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1、第四篇 短文寫作部分4.1 大綱要求考生應(yīng)能在規(guī)定的 30 分鐘內(nèi),按照本題說明中的要求寫出一篇約 150 個(gè) 詞(A級(jí))和80個(gè)詞(B級(jí))的英語(yǔ)短文。因此,考生必須要具備一般的寫作能力, 如段落句文章、議論文、說明文的寫作。其要求包括能夠正確表達(dá)思想、語(yǔ)言連 貫、無(wú)重大語(yǔ)法錯(cuò)誤。4.2 命題特點(diǎn)A 級(jí):題材很廣,涉及說明文、議論文、應(yīng)用文、敘述文等文體。(2005 年12 月武漢地區(qū)統(tǒng)考:作文題目為寫信。 )B 級(jí):題材主要是應(yīng)用文,如信件。 ( 2005 年 12 月武漢地區(qū)統(tǒng)考:作文題 目為寫信。)4.3 解題技巧解題技巧 ( 一): 熟悉各種文體的寫作。這些常用文體如下:(1)應(yīng)用文。

2、常見應(yīng)用文包括信函、電子郵件、便條、明信片、通知等。 應(yīng)用文往往是為了表達(dá)某一個(gè) /些交際功能的,比如“答謝” 、“發(fā)出/接受/拒絕邀 請(qǐng)”、“提出請(qǐng)求 /建議/忠告”、“告知”等等,因此,掌握一些相應(yīng)的常用表達(dá)方 式會(huì)有幫助。大家要注意:電子郵件、便條、明信片與普通信函是很相似的。這 類應(yīng)用文要注意 格式、常使用的套語(yǔ)及敬語(yǔ)。如普通信函的格式:、一般說來(lái),寫信人的地址、日期,要寫在信的右上 方;收信人的地址則在左方,但是在私人信函中,收信人的地址是可以省略的。 、寫信的日期在寫信人地址下面一行。日期的寫法有多種。e.g Saturday, 24 th.,December. or Decemb

3、er 24th , 2005. or 24.12.05 or 24/12/05 、一般稱呼對(duì)方為 Dear + First name or Dear + Title + Surname 、稱呼后面,另起一行開始正文。 、有很多結(jié)束語(yǔ)的表達(dá)。比較親密的表達(dá)有:Love” or Lots of Love ” ;很友好的表達(dá)是:Yours;很正式的表達(dá)是:Yours sincerely。(2)敘述文。就是講述所發(fā)生的事。有正敘、倒敘、插敘。一般來(lái)說,考 生可以按照事件發(fā)生的自然順序進(jìn)行講述就行了。 在講述時(shí)候要注意細(xì)節(jié)的主次 分明。同時(shí)要注意使用一些表示事件發(fā)生的先后順序的詞語(yǔ), 使講述更有條理性,

4、 如 first, second, third, next, then, after that, finally 等;表示明確時(shí)間的詞語(yǔ): in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in 1990, in 1993, in 2000, last week, yesterday等。如描述一次交通事故(A級(jí) 教材test 1 )。( 3)說明文。就是為了講清事實(shí)和道理。常常使用一些方法如分類法、定 義法、對(duì)比和對(duì)照、因果分析、舉例說明等。(4)議論文。 針對(duì)某一觀點(diǎn)闡述自己的看法。 常常使用一些方法如分類法、 定義法、對(duì)比和對(duì)照、因果分析、

5、舉例說明等。在寫作中,可以同時(shí)擺出某一問 題的正反兩方面的意見, 然后在綜合考慮正反意見之后提出自己的看法, 也可以直接陳述你所贊同或反對(duì)的一方的意見,表明你的態(tài)度。解題技巧 (二): 掌握一些常用段落模式。(1)提綱段首句或主題句(提綱擴(kuò)展成段首句或主題句) 綜觀當(dāng)前的作文考試,其中要求考生圍繞給出的提綱( outline ,通常是三句 話)來(lái)寫作的居多。在這種提綱作文中,作文是否緊扣主題就顯得至關(guān)重要了。 一般說來(lái),我們首先分析提綱的內(nèi)容與外延, 把握它所包含的信息, 然后用提綱, 通常是三句話作為三個(gè)段首的第一句或段落的主題句并拓展文章。例一:Write a letter in resp

