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1、Unit 1 Never Say Goodbye Text comprehension I. Decide which of the foI Iov/ing best states the author s purpose of wr iting. C I I Judge, accord i ng to the text, whe ther the fol lowing stat emen ts are t rue or fa I se. 15 T T T F F III. Answer the foI Iow ing questions 1. What made the author s g

2、randpa cry sadly I The mere t hough t of his son s dea th i n that t err i b I e war in It a I y made him cry 2. How Iong had Grandpa s son been in the war Three months. 3. Wha t is the imp I icat i on of the aut hor s grandpa s words u Never say goodbye M They mean Never give in to sadness 4. What

3、did Grandpa ask the author to do even if he and hi s fr iends had to part He asked him to always remember the joy and happiness of the times when he f i rst sa i d hello to h i s fr i ends 5. What caused the author to return to the old house His grandpa was gravely ill. 6. Why do you think the autho

4、r s grandpa smiled at him dur ing hi s last momerrts His grandpa must have fe11 greatly re Iieved when he reaI ized that the author had final Iy found out the essence of his words IV. Exp lain in your own words the fol lowing sentences 1. Our big old house had seen the joys and sorrows of four gener

5、ations of our fami Iy. 2. I pla nted t hese roses a long time ago - before your mot her was bor n. 3. Many young men left home to fight against fascists. 4. Take the f i rst f r ie ndly greeting and a Iv/ays keep it deep in your hear t I Page 6_9 Vocabulary 1. Exp la in the underIi ned part in each

6、sentence in your own words 1 When I was ten I suddenly found myself faced with the angui sh of moving from the on Iy home 2. they al I share the same character istic: sadness. 3. in that place in your heart where summer is an eve門(mén)asting season. 4. Don* t ever let yourself overcome by the sadness and

7、 the lone I iness of that word 5. Take that special hello and keep it in your mind and don t ever forget it. II. % hi. Fi I I i n the bla nk i n each sente nee with a word or phrase take n from the box in its appropr iate form 1. inst ead2. Conf ro rrted with 3 lock away 4. we I led up 5. summon6 br

8、 ief7. stared 9. evi I10. give in III. Choose a word or phrase tha t bes t comp I e tes each of the fol low ing senten ces. 14 D B B B 5-8 A D B C IV. Fi I I in each b lank with one of the two v/ords from each pai r in its appropr iate form and note the difference in meaning between them. 1 shudder

9、common d. common 4. sma11 v/ere looking; were playing 3. was sitting; was reading 4. was leaving; was; arr ived; learned; had Ieft; found; had used 5. were playing; heard; hid; took 6. was eye I ing; st epped; v/as going; managed; did n t hit 7. gave; thanked; said; had enjoyed; knew; had not read;

10、were 8. had played; reached; errtered 9. was running; struck in. Comp Iete the fol lowing passage with the proper form of the verbs given. lef t; spen t; had bee nt rave I I ing; appeared; was; were cross ing; could; arr i ved; was sleeping; stopped; came; were getting; was; had not arr ived; wouId

11、be IV. Cor rect the errors, where found, in the foI Iow i ng sentences 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. V. 1. 6. 1 ta Iked T was ta Ik i ng had remembered T remembered was work ing T had been work i ng had resigned T resigned VI Rev/r i te the fol lowing sentences accord ing to the examp Ie 1. Poor as/though he

12、 was, he was honest 2. 3. Terrible as/though the storm, v/e continued our journey 4. Hard as/though he tr ied, he was unable to make much progress 5. Tired as/though I was, I went on working 6. Much as I wou I d I i ke to he I p you, I m afraid I m simply too busy at the momen t. 7. Much as I admi r

13、ed him as a wr i ter, I do not like him as a man. 8. Strong as/though he was, Tom couldn t lift it. 9. Bravely as/though they fought, they had no chance of winning. Page 13 Translation Translate the fol Iowing sentences into Chinese 1. 我十歲那年,究然要搬家,從我唯一知道的家搬走,心中痛苦萬(wàn)分. 2. 我們似乎有許多不同的方式說(shuō)再見(jiàn),但它們都有一個(gè)共同之處,那就

