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1、編號: 第一條:合同雙方 甲方: 勞務合同 甲方: 乙方: 簽訂日期:年月日 乙方: 第二條:甲乙雙方經(jīng)友好協(xié)商就乙方向甲方派遣臨時性服務人員(以下簡 稱乙方勞務人員)事宜,特簽定本合同。 第三條:本合同自年月日起,至年月日 止。合同期滿前一個月雙方協(xié)商續(xù)簽或終止事宜,如未續(xù)簽,本合同期滿自動終止。 第四條:雙方的權利、義務、責任 1、甲方有權要求乙方組織的勞務人員符合甲方提供的工作崗位要求,且身體健康,無 慢性病史,井持有本年度衛(wèi)生防疫站所發(fā)健康證。 2、甲方有權根據(jù)預定情況,要求乙方及時派出勞務人員,并要求乙方 保證人員數(shù)量。 3、甲方要求乙方派遣的勞務人員需要具備一年以上工作的工作經(jīng)驗,

2、且年輕在20-25歲 之間。 4、乙方勞務人員的各項社會保險(包括醫(yī)療保險及人身傷害保險)的繳納及人事檔案 及相關事宜的辦理由乙方負全部責任,乙方違反該約定而造成的一切后果均由乙方負全 部責任。 5、甲方有義務對乙方派岀的勞務人員進行與崗位相適應的專業(yè)培訓和教育。 6、甲方有義務對乙方勞務人員的工作表現(xiàn)通知乙方,并協(xié)調(diào)處理相關事宜。 7、乙方有權要求甲方按勞動法和相關政策、法規(guī),維護乙方勞務人員的合法權益。 losses to Party B would result in Party A Article 5: Service charges and related affairs 1. Pa

3、rty A shall pay Party B service charges according to the total working hours of service workers for Party A. Payme nt sta ndard:yua n hourly per service worker for service During n ati on al legal holidays. Party A shall pay triple charges . i.e.yua n hourly per service worker. 2. Party A should en

4、sure service workers to have meals on time. 3. Party A shall be responsible for service workers 1 attendance records , signed and approved by Party B. 4. Party A shall settle service charges of last month to Party B at the beginning of each month , and shall pay service workers charges accord ing to

5、 actual occurre nee after con firmed by both parties Party A shall pay Party B in form of the check or cash before the 20th each mon th. 5. Service workers shall be fully respon siblefor their own in come taxes . and Party B shall be resp on sible to withhold in dividual in come taxes 6. Service wor

6、kers * worki ng wears shall be provided by Party A accord ing to work ing requireme nts. 7. Party B should ensure quantity and time in sending out service workers as required by Party A. 8. Party B shall tra in service workers every three mon ths to en sure service quality. Article 6: Others and dis

7、ciplines . and comply 1 Service workers shall obey Party A* s regulations with Party A 1 s leadership management and education. 2. For service workers 1 disobedienee . Party A has power to carry on necessary education , and notice Party B, for economy loss caused by such disobedienee . the concerned

8、 party shall take the in dem n ificati onesp on sibility. and Party B shall take joint resp on sibility. 3. In case great cha nges of objective circumsta nee of this con tract occur. caus ing this con tract cant be impleme nted . this con tract can be termi nated through both parties agreeme nt. 4.

9、Any unfini shed problem of and any cha nges rectificati onor ame ndme nt to this con tract shall be thorough both parties1 con sultati on and in writi ng form to take effect. 5. Any content contrary to nationalor Beijingregulations during implementing this con tract . n ati onal or Beiji ng regulati

10、 ons shall prevail 6. For any dispute duri ng impleme nting this con tract or relat ing to this con tract. both parties should solve it through trie ndly n egotiati on, if negotiation cannot solve it. both parties have power to initiate public prosecuti on toward the court 7. This con tract shall have two origi nals and each party wil


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