6、onse to the announcement made by the Beijing Olympic Committee on selecting volunteers for the 2008 Olympic Games. You should base your letter on the outline below You may begin with“Dear Mr. Zhang”.1. 我如何得知這一消息并表達(dá)自己的愿望;2. 我為什么選擇做志愿者以及我的優(yōu)勢(shì)是什么;3. 我的承諾。(A 級(jí) 2005年 12月武漢地區(qū)統(tǒng)考作文題,同時(shí)也是 A 級(jí) 教材 test 3 原題)分析:

7、 這個(gè)作文就要求考生圍繞中文三句提綱寫封信。因此,考生可以將這三 句話分別作為正文三個(gè)段落的首句,然后再拓展內(nèi)容。參考答案如下: Dear Mr. Wang,In response to your announcement made on www. sina. com on selecting volunteers for the 2008 Olympic Games, I would like to apply for the above position. The 2008 Olympic Games is big event that requires efforts of all Ch

8、inese people. As a university student, I am more than willing to be part of it. I am majoring in English and can speak English with great fluency. My language ability thus allows me to serve as an interpreter for foreign athletes or as a telephone operator answering calls made by foreign friends. I

9、am also easygoing, responsible, and healthy. With these qualities, I am sure that I can do an excellent job.If I am given the opportunity, I promise that I will obey the rules set by the committee.I also promise that I will do my best to finish the task.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours faith

10、fully,Grace Lin例二:Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter to one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your letter on the Chinese outline below:1. 了解對(duì)方近來(lái)的情況。2. 通知對(duì)方同學(xué)將在元旦舉行聚會(huì)。3. 請(qǐng)對(duì)方參加。(B級(jí)教材test 3 )分析:這也是一封信,同樣要包含中文提綱的內(nèi)容。此時(shí),考生可以將這三

11、句 話的含義分別作為正文三個(gè)段落的首句(或三個(gè)主題句)來(lái)拓展文章。(2)、“開頭一發(fā)展一結(jié)尾”,或“概括一分析一總結(jié)”,或“主題句一擴(kuò)展 句一結(jié)尾句”等段落結(jié)構(gòu)安排。這種結(jié)構(gòu)常常用于看圖作文。例一:Directions: This Writing Test will take 30 minutes. Your essay should be about 150 words. (20 poin ts)Write an essay based on the following chart about employment in computer in dustry.You need to pay

12、attention to the following things:1. A topic sentence summariz ing the gen eral trend in employme nt2. A precise description of time for each up and down3. A precise description of ups or downs( A 級(jí) 教材 test 5)分析:這是一個(gè)圖表題,且要求寫作內(nèi)容包含三個(gè)方面。通常在圖表寫作 中,應(yīng)注意以下幾點(diǎn):圖表寫作一般可以分為三部分。第一部分:對(duì)圖表顯示的 數(shù)據(jù)加以概括說明;第二部分:分析造成此種情況

13、或變化的原因;第三部分:進(jìn) 行總結(jié)或預(yù)測(cè),以及探討應(yīng)該采取什么相應(yīng)的措施。注意:不要照搬數(shù)據(jù),應(yīng)加 入自己的理解。因此,在該題中,任務(wù)1為該文章的首句,即“ Employment incomputer in dustry rose from 1997 to 1998, but dropped steadily from 1998 to 2000 and the trend may continue”然后按照任務(wù)2、3從“時(shí)間和數(shù)量”方面具體分析 并結(jié)尾,即“ Employment in computer industry rose from 1997 to 1998, but dropped

14、steadily from 1998 to 2000 and the trend may continue. Employment enjoyed a rise for the first half of 1997, but temporarily fell down in July. It then continued the upward trend to 1.04 million by the end of 1997 and rose to a high of 1.045 million in mid 1998. Since then, employment declined slowl

15、y but steadily, reaching 1.04 million by the end of 1998. The beg inning of 1999 brought employme nt dow n to well below 1.04 millio n, and by December 1999 in dustry employme nt went dow n to 1.03 millio n. January 2000 started out with slightly higher employment levels at roughly over 1.03 million