14、是令人感到悲 哀. 3. 有一天,一場(chǎng)可怕的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)爆發(fā)了,我的兒子,就像許許多多的兒子,離鄉(xiāng)背井與極大 的邪惡戰(zhàn)斗去了. 4. 我在自己的心靈深處搜尋那些構(gòu)成我們友誼的特殊感情. II. Translate the fol lowing sentences into English, using the v/ords and phrases given in brackets. 1 He has prepared answers to the questions that he expects to conf ront dur i ng the interv i ew 2. I 3. His s

15、ad st ory to uched us so deeply t hat we nearly cr ied. 4. The two of them are waIking hand in hand along the riverbank, chatting and laughing 5. When he heard the exc i t ing news, tears of joy we I Ied up i n hi s eyes 6. PeopIe from Shanghai can understand Suzhou dialect with ease, for Shanghai d

16、ialect and Suzhou dialect have much in common 7. Henry and hi s wife are looking into the possibi I ity of buy ing a new house within three years 8. He final ly gave in t o his daugh ter s repea ted requests to fur ther her education abroad 9. We locked a I I our va I uab les av/ay before we went on

17、 hoi iday. 10. Alt hough we have par ted from each ot her, I hope t hat we I I rema in good f r i ends and that we will care for and help each other just as v/e did in the past 11. 12. At that cr i ti ca I moment, the army commander summoned a I I the off i cers to work out new strategies and tact i

18、cs which wouId make it possible to conquer the enemy Integrated skills I. Dietat ion Throughout history / the basic unit of aImost every human society / has been the fami ly. / Members of the fami ly Iive together / under the same roof. / They share the economic burdens of life/ as v/eI I as its joy

19、s / The fami Iy head usuaI Iy has considerable influence / in arranging marriages, / selecting careers / and determin ing a I I important moves and purchases / by any member of the fami ly. / Par ti cular ly in cond i tions / where socie ty or the state / does not give aid / and the responsibi I iti

20、es of the fami ly are grea ter, / t his large group / provides bet ter protection / in times of economic or other emergency. II. Fi I I in each blank in the passage be I ow with ONE word you think appropr ia te. 1. later 4. puzzled 7. hos ts 10. however 2. push 5. custom 8. visitor 3. what 6. becaus

21、e 9. table Writing Sentence Fragments Rewr i te the fol lowing sentence fragments to make comp Iete sentence 1. Because we want to do some thing perfec tly.(A dependent-word fragmen t) a. We want to do something perfectly. b Some times we tend to put off wha t we can do to day till tom or row simply

22、 because we want to do something perfectly. 2. For example, a str ict control over the access to the secret data. (An added-detail fragmerrt) a. For example, a str ict control over the access to the secret data shouldn* t be absent b For example, there should be a str ict control over the access to

23、the secret data. 3. Being born and bred in a city(An ing fragment) a. I was born and bred in a city. b Be i ng bor n and bred in a city, I am int eres ted i n every thing int he co unt rys i de 4. Those who can see opportunity and are prepared to take advantage of it. (A dependent-word fragment) a.

24、Those people can see opportunity and are prepared to take advantage of it. b Lucky people are those who can see opportunity and are prepared to take advantage of it. 5. The dog ran around the yard To find the ba 11. (A to fragment) to find the ball. in AustraI ia. Such The dog ran around the yard 6.

