 any friend of miss stewarts is welcome at somsaks. stewart 小姐的任何朋友,somsak餐廳都是很歡迎的。 follow me, please. 請(qǐng)跟我來。 i like it here. 我喜歡這兒。 i do, too. i come here often. 我也是。我常來這兒 。 a special place for special people. 這是為特殊人物而設(shè)的特別地方。 thank you, somsak. 謝謝你,somsak。 well! nice restaurant. 嘿,這是一家好餐廳。 would you like something to drink? 你們要點(diǎn)什么飲料嗎? yes, id like a glass of ginger ale with ice. 是的,我要一杯加冰塊的


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