16、. The rise in employment, however, did not continue for the rest of the year.From March 2000 on, employment slipped again. At the end of 2000, employment levels were as low as just over 1.02 million, much below where they had started at the beg inning of the year”解題技巧(三):掌握一些常用語(yǔ)言。1普通信函用語(yǔ)。 表示“發(fā)出 /接受/

17、拒絕邀請(qǐng)”的信函(letters of invitation / acceptanee /refusal ) 表示“邀請(qǐng)”常用表達(dá):why don you come How about comin g Is there any cha nee of you/your comin g.We would like to ask you to come We think it would be a good idea if.We were won deri ng if you could/wa nted to comeWe won dered if youd like to come We woul

18、d like to in vite you to (2)表示“接受邀請(qǐng)”的常用表達(dá):I dbevery pleaseddelighted very happycome to .toaccept your Thank you/ tha nks for your kind in vitati on. The an swer is yes Your in vitatio n is very welcome was a delightful surprise-(3) 表示“拒絕邀請(qǐng)”的常用表達(dá)I m very sorry but I ll have to refuse / say no Thank y

19、ou for your but unfortun ately It s not possible for me to Unfortunately I m quite unable to .(4) 表示“答謝”的常用表達(dá):Thanks for / it was very good/ nice of you to Thank you very much for -n g.2段落拓展用語(yǔ)(1).有關(guān)“啟”的常用詞語(yǔ),用來(lái)引導(dǎo)主題句或跟在主題句的后面,引導(dǎo)第 個(gè)推展句。廠 at first, at prese nt, curre ntly, first, first of all, firstly,

20、gen erally speak in g, in the beg inning, 啟::in the first place, it goes without say ing that,lately, now, prese ntly, rece ntly, to begi n with,to start with, etc.(2).有關(guān)“承”的常用詞語(yǔ),用來(lái)承接主題句或第一個(gè)推展句(3)after, after a few days, after a while, also, at any late, at the same time, besides, by this time, cert

21、a inly, con seque ntly, for example, for in sta nee, for this purpose, from now on, furthermore,- i n additi on, in additi on to, in fact, in other words, in particular, in the same manner, in cide ntally, in deed, mean while, moreover, no doubt, obviously, of course, particularly, sec ond, sec on d

22、ly, similarly, so, soon, still the n, third, thirdly, truly, un like, whats more, etc.有關(guān)“轉(zhuǎn)”的常用詞語(yǔ),用來(lái)表示不同或相反的語(yǔ)氣。廠 after all, all the same, any way, at the same time, but, by this time, conv ersely, despite, especially, fortun ately, however, i n other words, in particular, 轉(zhuǎn): in spite of, in the same

23、way, likewise, luckily, n evertheless, no doubt, no twithsta nding, on the con trary, on the other hand, otherwise, perhaps, j unfortun ately, un like, whereas, yet, etc.(4).有關(guān)“合”的常用詞語(yǔ),用來(lái)引導(dǎo)結(jié)尾句或最后一個(gè)推展句,表示段落的 結(jié)束。廠 above all, accord in gly, as a con seque nee, as a result, as has bee n no ted, as I hav

24、e said, at last, at len gth, by and large, briefly, by 合:doing so con seque ntly, eve ntually, fin allyhen ce, in brief, i n sum, in summary, on the whole, therefore, thus, to speak fran kly, to sum up, to summarize, etc.(3) 寫圖表作文時(shí),常用的開頭句型是:AIt is a/table/chart/ diagram/graph which describes that.It

25、 is a table/chart/diagram/graph of.This chart/table/pie diagram/graph poi nts out/i ndicates/shows/illustrates that. As we can see/As can be see n from/i n the chart/table/pie diagram/graph that. Accord ing to/As is show n in Table 1/Figure 2/Chart 3/Diagram 4.Band B are totally/completely/e ntirely

26、/quite/striki ngly differe nt in every way/ma n waysThe differe nee betwee n A and B is (lies in/con sists in /exists in).Their differe nces can be described as follows: .Ca trend invoIves a direction: an upward/ a downward trend解題技巧 (四): 背誦范文。(1)“發(fā)出 /接受/拒絕邀請(qǐng)”的信函范文 1Directions: For this part, you ar