25、 Many unique animals Iive (An addechdetaiI fragment) Many unique anima Is Iive in as the kangaroo and the koala. Australia, such as Especially if 7. “If only is a great excuse your control. (An added-detail fragmerrt) u I f on Iy M i s a great excuse, espec ially i f it the kangaroo and the koala it

26、 s some thing tot ally out of s some thing tot ally out of your control 8. You feel rewarded for your hard work And get sp i r i tual or some ti mes mat erial satisfaction. (A missing-subject fragment) You fee I rewarded for your hard work and get spi r itual or sometimes material sat i sfact ion. 9

27、. The bi rd flew through the ai r Swoop i ng and diving. (An -ing fragment) The b i rd fIew through the a i r, swoop i ng and diving. 10. The moon hung in the sky. Like a br i I I ia rrt si I ver d i sk (An added-detail fragment) The moon hung i n the sky, Ii ke a br iI Ii ant si I ver d i sk Listen

28、ing Gifts and Cultures PeopIe in a I I countr i es enjoy gifts Sometimes the meanings are d i fferent in other cultures A Pre-1istening activity What kinds of gifts do you give when you go to a friend s wedding Money 2. you vi s it a fr iend or stay with a fami ly in another country Food from your c

29、ountry. 3. you celebrate a friend s bi rthday A cake 4. you go to a business meeting A calendar 5 you want to give something to someone you love Roses B. Listen to the narrator What gifts do peopIe give on the fol lowing occasions And why 1 An Australian girl i s ceIebrating her 21st bi rthday. Gift

30、: a key-shaped birthday cake Why It means the girl is an adult and can come home at any time. 2. An Afr ican coup Ie i s getting marr i ed Gift: a cow Why It can bring good luck to the newly-weds 3. Korean boy is going to take his university entranee tests in a week Gift: sticky rice candy Why It ex

31、presses the hope that the students will stick to the university. C Listen to the conversations, which item then exp lain why it is not a good gift. 1. ChinaA. a handkerchief Why not Key: A. A handkerchief means goodbye 2. ArgentinaA. a tie Why not Key: A. A tie i s too persona I 3. SwitzerlandA. can

32、dy Why not Key: B Roses mean love and romanee. 4. Italy Why not Key: A. Even 5. Japan Why not is not a good gift Cross it out And B. a big dinner A. an even number of fIowers numbers are uniucky. A. a pen and penci I set B. a flower vase B. roses B. an odd number of flowers B. a set of four pens Key

33、: B “Four” sounds Iike the word for death in Japanese. Tra“script Gifts and Cultures Narrator: In many countries, people give special gifts at certain times Sometimes the customs seem unusuaI. For examp Ie, in Austra I ia, a bi rthday cake for a 21-year-old is often shaped I ike a key. It means the

34、person is an adult and can come home at any time. In parts of Afr ica, peopIe give a cow as a wedding preserrt, because they be I ieve that a cow can br ing good I uck to the nev/ly-weds Before Korean students t ake uni versi ty ent rance tests, t heir fr iends give t hem sticky r ice candy for I uc

35、k The fr iends hope that the stu den ts wi I I pass the test and stick to the uni versi ty. The foI lowing short conversations wi I I teI I you about different customs in China, Argentina, Switzerland, Ita Iy and Japan. Number 1: China Woman: Did I tel I you Im going to China Man:China Great Woman:

36、Yes Im going to Shanghai on business I have to buy some gifts. Man:Good idea What are you going to take Woman: I was thinking of br ing in g some ha ndkerchiefs They* re colorful, beau ti ful also Iightweight I don* t want to carry anythi ng heavy. Man:Ah, I dont think you should give handkerchiefs

37、They arent a good gift in Chinese culture Woman: Why not Man:A handkerchief is a symboI of saying goodbye Woman: Saying goodbye Man:Yeah, I ike v/he n youre going away and people are crying, so they n eed a handkerchief ActuaI ly, I ve heard that one of the best things to gi ve is a dinner not a pre

38、sent, but a big dinner Its good for business Number 2: Argentina Woman: Th i s i s int eres ting. Did you know that in Argen tina you should never give cloth i ng uni ess you know the person reaIly we I I Man:Dont give clothi ng Why not Woman: Clothi ng even things I i ke ties are too personal. Only good fr iends give them. Man:Huh I never thought of a tie as being personal just uncomfortable What should you br ing Woman: I dont kn


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