27、e allowed thirty minutes to write an E-mail to contact one of your former classmates. You should write at least 80 words, and base your E-mail on the Chinese outline below :1. 了解對(duì)方畢業(yè)后的情況2. 你的近況3. 邀請(qǐng)對(duì)方方便時(shí)來(lái)訪Dear Wang Hong:April 15,2005How is everything getting along with you? It is almost one year sin

28、ce we graduated from university. I missed you very much. What have you been doing all these days?I became a middle school teacher in my hometown since graduation. Teaching always keeps me busy, but I like my students and I love teaching, you know. So Everything is fine here.You are my best friend. I

29、 never forget those happy days we spent together. I hope you can come to my school when you are free.I am looking forward to your reply.yours trulyLiHua范文 2Luoyu Road, Wuhan.24th December, 2005Dear Victor,I ve just heard from your parents that you ve back in Beijing and looking for a new job. While

30、you re waiting, why don tyou come down and see us for a few days or longer weve got a spare room. It hasn t begun to rain yet so, with luck, we ought to be able to visit a few places in the area, even take a walk. Well, think about it, and we both hope you can come.Love,Li (and Robert)(2)提綱式作文 (段首句作

31、文 )寫作技巧 范文 1Directions: This Writing Test will take 30 minutes. Your essay should be about 150 words. (20 poi nts)There are different ways of travel: package tour(隨團(tuán)出游),self-drive( 駕車出 游),and backpacking(背包徒步旅行)Write an essay on the topic My Favorite Way of Travel .You should choose one from the abo

32、ve thre eAnd you should base your essay on the outli ne below.1 各式各樣的旅游方式出現(xiàn)。2你喜歡哪種旅游方式,原因是什么。3旅行者可以根據(jù)自己的需要選擇適合的旅游方式。(A級(jí) 教材test 4)The increasingly improved living standard has made it possible for Chinese people to enjoy holidays with an enthusiasm rarely seen before. To satisfy the diverse n eeds of

33、 travelers, various ways of spe nding holidays have bee n in troduced, such as package tour, self-drive and backpacking. For me, the best way of travel is self-drive.For one thing, self-drive combines convenience with flexibility. Traveling in my own car, there is no n eed to hurry, and no n eed to

34、drag a nu mber of heavy bags to catch the train or the plane. I may leave at any time and stop at any place I find appealing. Another advantage of self-drive is that I can avoid crowds of people usually found at the famous scenic spots. I can drive to some relatively unknown places, or simply to the

35、 coun tryside where I can breathe fresh air and enjoy the n atural beauty.My dema nd for convenience and freedom in travel decides that self-drive is the most suitable way of travel for me. Of course, other travelers can also choose one that best serves their n eeds.范文2CompetitionCompetition makes p

36、eople origi nal and creative. Competiti on is a product of the development of society and it gives people a sense of the pursuit of excellence This is peoplei nborn n ature. Noth ing can stop them from bringing their in tellige nce into full play in competiti on.Mean while, competiti on produces bet

37、ter thi ngs. This is the guara ntee of enterprises existence. They have to turn out better things. Otherwise, they will have no customers, and their workers will get lower wages. So in fact they produce better things for their own ben efit.Society, through competition, has developed a lot. But for c

38、ompetition, people would rema in idle and create no thi ng. They would feel satisfied with their prese nt con diti on. Therefore, with no competiti on there would be no progress.范文3The Way to SuccessUsually, successful people enjoy pleasure and admiration. They deserve this because success in any us

39、eful work is in the in terest of society and we have to express our tha nks to the successful efforts and con tributi ons they have made.The way to success differs from person to person and from case to case. Only very idle people would wish to succeed by mere cha nee. A wise dilige nt pers on knows

40、 there is no gold may give full swing to his tale nt. He is good at tak ing advice. He persists in his efforts so as to be prepared for any chance available.Though few people succeed in great things, practically all people do succeed in someth ing ordin ary. It is uselessto dream of castles in the air. One should


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